Please circle how long your child has been enrolled in our programs: Athlete 0 - 6 months 1 2 3 4+ year Last: _____________________________________________ First: ____________________________________________ D.O.B. : ______________________________ Gender: M / F Parent/Guardian/Participant Consent to Participate & Waiver YYYY / MM / DD Home Phone #:____________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________ City: ____________________ Postal Code: ______________ Primary Contact- Parent / Guardian Name: ___________________________________________ Cell #: ___________________________________________ Work Phone #: ______________________ext: ___________ Email Address: ____________________________________ Secondary Contact-Parent / Guardian / Grandparent /Other Name: ___________________________________________ Cell #: ___________________________________________ Work Phone #: _______________________ ext:__________ Email Address:_____________________________________ Emergency Contact Name: ___________________________________________ I warrant that the participant named on this form is physically fit to participate in gymnastics. I declare that I have accurately disclosed all information regarding physical, mental or medical condition affecting the named participant and acknowledge that this information may be used for the Club and/or Gymnastics Ontario use in the delivery of a gymnastics program. I acknowledge that there is potential risk for injury involved in training and competition in any sport. I understand that Gymnastics Ontario has tried to create a safe and controlled environment for participation and that the Club has established rules for participation on and about the gymnastics area that must be followed by the participant. I understand that failure to comply with any of the policies and rules of the Club and/or Gymnastics Ontario may result in the suspension or termination of membership. I waive the rights of the participant to damages or other costs, in the event injury is caused due to participation in gymnastics or other involvement with the Federation. I hereby give permission for emergency medical treatment to be administered to my son/daughter/self, as may be determined by reasonable discretion of his/her/my coach/manager. It is understood that whenever reasonably possible, relatives will be contacted and informed of the problem, diagnosis and/or treatment required and anticipated medical results. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that the information on this form is kept current and I will notify the Club of any changes immediately. I understand that any pictures, film/video may be used for publicity, promotion or any marketing of GymZone and hereby waive compensation or claim of any kind thereto. I hereby give permission to GymZone to contact me and send electronic messages through e-mail and forms of social media knowing I can unsubscribe at anytime. Phone #: _________________________________________ Signature of Participant Special Medical Notes: ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Date:________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian if Participant is Under 18 years of age *We provide a Peanut-Safe environment! Fall Class: Day: Time: am/pm Coach:____________ Winter Class: Day: Time: am/pm Coach:____________ Spring Class: Day: Time: am/pm Coach:____________ Class List ** T.O.P StarZ Program is Invitation ONLY! ** 55 Minute Classes 45 Minute Class - Twinkle TotZ (18-36 months) - Mommy & Me Fitness 1 Hour 25 Minute Class - Twinkle ToddlerZ (3 Yrs Old) - Flip StarZ (6 – 9 Yrs Old) - KinderStarZ / KinderStarZ PLUS!(4 & 5 Yrs Old) - Top StarZ (6 - 7 Yrs Old) - Rising StarZ/Future StarZ (6+ Yrs Old) 1 Hour 55 Minute Class - All StarZ – Boys (6+ Yrs Old) - Super NovaZ (8 – 12 Yrs Old) - Shooting StarZ – Trampoline (6+ Yrs Old) - Competitive High School Prep - T.O.P StarZ (5 Yrs Old) 3 Hour 50 Minute Class - Super NovaZ – Boys (6+ Yrs Old) - T.O.P StarZ (8 - 12 Yrs Old) - Super NovaZ – Trampoline (6+ Yrs Old) - Adult Gymnastics For Office Use Only Class Fees are subject to H.S.T GymZone is a proud member of Gymnastics Ontario All participants are required to pay a $25.00 annual fee **Fall Session 2014: *September 8th, 2014 to November 29th 2014 (12 Weeks) Payment Method: Cash Debit Visa Mastercard Balance: Receipt #: _________ Gymnastics Ontario Fee: ______ **Winter Session 2014 *December 1st, 2014 to March 14th, 2015 (12 Weeks) Payment Method: Cash Debit Visa Mastercard Balance: Receipt #: _________ Gymnastics Ontario Fee: ______ **Spring Session 2015 *March 23rd, 2015 to June 13th, 2015 (12 Weeks) Payment Method: Cash Receipt #: _________ Gymnastics Ontario Fee_____ Debit Visa Mastercard Balance:
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