HALTON LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel No: 01928 564053 Email: head.haltonlodge@halton.gov.uk Website: www.haltonlodge.halton.sch.uk 24th April 2015 NEWSLETTER PTA Easter Bingo School Meals – NOW £2.40 In March I mentioned in the school newsletter that we had received notification from Halton Borough Council that the cost of a school meal was to increase from £2.20 to £2.40. At that time, I was under the impression that this increase was not going to be implemented until September 2015. However, this was wrong. This change came into force this week! I apologise for this! Could you, therefore, please ensure that the correct money for school meals is sent into school? The cost for 5 days is now £12. Residential Visits We have a number of residential visits planned this term – with the Year 2 children heading to Llandudno in two weeks’ time; our Year 4 & 5 pupils going to London; and the Year 6 pupils spending 3 days in North Wales. As these trips get closer, it is important for any outstanding monies to be paid. If there is an outstanding balance on your child’s account, please speak with Miss Smith or Miss Simcock in the school office – to inform them of when the final payment will be made. As the summer approaches, and with the pollen count rising, there seems to be a growing number of children bring nonprescribed medicines into school. Can I please remind all parents that only medicines prescribed by a doctor or dentist – and contain a pharmacy label with your child’s name and the recommended dose can be brought into school. This is for their safety and the safety of the other children in school. If you need one of the adults in school to administer any medicine during the school day, a Medical Consent Form needs to be completed, signed and handed in at the school office. NO NON-PRESECRIBED MEDICINES SHOULD EVER BE GIVEN TO YOUR CHILD TO BRING INTO SCHOOL. This includes throat sweets and lozenges; as well as piriton (and other ‘over the counter’ medicines). - Thank you to everybody who came along and supported our Easter Bingo event, during the last week before Easter! Thank you also to the team of adults in school – namely Miss Simcock, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Colebrook, Miss Hunt, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Sproston, Miss Ingram and Mrs Grindley (plus all the other members of staff) – who helped to set up the hall, serve drinks and run the event (including the tombola and raffle). In total £507.22 was raised. This money will go towards future projects and plans aimed at benefitting all of the children in our school. We have amassed a growing number of items of LOST PROPERTY in school. All of this clothing is unnamed – and so it is impossible to reunite it with its rightful owners. One morning next week, all of these items will be laid out on a table in the school playground. If you are missing anything, please come along and search for it! Any remaining items will then be ‘sold’ for a small donation to the school – rather than get thrown away. Year 4 & 5 Cricket Coaching Reminder: Medicines In School Halton Lodge Primary School Headteacher: Mr A Hilldrup Happy This week, the children in Years 4 & 5 started a series of cricket coaching sessions – as part of their PE lessons in school. These sessions were led by the U13 Cheshire Development Team Cricket Coach, Colin Grindey. Colin is also running an after school club that 18 children now attend every Monday after school. Year 4 Guitar Lessons On Thursday, all of the children in Year 4 started their whole class guitar lessons. In addition to learning the names of the different parts of the guitar, the names of each string and how to tune a guitar, the children played their first TWO tunes – to rock style backing tracks. I’m sure this group of talented individuals will be ready to showcase their talents in the near future! Learning Promotes Success ! If you would like to join our ROCK CHOIR this term. Please speak to Mrs Parkhill – as we can now accommodate more members. The sessions run after school, every Thursday, until 4:00pm! Upcoming Events th Thurs, 30 April Year 5 & 6 Indoor Athletics Competition at The Grange School th th 7 – 8 May Year 2 residential Visit to Llandudno th th 11 – 15 May KS2 SATs Week th Mon, 18 May Year 5 Trip to Delamere Fitness Centre th Mon, 18 May Year 1 Trip to Spaceport (Wirral) th Tues, 19 May Year 5 & 6 Cricket Competition th Wed, 20 May 9:10am Reception Class & Year 1 Class Assembly Parents, grandparents & friends of the children in Year 1 are welcome to attend. nd Fri, 22 May Year 6 Class Trip to Alton Towers rd st Half Term = 23 to 31 May st Mon, 1 June th Fri, 5 June th Mon, 8 June th Thurs, 11 June th Fri, 12 June School Closed: INSET Day Year 6 Bikeability Day 1 Year 6 Bikeability Day 2 6:00pm Talent Show Year 1 working with Lee Parkinson (using iPads) th Fri, 12 June Year 6 Chemistry with Cabbage Science Day th Tues, 16 June Class Photographs th Tues, 16 June New Intake Information Evening for our new Reception Class (starting in September) at 5:30pm th Wed, 17 June Kwik Cricket Competition at Runcorn Cricket Club. th th 17 – 19 June Year 6 Residential to Kingswood nd Mon, 22 June GB Paralympic Sprinter LEE WHITELEY in school leading sponsored fitness circuit session with each class. rd Tues, 23 June Reception Class Trip to Chester Zoo th Wed, 24 June Sports’ Day Morning (for Juniors); Afternoon (for Infants) nd rd 2 – 3 July Year 4 & 5 Residential Trip to London th Fri, 10 July 3:00pm Summer Fayre th Wed, 15 July Move Up Day! Children to spend time with their new class teacher in September. Halton Lodge Primary School - Happy Learning Promotes Success !
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