WEEKLY CHECKMARK “Dear Teachers, What you do for a living matters. Every Day. Thank you!” M Ferguson Congratulations to the following Halifax County Local NSTU Members for their years of service in public education at HRSB! HRSB! April 20, 20, 2015 Volume 29 The Halifax Regional School Board will be honouring their contributions and milestone years of service on Thursday April 23rd. 25 Years of Service Jocelyn Ryan-Wiggin Kathleen Stone Karen Robertson-Tran Mukuna Lunda Lorna Trethewey Linda Marie LeBlanc Patricia Bekkers Donna Meaney In this issue Upcoming Events 2 Drake Univ Update 3 Retirement Dinner 3 Shenoroil Conference 3 NSTU Provincial Comm. 4 Halifax Bike Week 4 Respect: Personal 5 Boundaries Teach People How To Treat You Calendar: Events & Deadlines 6 Student Bursary Application 7 Karen Parnell Catherine Pieroway Kim Matheson Terry McLeod Lise Lo Pat Savage Wanda Dillman Sandra Laurie Susan Hooke Jennifer Leduc Huguette Tanguay-O’Neil Heather Killen Claire Kidd Gisella Alecce Harrison Brenda Aucoin-Carter Richard Bray 30 Years of Service Lucille Comeau-Livingstone Mary Jane Walsh Ray Robertson Barbara Bowen Ben Doucette Karen Pothier Bernard MacEachern Chester Boudreau Wanda Scott Barbara Coates Jacynthe Robichaud Brenda Webber Laurel MacKenzie Arlene Hagen Cheryl Geddes David Gallant Richard Hooke 35 Years of Service Linda Landry Wendy Blanchard Beatrice MacDonald Lawrence Bates Marilyn MacDonald Maureen Kennedy Bonnie Behie 1 . HALIFAX COUNTY Most Active Local in NS! Menu Planning Workshop Thursday April 23 Local Office 202 Brownlow Suite A200 – 2nd floor above RBC Register w jwking@nstu.ca E-Wareness Workshop w Simon Wilkin Thursday April 23 5:30pm Dr Tom Parker Building Register w ggfrost@nstu.ca Nordic Pole Walking Workshop w Jim King, our local “mayor” Saturday April 25 Register w jwking@nstu.ca Pre-Council Meeting April 30, 2015 For delegates & alternates to Annual Council Dr Tom Parker Building Substitute Teacher Session Tuesday May 5, 2015 4:30 pm Dr Tom Parker Building Register w smccann@nstu.ca Annual Council May 8 – 10, 2015 For delegates & alternates World Trade & Convention Ctr Pre-Retirement Session Thursday May 14, 2015 4:30 pm Dr Tom Parker Building Register w rclutes@nstu.ca Contracts / Job Fair Session Wednesday May 27, 2015 4:30 pm Dr Tom Parker Building Register w rclutes@nstu.ca 2 DRAKE UNIVERSITY COURSES UPDATE The NSTU has sent a memo asking that all members affected by the DoEECDs decision to rescind honouring pre-approvals of Drake University courses. The Minister has responded to the NSTU with insufficient and/or unacceptable information. The NSTU has launched its grievance against the DoEECD and requires all members affected to contact Emily Denty at the NSTU as soon as possible. “This is a very serious and contractual breech,” said Executive Director Joan Ling at the Presidents’ Conference April 10. “Members will be out income, pension and more. We need all information from all the members affected” in order to move forward with a strong case. The numbers: 499 Pre-approved 239 responded to the minister 30 had not started yet 8 were finished the program 9 had 1 course left 6 had 2 courses left RETIREMENT DINNER TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE! Questions & contact person: “Mr Mayor” of Halifax County Jim King at jwking@nstu.ca Any retiring Halifax County member is eligible for 2 complimentary tickets to our wonderful dinner. Additional guests are invited at $50.00 per ticket. Please note that we have sold out in the past, so we are making the following provisions: • Retirees get first priority prior to May 27th • Additional guests will be admitted on first paid basis. The form for retirees – whether attending dinner or not – and guests to the dinner will be sent along with this Weekly CheckMark as well as on our website. Dinner & Dance to be held on Friday June 5, 2015 Delta Halifax Hotel – Baronet Ballroom Guest speaker: Mr Peter Balcom Room for 200 guests SHEONOROIL CONFERENCE: SAFE SCHOOLS – ONE PEACE AT A TIME Based on grant applications to the Sheonoroil Foundation, the group has decided to host a conference for the most popular topic: Safe Schools. Registration fee of $250 includes: Friday Sept 25 - Evening Banquet, Keynote address Saturday Sept 26 – Breakfast, Workshops, Lunch Online registration begins in late May at www.nstu.ca 3 PROVINCIAL COMMITTEES: HALIFAX COUNTY VOICE NEEDED! Would you like to serve the NSTU at the Provincial Level? The NSTU needs input from the widest-possible cross section of its members in order to make the most effective contribution to education. Members serve on most provincial standing committees for a maximum of two years,* so we are constantly in search of skilled and interested persons to make our committee structure operate successfully. Committee membership is open to Active and Active Reserve Members. *NSTU Operational Procedures state: Appointment to a committee will be for one defined term of two years. In extraordinary circumstances, an extension of one year is permissible. You may download the NSTU Standing/Other Committees application form from the NSTU website or apply online by going to the following link (you do not require an NSTU webmail account to apply online): http://nstu.ca/default.asp?mn=1.373.376.395 or nstu.ca> Home > Structure > Provincial Executive > Committees or Search “Committees” Thee Nominating Committee will be accepting applications to Committees until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 15, 2015. HALIFAX BIKE WEEK JUNE 5 - 14 Halifax Bike Week is excited to announce another year of school events sponsored by MEC. We are calling on all HRM schools to get involved to promote bicycle safety and inspire students to ride as part of a healthy and active lifestyle. How can your school get involved? 1. Register for MEC Bike to School Day on Wednesday June 10th, 2015 • Each student who rides to school will get a chance to win one of twenty, $25 gift certificates from Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC). 2. Host a 90 minute Fix-a-Flat Workshop at school (anytime in June). • Volunteers from the Bike Again project are offering 10 schools an opportunity to host up to 3 consecutive sessions per school. Each session will teach students the basics of how to fix a flat tire. Suitable for grades 6 to 12, during class time or lunch. Preferred group size 28 students or fewer. 3. Create your own Bike Week school event (grants up to $100 available) For example: • • • • Invite a bicycle mechanic to hold a bicycle maintenance clinic. Organize a ride at lunch time. Coordinate a field trip to Bike Again or the Dal Bike Centre Invite a guest speaker (e.g. athlete) Win a Bicycle Rack! Each school that hosts a bike week event is eligible to win a bicycle rack for the school. How to register? Complete the registration form and email or fax to Dustin Ellsworth by May 8th, 2015. Schools may register after this date but funding and programs may not be available. For further information, please contact: Dustin Ellsworth PTS RMT, Schools Plus - Sports Animator Phone: 902.229.1414 Fax: 902.464.2282 Email: Dellsworth@hrsb.ca 4 RESPECT: PERSONAL BOUNDARIES TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO TREAT YOU By Marquita Herald http://www.emotionallyresilientliving.com/personal-boundaries-teach-people-how-to-treat-you Personal boundaries are like imaginary lines you draw around yourself to maintain balance and protect your body, mind, emotions, and time from the behavior or demands of others. Your boundaries provide you with the time and space you need to physically and emotionally take care of yourself, and directly affect your selfconfidence and ability to have healthy relationships. When you lack strong personal boundaries you risk undermining your integrity and self-respect as well as the respect of those around you. Not surprisingly you also tend to attract controlling, disrespectful, or needy people into your life. Do any of these sound familiar? • You say yes even when you really want to say no. • You feel guilty when you do say no. • You don’t stand up for yourself when someone mistreats you. • You allow people to say or do things to you that make you uncomfortable. • You expect that the people closest to you will somehow just know without you saying anything when they’ve done something to upset or offend you. When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself. ~Author Unknown Creating Personal Boundaries: It Begins with Self Awareness Pay close attention to situations where you feel depressed, losing energy, experiencing an upset stomach, or wanting to cry. Take time to clarify your core values, beliefs and outlook on life so you are confident about who you are and how you want to live. Put your thoughts in writing and create a list of behaviors that you will no longer tolerate in your life. Accept Accept That You Have the Authority to Set Personal Boundaries You not only have the right, but the responsibility for how you allow others to treat you. Your boundaries act as filters permitting what is acceptable in your life and what is not. Set clear and decisive limits so that others will respect them, and then be willing to do whatever it takes to enforce them. Learn to Say No Many of us are people pleasers and often put ourselves at a disadvantage by trying to accommodate everyone. We want to be accepted and seen as unselfish. The next time someone asks you for something you really don’t want to do or give, try saying “Can I get back to you on that?” This gives you a little extra time to come up with the right words to decline the request and gently introduces the other person to the new you. Overcome Guilt and Resistance Be prepared, you’ll have to be ready to make tough choices to change your lifestyle and guilt is the most common obstacle when it comes to taking care of yourself. There may also be some defensiveness and push-back from those involved – which of course will add to your guilt. Trust and Believe in Yourself No one knows better what you need, want, and value than you. Don’t let anyone else make the decisions for you. Healthy boundaries make it possible for you to respect your strengths, abilities and individuality as well as those of others. Be Patient Be aware that this change will not happen overnight. Disengaging from the emotions and beliefs that led you to accept weak boundaries requires patience and practice. The good news is that when you define and implement personal boundaries in your life you will begin to feel more empowered and self-confident because you are communicating your self-worth to those around you. The more you practice holding fast to your boundaries, the more love, respect, and support you will find in your life. 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 Sunday 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Menu Planning Workshop 24 25 26 May 2 May 3 Yoga class Education Week Award Ceremony Deadline Local Conference Appl E-wareness Session E d u c a t I o n 27 28 Deadline Art 60 Conf Grants In-Service Prom Grant W e e k 29 Wellness Committee Meeting 30 Pre-Council Meeting for Delegates & Alternates Yoga class Deadline Deferred Salary Leave May 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Outreach Social at Curly’s Portable Saturday 2 Sunday 3 4 5 PD Comm Meeting 6 7 8 9 10 HRRC Meeing Communications Com Equity & Reps Com Meetings 11 Exec Meeting Substitute Teacher Workshop 12 18 No School Vicotoria Day 19 25 Deadline Art 60 Conf Grants In-Service Prom Grant 26 A n n u a l 13 c o u n c I l 14 Pre-Retirement Session 15 School-based Inservice 16 17 Local Council Meeting 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 John Huntley Interns at NSTU John Huntley Interns at NSTU Deadline Student Bursary Application 27 Wellness Com Meeting Job Fair & Contract Info Session Deadline Local Conference Appl is on its way! 6 Criteria: Halifax County Local has bursaries available to the children of currently employed (term, probationary or permanent) Halifax County Local teachers. These bursaries are only available to students who will graduate from high school in 2015. Halifax County Local NSTU Bursary Application Form 2015 Student Name: High School: __________________________ Student’s Phone Number: ________ Student’s SIN: _____ __ Student’s Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Student’s Complete Mailing Address: Relationship to Halifax County Teacher: _______________ __ Teacher’s name: ________________________ Teacher’s prof number: __________________ Teacher’s current Halifax County Local (home) school: _________________________________________ Teacher’s non-employee email:___________________________________________________________ Teacher’s cell phone/contact phone:___________________________ Reason for Bursary: Please attach maximum 400 word essay explaining: 1) Why you would be an outstanding candidate for the Halifax County bursary? 2) How will the bursary enhance your post-secondary learning experience? Post Secondary School You Plan to Attend: _______________ ___ *Note: Please complete and send this above application and essay by Wednesday, May 20, 2015 to 1. Canada Post (postmarked by May 20, 2015) to: Finance Committee Halifax County Local NSTU, A200-202 Brownlow Avenue, Dartmouth, NS B3B 1T5. Or 2. Email application and essay to halifaxcountybursary@nstu.ca by May 20, 2015 The successful candidates will be contacted on or before June 15, 2015. Any questions can be addressed to our treasurer, Turk MacDonald, at tdmacdonald@nstu.ca 7
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