To this Church set on a hill whose light must shine abroad, we

May 9, 2015
To this Church set on a hill whose light must shine abroad,
we welcome you: a valued friend, to this place,
the House of God.
Sabbath School – 9:15 am
Dulcie Lindo
Pianist: Bev Dyett
Opening Hymn
Scripture Reading
Maurice Wilson
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Galatians 3:26-28
Ezekiel Wilson
Opening Prayer
Bible Study
Ezekiel Wilson
Women in the Ministry of Jesus
Mission Story
Shaydel Marcellin
Mission Offering
Closing Thoughts
Maurice Wilson
Special Music
George Reid
Closing Hymn
Closing Prayer
Melanie Floyd
Divine Worship – 11:00 am
Dulcie Lindo
Call to Worship
Organist: Nellie Ritchie
O The Glory
Congregation Please Rise
Opening Hymn
Offering & Prayer
Pastor James Rooney
God is Here! Verses 1, 2 and 4 only,
sung to the tune of 359
Disaster & Famine Relief
Children’s Story
Scripture & Prayer
Dan Macesic
Salah Griffith
1 Samuel 1:9-11
Percival Leslie
Song of Meditation
Exploring God’s Word
Closing Song
The Art of Specificity
Pastor James Rooney
Let All Things Now Living
Pastor James Rooney
As a courtesy, please ensure that your cell phone is silenced. Thank you.
Happy Sabbath, and welcome to Hamilton Mountain! Today we
continue our monthly theme, Faithful in Prayer. May the Lord teach us
to become the people of prayer that He calls us to be.
Social Committee: Happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers in the
church. We appreciate all your hard work and dedication inside and
outside the church. All mothers are invited to come downstairs after
church service to receive a token for all your hard work. Love, The
Social Committee.
Music Ministry: Just a quick reminder that our Choir practice will take
place today right after church divine service. We will be reviewing the
2 songs that we have learned. The presence of everyone is very much
required as we prepare to do our first outreach concert with the
HESDA Church next week the 16th.
Three weeks until our May outreach! By now, you’ve got someone in
mind you’re praying for, asking the Lord for the right time to invite
them. Flyers and promotional material will be available next week, so
please continue praying for our city and church as we prepare to share
in God’s truth.
The Hamilton Mountain Church is pleased to announce the up coming
concert of the great Violin virtuoso, Jaime Jorge. He will be blessing us
with His God given talent on Friday, May 22, 2015 at 7 pm. You will not
want to miss this amazing FREE concert. Invite all your friends.
Wednesday evenings continue to be a blessing to all who come. This
week, join Pastor James as we pray, sing, and share together in the
Library, at 7:00 pm. Listen for details about the topic today from
Pastor James.
Grandview Adventist Academy: Yard Sale Dates —May 10 & 24, June 7
& 21. All yard sales are weather permitted. 9 am — 3pm.
Church Board Meeting: Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 pm in the Library.
All members are encouraged to attend.
Senior’s Meeting: There will be seniors meeting on Tuesday, May 12
at 2pm. All seniors welcome.
10. All are invited to attend a FREE Health Lecture sponsored by our
Seniors Ministry Dept. It will held in our church fellowship hall on May
19 from 12pm – 2 pm. The topic will be on “Kidney Health.”
Refreshments will be provided. For further information, contact Sonia
Wellington at 905-385-5215.
11. Today churches across Canada will join together to collect the annual
ADRA Canada Disaster and Famine Relief Offering. Your gift will help
those affected by famines, floods, conflicts, and other disasters.
Envelopes are available from your ADRA Ambassador. Contact info 1888-274-2372 ext 3107 or email Thank you for
your efforts to support our ministry. Together we are changing lives.
Announcements Cont’d
12. Do you want to get in shape this summer but don't want to be
confined to a gym? Or are you one of those individuals that
wouldn't mind some company while exercising? Well your health
ministries team will be meeting every Tuesday at 5 p.m. outside of
the church to power walk the trails of Hamilton. Yes this is your
WALKING CLUB! We will share health tips, walk and talk and enjoy
the precious scenery that God has provided. If you are interested,
please contact Peter Leslie at 289-489-7088 or email You can also contact any health ministries
member as well. We look forward to seeing you there. Let's get fit!!”
13. Social Committee: The Social Committee presents the “I Love you,
Dad” Father's Day Lunch. This event will take place on June 21 at 12
noon at Olivet United Church 40 Empress Ave, Hamilton, ON. Fun!
Fellowship! Door prizes! Let your father know how much you love
him - buy him a ticket and take him along! For ticket information and
pricing, please contact Pauline Reid at (905) 807 - 9151 or by email
Calendar Highlights
11:00 am — Divine Worship Service
7:00 pm — Adventist Youth Program
Sun, May 10
Tue, May 12
Tue, May 12
Wed, May 13
Tue, May 19
Fri, May 22
May 29 & 30
June 5 & 6
Sun June 21
9:00 am — GAA Yard sale
2:00 pm — Senior’s Meeting
7:00 pm — Church Board Meeting (Library)
7:00 pm — TLC Bible / Prayer Meeting
12:00 pm — Seniors Ministry Health Lecture
7:00 pm — Jamie Jorge LIVE in Concert
May Outreach Event – See Announcements
Southern Ontario Camp Meeting
12:00pm — Father’s Day Lunch see announcements
Sunset Today — 8:29 pm
Sunset Next Friday — 8:37 pm
Offering Next Sabbath: Local Church Budget
Bible Promise
Psalm 19:7
The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the
LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
Health Corner
Zucchini offers great health benefits thanks to
its phytonutrients, mineral and vitamin content.
Try cutting raw zucchini into sticks, and pair it
with hummus or guacamole. Use a vegetable
peeler to cut zucchini into long, thin strips, and
mix them with lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt
for an easy-to-prepare but flavourful salad.
No-Bean Hummus Recipe (By Rudy and Jeanie Davis -BAYSIDE)
2 zucchini, peeled and chopped, ¾ C. tahini, ½ C. fresh lemon juice, ¼ C.
olive oil, 4 cloves garlic, peeled. 2 tsp. sea salt, ½ Tbsp. ground cumin.
Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until thick and
smooth. Delicious eaten as is, or use as a spread in sandwiches or on
Treasury Report
$ 3,746.26 = Received Last Week
$ 7,891.67 = Received Last Month Church Budget + Loan
$ 11,147.08 = Monthly Church Budget + Loan Amount Required
$ 33,458.69 = Received Year-to-Date Church Budget + Loan
$133,764.96 = 2015 Church Budget + Loan Amount Required
$ 59,841.69 = Loan Balance as at March 31, 2015
We are still receiving offering envelopes without full names and mailing
addresses. Please be sure to print your full name and complete mailing
address including postal codes on your tithe envelope each week.
Church Treasurer: Valda MacDonald — (905) 257-4301
Communication Form
So that we may serve you better, please complete this Communication Form,
detach, and give it to the Pastor or place it in the Offering Plate.
Is in ____________________ Hospital
Is ill at home
Requests Visitation
Is interested in Bible Studies
Requests Baptism
Has a Prayer Request
Seeks transfer of membership
Other: ________________________
Bulletin Announcement
All bulletin information must be submitted by Tuesday at 8 pm. Please
email or call (905) 692-1218. Thank you!
Our Mission Statement
As followers of Jesus, we are called to reflect His love and share His
everlasting gospel with those around us.
We are a family of believers whose purpose is to C.A.R.E.
Celebrating God’s love
Assisting others for service
Reaching others for fellowship
Equipping each other for eternity
Our Vision Statement
TELL HAMILTON: Our vision is to double the size of our congregation,
necessitating two Sabbath services, and resulting in the
establishment of a new, active congregation in the west end of the
Hamilton region. This new vision now defines everything we do at
Hamilton Mountain!
Weekly & Monthly Worship Programs
Sabbath School (Saturday) — 9:15 am
Divine Worship Service (Saturday) — 11:00 am
Adventist Youth / Closing Program (Saturday) — 1 hour before sunset
TLC Prayer / Bible Study (Wednesday) — 7:00 pm
Oasis Praise & Worship (First Friday of Every Month) — 7:00 pm
Contact Information
Hamilton Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Church
284 Concession Street, Hamilton, ON
Mailing Address:
Box 60514, Mountain Plaza P.O. Hamilton, ON L9C 7N7
(905) 575-8764
Minister: Pastor James Rooney
(905) 645-4714 /
First Elder: Danny Macesic — (905) 692-1218