W elcome to the Hamilton Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Church Sabbath November 15, 2014 To this Church set on a hill whose light must shine abroad, we welcome you, a valued friend, to this place, the House of God. SEARCHING HIS WORD Sabbath School, 9:15am November 15, 2014 Chorister George Reid Accompaniment Pianist: Pascal Kalumbi Welcome Juanita Bitong Opening Hymn Give Me the Bibke Psalm 19: 14 Scripture & Prayer Bible Study #272 Cynthia Shaw Taming the Tongue Mission Story Classes Horatio Stewart Mission Offering Deacons Closing Thoughts Juanita Bitong Closing Hymn Wonderful Words of Life Closing Prayer Minister First Elder Head Deacon Church Clerk Church Treasurer #286 David Dixon CHURCH OFFICE Pastor James Rooney jrooney@adventistontario.org Danny Macesic Joe Zimmer Janie Macesic Valda MacDonald Home: 905.296.0369 Cell: 905.645.4714 905.692.1218 905.389.5414 905.692.1218 905.257.4301 Communication Form So that we may serve you better, please complete this Communication Form, detach, and give it to the Pastor or place it in the Offering Plate. Name: Address: Phone: The above named: Is ill at home Requests Visitation Requests Baptism Seeks transfer of membership Is in Hospital Is interested in Bible Studies Has a Prayer Request Other: ____________________________ WORSHIPPING WITH JOY Divine Worship Service, 11:00am November 15, 2014 George Reid Chorister Accompaniment Organist: Pascal Kalumbi Call to Worship Congregation Please Rise Invocation Pastor James Rooney Opening Hymn Wake the Song Offering and Prayer #34 Danny Macesic Local Church Budget Children’s Story Salah Griffith Praise and Worship Scripture and Prayer Praise Team Matthew 24: 9-13 Jeff Adema Song of Meditation We Explore God’s Word Closing Hymn Benediction Victor Turiac Attacked from Within Pastor James Rooney Hold Fast til I Come #600 Pastor James Rooney As a courtesy, please ensure that your cell phone is silenced. Thank you. ANNOUNCEMENTS November 15, 2014 1. Welcome to the church on the mountain! Today we continue our focus on Growing Our Identity with the second of a three part series on end-time events. May the Lord bless and strengthen you as we examine the “Adventist” in Seventh-day Adventist. 2. TLC meets each Wednesday at 7:00 pm, downstairs in the church library. Come and visit, pray and discuss God’s Word with your church family in a warm, informal setting. 3. TIME CHANGE! With the daylight saving hours now in effect, we are shifting the Bible study class time and AY time to earlier in the afternoon. For those who participate in bible study class and the AY program we will have a light lunch following divine service from 1pm to 2pm. Immediately after that we will go into our Bible study class from 2pm - 3pm and close with AY from 3pm - 4pm. We are asking afternoon participants to bring a food item for our light lunch, and of course our visitors are more than welcome to join!! 4. The Social Committee invites you to its annual movie night. Come out on November 22, 2014 after AY. Free Pop-corn!! Other refreshments will be on sale. Bring your friends and family. You'll be glad you came. 5. Prayer & Fasting will take place starting Sabbath Nov 22, 2014 for all those who are looking to clear their heads and hearts of the deadly distractions of this world. We will be doing away with all "Media" (eg. Internet, social sites, video games, TV, CD player, ipod, etc.) for the day, or even a week to focus on our connections to Christ. With all the "noise" in our lives being removed we will have more "quiet" time to spend strengthening that bond. "The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." Ps 45:18 6. Important Announcement Regarding Senior’s Sabbath, November 29: Please note, fellowship lunch following worship is being extended to the entire church family and guests. Join our Conference president for lunch after he leads us in worship at the end of this month. 7. November 29th 2014 is Seniors Day! Guest Speaker: Conference President, Pastor Mansfield Edwards. After lunch there will be a work shop on fraud and safety education presented by the Hamilton Police Constable Baughn Chisholm at 3 pm.. 8. "The holiday season is fast approaching and two of the best things to do around such a time is spend time with those you love and share good eats. Are you struggling with what to bake this year as guests come to your home over the season? Well, have no fear Christmas Delights baking demo is here, just in time to share how to bake delectable bake goods for this time of year. Come check it out on tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall at 284 Concession St. You don't want to miss it, and spaces are limited. To register please call 905-581-9475 or email hmsda.health@gmail.com. Also check us out at www.community-connect.org. The cost is minimal at $10 per adult and $5 per child. We can't wait to see you there! Blessings!!" ANNOUNCEMENTS November 15, 2014 9. SOCIAL COMMITTEE: The end of the year is fast approaching and the Social Committee presents our 2nd annual end of year banquet "A Black Tie Affair". On December 7, 2014 at Michelangelo Events & Conference Centre, 1555 Upper Ottawa St, Hamilton, ON, there will be a Formal Banquet commencing at 7:00PM, with Hors d’oeuvres at 6:00PM. For further information on ticket prices, please check the poster on the Bulletin Board or contact Pauline Reid at 905-807-9151 or reid.pauline@gmail.com. Plan to be there: You won't regret it! 10. Our Community Services Department is participating with Mission Services in their Special Items Drive. With winter fast approaching, we are looking to assist them with new scarves, hats, gloves, and very gently used winter coats. If you are able to hand make any items by knitting or crochet to add a personal touch would also be greatly appreciated! May God bless us as we endeavour to reach out to the community with this special project 11. ATTENTION Hamilton Mountain! Do you want to truly make a difference in your church? Do you welcome an opportunity to enrich the lives of others? If so, Hamilton Mtn SDA now has a new committee designed to help us serve one another in areas of need called the “Our Church Cares Committee”. We need your help to make this endeavor a great success! If you are interested in giving back to your church in any capacity, or in need of any assistance, please speak to Olia or Aliana Griffith for details or leave a message at the church. 12. Reminder: please remember that the local running of our church is funded only by your donations to our local budget and/or building fund. Tithe does not cover the costs of our utility bills, building maintenance, or related loan payments. When you return your tithe please remember to add an offering for our local church funds. Health Corner: If you crave chocolate, it doesn’t mean your body has a chocolate deficiency! Chocolate is high in magnesium. Cravings for it often indicate that your body could be deficient in magnesium, or you are experiencing hormonal changes or could be due to low blood sugar levels. Before you satisfy cravings, drink a tall glass of pure water. Quite often we misinterpret our body’s signal for thirst as a signal of hunger. By drinking a tall glass of water first, you may be giving your body exactly what it wants and alleviate the craving. Some experts estimate that 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated, so starting with water is a good idea before you try to decipher your cravings. CALENDAR AT A GLANCE TODAY 9:15 am Sabbath School 11:00 Divine Service 2:00 pm Bible Study 3:00 pm A.Y. Sunset 4:56 pm TOMORROW Sun. Nov. 16 2:30 pm Christmas Delights – See Announcement NEXT WEEK Wed. Nov. 19 Fri. Nov. 21 Sat. Nov. 22 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Sunset 4:50 pm After Service Prayer & Fasting After AY Movie Night FUTURE Sabbath Nov. 29 Senior’s Day – See Announcement 3:00 pm Presentation on Fraud and Security Fri. Dec. 5 7:00 pm Oasis Sun. Dec. 7 6:00 pm End of Year Banquet ( Michelangelo’s Banquet Hall) Vegan Blueberry Muffins MAKES ABOUT 12 MUFFINS 2 cups plain flour 1 tbsp baking powder 1/4 cup vegan butter 1/2 cup apple sauce 1/2 cup soy milk 3/4 cup sugar (or 1 cup if apple sauce is unsweetened) 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 tsp salt 2 cups frozen blueberries Pre-heat oven to 180°C. Place muffin cups into muffin tray. Mix all ingredients together. Spoon mixture into muffin cups filling each about 3/4 full. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until the tops are firm. Cool on a wire rack. Enjoy! Scripture Treasures Cast you cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because He trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10 Important Bulletin Announcement All bulletin announcements, schedules, programs, and other items, MUST be submitted to hamiltonbulletin@gmail.com by 8:00 pm each Wednesday for Bulletin publication. Thank you. OUR VISION STATEMENT TELL HAMILTON: Our vision is a three year plan to double the size of our congregation, necessitating two Sabbath services, and resulting in the establishment of a new, active congregation in the west end of the Hamilton region. This new vision now defines everything we do at Hamilton Mountain! OUR MISSION STATEMENT As followers of Jesus, we are called to reflect His love and share His everlasting gospel with those around us. We are a family of believers whose purpose is to C.A.R.E. Celebrating God’s love Assisting others for service Reaching others for fellowship Equipping each other for eternity WEEKLY WORSHIP PROGRAMS Sabbath School (Saturday) Divine Worship Service (Saturday) AY/Closing Program (Saturday) Bible Study (Wednesday) 9:15 am 11:00 am before sunset 7:00 pm MONTHLY WORSHIP PROGRAM OASIS Praise and Worship (First Friday of Every Month) Hamilton Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Church 7:00 pm 284 Concession Street, Hamilton, ON Mailing Address: Box 60514, Mountain Plaza P.O. Hamilton, ON L9C 7N7 Telephone: (905) 575-8764 Website: www.hamiltonmountain.org facebook.com/hamiltonadventist
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