Library Matters Greenwood Lake Public Library P.O. Box 1139, 79 Waterstone Road Greenwood Lake, NY 10925 Telephone: (845) 477-8377 Fax: (845) 477-8397 General E-Mail: Web Site: Spring 2015 Come discover a unique library experience at the Greenwood Lake Public Library! Library News…Most of us associate "Spring" with change and new beginnings. This holds very true for our library this spring, as we celebrate the retirement of our Director, Joan Carvajal, and the appointment of a new Director, Jill Cronin, in April. I have spent 18 of my 20 years at the Greenwood Lake Library working with Joan Carvajal - the last 8 of which we shared an office, attempting to manage the day to day affairs of this wonderful, wacky place we lovingly refer to as "Libraryland". In April, Joan and her husband, Louie, will be retiring from life in Greenwood Lake and embarking on an adventure to phase 2: Las Vegas, Baby! While we are so very happy for her, knowing this is long-planned and well earned, it is bittersweet. We will lose an asset to the community, an amazing Library Directory and staff mentor, and a dear, dear friend! For in these 18 years we have celebrated together, laughed together, cried together, supported each other and worked side by side to keep a vision for our Library that the community can be proud of. From Computer Services Supervisor, to Adult Programming, Reference, Head of Circulation, Assistant Director and, finally, Director, Joan has touched every aspect of this Library, leaving her mark of excellence in each and every corner. We have on-line resources, ebooks, digitized local history, a full service web page, Facebook, an unsurpassed DVD collection, the Book Lover's Club and this newsletter, just to name a few of her many contributions. But in our hearts the greatest moments are told in the hundreds of inside jokes, glances that exchange a thousand words, memories of coworkers loved and lost, and all that you share when you roll up your NEW ADULT FICTION Saint Odd by Dean Koontz The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant Hope to Die by James Patterson The Escape by David Baldacci Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarity Insatiable Appetites by Stuart Woods Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel Redeployment by Phil Klay NEW ADULT NON-FICTION Being Mortal by Atul Gawande Yes Please by Amy Poehler Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham Small Victories by Anne Lamott It Was Me All Along by Andie Mitchell America’s Bitter Pill by Peter Brill The Train to Crystal City by Jan Jarboe sleeves and change a one-room schoolhouse into a vision of the future. We couldn't have done it without you, Joanie....or wanted to! Thanks for always making it fun - and doing it right! Sandy Newman, Secretary to the Board/Asst. Treasurer 2015/2016 Budget News…Shown below is important information regarding the 2015/2016 budget: All residents of the Greenwood Lake Union Free School District are eligible to vote; our vote is NOT restricted to Village residents. The Library budget vote is separate from the school budget vote and is held at the Library. Your Library tax appears as a separate line item on your school tax bill. The Library’s fiscal year runs from July through June. The budget hearing will be held on Friday, May 8th from 1-3pm at the Library and will be publicized in The Warwick Valley Dispatch and The Times Herald Record. Patrons are welcome to come to review the proposed budget at that time with Laura Ronayne Treasurer, and Sandy Newman, Assistant Treasurer. For those who are unable to make the hearing, the budget materials will be available for review at the Front Desk. For questions, please call Sandy Newman at Ext. 102. The 2015-2016 budget vote is on Thursday, May 21st, 2015, from 12-8pm, at the Library. The Board of Trustees meets monthly and the meeting date is listed on our web site at New Books For more New Books, be sure to visit our New Book Shelves and Seasonal Displays at the Library! For adult & kids’ e-book selections, visit our web site at and click on the Downloadable Books button on the left to see a wide assortment of titles, which are available to download to your E-reader or computer! NEW YOUNG ADULT FICTION The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black NEW YOUNG ADULT NON-FICTION Shackleton: Antarctic Odyssey by Nick Bertozzi NEW JUNIOR FICTION CHAPTER BOOKS The Children of the King by Sonya Hartnett The Map to Everywhere by Carrie Ryan NEW JUNIOR NON-FICTION CHAPTER BOOKS Star Wars Origami by Chris Alexander A Woman in the House (and Senate) by Irene Cooper NEW CHILDREN’S FICTION PICTURE BOOKS Hermelin, the Detective Mouse by Mini Grey This is a Moose by Richard T. Morris NEW CHILDREN’S NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOKS Winnie, the True Story of the Bear Who Inspired Winnie-the-Pooh by Sally Walker Beetle Busters by Lorie Griffin Burns GRANT NEWS COLLECTIBLE SERIES MORE GRANT MONEY COMING OUR WAY! – Once again, we received a generous grant from Arts Mid-Hudson for our spring stained glass workshops. Congratulations to Kelly Corrado, our Adult Program Supervisor; this is the sixth grant Kelly has secured to enhance the array of adult programs offered at your Library! For info or to display your collection, call Kelly at Ext. 108 GENERAL INFORMATION IN THE GALLERIES LIBRARY STAFF (845) 477-8377 Library Director-Ext. 103 Joan Carvajal, E-Mail: Accounting/Human Resources/Board Secretary-Ext. 102 Sandy Newman, E-Mail: Reference/Circulation Services-Ext. 105 Elizabeth Cisek, E-Mail: Adult/Special Programs, Art Galleries & Promotion-Ext. 108 Kelly Corrado, E-Mail: Youth Services Supervisor-Ext. 109 or 110 Jill Cronin, E-Mail: Computer Services-Ext. 107 Steve Regan, E-Mail: Technical Services-Ext. 111 Theresa Stevenson, E-Mail: Please call the Circulation Desk Staff for Renewals/Holds Circulation Desk Ext. 101 Brenda Downs, Assistant Head of Circulation Mary Ann Goscicki, Mary Marina, Michelle Parascandola, Carol Heinz & Laura Jean Stiesi To reach the Youth Study Center, call Ext. 106 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lisa Neyman – President, Jane Santarpia – Vice-President, Cathy DelBianco – Secretary, Laura Ronayne – Treasurer Robert F. Fraser – Trustee COLLECTIBLE SERIES “CELEBRATING 15 YEARS (2000-2015)” Collectors of all ages are invited to display their collections, which are exhibited each month on a rotating basis. Happy Collecting! For info or to exhibit your art, call Kelly at Ext. 108 THE WORKS OF ART GALLERY (ADULT ART GALLERY) “CELEBRATING 10 YEARS (2005-2015)” THE BUDDING ARTIST GALLERY (STUDENT ART GALLERY) The Works of Art Gallery and the Budding Artist Gallery feature artwork from local adult and student artists each month. Don’t miss these extraordinary works of art! FACEBOOK The Library recently launched its new Facebook page. Please find us and, hopefully, like us at There is also a link to our Facebook page on our web site at REGISTRATION INFO FOR ALL PROGRAMS REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL ADULT, YOUNG ADULT, CHILDREN, AND FAMILY PROGRAMS AND MAY BE DONE EITHER IN PERSON OR BY PHONE AT (845) 477-8377 EXT. 101 (UNLESS IN-PERSON REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED WHERE NOTED). Until further notice, we are not accepting donations due to a lack of space. Please be aware that any donations left outside the building are immediately discarded because of possible insect and/or rodent infestation, as well as dampness issues. Thank you. When noted, children must be accompanied by an adult. Adult food programs have priority registration for GWL residents; non-residents register on a waiting list & will be notified 1 week prior to the program. Seating is limited; early registration is recommended. For additional information about a particular program, please call the individual staff member as noted. Patrons of all abilities are welcome to register for Library programs. However, if you are in need of assistance for a program, we kindly ask that you bring along a caretaker to assist you. Unfortunately, due to the time constraints for our programs, presenters are unable to offer individualized attention. SPECIAL EXHIBITS ONGOING ADULT PROGRAMS LIBRARY HOURS Mondays & Fridays: 9am-5pm, Tuesdays-Thursdays: 9am-9pm Saturdays: 10am-4pm & Sundays: 11am-3pm A Book Drop is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Closings: 4/5 Easter Sunday, 5/24 & 5/25 Memorial Day Sunday & Monday, 7/3 & 7/4 Independence Day Friday & Saturday MATERIAL DONATIONS For info, call Kelly at Ext. 108 ONGOING - HONORING OUR MILITARY: PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE We honor our Heroes--the brave men and women of our military, who served or who are currently serving. Please contact Kelly at Ext. 108 if you would like to temporarily loan the Library an item for display. Thank you for your service! HOLY ROSARY CHURCH CELEBRATES JUNE 1ST-30TH Historical photos and memorabilia will be on display in June to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of Holy Rosary Catholic Church. REACHING MILESTONES OF DISPLAY @ THE LIBRARY! – JUNE 1ST-30TH On exhibit will be a history of the Collectible Series for its 15th Anniversary & the Works of Art Gallery for its 10th Anniversary! For info about the club or current month’s book, call Mary at Ext. 101 BOOK LOVERS’ CLUB – 4TH TUESDAY MONTHLY – 7-9PM For info about the current month’s film, call the Front Desk at Ext. 101 ADULT FILM NIGHT – 2ND TUESDAY MONTHLY – 7-9PM April 14th Film – Whiplash May 12th Film – Living is Easy June 9th Film - Birdman COMPUTER PROGRAMS Steve Regan, our Computer Services supervisor, will be leaving us in early April for a warmer climate; we wish him the best! Because of this, however, we will not be scheduling any computer classes, nor will we be having E-Reader Drop-In Sundays, until Steve’s replacement is in position and ready to take on these assignments. Be sure to check our Facebook page for possible computer program updates. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS For info, call Front Desk at Ext. 101 or Jill at Ext. 109 or 110 Thursdays: Fridays: Thursdays: STORY TIME 4/9-5/14 11-11:45am Ages under 2 4/10-5/15 1-1:45pm Ages 2 & 3 4/9-5/14 1:45pm Ages 4 & 5 No Story Time on Thursday, 4/16 PAJAMA STORY TIME Wednesdays: 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 6:30-7:15pm 1 Yr.-Pre-K MELINDA’S MUSIC WITH MELINDA BURGARD Fridays: 4/3 & 5/1 10:30-11:15am Birth-5 Yrs. Old JILL’S JYMNASTICS Tuesdays: 4/21 & 5/19 11-11:45am 4 & 5 Yrs. Old 1-1:45pm 2 & 3 Yrs. Old All children must be accompanied by an adult. (No siblings please.) CRAFTERDAY SATURDAYS - 4/4 & 5/2 10:30am-12pm Ages 4-6 (Must be accompanied by an Adult) 1-2:30pm Ages 7-11 CREATURES IN MYTHOLOGY, CULTURE AND HISTORY Saturday: 4/18 10:30-11:30am Ages 2-11 & Their Families Animal Specialist Bob Boesenberg brings live animals to teach about their roles in stories and history. YOUNG GARDENERS CLUB: PLANT THE BUTTERFLY GARDEN Saturday: 5/16 10:15-11am 2-4 Yrs. Old with an Adult 11:15am-12pm 5-7 Yrs. Old with an adult 1:15-2pm 8-11 Yrs. Old We will plant our garden again and make stones to build a path too! SUMMER READING PROGRAM IN-PERSON REGISTRATION Registration Dates/Times: Thursday, 6/25 10am-3pm & 6-8pm Friday, 6/26 10am-3pm Saturday, 6/27 10am-12pm This year’s theme is “Every Hero has a Story” for ages 2 years old to kids entering 6th grade and “Unmask” for kids entering grades 7-12. Registration in the SRP is required to be eligible to attend all supplemental programs (which also require individual registration), and all participants must have a valid Greenwood Lake Public Library card. New or replacement cards are available at the Front Desk for all kids age 2 years and older. ADULT PROGRAMS For info, call the Front Desk at Ext. 101 or Kelly at Ext. 108 ~Award-Winning Healthy Living Wellness Series~ HEALTHY FOOTSTEPS Thursday, 4/9 6:30-8pm Podiatrist Ira Schiowitz discusses common foot problems and foot care for National Foot Health Awareness Month. ~Learn @ Your Library Lecture Series~ MONEY MATTERS: MANAGING YOUR MONEY WISELY April is Money Smart Month: Get more from your hard-earned cash! Must register for the full day, refreshments and lunch provided. WORKSHOP #1: Saturday, 4/11 10am-4pm Session 1: “Insuring Against Identity Theft” Learn how to avoid identity theft with Peggy Dwyer of JMD Insurance. Session 2: “Making Ends Meet” Learn to prepare a budget & stretch your dollar with Sandra McIntosh. Session 3: “Exploring Credit & Debt Management Issues” Join Sandra McIntosh to learn tips on building a positive credit score. WORKSHOP #2: Saturday, 4/25 10am-4pm “Management Consultant: Dream Job or Worst Nightmare?” Explore management consulting with Consultant John J. Tracy. Must register for the full day. Refreshments/lunch provided. MANHATTAN BRIDGES Tuesday, 4/21 6:30-8pm Author Kevin Woyce discusses Manhattan’s bridges. PAPER ANGELS: THE HISTORY OF CHINESE IMMIGRATION Sunday, 5/31 12:30-2:30pm Jeffrey Dosik discusses the contributions of the Chinese in America. MEMORIAL DAY TRIBUTE: MILITARY HORSES Tuesday, 5/19 6:30-8pm Linda Blake explores the important role of horses in the military. ~Creative Corner Craft Series~ MONEY DOES GROW ON “TREES!” Sunday, 4/12 12:30-2:30pm ($5 non-refundable Supply Fee) Create your very own “Money Tree” with Crafter Linda Tresca. BEADED BAREFOOT SANDALS Thursday, 5/28 6:30-8:30pm ($5 non-refundable Supply Fee) Go barefoot with Crafter Carolann Puzio, who shows you how to make jazzy, beaded barefoot sandals for summer fun! ~Spring Training Fitness Series~ SITTING PRITI CHAIR YOGA FOR EVERY BODY Mondays: 4/13, 4/27, 5/4 & 5/18 9:15-10:15am Margaret Johnson teaches chair yoga. $10 non-refundable fee. ~Needlecrafters’ Club~ KNIT A BASIC SHRUG WITH KNITTER JO-ANN SCHERER! For info on the MOMS & TOTS PLAYGROUP, which meets EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 10-11:30AM, e-mail Rebecca at or Lorie at Mondays: 4/13, 4/27, 5/4 & 5/18 12-3pm YA PROGRAMS ~Green Thumb Garden Series~ For info, call Front Desk at Ext. 101 or Jill at Ext. 109 or 110 ONGOING PROGRAMS IN THE YOUTH STUDY CENTER MOVIE NIGHT TUESDAYS 6-8pm Ages 11-17 GAMING NIGHT WEDNESDAYS* 5-6pm Ages 11-17 *Gaming Night is not held when the YA Book Club meets. SUMMER READING VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP & INFORMATION MEETING Thursday: 4/9 7-8pm FISH TALES AND OCEAN ODDBALLS Kids Entering Grades 7-12 Saturday 4/18 1-2pm Grades 5-12 - Animal expert Bob Boesenberg brings live creatures to teach about aquatic life. ~Defensive Driving~ Mondays: 4/13 & 4/27 5:30-8:30pm $26 GWL residents, $36 non-residents FLOWERING ANNUALS FOR SUMMER COLOR Sunday, 4/26 12:30-2:30pm ~Globetrotting @ the GWL Library Travel Series~ ACROSS THE SAHARA DESERT: PEOPLE, PLACES, LANDSCAPES Thursday, 4/30 6:30-8pm “Travel” with Prof. Barry D. Kass on his journey across the Sahara. ~In the Kitchen Food Series~ PERFECT PICNIC! Sunday, 5/3 1-2:30pm Chefs Sara Cox & Jennifer Fierro prepare the “perfect picnic!” MORE YA PROGRAMS MORE ADULT PROGRAMS For info, call Front Desk at Ext. 101 or Jill at Ext. 109 or 110 For info, call the Front Desk at Ext. 101 or Kelly at Ext. 108 ~Studio Time Art Instruction Series~ MOTHER’S DAY GIFT CRAFT Saturday, May 9 1-2pm Grades 5-12 in the Youth Study Center Teens and Tweens will make a homemade gift–worthy project with the help of local crafter Cady Cirbes. Spring 2015 Workshops: “COLOR YOUR WORLD: THE BASICS OF STAINED GLASS” Wednesdays: 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 & 5/20 12-3pm Explore the basics of designing, cutting, assembling, and soldering stained glass with Artist Gad Nusinov and Artisan Don Santarpia. BOAT SAFETY CERTIFICATION FOR TEENS Registration & Class Dates TBA in the Near Future Thanks to a collaboration with the Greenwood Lake Police Department, the Library is happy to offer a discounted price on this important 2-session class for our young adults (ages 10-17). This opportunity is restricted to the first 12 kids, with a valid Greenwood Lake Public Library Card, who register. Watch in the upcoming weeks for the announcement of the registration date. NO PRE-REGISTRATION PERMITTED. THE TASTE TEST TEEN BOOK CLUB Join Faith Dinges for a 3-program series of discussions/cooking events designed around the book The Magician’s Elephant by Kate DiCamillo Magicians and Magical Milkshakes Wednesday, 4/29 5-6pm Book Pick-Up Gourmet PB&J: An Elephant’s Favorite Snack Wednesday, 5/20 5-6pm (Peanut-Free) Travelers and Taters Wednesday, 6/17 5-6pm LOCAL HISTORY DIGITIZATION PROJECT Our digitization of local history continues. Our web site currently has Wilbur Christman’s scrapbooks, many Greenwood Lake local newspapers, the Library newsletters, and local obituaries available to peruse. Digitization is an expensive process. Please consider making a donation to this important project; you may use this coupon when doing so. Help keep Greenwood Lake’s rich history alive for future generations of Lakers! As always, your support of library projects is appreciated. Thank You! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I/We wish to make a donation of $_________ This donation is “In Memory of” OR “To Honor” ____________________________________ Your Name: ____________________________________ Address: ____________________________ City _________________________________ State: ____________________Zip: ________ Telephone: ___________________________ I wish to be publicly thanked in the Library’s newsletter: Yes __________ No __________ Please make checks payable to: Greenwood Lake Public Library 79 Waterstone Road Greenwood Lake, NY 10925 “CREATING SCULPTURE” - WEDNESDAYS: 6/3 & 6/10 12-3PM Artist & Sculptor, Blossom Brower, teaches modeling with clay, using a variety of hand & tool techniques at these sculpting workshops! These projects are made possible, in part, with funds from Orange County Tourism and the County of Orange and with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson and with funds from individual donations by members of the community. FAMILY PROGRAM For info, call the Front Desk at Ext. 101 or Kelly at Ext. 108 ~Award-Winning Music Makers Concert Series~ “FROM JAZZ TO SOUL” Thursday, 4/16 7-8:30pm Rhonda Denet & the Silver Fox Trio pay homage to the great soul and jazz divas—from Ella to Aretha at this concert featuring a collection of jazz standards and soul classics that span four decades. Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Monsey, NY 10952 Permit No. 2540 BOXHOLDER OR RESIDENT GREENWOOD LAKE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT GREENWOOD LAKE, NY 10925 Spring Fundraiser “For the Love of Art” Artwork Raffle The Library will be selling tickets to win an original painting by local artist, Joan Schwartzman, who graciously donated her painting, “Lotus” (Oil on Board, 16x20), to the Library. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $12. Proceeds benefit Adult Programming. Want to know all about Library happenings? Don’t miss a thing! Join our E-Mail List to receive library event & programming updates! To subscribe to the Library’s E-Mail List, please send an E-Mail to OR Check us out on Facebook at
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