Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region I Idaho District Chapter G March 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge Chapter G Officers C h a p t e r D i r e ct o r T e d & S h i r l e y B ea r ce t e d s t o c 1 @ ca b l e o n e. n e t (2 0 8 )7 3 6 - 4 2 8 8 Asst. Chapter Director Dick Goetsch r g o et s c h 3 5 @ h o t m a i l . c o m ( 2 0 8 )3 2 4 - 8 4 8 0 Secretary Aileen Goetsch a i l e e n g o et s c h @ h o t m a i l . c o m (208)324-8480 Treasurer D e l o r e s S i l co t t d d g g g @ j u n o . co m (208)944-0550 R o a d C a pt a i n Don Sawyer s a w y e r 6 0 2 @ c a b l eo n e . n e t ( 2 0 8 )4 9 0 - 0 2 7 7 Ride Coordinator Jim Elliott r eg u l a r g o l f9 0 @ y a h o o . c o m (2 0 8 )4 9 0 - 1 3 9 9 Historian J ea n n e S t a n l ey I d a h o_wild flower @ya h (208)733-5306 Chapter Educator Richard Silcott rr s @j u no .co m C h a p t e r A mb a s s a d o r s Jim Davis & Joe Davis j iwid 1@ya h (208)324-3352 Couple of the Year Alicia & Don Sawyer ( 2 0 8 )4 9 0 - 0 2 7 7 Newsletter Editor Alicia Sawyer d on sgr l09@gm a (2 0 8 ) 4 2 0 - 6 0 4 5 S t o r e ke e p e r Liz Davis lizzr d 09@m sn .com (208)678-2819 s a w y e r 6 0 2 @ c a b l eo n e . n e t (208)944-0550 Idaho District Officers District Director Don & Sharon Weber (208)660-7839 Asst District Director Ted & Shirley Bearce (208)736-4288 District Treasurer Alex Piper District Trainer Rockey Davis District Educator Chris Morton cmor Ted Bearce—CD Spring is off to a good start for our group. On March 28th, we had our season bar-b -q with a good turn out, lots of food and good companionship. Our first group ride of the year was a breakfast ride to Dietrich, four bikes made the chilly ride up, with a couple of vehicles in tow making the trip. It looked good to see the bikes in formation going down the road, we are looking forward to more group rides and participation this summer. We have to cancel our parking lot practice on the 18th. We found out that GWRRA insurance is not valid unless we have someone certified to supervise and set-up the event. So Richard Silcott and I are going to Boise on the 18th, to meet with our District Educator so he can certify us so that we can hold parking lot practices. I was glad that Don Sawyer and Ron North have volunteered to take the officers certification program (O.C.P.) in Boise. We all need to thank them for stepping up to make ID-G a better group. We are looking forward to seeing all of you at our dinner meeting on the 21st. at Idaho Joes. Also please bring completed T-clocks to dinner meeting, I need them!!!! Until then be safe out there. Ted and Shirley. Dick Goetsch— ACD Almost riding season. Dietrich for breakfast on the 4th. Bliss for breakfast in June. Is this going to be a fun season or what??? Lots of stuff going on this month. Some of us are going to Boise for the Officer Certification Program. This is the first time in a long time that they are having the classes in Southern Idaho. The last few times, it was in Montana or Washington. Thanks to the internet, some of us did it on line. I understand that Richard and Ted are going to go to Boise to become certified as parking lot practice instructors. Hopefully, this year we will also have someone certified to do the rider courses. This will make it easier to participate in the whole rider program. The reason for the GWRRA non-profit status is because we are an educational association. (I wish elementary school education was this much fun.) Reno will be here sooner than we think. Are all who are going registered and have their motel reservations? Also, There is the Idaho District Convention, The Montana District Convention and the Region I Convention to think about. I'm looking forward to meeting old and new friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge this summer. Dick Richard Silcott — SE RIDER ED ‘GIMME 5’ TOPIC: Do You Ride with the Right Attitude? When you decide to take your motorcycle out for a ride, what are you thinking about? Where is your attention? Are you thinking about the things you will be doing when you get to work? Is your mind playing with the words you could have said, or should have said, in the debate with your boss or your spouse earlier in the day? In short, where is your head at when you saddle up? Each and every time you throw a leg over your motorcycle it matters what you are thinking about. Whether you are simply commuting to work on your motorcycle to reduce fuel costs, or you are heading out on a week-long vacation on two-wheels, your mental attitude plays a big role in how safe you will be on the road, and how much you will enjoy the ride. Riding a motorcycle is an activity that is 80% to 90% mental while the rest is physical. When you are thinking about the job on your way to work, or going over the list of errands you need to complete, or just letting your mind drift as you idle down to the end of your driveway, your level of safety is reduced. You need to shift your attitude and focus only on the ride to insure an incident free trip. So how do you make the shift from thinking about daily issues to the ride at hand? Establish a routine that you will go through before every ride. Start by evaluating the condition of your motorcycle as you walk up to it. Do a mental T-CLOCS. Look at the tires as you approach (inflated, tread, visible damage). Are there any oily or wet spots on the ground under your bike (where did it come from, is it safe to ride)? And try to be conservative when you answer these questions to yourself. Keep your eyes open for anything amiss. Then, if everything looks okay, gear up. (Of course, you should do a physical T-CLOCS regularly, too, especially before starting a long ride!) Next step, finish donning your protective outer layer. Most of us put on our gear in the same sequence every time. Long pants and boots are usually put on in the house. Out at the bike, your jacket, helmet, eye protection, and gloves complete the process. Consider the weather and make sure you have packed any other gear you may need before the ride is over. Put the key in the ignition and start the bike. While the engine warms, check the fuel level. Determine how far you will be able to go before you need to stop for a fill-up. Do you know the route you plan to take? Do you have all the necessary information with you to get you where you want to go? Good. With those aspects considered, you are ready to focus on the journey. Now, when you shift your bike into gear, shift your brain into “active rider mode” because nothing else matters now except your safety. All your thoughts should be about the ride you are beginning. Your eyes should be active and scanning your surroundings - aggressively! Look for potential hazards that might cause you to change your speed (by braking or accelerating), to change direction (by swerving or turning), or to communicate to other road users. A wave of the hand, a flash of your high beams, or a toot of your horn tells others that you are there. Make sure they are aware of you. All the while your mind should be translating the inputs from your eyes and ears into pictures of things that might happen next. Evaluate in your mind what your response would be to each of the possibilities. When a hazard comes up, keep your options open until you have to choose one – the best one – the one that lets you avoid the hazard safely and without any drama. This is riding with the right attitude - the attitude that your job is to ride safely until you park your bike and remove the key from the ignition. Develop a routine like this for yourself and every ride you take will be a safer and more pleasing ride. Ride Smart & Be Safe! Bruce & Melissa Thayer Former MI Asst. District Rider Educators April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Breakfast Dietrich 9:30 am 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Lyle & 16 17 18 Janet Towne 19 20 21 22 Gary Wignall Jim Davis 23 24 25 Dinner meeting 6pm 26 Ted Deetz 27 28 29Sherman & 30 Jeanne Stanley April 4th: Ride to breakfast meeting in Dietrich. (more details to come) April 18th: Parking lot practice 10:30 am CANCELLED April 21st: Dinner meeting at Idaho Joe’s 6pm. Be nice when pranking others on April Fool’s, it may come back to bite you!!!!!! May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Breakfast 9am 3 Bryant & Kay 4 5 6 7 8 Easton Maxine Evans 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 Dinner 6pm 24 9 25 26 Richard & 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 Jeanne Delores Silcott 27 Stanley 31 May 2nd: Breakfast, Addison West. 9:00am. May 9th: Day ride to Jackpot, Lunch at Hollister. May 19th: Dinner meeting 6pm May 30th: Aberdeen park/lake, Idaho Falls Chapter. Ju n e 2 0 1 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ron North Breakfast Ride To Bliss! 7 8 9 10 11Gary & Maxine 12 13 Evans Joe Davis 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Dinner @ 6pm 28 29 30 June 6th: Ride to Bliss for breakfast!!! Keep ears open for details!!! June 17th-20th: Reno Rendezvous!!!!!! June 23rd: Dinner at 6pm!! This person has been making the vests for GWRRA for 29 years. The vests can be ordered through Laura at 1-386-740-9952 or They are 32.00 + shipping. She can put up to 4 vests in a box for one shipping charge. The vests have 4 snaps with pockets inside. Sizes: S/36, M/40, L/44, XL/46, XXL/50, XXXL/52, XXXXL/56 (You can tell she makes them for Goldwingers.) They come in black or blue denim. If anyone needs someone to sew on the patches, that is something I can do…..Liz Black/Gold Griffin — $35.00 Name Tag Which includes: Includes name and chapter 4” Front Patch $7.50 10” Back Patch 9” Back Upper Rocker Liz Davis 9” Back Lower Rocker 208-678-2819 You can find our newsletters and those of other Idaho chapters at the Idaho District website: Region I Website is: Check them out and “like” Syringa Riders on Facebook Well, Here it is!!! I am feeling in over my head the last couple of weeks. With work, football, yard work, and really wanting to go riding!!!! Although, my accident a few years ago left me feeling as I would rather not ride at all by myself, I found myself wanting to go for a ride yesterday when it was almost 80 outside. So I guess if I am craving it, then it’s time to grab the reins ( in this case handlebars) and get back to it!!! I am excited to be going on so many adventures this year with some wonderful people!! Let’s kick this season off with a bang!!! Safe Riding!! Alicia Sawyer There is still room to add more!!!!! Bring on the fun!!!!! March 7th: Breakfast, Addison west. 9:00am. March 17th: Dinner, Idaho Joe’s 6:00pm March 28th: Start of season Bar-B-Q. 11:30 a.m. April 4th: Breakfast, Dietrich. 9:30 am. April 18th: Parking lot practice. 10:30 am. CANCELLED April 21st: dinner, Idaho Joes. 6:00 pm. May 2nd: Breakfast, Addison West. 9:00am. May 9th: Day ride to Jackpot, Lunch at Hollister. May 30th: Aberdeen park/lake, Idaho Falls Chapter. June 6th: Breakfast Ride to Bliss. June 17th.-20th: Reno Rendezvous. June 23rd: Dinner, 6pm .July 1st-4th: Idaho Convention. July 18th: Mystery Ride. July 23rd.-25th: Montana Convention. Aug. 1st: Breakfast. Dietrich. 9:30am. Aug.5th.-8th: Region I Convention. Aug.22nd: Angel lake, Nevada. All dates and rides subject to change
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