25th HALLAM BOROUGH YARD SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015 BEGINNING AT 7:00A.M. RAIN OR SHINE Last year's Community Yard Sale was another success. The weather was beautiful with an average temperature of about 85 degrees- perfect for yard sales and shoppers. As representatives of the community, we the Hallam Borough Yard Sale Committee will do our best to make this year's event every bit as exciting as it has been in the past, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP! Advertising is the major expense and includes postage, office supplies, and newspaper ads in the York Daily Record, the York Dispatch, and the Community Courier (East York and Hallam -Wrightsville editions). To help offset these expenses a donation of $3.00 from each participating household, church and business would be GREATLY appreciated. Simply complete the form at the bottom of this paper and drop it in the mail. Please do not call the Borough Office with your questions concerning the yard sale. As you can imagine they do not have time to be actively involved. Therefore, all comments and questions should be directed to: Hallam Borough Yard Sale Committee Cheryl Gockley, Chairperson, 600 -6416 ------------------------CLJT HE RE--------------------------------------------------------------- CLJT H ERE-------------------------th 25 HALLAM BOROLJGH YARD SALE SATLJRDAY, JLJNE 6, 2015 Please mail your response to the Secretary I Treasurer Joy Kauffman (757-5160) 460 West Market Street Hallam, PA 17406-1024 __ __ I am interested in participating in this event and enclosing a donation of$ I am enclosing a contribution of$ NAME ___ _ __ to support the yard sale but do not plan to participate in this event. __ ADDRESS __ PHONE _________ __ __________________________________ _ Please include your $3.00 donation to help defray the cost of advertising. (Checks should be made payable to Hallam Borough Yard Sale Committee) Approximately 300+ households will be offering treasures from the past, craft items, clothing, furniture, and much more. Plan to enjoy this special day by either selling your wares or shopping for someone else's. In addition to our well known restaurants, there will be plenty of food and beverage stands. Some of our local orgamzations, church and Boy Scouts that will be participating are as follows: Trinity United Church of Christ, 200 East Market Street, will have food stands outdoors. Friendship Fire Company, 163 East Market Street, will have food stands in front of their building. Kreutz Creek Presbyterian Church will be operating a stand in front of Helen Knaub's home at 247 ITEMS LEFT-OVER? Why not consider The Military Order of the Purple Faith United Methodist Church, 126 East Market Street, in air-conditioned comfort, will offer food and a rest area. There will also be yard sale table spaces on the parking lot. You may call Dave LeCates at which raises funds for service, welfare, and handicapped veterans, his/her surviving spouse, orphan or other survivor. To schedule a home pick -up of your donated clothing and household items visit: www.qogreendrop.com or call: 888 -944 -DROP (3767). 252-0762 to reserve a space. Heart Service Foundation rehabilitation work for wounded, disabled and/or West Market Street. Boy Scouts, Troop 49, will be at the corner of West Market and Claire Streets from 11:00 1:00 P.M., with the choice of 1/2 $8.50 OR barbecued ribs for $9.00, A.M. until chicken for barbecued both with baked potato and roll. Hamburgers, dessert, water and soda will also be available. Pre-ordering guarantees your dinner; call Kathi at 757-7691. Hallam Borough Yard Sale Committee (Cheryl Gockley, Chairperson, 600-6416)
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