Welcome to Paradise Valley Family Worship — NOVEMBER 8, 2014 Sabbath School Piano Meditation 9:30 am Virginia Bayaca Song Service Andrew Francis Lesson Classes Faith That Works Family Worship 10:40 am Prelude Praise and Worship Organ Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah Welcome Will James Children’s Story Prayer Song # 538 Trimee Santos Make Me a Servant Morning Prayer Andrew Francis Praise and Worship When I Look into Your Holiness Marching to Zion # 422 Veteran’s Day Feature Andrew Francis Message in Song Julia Felix & Faith Workman Call for Offering Annual Sacrifice Ar celia Gr anados (Global Mission)/World Budget Organ Offertory Message in Song Will James Theme Song Open My Eyes Sermon The Sanctuary Postlude ♦♦♦ Raquel Porto, Organist Communication Card Church Life Hearing assistance & translation headsets available for English, Ar abic, Karin, Kinyarwanda, Laotian, Nepali and Spanish. Request a headset at the Deacons' Room. Prayer Warriors, join us r ight after the ser mon in the libr ar y for a season of prayer. We invite you to join us to pray for the needs of others. Or if you would like special prayer, come and the prayer warriors will pray for you! Seek every opportunity to go where prayer is wont to be made. (Steps to Christ). Transferring out 2nd reading: Jonathan & Saisamon Kon to Thai Church, Redlands. Volunteers are needed to lear n how to oper ate our sound system or willing to learn how to drive our church buses. Please talk to Pastor Harry if you are willing to volunteer for any of these opportunities to serve our church. Join us at Castle Manor (541 South V Ave) next Sabbath after noon at 3:00 pm as we bring inspiration to the residents there. Festival of Nations Nov. 29. If you would like to car r y your countr y of origin’s flag, please speak to Pastor Wally. International Fall Festival at San Diego Academy this Sunday, Nov. 9, fr om 10:30 am - 3:30 pm. See flyer on bulletin board. Surviving the Holidays (after the loss of a loved one). Presentation (via DVD) and support group Paradise Village Board Room, 10 am - Noon, November 13 (Thursday) 2014. Info at 619-245-5845. Please notify the office or fill in a pew info car d when your email, cell, home phone, or mailing address changes. We want to keep your info current. Attention parents: We do not pr ovide super vision of your childr en dur ing church. For security reasons, please make sure your children are with you at all times and not roaming around outside. PRAYER REQUEST: Pastor, I would appreciate your prayers for the following: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ I have something I would like to talk with a pastor about. The best me to contact me is: _____________________________ Telephone Visit: Phone # _____________________________ Home Visit: Address _____________________________ I would like to transfer my membership to Paradise Valley. My church membership is at: John Duge Organ Our Thank You this week is to all who have served to defend our freedoms. We greatly appreciate your service to our country! Offering next Sabbath is for Local Church Budget. We thank you for your faithful support of our church and our ministries! Tithes and offerings can also be submitted online at www.pvchurch.org. Church Finances (Nov.) Needed Received Church Budget (# 126) Monthly need $ 17,250.00 $ 4,317.00 Tuition Assistance (# 122) Monthly need $ 4,100.00 $ 802.00 ______________________________ Name_________________________ Address _______________________ City/Zip _______________________ E‐mail ________________________ Phone ________________________ Sermon notes ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————— ————————————– ————————————— Church Calendar SABBATH - November 8 12:00 pm Prayer Warriors in Libr ar y 4:00 pm Children’s Choir pr actice in the Kinder Room 5:00 pm Kids in Discipleship in J unior Room 5:30 pm Spanish group meeting in the Libr ar y 6:05 pm Sunset SUNDAY - November 9 7:00 am Early Morning Prayer (Español) in Community Center MONDAY - November 10 7:15 pm Health, Wellness & Fitness Hour in Kinder gar ten Room TUESDAY - November 11 9:00 am Community Services WEDNESDAY - November 12 10:00 am Bible Fellowship in the Libr ar y with Peggy 5:45 pm Midweek Prayer and Theology 101 in the Libr ar y 6:30 pm Pathfinders in Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm Bible Fellowship (Español) in Community Ser vices 7:00 pm Bible Study at Par adise Village T racing the Footsteps of Jesus FRIDAY - November 14 5:59 pm Sunset 7:00 pm Bible Fellowship at Bur ton & Pat Maxwell’s home 7:00 pm Vespers at Par adise Village 7:30 pm Church Vespers in the Libr ar y 7:30 pm Youth Vespers in Youth Room 7:30 pm Praise Team Rehear sal SABBATH - November 15 9:30 am Sabbath School, Taming the Tongue 10:45 am Worship Service, Will J ames # 25 The Second Coming of Christ Did you know Jesus is coming back to this earth? Coming EVENTS Nov 9 International Fall Festival at SD Academy, 10:30 - 3:30 Nov 15 Grossmont Symphony at PV Chur ch, 8 pm Nov 29 PV Festival of Nations & potluck Paradise Valley Church A Seventh-day Adventist Church November 8, 2014 The Sanctuary 2701 E 8th Street, National City, CA 91950 (619) 267-8990 Bringing Hope To Our Community PASTORAL STAFF Will James, Senior Pastor Wally Peralta, Associate Pastor Harry Bennett Jr, Associate Pastor Cristopher Manlongat, Ministry Coord. Ephraim Bendantunguka, RAP Director Peggy James, Com. Serv. Director Peter Thomas, Arabic Ministries Iliana Olmedo, Office Admin 619-395-5087 619-335-6557 619-475-0383 619-565-7253 619-395-4619 619-395-5088 619-245-7293 619-267-8990 pastorwill@cox.net goperalta@puc.edu pvchurch@aol.com crisman75@yahoo.com kijenera@yahoo.fr peggyjames@cox.net peter@truelightmission.com iliolmedo@gmail.com Website: www.pvchurch.org E-mail: paradisevalleychurch@gmail.com Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
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