Healthy Eating School 30.04.2015 Term 2 #2 Hallam Primary School’s learning and teaching programs support and promote the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a commitment to: elected government, the rule of law, equal rights for all before the law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and association and the values of openness and tolerance. C anberra Camp The Canberra Campers departed Hallam PS at 7:15am on Monday and are due back at Hallam PS, after school on Friday (tomorrow). No-one was unwell on the way up in the bus, which is always a bonus! After settling in at camp, everyone was asleep by 10:00pm in preparation for a busy week. N APLAN The National Assessment ProgramLiteracy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. All students in these levels are expected to participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Withdrawal and Exemption is available to some students on An update from the Canberra Campers was posted specific grounds. on the front door of the Administration foyer on Tuesday. Follow-up telephone calls from Canberra Ms Melissa Gurtler, Leading Teacher, is in the proindicate that everyone is having a fantastic time as cess of preparing for the administration of the they follow the camp itinerary-National Capital NAPLAN. Years 3 and 5 students will participate in Planning Display, High Court of Australia, National the NAPLAN over 12-14 May 2015. Gallery of Australia, Australian Institute of Sport, Electoral Education Centre, National Museum of NAPLAN does not replace the extensive ongoing Australia, Parliament House, Telstra Tower, Nation- assessments made by teachers about each stual Science & Technology Centre, Royal Australian dent’s learning performance. It is only one aspect of Mint, Australian War Memorial-before returning a school’s assessment and reporting process. home. NAPLAN reports will be distributed later in the year, The weather seems to have been kind, with mostly and data will be reported in the 2015 Hallam PS sunny days but cold nights. Mrs Fletcher has ad- Annual Report and on the MySchool website in vised that everyone is eating and sleeping well. 2016. S chool Photo Day Parents who have queries or concerns about the School photos will be taken on Monday NAPLAN should contact Ms Melissa Gurtler to dis18 May 2015. All students are required cuss the assessment process. to wear approved Hallam Primary School uniform and comply with the School Council unieview Year for Hallam PS form code. A Review Team has been set up at Hallam PS to undertake a Self-evaluation process, Further information about packages and costs will prior to our Review Day on 3 September be sent home with students on Monday 04 May 2015. Members of the Review Team are working 2015. with Consultant, Anne Nicholls, and will be gathering constructive information about what Hallam PS Money for photos must ONLY be brought to is doing well, and areas that we could work to imschool, in the envelope provided, on Monday 18 prove as part of the next School Strategic Plan. We May 2015 as it is handed directly to the photogra- look forward to gathering all kinds of relevant inforpher. Money brought to school before Photo Day mation from our school community. will be sent home as it cannot be held at school. Julie Macfarlane R This term students from Hallam P.S have been participating in the Premier’s Active April Challenge. This government initiative is trying to encourage all Victorians to become more active and healthy by doing 30 minutes of physical activity a day during April. Year 3-6 students have had the opportunity to independently log and track their physical activity levels daily on the Active April website. Year 1 & 2 students have been participating in additional weekly physical activity sessions to improve student fitness levels. Foundation students have been actively walking/jogging around the school for a minimum of 10minutes every morning to improve student fitness levels. Years 3 – 6 Class Totals Hallam Primary School Statistics so far! Total = 3058 hours 3/4A = 125 hours 5A = 217 hour 3/4B = 734 hours 5B = 270 hours 3/4C = 85 hours 6A = 241 hours 3/4D = 979 hours 6B = 291 hours 3/4E = 188hours Milk and Muffin Day Today was an exciting day for the students at Hallam Primary School, but it was also a momentous day for three members of our school community – Zaheda and Aphivanh, two mums whose children attend our school, and Kathy Van Eck, our Kitchen Specialist. Over recent months, these ladies had become concerned about the size and content of the muffins that the school was buying in for our Milk and Muffin fundraisers. So they came up with the idea of the students making the muffins themselves during their Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden sessions. “I was concerned that the muffins used for this fundraiser were at odds with the food philosophy that we try to promote here at Hallam Primary School,” said Kathy. “The sizes of the bought muffins were wrong for both children and adults alike,” she continued. “They were just too big.” This sentiment was echoed by teachers around the school, many of whom also commented on the amount of waste these oversized treats produced as a large number of students were often unable to finish their muffins due to the size. “When we make muffins in class, we let the children see how much sugar and fat goes into a snack such as this,” added Kathy. “We discuss with them that making the muffin ourselves means we can control the amount of fat and sugar that goes into our bodies. The children know that a muffin is a SOMETIMES treat only, not something that should be consumed every day. In our kitchen classes, when we do make muffins, we always make them with fruit or vegetables as their base.” So, when the orders for today’s Milk and Muffin fundraiser were finalised, Kathy set about planning and preparing to make almost 300 muffins in seven different flavours, even including a gluten free option for students with special dietary requirements. Then, over three very hectic days, the students in our Senior School helped make the fantastic, tasty and much healthier muffins we enjoyed today. Included in this newsletter is a muffin recipe Kathy uses in class that can be adapted to accommodate a variety of fruits and vegetables. Although we already have a number of fantastic community members who assist the students during our SAKG classes, Kathy has asked that we remind parents we are always on the lookout for more volunteers to help out, both in Kathy’s kitchen and with Ross in the garden. If you are interested, please contact your child’s teacher for further information. Apple and Rhubarb Muffins EQUIPMENT: Kitchen Aid mixer Spatula Muffin tins Spray oil Kitchen scales Measuring spoons INGREDIENTS: 125g butter (or margarine) 150 g caster sugar 225g self-raising flour 2 eggs ½ cup milk 2 grated apples An amount of cooked rhubarb METHOD: * * Attach the paddle beater to the Kitchen Aid mixer Measure and weigh out all the dry ingredients and place in the bowl of the electric mixer. * Add the butter, eggs and milk. * Grate the apples and add to mix. * Place the splash guard on the mixer bowl and turn the mixer on low. When the mix comes together, turn the mixer up to high speed and beat until a creamy consistency. This does not take long and you should not overbeat this mix. * Place a few spoons full of rhubarb into the mix and swirl through with a spoon. * Grease the muffin tin with spray oil and place heaped teaspoons of mix into each hole. * Place in the oven and cook at 160 degrees for approx. 15 -20 minutes. * * The muffin will spring back if you gently press your finger into the centre to test if it is cooked. If you have any leftover rhubarb, add a little bit to the muffin before you serve. HELPFUL HINTS: Use butter and eggs at room temperature where possible. Margarine works very well in this recipe. Mix until the mix is creamy, do not overbeat. To make the cake with other flavours, just add various kinds of fruit, for example orange rind, lemon rind, berries or bananas. It is a very forgiving and adaptable mix. It can be made into small muffins or large batch cakes. Chocolate Drive!! Our annual Cadbury Chocolate Drive begins tomorrow!! Eldest in the family will bring home a carrier of Cadbury Chocolates tomorrow for you to sell. Each carrier has 50 chocolates to sell for $1.00 each. Make sure you have your name on the money envelope provided when you return you $50!! Your envelope will go into the draw for some great prizes, including spot prizes drawn in assembly each Friday. This year we have a Samsung Tablet, a Dick Smith MP3 Player, Westfield Vouchers as our main prizes plus spot prizes of Sports balls including Football, Soccer, Netball and Basketball & Rugby! We ask that you sell your chocolates and return the money by 9.30am, Friday 22nd May The Major Prizes will be drawn at our assembly on Friday 29 th May Good luck and good selling!! Mother’s Day Stall The HPS Parent Group will be holding their annual Mother’s Day Stall on Friday 8th May If you would like your child to purchase a gift for MUM, GRAN, NAN or that special person in their lives, please send some money along with your child on the FRIDAY morning (8th May) so that they can purchase a gift. Gifts will range in price from $1.00 to $8.00 each. The average price of a gift is between $3.00 to $4.00 *We will also be running our annual Mother’s Day raffle, tickets will be sent home on Friday 1st May. A book of 10 tickets will be sent home with the eldest in the family. Tickets are $1 each There will be some lovely prizes to pamper Mum on her special day. Kerry Fenton Fundraising Co ordinator Disclaimer The Department of Education and Hallam Primary School does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development or Hallam Primary School for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. FOUNTAIN GATE SECONDAY COLLEGE - OPEN NIGHT TUESDAY 05 MAY 2015 Fountain Gate Secondary College would like to invite you and your family to come and explore our school during our Open Night. You will be able to see numerous displays of students’ work, discover the many different subjects taught at our school and have an opportunity to meet our staff and students. Open Night will be held on Tuesday 5th May and will start in the gymnasium at 5.30pm sharp. We will also be hosting school tours with the Principal on this day. School tours will be taking place at 9.30am and 2.00pm. To book into these tours or for further details contact the school on 8762 6839. We look forward to seeing you all there. April / May 2015 ATTENDANCE: Foundation-Year 6 8:45am - 3:30pm OSHClub Before/After School Care: MON TUES WED THURS 30 FRI 01 CANBERRA CANBERRA CAMP CAMP Newsletter Online SAT SUN 02 03 Arriving Approx. 6.00pm Interschool Sport—Away— SPAS 04 Chocolate Drive Starts 05 06 Foundation— Chesterfield Farm 07 08 09 Free Dress Day— Interschool Sport Gold Coin Dona- —Away—Chalcot tion Mother’s Day Stall 10 11 12 Yrs 3 & 5 NAPLAN 13 Yrs 3 & 5 NAPLAN 14 Yrs 3 & 5 NAPLAN Yrs 1 & 2 Cranbourne Botanical Gardens 18 School Photo Day— Full Uniform to be worn 25 19 16 17 22 Book Character Dress Up Day 23 24 30 31 Newsletter Online 20 21 St John’s FIRST AID for ALL students—F-Yr 6— No Charge 7.00pm—School Council 26 15 District Cross Country 27 Jack Flash & The Jumping Beanstalk—F-Yr 6. $5.00 Charge Check the Hallam PS website for Newsletter and event details. 28 Newsletter Online Interschool Sport—Bye Chocolate Dive Finishes 29 Interschool Sport —Away— Southern Cross NOTICES & DUE DATES School Photos - Due Date 18 May - PAYMENT ON THIS DATE ONLY. Notice to be sent home 04 May. Various Charges Jack Flash and The Jumping Beanstalk Prep-Y6 Due Date 25 May. Notice to be sent home 11 May. $5.00 Charge St John’s First Aid - F-6 - No Charge. Notice to be sent home.
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