Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region I Idaho District Chapter G May 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge Chapter G Officers C h a p t e r D i r e ct o r T e d & S h i r l e y B ea r ce t e d s t o c 1 @ ca b l e o n e. n e t (2 0 8 )7 3 6 - 4 2 8 8 Asst. Chapter Director Dick Goetsch r g o et s c h 3 5 @ h o t m a i l . c o m ( 2 0 8 )3 2 4 - 8 4 8 0 Secretary Aileen Goetsch a i l e e n g o et s c h @ h o t m a i l . c o m (208)324-8480 Treasurer D e l o r e s S i l co t t d d g g g @ j u n o . co m (208)944-0550 R o a d C a pt a i n Don Sawyer s a w y e r 6 0 2 @ c a b l eo n e . n e t ( 2 0 8 )4 9 0 - 0 2 7 7 Ride Coordinator Jim Elliott r eg u l a r g o l f9 0 @ y a h o o . c o m (2 0 8 )4 9 0 - 1 3 9 9 Historian J ea n n e S t a n l ey I d a h o_wild flower @ya h (208)733-5306 Chapter Educator Richard Silcott rr s @j u no .co m C h a p t e r A mb a s s a d o r s Jim Davis & Joe Davis j iwid 1@ya h (208)324-3352 Couple of the Year Alicia & Don Sawyer ( 2 0 8 )4 9 0 - 0 2 7 7 Newsletter Editor Alicia Sawyer d on sgr l09@gm a (2 0 8 ) 4 2 0 - 6 0 4 5 S t o r e ke e p e r Liz Davis lizzr d 09@m sn .com (208)678-2819 s a w y e r 6 0 2 @ c a b l eo n e . n e t (208)944-0550 Idaho District Officers District Director Don & Sharon Weber (208)660-7839 Asst District Director Ted & Shirley Bearce (208)736-4288 District Treasurer Alex Piper District Trainer Rockey Davis District Educator Chris Morton cmor Ted Bearce—CD Unfortunately Ted’s letter was lost in cyber space… This won’t happen again. But at least enjoy all the events coming up and safe riding... Dick Goetsch— ACD Are you ready? The season is here and we are off and running. May 2nd breakfast will be in Bliss since June 6 will be our membership drive and Viet Nam memorial at the city park. May 9th, day ride to Jackpot and lunch in Hollister on the way back. Dinner gathering at Idaho Joe's on the 19th. And a day ride to Aberdeen on the 30th. And it's only 6 weeks until Reno, June 18 - 20. Then, Idaho District Convention, July 2nd in Kamiah. ID. Next, Wyoming District, July 9th in Buffalo, WY and Oregon District Convention, July 9th in Odell, OR. Next, Washington District, July 16th in Port Townsend WA. And last, Montana District, July 23rd in Deer Lodge, MT. Region I, Big Sky Convention is again in Lewiston, ID on Au- gust 5th. There hasn't been much interest in Washington, Oregon or Wyoming but several have talked about going to Montana. And we really need to support our Region at Lewiston. Unfortunately, This rider will be off to Alaska for the fishing trip of my lifetime with my son. BOO HOO!!We sure have had good participation so far this season. Thank you all for coming out and enjoying the friendship of new and old acquaintances. Besides, we sure can eat a lot. Remember, ride safely and look out for the other one who isn't looking out for you. Be defensive. Dick Richard Silcott — SE RIDER ED ‘GIMME 5’ TOPIC: Why Should I Take a Rider Course? This question is one that many of us find easy to answer. What we may not understand is why anyone would need to ask it. There are some riders in each of our chapters that choose not to participate in an instructed Rider Course. Let’s examine this and try to understand why, and look at what a Rider Course can do for you. Some may say, “I’ve been riding for years. I don’t need to take a class.” Others will boast about the miles they have accumulated on two wheels and ask “what can they teach me?” Have you ever tried to persuade someone with that attitude that a Rider Course might help them be an even better rider? Their position can be so negative and so strongly put that you don’t want to talk to them about the benefits of rider training. Sometimes, people hide their self doubt behind a curtain of confidence and bluster. Is it possible to have all the knowledge and skill necessary to avoid any accident? Well, if one chooses not to ride very far or very often, then perhaps it is possible. But I wouldn’t want to bet my life on it! Do you remember a single season in your riding career without at least one close call or near miss due to another motorist’s driving behavior? How about a single month? If you ride around the state or across the country, you expose yourself to many different situations that require anticipation of all the possible actions of other drivers. You have to be prepared to counter with the proper response – whatever their action – and do it in a split second! A motorcycle Rider Course helps prepare you mentally and physically to execute the kinds of maneuvers called for by a driver’s unexpected actions. We look upon these classes as an opportunity to learn and improve our riding skills in a safe environment. The instructors are trained to spot the little techniques during range exercises that riders tend to forget to employ on the road. They provide reminders to all students in a positive manner. Their trained eyes and constructive comments are geared to put each of us on the path to being the safest riders we can be. This can help with your attitude and performance on the road. Being reminded of the best techniques to execute different skills does not hurt at all. It is painless. The practice and coaching helps to improve our skills, whether we never knew the technique to use, or just need the occasional reminder. Hey, who doesn’t appreciate a reminder from time to time? Especially when it is about something you want to do correctly and safely, but may have just forgotten the best method. In athletic training we are taught that practice makes perfect. And when you practice something you enjoy doing, it’s just a lot of fun! Practicing motorcycle riding maneuvers in a closed parking lot with someone else (the instructors) monitoring the range to protect the riders from outside hazards helps you focus your attention on the task at hand – becoming a better rider! On another level, taking a Rider Course will help you qualify for advancement in the Rider Education Levels Program, to Level II or above, or keep you current in your present level. And there is one more thing to remember about all GWRRA Rider Course offerings. Nobody fails! Everyone who completes the course receives a course completion card. There are no minimum performance requirements. You are asked to push yourself to improve your abilities. You won’t get better at it if you don’t try. Sign up for a Rider Course today. You will thank yourself later! Ride Smart & Be Safe! Bruce & Melissa Thayer Former MI Asst. District Rider Educators May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Breakfast 9am 3 Bryant & 4 5 6 7 8 Kay Easton Maxine Evans 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 Dinner 6pm 24 9 25 26 Richard & 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 Jeanne Delores Silcott 27 Stanley 31 May 2nd: Breakfast, Addison West. 9:00am. May 9th: Day ride to Jackpot, Lunch at Hollister. May 16th: nampa chapter ride at 12 noon May 19th: Dinner meeting 6pm May 30th: Aberdeen park/lake, Idaho Falls Chapter. Ju n e 2 0 1 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ron North 7 8 9 10 11Gary & Maxine 12 13 Evans Joe Davis 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Dinner @ 6pm 28 29 30 June 6th: Membership Drive and Vietnam Memorial at Twin Falls City Park!! June 17th-20th: Reno Rendezvous!!!!!! June 23rd: Dinner at 6pm!! July 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Aileen 4 Goetsch 5 6 7 Gary & 8 9 10 11 Missy Wignall 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Dick & Aileen Goetsch 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jim & Liz Davis July 1st-4th: Idaho Convention in Kamiah July 18th: Mystery Ride July 23rd-25th: Montana Convention This person has been making the vests for GWRRA for 29 years. The vests can be ordered through Laura at 1-386-740-9952 or They are 32.00 + shipping. She can put up to 4 vests in a box for one shipping charge. The vests have 4 snaps with pockets inside. Sizes: S/36, M/40, L/44, XL/46, XXL/50, XXXL/52, XXXXL/56 (You can tell she makes them for Goldwingers.) They come in black or blue denim. If anyone needs someone to sew on the patches, that is something I can do…..Liz Black/Gold Griffin — $35.00 Name Tag Which includes: Includes name and chapter 4” Front Patch $7.50 10” Back Patch 9” Back Upper Rocker Liz Davis 9” Back Lower Rocker 208-678-2819 You can find our newsletters and those of other Idaho chapters at the Idaho District website: Region I Website is: Check them out and “like” Syringa Riders on Facebook Where has this month gone to?? It’s like wake up one day and half the month is gone… Well good news is we are all busy and gearing up to be even busier.. Lots of stuff going on this ride season. Memorial, membership drives, rides with friends and other chapter members, conventions.. I think I caught my breath again.. Well Please stay safe out there and enjoy!!! Alicia Rands There is still room to add more!!!!! Bring on the fun!!!!! March 7th: Breakfast, Addison west. 9:00am. March 17th: Dinner, Idaho Joe’s 6:00pm March 28th: Start of season Bar-B-Q. 11:30 a.m. April 4th: Breakfast, Dietrich. 9:30 am. April 18th: Parking lot practice. 10:30 am. CANCELLED April 21st: dinner, Idaho Joes. 6:00 pm. May 2nd: Breakfast, Addison West. 9:00am. May 9th: Day ride to Jackpot, Lunch at Hollister. Cancelled May 16th: Nampa Chapter Ride May 30th: Aberdeen park/lake, Idaho Falls Chapter. June 6th: Breakfast Ride to Bliss. June 17th.-20th: Reno Rendezvous. June 23rd: Dinner, 6pm .July 1st-4th: Idaho Convention. July 18th: Mystery Ride. July 23rd.-25th: Montana Convention. Aug. 1st: Breakfast. Dietrich. 9:30am. Aug.5th.-8th: Region I Convention. Aug.22nd: Angel lake, Nevada. All dates and rides subject to change Please see your attachments in email with this newsletter!!!! There are some wonderful events that are being offered to the group and participation is greatly appreciated!!! So check out these events please...
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