Canberra City Gymnastics Club Inc. Schools Program ABN: 19 656 994 313 TAX INVOICE TEAM Gymnastics Together Everyone Achieves More Telephone: 61 2 62511131 Facsimile: 61 2 62511131 85 Chandler St Belconnen ACT 2617 Term 3 2015 Gymnastic Classes held at Lyneham PS will begin Friday of week (24 July) and finishing th Class Times: Term fees: 1 week 10. 4:00pm to 5:30pm Friday 5-10 years old Beg to L2 One and half hour $195 10wks + $60 Annual GACT Registration & Insurance. Full Fee Payment is required on enrolment for Term 3 All Fees are strictly on a term basis and are NON-REFUNDABLE. Throughout the term classes will emphasise the development of gross motor and gymnastic skills. Our programs are aimed at developing coordination, strength, flexibility and basic gymnastic skill level, in an enjoyable, safe and friendly environment. Coaches will arrive 15 minutes prior to the classes commencing. This will give the coach time to set up any gymnastic equipment. Gymnasts must not enter the hall/gymnasium without the permission of the coach. To secure a place for your child please read, sign and return this re-enrolment form and payment by Saturday 4th July 2015. As places are limited classes will be filled in order of returned enrolments. For further inquiries please contact our Club office on 6251 1131, 9:30am to 5:30pm daily. From all of us at CCGC we wish you an enjoyable holiday. We look forward to seeing you back again next term. Thank you. NAME:………………………… ……Date of Birth____/____/____PHONE:…………..…….. I give my son/daughter permission to participate in the gymnastics class provided by Canberra City Gymnastics held at Lyneham Primary School Term three 2015. FEE ENCLOSED: _________________________ Medical Information (if any)………………………………………………………….. SIGNED:……………………………………………………..
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