Daring Discipleship Hamilton Conference The United Church of Canada April 2015 From the desk of Lorna MacQueen Minister Faith Formation for Discipleship The United Church Celebrates 90 Years since church Union A Song to celebrate the UCC 90th Anniversary -this is meant to be fast and fun (congregational chorus) to be sung to the tune of Mari/Mary Mack (Traditional Scottish patter song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ06cMDXZnU CC.BY. Many Mini miracles making Many Merry milestones, Many merry milestones making major miracles. Merry-making milestones and many major miracles We'll all feeling merry on this anniversary! Now 90 years ago there was a vision of Unity Make no mistake it was a grand one to be sure, Letting go of former things, also pride and vanity I’m thinkin’ Divine guidance is very clear. Many Mini miracles making Many Merry milestones, Many merry milestones making major miracles. Merry-making milestones and many major miracles We'll all feeling merry on this anniversary! Now this big church don’t have a lot of cash We have a lot of brass… and many think we’re fast Justice makes us brash… we won’t let the matter pass… We’re looking for a world that works more fairly. Many Mini miracles making Many Merry milestones, Many merry milestones making major miracles. Merry-making milestones and many major miracles We'll all feeling merry on this anniversary! Now the past saints and the present saints work’n all together In fact you could say the present depend upon the latter, And all of us give thanks for the one and the other ‘Cause both of them together are the kingdom. Many Mini miracles making Many Merry milestones, Many merry milestones making major miracles. Merry-making milestones and many major miracles We'll all feeling merry on this anniversary! Now it’s ninety years together and everthing's arranged, Praising God’s faithfulness… ‘cause that has never changed, Making changes for the future has us pretty much derranged But we are not alone that’s for certain. Many Mini miracles making Many Merry milestones, Many merry milestones making major miracles. Merry-making milestones and many major miracles We'll all feeling merry on this anniversary! Events and Opportunities Music & The Arts in Worship with Kyle Matthews – May 1-2 https://www.united-in-learning.com/index.php/upcomingwebinars/163-music-arts-in-worship United-in-Learning will be broadcasting two theme presentations by Kyle Matthews, and a panel discussion with Kyle Matthews, Alan Lai and Debbie Bradley, hosted by Richard Choe. CREATING the SILENCE through Art -a silent retreat incorporating the spiritual practices of felting, soul collage, mandalas, clay and more… May 11 – May 14 Five Oaks Spiritual Retreat Centre, For more information and to register, contact retreat sponsors/facilitators Chris Grose chris@huskyfarm.ca 519-846-0282 OR Kellie McComb kellie@firstunitedchurch.ca 519-442-9950 Seeking the Divine In the Everyday May 23, 2015 Islington United Church, 25 Burnhamthorpe Road Etobicoke ON 416239-1131 Ext. 21 with Jennifer “Jinks” Hoffmann, Poet, Dream-Work, Retired Psychotherapist , Spiritual Director Focused on becoming more aware of the Divine in the ordinary and the everyday, listening for God’s direction and guidance, and deepening our relationship with the Source of Life through prayer, discernment and dream-work. The GO Project Children's Adventure Camps are looking for more communities and congregations to partner with in Hamilton Conference. Explore mission work and community involvement in a day camp format, visit community gardens, food banks, retirement homes, conservation groups, and any other service specific to your neighborhood while learning about how to be active citizens... and while having lots of fun! Requirements of your congregation? -four to five youth volunteers to assist the GO staff in running the program; volunteers within the church to help the week run smoothly; a $1,000 financial contribution; and excitement and energy to help promote the program! For more information: www.thegoproject.ca, or email alanamartin71@hotmail.com. Weeks for Youth on Iona in Scotland During the summer there are a variety of weeks on Iona, especially for young people. The annual Youth Festivals welcome young people from all around the world … to take part in a week long experience of living in community. The weeks mix fun and reflection, worship and work, laughter and conversation to introduce teens to what it is to live out their faith in a way that is relevant, creative and enjoyable! See more at: http://iona.org.uk/resources/youth/bellahouston-grafitti-project/ #sthash.vSaaQ2Fa.dpuf Luther Seminary—2015 Life Long Learning Events: http://www.luthersem.edu/ lifelong_learning/kairos/courses.aspx?course_id=820 2481 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 April 22 Preaching Webcast -Working Preacher Lectionary Study—Pentecost through Ordinary 17 May 5-7 Preaching Speaking the Word Freely May 11-15 Preaching Festival of Homiletics: "Preaching from the Mountain: Heralds of Good Tidings", Denver, Colorado June 1-3 Leadership The Daring Way™ for Faith Leaders: Show Up, Be Seen, Live Brave™ June 2 Bible Narrative Lectionary Workdays—September 2015 through Christmas: The Gospel of Mark (not a webcast) June 3-6 CYF Collaboratory: Turning Hair-Brained Ideas into Sustainable into Ministries (with Kenda Creasy Dean) June 14 – 19 Leadership Mini-MBA for Pastors and Church Leaders: Leading and Managing in a Complex Environment Book of the Month The Day the Crayons Quit Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers In this children’s story, crayons have feelings. Duncan just wants to color. But he finds only letters in his crayon box: His crayons have quit! Beige Crayon is tired of playing second fiddle to Brown. Black wants to be used for more than outlining. Blue needs a break from coloring all that water. And Orange and Yellow are no longer speaking. Read aloud in a group with many voices, this children’s story allows us to think humourously and tenderly about feelings, appreciation, acknowledgement, and our responses to one another in diversity and in community. June 14 – 19 Leadership Mini-MBA for Pastors and Church Leaders: Leading and Managing in a Complex Environment (includes housing) June 15-December 31 Leadership Discerning God's Mission: Trust-Building and Collaborative Leadership for Collective Insight June 22 - 25 Lay Leadership School for Lay Ministry June 22 - 24 Bible Storying Faith: Teaching the Bible to Adults July 1, 2 Preaching Webcast Working Preacher Lectionary Study—Ordinary 18-26 July 6-10 Leadership Emotional Intelligence and Human Relation Skills July 8-9 Congregational Care Job, the Cross and the Question of Suffering July 13-15 Leadership New Visions for the Long Pastorate July 29-31 Confirmation Rethinking Confirmation: Signs of Life in Times of Change August 3-7 Congregational Care Transforming Conflict from the Inside Out: Compassionate Communication in the Church August 12-14 Leadership Leading through Coaching August 25-26 Leadership Stepping Up to Staffing and Supervision of Church Staff CONTACT - Terry Erickson, 651-641-3416 kairos@luthersem.edu Resources A Healing Journey with the Aramaic Lord's Prayer: Reclaiming the Mysticism of Jesus through His Native Language by Elizabeth A. Reed co-created with Neil Douglas-Klotz (Author of Prayers of the Cosmos) http:// www.selfhealingexpressions.com/ courses/aramaic-lords-prayer-58 This course delves deeply into the Aramaic Lord's Prayer from a native Middle Eastern point of view. Each lesson focuses on a single line of the prayer breaking down the words, syllables and meaning. (This course may be challenging or ‘radical’ for those who have not read Douglas-Klotz or otherwise become acquainted with alternative Aramaic translations. Some online investigation will help you determine if this is a course for you or your group.) Hymns by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette http://www.carolynshymns.com/ hymns_am.html (please note copyright instructions) Code of Ethics for Youth Ministry in the United Church of Canada (with commentary) http://www.united-church.ca/files/ handbooks/youth_ethics.pdf Social Media Guidelines for those in Youth Ministry in the United Church of Canada http://www.united-church.ca/files/ local/duty/caring_social-mediaguidelines.pdf A Mission and Service Retreat for Youth – ‘The Price is Right’ http://www.united-church.ca/files/ allages/youth/youth-retreat.pdf United Church of Canada Youth and Young Adults on Facebook A spot for youth and young adults from the United Church of Canada to chat about faith, local/regional/ national UCC events, and anything else they like. Home for Evolving Mystics - Bruce Sanguin’s site: http:// brucesanguin.com/ (paid susbsciption) Kairos Climate Action Fact Sheets: http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/? u=fea30f3893d409c9fd74ebf82&id=0 d92633ffd&e=5176ac29c4
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