School Mascot Title I Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) Halstead Academy 2014-2015 Halstead Academy accepts the Baltimore County Public School’s Parent Involvement Rules, District– Level PIP, and has aligned its school-level Parent Involvement Plan accordingly. Title I Information Please join us on Thursday, October 30th at 5:30 PM for the Annual Title I Meeting. Dinner will be provided. The following topics will be discussed: How the school will implement the Title I program The Title I Right to Know Letter (please see attached) Parent involvement opportunities throughout the school year The Home-School Compact This document illustrates a shared responsibility for student achievement between the School, Parents, and Students. The compact is sent home to parents. Parents should sign the compact and return it to school. Parents will receive a second copy to keep at home. The compacts may be used at the Parent/Teacher Conferences in November. Access to Parent Involvement Plan (PIP)/School-Home Title I Compact Our Parent Involvement Plan and Compact will be sent home with every child by September 30th. Halstead’s SPP will be provided at our various evening events. All Title I documents will be available online after September 30th. Parent Partnerships Input on the PIP and Compact Wednesday, September 24th: Chat and Chew Parents will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the PIP and Compact. Title I Parent Involvement Budget Monthly Chat and Chews Parents will be given the opportunity to provide input on the use of Title I Parent Involvement funds. Input on Staff Development Monthly Chat and Chews Parents will be given the opportunity to provide input on professional learning topics for school staff on how to effectively communicate and work with parents as equal partners. What Parents Need to Know About PARCC and Academic Content: Information regarding the new PARCC assessment will be provided throughout the year at evening family events. Please feel free to contact Ms. Kim McLeod at or 410-887-3210. BCPS Parent Involvement Plan: A Year at a Glance Parent/Community Resources Childcare and transportation may be available as needed for parent workshops Flexible times will be offered Interpreters are available upon request/(Interpretes disponibles si se necesitan) Parent Workshops and Events Title Date and Flexible Time Location Funding Source/s Technology Night September 25th @ 6:00 Halstead Academy Title I Chemistry Night October 21st @ 5:30 Halstead Academy Grant Reading Night November 13th @ 6:00 Halstead Academy Title I Movement Night December 17th @ 6:00 Pleasant Plains Grant Math Night January 28th @ 6:00 Halstead Academy Title I School Progress Plan Meetings SPP Meetings will be held during monthly Chat and Chew sessions. Parents can submit questions or concerns about the SPP during monthly SPP meetings or by contacting the school principal, , at 410-887-3210. Chat and Chews: September 24th @ 9:00 October 30th @ 5:30 December 18th @ 9:00 Kim McLeod, Parent Service Coordinator Email: Contact your Parent Service Coordinator with any questions, comments, or concerns about this plan, the Home-School Compact, School Progress Plan or parent involvement budget. Additional information and resources are available at the Parent Resource Center and
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