WEEKLY CHECKMARK “Teachers are the ones who teach all other professions.” April 6, 2015 Volume 27 Information available on our website halifaxcountylocal.com > forms > Student Bursary and on the last page of the Weekly CheckMark until the deadline, Wednesday May 30, 2015 In this issue Upcoming Events 2 Healthy Menu Planning Workshop Info 3 Contact our treasurer, Turk MacDonald, if you have any questions: tdmacdonald@nstu.ca Congratulations: 3 New Permanent Teachers Provincial Executive 4 Member Tim MacLeod It’s In Our Agreement 5 Art 10: Successor Rights Art 9: Prof Committee Art 9B: Prov Committees Calendar: Events & Deadlines 6 Student Bursary Application 7 1 . HALIFAX COUNTY Most Active Local in NS! Pre-Council Meeting for delegates & alternates representing Halifax County Local Thursday April 30 6 pm light refreshments 6:30 pm meeting Dr Tom Parker Building Wednesday April 8 Sackville Legion 6pm for 6:30 – 8:30 pm We will review the Council Workbook & resolutions to Council and assign speakers to those resolutions submitted by our Local Local Council “Rep” Meeting Wednesday April 8, 2015 6pm for 6:30 Sackville Legion 45 Sackville Cross Road Yoga - 5 weeks Wednesdays Apr 15 – May 13 Cole Harbour District High Register with jwking@nstu.ca Maternity / Par / Adop Session Wednesday April 15, 2015 4:30 pm Dr Tom Parker Building Register w rclutes@nstu.ca Pre-Council Meeting April 30, 2015 For delegates & alternates to Annual Council Dr Tom Parker Building Substitute Teacher Session Tuesday May 5, 2015 4:30 pm Dr Tom Parker Building Register w smccann@nstu.ca Annual Council May 8 – 10, 2015 For delegates & alternates World Trade & Convention Ctr Pre-Retirement Session Thursday May 14, 2015 4:30 pm Dr Tom Parker Building Register w rclutes@nstu.ca Contracts / Job Fair Session Wednesday May 27, 2015 4:30 pm Dr Tom Parker Building Register w rclutes@nstu.ca 2 HEALTHY MENU PLANNING FOR TEACHERS WORKSHOP This is the 2nd of two workshops by Angela Emerson for our members. Thursday April 23 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm Halifax County Local Office 202 Brownlow Ave, Suite A200 (2nd floor above RBC) Please register with Preman Edwards – pjedwards@nstu.ca About Angela: Angela Emerson is a Registered Dietician (RD) working as a Wellness and Sustainability Manager for an international food service company in a University setting. She provides nutritional consults to students from all around the world. Topics include weight management, meal planning, Celiac Disease, allergies and intolerances, eating disorders, vegan and vegetarian lifestyle, and more. A mother of two, she is dedicated to providing her family with the best nutrition, always incorporating local and healthy food. Angela is a member of the Nova Scotia Dietetics Association and a certified Food Safety Instructor. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR OUR NEW PERMANENT CONTRACT RECIPIENTS! Permanent Contracts Stephen Cameron - Auburn Drive Nicholas Pettipas - Bicentennial Ryan Tully - Central Spryfield Angela Roach - Citadel High School Natasha Daurie - Duncan MacMillan Neil Wong - Elizabeth Sutherland Shannon Fortune - Elizabeth Sutherland Aine O'Hare - Elizabeth Sutherland Cindy Wilson - Fairview Junior High Kelly Bradley - Georges P. Vanier Emei Tsai - Graham Creighton Mark Mullally - Halifax West Edward Dykeman - Hammonds Plains Ann Louise Kerr - Harry R. Hamilton Tasha Tetanish - Harry R. Hamilton Leslie Smith - John Martin Angela Hayes - Joseph Giles Laurie Slaunwhite - Kingswood Danielle Abbott - Nelson Whynder Cindy MacLennan - O'Connell Drive Lucien Surette - Oxford Devin Ashley - Oyster Pond Amy Martell - Park West Krista Jupp - Rockingham Angela MacNeil - Rockingstone Heights Raeann Dwinell - Rocky Lake Junior High John Chiasson - Ross Road Catherine Teiman - Sackville Heights Junior High Carolyn Jessome - Sackville High Melanie Muzzerall - Seaside Elementary Stephanie White - Shatford Memorial Pamela Roddick - Sir John A. Macdonald Cindy Coffin-Were - Southdale-North Woodside Lisa Jarvis-Murray - Southdale-North Woodside Kevin Zwicker - St. Catherine's 3 TIM MACLEOD ACCLAIMED AS PROVINCIAL EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR 2ND TERM Present school/site and assignment: Millwood High School – Biology 11, Human Biology 11, and Science 9 NSTU Committees on which he has served and the offices held: (Bold items positions currently held) LOCAL LEVEL • • • • • • • • NSTU Representative Public Affairs Committee member Communications & Public Relations Committee member Vice-president of Communications & Public Relations (1 year) Professional Development Committee member Vice-president of Professional Development (2 years) Local President (4 year term) Past President (1 year term) REGIONAL LEVEL • • • • • • • • • HRSB-NSTU Article 60 Professional Development Committee (member and chair) Halifax Regional Representative Council member Co-chair of Halifax Regional Representative Council Grievance Committee Chair (2 years) Regional Economic Welfare Committee Regional Asking Package Committee Regional Negotiations Team Class Climate Team (2 years) Job Security Committee (1 year) PROVINCIAL LEVEL • • • • • • • Public Relations Committee member (2 years) Member Services Committee member (2 years) Single Tier Bargaining Committee (1 year) Public Affairs Committee (1 year) Provincial Executive Member (one term) Provincial Executive liaison for the Public Affairs Committee (2 years) Provincial Asking Package Committee 2014-2015 (for upcoming Teachers Provincial Agreement negotiations) NATIONAL LEVEL • Canadian Teachers Federation Delegate representing Nova Scotia (3 year term) We are pleased to have such broad experience representing us at the Provincial table. Thank you for volunteering your time and expertise for the good of our members, Tim! 4 IT’S IN THE THE AGREEMENT ARTICLE 10 SUCCESSOR RIGHTS 10.01 (i) In the event of amalgamation, annexation, dissolution or other change in School Board jurisdiction, Professional Agreements affecting teachers covered by such amalgamation, annexation, dissolution or other change in School Board jurisdiction shall continue in full force and effect and the School Board or other authority employing such teachers as are affected shall be deemed to be the employer under the existing Professional Agreement affecting such teachers for the duration of the Agreement or until a new Professional Agreement is reached between the Union and the new School Board or other authority. (ii) Teachers who are hired for the first time by a School Board or other authority following a change in School Board jurisdiction according to 10.01 (i) shall be governed by the terms of the Professional Agreement in place for teachers employed at the school where the teacher is originally assigned until a new Professional Agreement is reached between the Union and the School Board or other authority. ARTICLE 9A PROFESSIONAL COMMITTEE 9.01 To facilitate discussions of professional issues, the parties to this Agreement shall establish a “Professional Committee” consisting of the Deputy Minister and two (2) representatives appointed by the Department of Education; and, the Executive Director of the Union and two (2) representatives appointed by the Union. 9.02 The mandate of the Professional Committee is to: (i) exchange information and provide advance notice on initiatives affecting teaching and learning conditions and to facilitate communications between the Department of Education and the Union during the duration of the Collective Agreement; (ii) identify and discuss professional issues affecting teaching and learning conditions and identify possible initiatives, actions, and studies that enhance and maintain teaching and learning conditions in the province. 9.03 Where appropriate the Professional Committee may utilize standing or advisory committees of the Union or the Department of Education. The Committee may make recommendations to the Department of Education and the Union with respect to its discussions and conclusions. 9.04 The Professional Committee shall not have jurisdiction over the administration of this Collective Agreement, however, this shall not preclude discussions by the Committee on matters arising from articles from within this Agreement. 9.05 Within sixty (60) days of the signing of this Agreement the Committee shall meet and determine its operating procedures. 9.06 The Committee shall report its findings to the President of the Union and the Minister of Education. 9.07 Notwithstanding the requirement of the Committee to meet, the provisions of this Article are not subject to grievance. ARTICLE 9B REPRESENTATION ON EDUCATION DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES 9.08 (i) The Union shall be granted representation, and the right to name the representative(s) on standing and advisory committees of the Department of Education, the deliberations of which directly affect the terms and conditions of employment of teachers. (ii) The Union shall have sufficient and reasonable time to select the representative(s) before the first meeting of the Committee is held. 5 Monday 6 No School Easter Monday Tuesday 7 PD Committee Meeting Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 8 9 10 Local Council Meeting Provincial Exec at NSTU Provincial Exec at NSTU Local Presidents’ Conf 3 Saturday 4 Sunday 5 11 Local Pres Conference 12 19 Deadline Sheonoroil Grant Appl 13 HRRC Meeing Communications Com Equity & Reps Com Meetings 14 15 Maternity / Parental / Adoption Leave Session 16 Holocaust Remembrance Day 17 18 Pension Symposium Pension Symposium 24 25 26 May 2 May 3 Yoga class starts Deadline John Huntley Appl 20 21 22 23 Menu Planning Yoga class E d u c a t I o n 27 28 Deadline Art 60 Conf Grants In-Service Prom Grant Deadline Local Conference Appl W e e k 29 Wellness Committee Meeting 30 Pre-Council Meeting for Delegates & Alternates Yoga class Deadline Deferred Salary Leave May 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Outreach Social at Curly’s Portable Saturday 2 Sunday 3 4 5 PD Comm Meeting 6 7 8 9 10 HRRC Meeing Communications Com Equity & Reps Com Meetings 11 Exec Meeting Substitute Teacher Workshop 12 18 No School Vicotoria Day 19 25 Deadline Art 60 Conf Grants In-Service Prom Grant 26 A n n u a l 13 c o u n c I l 14 Pre-Retirement Session 15 School-based Inservice 16 17 Local Council Meeting 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 John Huntley Interns at NSTU John Huntley Interns at NSTU Deadline Student Bursary Application 27 Wellness Com Meeting Job Fair & Contract Info Session Deadline Local Conference Appl 6 Criteria: Halifax County Local has bursaries available to the children of currently employed (term, probationary or permanent) Halifax County Local teachers. These bursaries are only available to students who will graduate from high school in 2015. Halifax County Local NSTU Bursary Application Form 2015 2015 Student Name: High School: __________________________ Student’s Phone Number: ________ Student’s SIN: _____ __ Student’s Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Student’s Complete Mailing Address: Relationship to Halifax County Teacher: _______________ __ Teacher’s name: ________________________ Teacher’s prof number: __________________ Teacher’s current Halifax County Local (home) school: _________________________________________ Teacher’s non-employee email:___________________________________________________________ Teacher’s cell phone/contact phone:___________________________ Reason for Bursary: Please attach maximum 400 word essay explaining: 1) Why you would be an outstanding candidate for the Halifax County bursary? 2) How will the bursary enhance your post-secondary learning experience? Post Secondary School You Plan to Attend: _______________ ___ *Note: Please complete and send this above application and essay by Wednesday, May 20, 2015 to 1. Canada Post (postmarked by May 20, 2015) to: Finance Committee Halifax County Local NSTU, A200-202 Brownlow Avenue, Dartmouth, NS B3B 1T5. Or 2. Email application and essay to halifaxcountybursary@nstu.ca by May 20, 2015 The successful candidates will be contacted on or before June 15, 2015. Any questions can be addressed to our treasurer, Turk MacDonald, at tdmacdonald@nstu.ca 7
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