Counsellor Application

Hamilton Presbytery – United Church Summer Day Camps 2015
The Christian Development Committee of the Hamilton Presbytery of the United Church of
Canada is recruiting a leadership team of United Church young people, age 16 and older, to
provide a half-day (mornings) traveling Christian day camp program, for 8 weeks this summer,
at several different locations throughout the Presbytery.
Job Description – Counselor
Duties and Responsibilities
Enthusiastically participate in all aspects of the program, including leadership, music,
drama, games, crafts, supervision and interaction with children involved in the program,
and including training.
Memorize program songs and skits prior to final training day
Work and interact co-operatively with Coordinators, teammates, host churches,
Director/Minister and volunteers
Serve as a role model to the children and an ambassador of the church at all times while
offering this ministry to others.
You must be able to arrange your own transportation (we will try to facilitate carpooling when possible)
You must be at least 16 years of age in the calendar year 2015
You must be available for training (dates to be agreed upon at the consensus of the
group, but likely 3 Saturdays or mid-week evenings in May/June).
If selected for the program, you must agree to and arrange a police check (vulnerable
sector). We will reimburse fee.
Please note that it is our intention to offer the program in different churches in the 8
weeks of the summer, during the mornings (ie. Counselors will be on duty 8:30 am, to
noon Monday to Friday). This would not prevent you from seeking additional
employment, evenings and/or weekends.
Employment options: “Full-time” Counselors will be offered 7 weeks employment
(allowing one week holiday chosen in consultation with the team), & “part-time”
Counselors will be offered 3-4 weeks employment. Guaranteed payment is $209 per
week. Pay periods are every two weeks. All Counselors will be paid $100 for time spent
Please direct questions & applications (see below or on the Presbytery website by March 31, 2015 to
The Hamilton Presbytery Christian Development Committee
c/o Laurie White
c/o St. Andrew’s United Church, 479 Upper Paradise Road, Hamilton
L9C 5E2
Counselor Application Form
Hamilton Presbytery – United Church Summer Day Camps 2015
Name of Applicant: ____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________ E-mail: _______________________
School Currently Attending: ______________________________________
Current Grade Level: ________ Date of Birth: ______________(with year)
Home Church: ________________________________________________
What experience have you had working with children?
-2 Please describe a specific volunteer or work experience that clearly illustrates that
you are a team player:
Please tell us about any church or camp related experiences ie. VBS helper,
Sunday School, Nursery helpers, camp counselors, etc.
What are your extra-curricular activities, interest or talents?
Please share some highlights of your faith journey up to this point.
- 3 Please provide three references, who are not family members. One must be from
your minister (or another United Church minister, if your minister is also your
parent!) Feel free to include a teacher or guidance counselor, or someone from
your home church.
Name _________________________________ Phone: ___________________
Relationship: _____________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________ Phone: ____________________
Relationship: ______________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________ Phone: ____________________
Relationship: ______________________________________________________
Thank you for your time and interest. You will be contacted after Apr. 1st.
Interviews to be conducted after Easter, at an agreed upon time and hiring
completed promptly thereafter.
Send to Laurie White
c/o St. Andrew’s United Church, 479 Upper Paradise Road, Hamilton
L9C 5E2