Newsletter 32 12 June 2015 - Halton Lodge Primary School

Tel No: 01928 564053
Last night, the hall was filled as the children
who had made it to the final of this year’s Halton Lodge Has
Got Talent performed on stage, each trying to be crowned as
this year’s champion.
The standard of ALL of the performances was exceptional
and the judges had an incredibly difficult job in choosing a
winner. The children performed with lots of confidence, and
their performances were enhanced further by the wonderful
array of costumes that they wore. It was also evident that
everyone who got up on stage really enjoyed the experience,
and it was great to see so many of our pupils showcasing
some of their many talents; which this year focused very
much around singing and dance.
The contest was opened with a stunning performance by the
Cheshire Royal Coronets Poms Team, which included some
current and former pupils from Halton Lodge. Then each of
the 12 finalists took it in turns to perform, with our Destiny
Dance troop regularly taking to the stage to perform one of
their amazing dance routines.
The evening was compered by Kade and Abbi – who also did
a fantastic job – and there was great excitement at the end,
when the winner was announced:
Joint 3 = Tayla
Joint 3 = Joe and Macy
2 = Jessica W
1 Lyla and Ruby
Well done to everybody who performed and made the
evening such a wonderful and memorable event. You were
all terrific and I’m sure made all of the people who came
along to watch very proud.
12th June 2015
Halton Lodge Has Got Talent
Headteacher: Mr A Hilldrup
Whole School Sponsored Fitness Circuits
on Monday 22 June
In our Family Assembly last week, we
showed the children (and the adults who
joined us) a DVD that explained how the Sponsored Fitness
Circuits on Monday 22 June will be organised. The video
also introduced the children to Great British Paralympic
Athlete Lee Whiteley, who will be joining us on that day.
The children have been encouraged to find out some facts
about Lee and then think of some questions they would like
to ask him when he visits our school in 10 days’ time!
The children have each been given a Sponsor Form and I
understand that some of them have raised quite a bit of
money already! The majority of the money raised will be
used to purchase sports equipment that will benefit all of
the children in our school. The remainder of the money will
be given to Sports For Schools and will be invested in
supporting athletes to go on and compete at the highest
level; by assisting them with their medical expenses, travel
costs to international competitions, and to have the time to
visit schools and inspire the next generation of sports men
and women. There are also some prizes available for those
children who raise either £5, £15 or £30 in total. (These are
detailed on the Sponsor Form).
There is still over a week for the children to collect some
sponsor money for taking part and I am sure they will find
the fitness event great fun; if not exhausting. They will also
learn a lot from Lee about what it takes to make it as a top
athlete; and this will be a great launch of National Sports
Week at our school!
CHARITY SACK Collection – to raise money for our
school and the Starlight Children’s Charity
The winning act and the Destiny Dance group performed in
our Family Assembly this afternoon; and I am sure many of
our pupils will already be beginning to plan their auditions
for next year’s contest.
Today your child should have returned home with a ‘charity
sack’ from the STARLIGHT charity – for seriously and
terminally ill children. The bag can be filled with unwanted
clothing, including underwear, socks, coats, paired shoes,
handbags and bed linen.
A huge Thank You must also go to all of the staff who have
helped out during the run up to this event and on the
evening itself. Many of our teachers and teaching assistants
were busy backstage throughout the night – supporting the
children and managing the whole event – while others were
out front, helping to set up the hall, collecting tickets and
clearing away at the end. This included a number of the
student teachers who are completing their final placements
at our school at the moment; and I would like to say a big
Thank You to each of them too!
For every kilogram collected, our school will receive 40p –
which means that is we could collect half a tonne we could
raise £200! Furthermore, 10p per kg will be donated to the
Starlight charity.
Halton Lodge Primary School
If you have any unwanted clothing at home, please put it in
the bag and bring the bag to school on Thursday, 18 June.
We will collect these at the front of school.
Please do not bring the bags into school any earlier, as we
do not have the space in school to store these!
Success !
Class Photographs
Upcoming Events
On Tuesday, the photographer will be in
school to take class photographs.
15 – 19 June Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Week
Year 6 Cricket Competition at Widnes CC
Class Photographs
New Intake Information Evening for our
new Reception Class who will be starting
with us in September - starting at 5:30pm
Kwik Cricket Competition at Runcorn
Cricket Club.
Mon, 15 June
It will depend on the weather as to whether these will be
taken outside or indoors. However, it would be great if all
of the children could be wearing either white, grey or black
socks; in addition to their full school uniform.
Tues, 16 June
Tues, 16 June
Wed, 17 June
Parents’ Forum
The date of the third, and final, Parents’ Forum this term has
had to be changed. It was originally scheduled for Tuesday,
23 June. However this now clashes with a number of other
The final Parents’ Forum will therefore be held at 2:30pm
the following week on Tuesday 30 June.
17 – 19 June Year 6 Residential to Kingswood
Thurs, 18 June Starlight Charity Bag collection. Please
bring bags to school before 9:30am.
Mon, 22 June GB Paralympic Sprinter LEE WHITELEY in
school leading sponsored fitness circuit
session with each class.
Reception Class Trip to Chester Zoo
Sports’ Day
Morning (for Juniors);
Afternoon (for Infants)
Year 4 Class trip to Talacre
Tues, 23 June
Wed, 24 June
Sports Day
Reminder: Weather permitting, we will be
holding our School Sports Day on Wednesday,
24 June. The junior event will take place from
9:15am until 11:45am; and the infant event will
take place from 1:10pm until 3:00pm.
Obviously parents and carers are very welcome to come
along and cheer their children on at this event. The PTA will
be serving refreshments but would all parents also ensure
that their child has a water bottle in school on this day.
Thank you!
The children are welcome to wear their school PE Kit (along
with some suitable trainers). However, if they would like to
wear a t-shirt that matches the colour of the house they are
in, they are welcome to do so:
Bridge = Red
Mersey = Green
Castle = Blue
Priory = Yellow
Mon, 29 June
Tues, 30th June Change of Date 2:30pm to 3:10pm Parents’
Wed, 1 July
2 – 3 July
Non-Uniform Day (in support of school
Summer Fayre)
Extravaganza at The Foundry, Widnes at
Mon, 6 July
Wed, 8 July
Thurs, 9 July
Fri, 10 July
3:00pm Summer Fayre
Year 4 attending World War I Fair at St
Move Up Day! Children to spend time
with their new class teacher in September.
Year 6 Prize Giving Evening
Wed, 15 July
Wed, 15 July
Fri, 17 July
With just 6 weeks of the summer term remaining, now is the
time that you need to place any orders for school uniform; if
you would like it delivering before we close for the summer
(or to have it available for collection on the first day back)!
2:30pm Year 5 Flute Music Concert
Thurs, 16 July
School Uniform
Year 4 & 5 Residential Trip to London
Mon, 13 July
Nobody is expected to go out a buy a coloured t-shirt
especially for this event – but if you have an appropriately
coloured t-shirt at home (or could borrow one from a
friend), it would make the teams easily distinguishable.
Year 5 Art Master Class Workshop at The
Grange School
1:30pm End of Term Service
Year 2 working with Lee Parkinson (using
Year 1 working with Lee Parkinson (using
School closes for SUMMER HOLIDAYS at
Mon, 20 July
Tues, 21 July
Order Forms are available from the school office. Please
aim to return any order forms to the school office by 19th
Halton Lodge Primary School
Success !