a proposed Examination Committee ❑❑Coordinate with your supervisor, who will then send the application to the deanery. ❑❑ Several items of the TUM-GS-Programme are to be submitted during the doctoral project. For deadlines refer to the Mandatory Programme table. The following documents must be submitted no later than the end of the doctoral project. • Evidence of over 6 SWS subject specific events • Evidence of published works • For external doctoral candidates: A Self Evaluation Report referring to your active participation in the academic environment of TUM the end of the qualification these docu❑❑Until ments can also be entered: • Transferable skills courses • International research activities and conferences • Teaching or supervision experience You must upload your mandatory and optional certificates yourself into your Doc-GS online account (www.tum.de/doc-gs). If you do this regularly you will know ahead of time whether your certificates of participation will be recognized. Retain all collected original certificates of participation for possible submission to the GZW. + GZW-TIP + • Forms under: www.wzw.tum.de ➔ Doctorate / Habilitation • Approx. 6 months before the dissertation • For confirmation of acceptance see the protocol of the Faculty Advisory Board • Contact: Ms Sylvia Hubai, hubai@wzw.tum.de, Tel: +49 8161 71 3260 a Doctoral Degree Application ❑❑Compile (Promotionsantrag) • www.gs.tum.de ➔ ... ➔ Submitting your Dissertation www.wzw.tum.de ➔ Doctorate / Habilitation • For necessary Documents refer to the Form Doctoral Degree Application (Promotionsantrag) and / or the TUM Regulations for the Award of Doctoral Degrees clause 8 (Promotionsordnung §8). ❑❑ Submit the Doctoral Degree Application at the TUM Examinations Office • Organize an appointment early to avoid any waiting time. • Contact: Ms Ute Stinzel, stinzel@tum.de, Tel: +49 89 289 22248 ➔➔ After successful acceptance e of your application, the chairperson of your examining committee will be informed. • The chairperson arranges that the evaluation by the examiners appropriately meets the necessary deadlines. • The Approval Procedure then begins. • When the dissertation is approved, the oral examination is set by the Chairperson. All questions regarding the situation of your dissertation examination process are to be directed to the chairperson of the examining committee. + GZW-TIP + luck with passing your oral examination ❑❑Good (Viva Voce)! • Directly after the oral examination, the examiners will notify the evaluation success. • The qualifying date of the successful doctoral graduate will be set to the date of the oral examination. your dissertation ❑•❑Publish After the oral examination is successfully passed your dissertation must be published. • Details and deadlines can be found under clause 20 of the TUM Regulations for the Award of Doctoral Degrees. • Also refer to: www.ub.tum.de ➔ … ➔ Dissertation Publishing your Doctoral Degree Certificate ❑•❑Get When all documents stated in clause 20 are submitted according to the deadlines, you will receive a preliminary certificate. • This will be handed out by the Examinations Office when you show your Identity Card. • Appointments can be made with Ms Stinzel. Contact see above. • When you have your preliminary certificate you can then use your title of Doctor! Congratulations! • The Doctoral Degree Certificate is simultaneously drawn and after signing by the president and the dean it will be handed to your supervisor. • It will be personally handed to you by your super visor. • Two copies of the signed confirmation of receipt must be sent to the deanery. Concluding Tips • We have put this information together with great care however any full legal responsibility is held only within the official clauses and documents. • Whether you are applying for TUM-GS travel funds or registering with the Examinations Committee, please always use current downloaded Forms. • The information in this flyer has been written for the doctoral studies at the WZW and membership in the GZW. Other faculties or graduate centers possibly have different rules. Checklist for a Doctorate at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan For all doctoral candidates who entered the doctoral candidacy list in 2014 or later Seminars on Campus www.wzw.tum.de/gzw❑ Campus Networking Info to round table discussions and events of the Union of Doctoral Candidates: www.wzw.tum.de/gzw Contact GZW Office www.wzw.tum.de/gzw gzw@wzw.tum.de Union of Doctoral Candidates of GZW www.wzw.tum.de/gzw doktorandenvertretung@wzw.tum.de Graduate Center Weihenstephan (GZW) Alte Akademie 8 . D-85354 Freising Tel. +49 8161 71 2454 www.wzw.tum.de/gzw Graduate Center Weihenstephan TUM Graduate School Edition: 03/2015 Submission of Verification to the TUM Graduate School Doctoral Degree Application, Examination and Certification Bildnachweis: fotolia.de | design: ostertag graphikdesign | www. zwergzeug.de At the End of your Doctorate Your doctoral project from registration to your doctoral degree certificate: All important information, step by step, at a glance. Have you thought of everything? ✓❑Just tick what has been completed so that you ❑ keep in mind what is to be done. At the Beginning of your Doctorate at the WZW ❑❑Find a supervisor and define topic of the Graduate Center (GZ) ❑•❑Selection Usually, the Graduate Center Weihenstephan (GZW) is the right choice, but you can choose another Graduate Center. • The Graduate Centers (GZ) have slightly different mandatory criteria, which you can also check at each center. online at www.tum.de/doc-gs ❑•❑Register Please create only ONE account. Saving and logging out is possible at any time. • When all fields are filled in, a PDF with your Application for the Acceptance as Doctoral Candidate will be generated. • + GZW-TIP + Carefully keep and protect your account information for further use, so that you can continually upload your certificates of participation. For annual confirmation, you are automatically prompted by Doc-GS per email, so always keep your given email address current. ❑❑Find a Mentor Subsequent registration of the mentor is + GZW-TIP + possible up to 6 months after registration. When registering online, simply write ‘NN’ (and “NN@NN.de” for e-mail) in all mentor fields. The mentor can later sign a copy of the Supervision Agreement, which can then be sent in together with the address information. the GZW Supervision Agreement and ❑❑Download fill it out with your supervisor • Form under: www.wzw.tum.de/gzw ➔ Links&Downloads You can even submit the Supervision Agreement without a signature from the GZW, together with the other documents (see below) at the deanery, and this will be passed on internally. + GZW-TIP + all necessary documents and send it to ❑❑Compile the dean’s office • The documents required are listed in your Application for the Acceptance as Doctoral Candidate. • Your application will only be processed by the dean’s office when all documents are completed. ➔➔ International Degree Your international qualification will now be examined. At the same time you will be entered in the preliminary doctoral candidacy list, and so with that a preliminary member of the TUM Graduate School. When your degree has been approved by TUM, you will be entered to the official doctoral candidacy list. ➔➔ Entry to the doctoral candidacy list Your entry to the doctoral candidacy list will be confirmed by email, whereby you become a full member in the TUM Graduate School. + GZW-TIP + Once you are registered on the doctoral candidacy list, you can also enroll as a doctoral student and thereby take advantage of several benefits available (max. 6 semester). Further information at: www.gs.tum.de ➔ ... ➔ Enrollment During your Doctorate Your Membership in the TUM Graduate School: Internal doctoral candidates* External doctoral candidates** Internal doctoral candidates* Mandatory Programme (Prerequisite for the award of doctoral title!) ❑ ❑ Supervision Agreement Mentoring ❑ (not later than 6 months after membership) 2 years minimum membership Feedback session ❑ (submit Reporting Sheet not later than 2 years after start) participation ❑ inActive the academic envi ronment of the TUM ❑ Kick-off seminar within the first 6 months ❑ Subject specific courses (6 semester credit hours) ❑ First authorship - publication*** ❑ Annual re-registration Voluntary Programme (recommended) ❑ Crash course in Good Scientific Practice ❑ 3 transferable skills courses International research phase ❑ (research stay, conferences etc.) *With TUM employment contract **Scholarships, employed (other than TUM) or self financed ***At least one international contribution, written and peer-reviewed (scientific journals or congress proceedings) External doctoral candidates** Sponsorship Transferable skill trainings are sponsored with up to 8 daily rates at max. 60 Euros per day. Long language trainings can be funded at a maximum of 3 daily rates. English proof reading for 2 publications Gratis Seminars at the GZW International Activity: For scientific conferences etc. a maximum of 1600 Euros and additionally a maximum of 1400 Euros for Research trips over 4 weeks. International Activity: Financing in particular cases only, which will be cleared by the GZW. Copyright Laws Regarding your Publication Be aware of the copyright rules of the planned journal when publishing scientific articles since your publication should later be part of the dissertation. + GZW-TIP +
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