elcome to the
Hamilton Mountain
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Sabbath October 11, 2014
To this Church set on a hill whose light must shine abroad,
we welcome you, a valued friend, to this place,
the House of God.
Sabbath School, 9:15am
October 11, 2014
Rikki Jeremiah
Pianist: Aldith Henry
Juanita Bitong
Opening Hymn
My Faith Looks Up To Thee
1 Timothy 6: 12
Scripture & Prayer
Bible Study
Joe Zimmer
The Perfecting of Our Faith
Mission Spotlight
Mission Offering
Closing Thoughts
Juanita Bitong
Closing Special Music
Faith is the Victory
Closing Prayer
First Elder
Head Deacon
Church Clerk
Church Treasurer
Bev Dyett
Neville Wellington
Pastor James Rooney
Danny Macesic
Joe Zimmer
Janie Macesic
Valda MacDonald
Home: 905.296.0369
Cell: 905.645.4714
Change of Address: Please report change of address, phone number, email, etc. to our church clerk
as soon as possible (jmacesic@hotmail.com). Thank you.
Communication Form
So that we may serve you better, please complete this Communication Form,
detach, and give it to the Pastor or place it in the Offering Plate.
The above named:
Is ill at home
Requests Visitation
Requests Baptism
Seeks transfer of membership
Is in
Is interested in Bible Studies
Has a Prayer Request
Other: ____________________________
Divine Worship Service, 11:00am
October 11, 2014
Sarita Kenley
Organist: Nellie Ritchie
Call to Worship
Congregation Please Rise
Pastor James Rooney
Opening Hymn
Wonderful Words of Life
Offering and Prayer
Kevin Marcellin
Voice of Prophecy
Children’s Story
Reta Leslie
Praise and Worship
Hymn Sing
Scripture and Prayer
2 Peter 2: 1 - 5
Percival Leslie
Song of Meditation
We Explore God’s Word
Closing Hymn
Time to Grow
Pastor James Rooney
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Pastor James Rooney
As a courtesy, please ensure that your cell phone is silenced. Thank you.
October 11, 2014
1. Happy Sabbath! Today we continue our monthly theme, Growth in God’s Word. May you
be blessed as we grow in Christ through worship today.
2. 2nd Reading Transfer of Membership to Hamilton Mountain
Nathan Colquhoun from Edmonton West SDA Church, Edmonton, ON
Maverney Colquhoun from Edmonton West SDA Church, Edmonton, ON
Derrick Fairman from Toronto East Adventist Church, Scarborough, ON
Lana Dodson-Fairman from Toronto East Adventist Church, Scarborough, ON
3. "If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin
and will heal their land." 2 Chron 7:14. Let us all keep this verse close to our hearts. Be
blessed Prayer Warriors!
4. Senior’s Meeting: There will be seniors meeting on October 14, 2014 at 2:00 pm.
All seniors welcome, age 55 and older.
5. Next Week (Oct.18) Youth Day -Join us for Youth Day as we explore “The
Interconnection between Relationships, Sex, and Self-Worth”. We live in a world that has
gone beyond forcing the topic of sexuality (in every imaginable setting) on us, to shoving
how we are supposed to think and act on it down our throat. It is time that we discuss this
topic as revealed in God’s Holy Word. This is an all-day event with afternoon workshops
and potluck for Everyone! Look forward to seeing you there! "We should never be ashamed
to discuss, that which God was not ashamed to create."
6. Christmas Delights Can you believe it, 11 more weeks and it will be Christmas time
again! Soon we will be looking at a new year. The best thing at Christmas is spending time
with family and friends and sharing good eats! If you don’t know what to bake this year,
have no fear, Christmas Delight’s is here! Come check us out November 16, 2014 at 2014
at 2:30 p.m. here at 284 Concession St to discover how to make wonderful and delicious
vegan baked goods. With clean and healthy ingredients, and a delectable taste too, you
don’t want to miss Christmas Delights baking demo! Sign up fast because spaces are
limited and the deadline for registration is November 11, 2014. To register please call 905581-9475 or email hmsda.health@gmail.com, we can’t wait to see you there! Blessings!!
7. SOCIAL COMMITTEE: The end of the year is fast approaching and the Social
Committee presents our 2nd annual end of year banquet "A Black Tie Affair". On
December 7, 2014 at Michelangelo Events & Conference Centre, 1555 Upper
Ottawa St, Hamilton, ON, there will be a Formal Banquet commencing at
7:00PM, with Hors d’oeuvres at 6:00PM. For further information on ticket prices,
please check the poster on the Bulletin Board or contact Pauline Reid at 905-807-9151
or reid.pauline@gmail.com. Plan to be there: You won't regret it!
October 11, 2014
8. All of our children deserve to have a quality Adventist education to equip them for faithful
service to God and humanity. In an effort to improve the quality of Adventist education
for all our children, the SDACC is holding an Education Summit from November 23-26,
2014. We value your input in this process, and therefore solicit your participation in this
· If your child IS attending an Adventist school, take the survey to let us know about your
child’s school experience. If your child IS NOT attending an Adventist school, take the
survey to let us know the reason(s) for not attending so that we can address your concerns.
The online survey runs from September 15 to October 3, 2014. It will take about 15
minutes of your time. Your input is critical. On September 15, please go to
http://catnet.adventist.ca, click SURVEY, and enter ADVENTIST as the password to
9. Reminder: please remember that the local running of our church is funded only by
your donations to our local budget and/or building fund. Tithe does not cover the
costs of our utility bills, building maintenance, or related loan payments. When you
return your tithe please remember to add an offering for our local church funds.
10. Health Corner: Banana Facts! Did you know bananas, apples & watermelons float
in water? A man in India once ate 81 bananas in a half an hour. If you peel a banana
from the bottom up you won't get the stringy things. Those stringy things are called
phloem (pronounced FLOM). The average American eats 12kg of bananas every year,
and the average Australian eats almost 15kg of bananas every year. An individual
banana is called a finger. A bunch of bananas is called a hand. They are the only fruit
that contains tryptophan plus vitamin B6. They work together to help your body
produce seratonin which is the natural chemical that alleviates depression. In 2001,
there were more than 300 banana-related accidents in Britain, most involving people
slipping on skins. In South East Asia, the banana leaf is used to wrap food (in the
place of plastic bags and cling wrap), providing a unique flavor. The leaves are used to
wrap foods to be steamed. There are actually 14 stages of ripeness for a banana. Stage
1 is when they are picked while they are still green. Stage 7 is when the yellow banana
starts getting brown spots. These spots are sugar and this is when the banana is
perfect for mashing to make into banana cake or banana bread. Higher numbers
usually mean throw it out. Bananas contain 15% of your daily recommended vitamin
C requirement. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts your immune system.
It also helps regulate your blood sugar and grow and repair body tissue. Some grocery
stores sell “un-gassed” (Ethylene) bananas; they aren’t as vivid a yellow color as the
gassed bananas and are usually a mix between green and a muted yellow color, but the
flavor of un-gassed bananas is generally better. If the bananas you buy are too green,
you can put them in a brown paper bag with an apple or tomato overnight to speed
up the ripening process. You can slow down the banana ripening process by storing
the fruit in the refrigerator. The skin may darken, but the banana will be just right for
several days.
9:15 am Sabbath School
5:00 pm Bible Study Training Class
6:00 pm AY – See You There
Sunset: 6:45 pm
Tues. Oct. 14
2:00 pm Senior’s Meeting
7:00 pm Prayer Meeting
Fri. Oct. 17
Sunset: 6:34 pm
Sabbath Oct. 18
Youth Day – See Announcement
Sun. Nov. 16
2:30 pm Christmas Delights – See Announcement
Sun. Dec. 7
6:00 pm End of Year Banquet ( Michelangelo’s Banquet Hall)
e do not see the word thankful in Proverbs 17:22, but it is inferred. It says, "A
merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
You cannot have a merry heart if you are not thankful.
Science has found that our immune systems are benefited or debilitated by our emotions.
Thankfulness is one of the most positive emotions that God has given to us. We benefit not
only our spiritual experience by thankfulness and praise to God, but we can benefit our
physical well being also. God knew this long before science came to this conclusion.
"Nothing tends more to promote health of body and of soul than does a spirit of gratitude
and praise. If we are heaven-bound, how can we go as a band of mourners, groaning and
complaining all along the way to our Father’s house?
"Those professed Christians who are constantly complaining, and who seem to think
cheerfulness and happiness a sin, have not genuine religion." The Ministry of Healing, 251. This
is not talking about being light and frivolous. It is talking about being joyful and at peace,
with praise and thanksgiving in our hearts to God.
God wants us to be thankful for His goodness, for His mercy, and for His truth. We will
never be weary in being thankful for those things. The more we see of God and His
goodness, the more thankful we will be and the more praise we will give to Him. It is just
"Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name." 1 Chronicles 29:13.
Important Bulletin Announcement
All bulletin announcements, schedules, programs, and other items, MUST be
submitted to hamiltonbulletin@gmail.com by 8:00 pm each Wednesday for Bulletin
publication. Thank you.
TELL HAMILTON: Our vision is a three year plan to double the size of our
congregation, necessitating two Sabbath services, and resulting in the establishment of a new,
active congregation in the west end of the Hamilton region. This new vision now defines
everything we do at Hamilton Mountain!
As followers of Jesus, we are called to reflect His love and share His everlasting gospel with
those around us.
We are a family of believers whose purpose is to C.A.R.E.
Celebrating God’s love
Assisting others for service
Reaching others for fellowship
Equipping each other for eternity
Sabbath School (Saturday)
Divine Worship Service (Saturday)
AY/Closing Program (Saturday)
Bible Study (Wednesday)
9:15 am
11:00 am
before sunset
7:00 pm
OASIS Praise and Worship (First Friday of Every Month)
Hamilton Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Church
7:00 pm
284 Concession Street, Hamilton, ON
Mailing Address: Box 60514, Mountain Plaza P.O. Hamilton, ON L9C 7N7
Telephone: (905) 575-8764
Website: www.hamiltonmountain.org