PRESBYTERY OF BOISE STATED MEETING May 2, 2015 Kirkpatrick Memorial Community Presbyterian Church 9:00 Registration and Refreshments (The Stated Clerk must receive all miscellaneous new business, in writing, not later than 9:30AM.) PLEASE SILEN CE ALL CELL PHON ES, THAN K YOU. THE CALL 9:30 Call to Order and Opening Prayer Declaration of a quorum by the Moderator A quorum of the Presbytery shall be any three teaching elders and three ruling elders, provided that elders represent at least three churches. Approve the Agenda Welcome by Hosts Recognition of First Time Elder Commissioners and Visitors (Motion for voice but not vote during the meeting upon request) Brian Grassley WORSHIP Worship David Carlson ENGAGEMENT PRAYING FOR AND WITH ONE ANOTHER BRIAN GRASSLEY, FACILITATOR BUSINESS/REPORTS PAGE 4 Approval of the Stated Meeting Minutes – February 2015 Brian Grassley 11 Coordinating Committee Barry Fujishin Moderator’s Report Brian Grassley 20 Stated Clerk’s Report Ruth Hicks 20 Budget and Finance Gary Hindman 20 Personnel Ed Johnson 20 Committee on Ministry/Committee on Preparation for Ministry Evelyn Cates 22 Administrative Commissions Boone Adrian Marianne Paul Rick Irish 22 Presbyterian Women 22 Miscellaneous Business Jacquelyn Benjamin Sharing of Celebrations/Upcoming Events from our Congregations Adjourn with Prayer for lunch 1 April 15, 2015 To: All Commissioners, Friends and Guests of the Presbytery of Boise From: David Carlson, Pastor, Kirkpatrick Memorial Community Church Re: Invitation! Please plan to attend the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Presbytery of Boise May 2, 2015. The meeting will begin at 9:30 AM, but coffee & breakfast snacks will begin at 9:00 AM. Weather permitting; coffee will be served in the Gazebo, on the church lawn. Lunch will be served at noon, and a donation of $5 will be gratefully received by the Womens’ Association. We look forward to showing you the results of our most recent Windows Project: new tempered glass over our historic – and beautiful – stained glass windows. The results are like the cleaning of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, even if our project was a bit smaller! Directions: From the east (everywhere except Oregon): take I-84 to the Notus/Parma off ramp (exit 26), where highway 26 turns west. Take highway 26 through Notus (speed limit 35) on to Parma, a total of 14 miles, and turn right on 3rd Street (see the US Bank on the northwest corner). Go one block north, and you are there! From Ontario: take I-84 to the Fruitland off ramp (exit 3), where highway 95 turns south. Take highway 95 south 14 miles to Parma, and turn left on 3rd Street (see above-mentioned bank and also the Library on southwest corner). Go one block north and you are there. From Other Places: you know how to get here – Come on Down! We look forward to seeing you! P.S. – a bit of history, next page 2 Kirkpatrick Memorial Community Church KMCC was founded over 100 years ago as Parma was beginning to develop as a center of agriculture in the Treasure Valley. Anderson Hall was built in the late ‘teens of the 20th century. Its architecture shows the influence of the Settlement House movement of that era, where churches helped immigrants to settle and become part of the American community. The present sanctuary was built in the early ‘20s, replacing a previous wooden structure at a different location. That move brought Kirkpatrick church to the heart of “downtown Parma.” The notion of being a “Community Church” is rooted in the beliefs and purposes of the founders, people who had experienced the ravages of civil war, the deprivations of the Oregon Trail, and who deeply desired to bring a sense of community to what was then still the American frontier. Along with church, they also invested in education and the arts, and the Parma public schools still reflect that commitment. Parma graduates place among the top tier in Idaho and even nationally in terms of success in post-secondary education and career achievement. These founders were well aware that religion had the capacity to divide as well as to unite – and they wanted their new church to be one that contributed to unity – to community. From its inception, Anderson Hall was intended to be a community center, open to persons of all faiths and all national origins. KMCC surely puts it best efforts toward the “Maintenance of divine worship,” the third of the six Great Ends of the Church. When our beloved longtime choir director retired, we wondered if we would lose the entire choir, but over a few months our performers reorganized themselves and once again lift our minds and hearts with music. We continue to struggle with technology – sound board and Powerpoint – if only there were an easy way. Our Mission and Outreach Committee has decided that we need a lot more food! We are committed to potlucks every 5th Sunday; PBJ (peanut butter and jelly) and Games every 3rd Sunday; and Music in the Gazebo three times in the summer. Our focus is to help our own members get better acquainted with each other, while also having events to which we can invite a friend. We enthusiastically support LOVE, INC of Canyon County, which conducts a genuinely lifechanging ministry called the New Hope Relational Program. We house the Sunshine Cupboard, a local food bank. And we happily host the Lions Club every Tuesday noon. In the past KMCC was often the seed, or host for shared ministry among the many churches of Parma. It is ironic that it is more difficult today than it was 20 or 30 years ago to find ground for cooperation among those who call Christ Lord, but we keep looking for new opportunities to do so. We believe it is when Christians demonstrate genuine love and caring – both for those in the church as well as those on the outside – that the world will see the truth of the Gospel (John 17:22,23). Our motto, which we read every Sunday, is: In the Heart of the Community … With the Community at heart. 3 APPROVAL OF THE STATED MEETING MINUTES PRESBYTERY OF BOISE Stated Meeting Saturday, February 7, 2015 First United Presbyterian Church Nampa, Idaho CALL TO ORDER A quorum (consisting of three minister members [teaching elders] and three ruling elders representing three different churches) being present, moderator Barry Fujishin called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m. and offered the opening prayer. AGENDA Presbytery voted to approve the agenda with the addition of one item to the report of the Committee on Ministry. WELCOME Rodney Moore welcomed commissioners and guests to the church. ATTENDANCE See appendix. FIRST-TIME ELDERS AND VISITORS First-time elders present were Marilyn Fordham, Boise First; Andy Dahlke, Boise Southminster; John Vinson, Parma; ? Witty, Adrian/Homedale. Heidi Smith, Kendall Presbytery, introduced herself as a visitor. Other visitors included Alan Anderson and Terry Nagel, Boise First; Lorraine Diehl and Kathy Mattson, Nampa; Senita Watkins, Camp Sawtooth; Karen Alldredge and Bill Buckendorf, Boone. WORSHIP Worship was led by Brian Grassley (who preached) and Alex Chamberlain and included celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Commissioners thanked Sean Rogers for his wonderful music with hearty applause. INSTALLATION OF THE MODERATOR Barry Fujishin installed Brian Grassley as moderator of the Presbytery. TIME OF ENGAGEMENT Commissioners, led by Ruth Hicks and JoAnn Thiry, honored Bruce Swanson for his service to the Presbyterian Church, the Presbytery, and the Nampa church. MINUTES Presbytery voted to approve the minutes of the stated meeting of November 8, 2014, with addition of the King Hill church to the list of churches and their membership to determine parity. BILLS AND OVERTURES John Hicks, in behalf of the Bills and Overtures task force, led discussion on the amendments sent to the presbyteries by General Assembly 2014 for concurrence. [Text to be deleted is shown with strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown in italic.] 4 14-1: Presbytery voted to approve amending the Book of Confessions by adding the Belhar Confession. 14-A: Presbytery voted not to approve amending the Form of Government G-2.0509 by adding the following new paragraph at the end of that section: “Whenever a former teaching elder has renounced jurisdiction in the midst of a disciplinary proceeding as the accused, that former teaching elder shall not be permitted to perform any work, paid or volunteer, in any congregation or entity under the jurisdiction of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)” 14-B-1: Presbytery voted to approve amending the Form of Government G-2.0607 as follows: “A candidate may not enter into negotiation for his or her service as a teaching elder without approval of the presbytery of care. The presbytery shall record when it has certified a candidate ready for examination by a presbytery for ordination, pending a call. Evidence of readiness to begin ordered ministry as a teaching elder shall include: “a. [text in a.–c. remains unchanged.] “d. Satisfactory grades, together with the examination papers examination materials, together with evaluations that declare those materials satisfactory in the areas covered by any standard ordination examination approved by the General Assembly. Such examinations shall be prepared and administered by a body created by the presbyteries.” 14-B-2: Presbytery voted to approve amending the Form of Government G-2.0610 as follows: “G-2.0610 Exceptions Accommodations to Particular Circumstances “By a three-fourths vote, a presbytery When a presbytery concludes there are good and sufficient reasons for accommodations to the particular circumstances of an individual seeking ordination, it may, by a three-fourths vote, waive any of the requirements in G-2.06, except for those of G-2.0607d. If a presbytery judges that there are good and sufficient reasons why a candidate should not be required to satisfy the requirements of G-2.0607d, it shall approve by a three-quarters vote some alternate means by which to ascertain the readiness of the candidate for ministry in the areas covered by the standard ordination examinations. A full account of the reasons for exception any waver or alternate means to ascertain readiness shall be included in the minutes of the presbytery and communicated to the presbytery to which an inquirer or candidate may be transferred.” 14-C: Presbytery voted to approve amending the Form of Government G-3.0106 as follows: “All councils shall adopt and implement a sexual misconduct policy and a child protection policy.” 14-D: Presbytery voted to approve amending the second paragraph of Form of Government G-3.0301 as follows: “The minimum composition of a presbytery is ten duly constituted sessions and ten teaching elders, unless an exception is approved by its synod and the General Assembly giving consideration to the responsibilities assigned to presbyteries in G-3.01 and G-3.03. 14-E: Presbytery voted to approve amending Form of Government G-5.0102 as follows: “The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) At all levels seeks new will be open to and will seek opportunities for conversation and understanding respectful dialogue and mutual relationships with non-Christian entities and persons from other religious [entities] traditions. It does this in the faith that the church of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is a sign and means of God’s intention for the wholeness of all humankind and all creation.” Presbytery voted to grant Heidi Smith the right to speak. 14-F: Presbytery voted to approve amending the Directory for Worship W-4.9000 as follows: Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind or the well-being of the entire 5 human family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community. “In civil law, marriage is a contract that recognizes the rights and obligations of the married couple in society. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges. “If they meet the requirements of the civil jurisdiction in which they intend to marry, a couple may request that a service of Christian marriage be conducted by a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), who is authorized, though not required, to act as an agent of the civil jurisdiction in recording the marriage contract. A couple requesting a service of Christian marriage shall receive instruction from the teaching elder, who may agree to the couple’s request only if, in the judgment of the teaching elder, the couple demonstrate sufficient understanding of the nature of the marriage covenant and commitment to living their lives together according to its values. In making this decision, the teaching elder may seek the counsel of the session, which has authority to permit or deny the use of church property for a marriage service. “The marriage service shall be conducted in a manner appropriate to this covenant and to the forms of Reformed worship, under the direction of the teaching elder and the supervision of the session (W-1.4004–.4006). In a service of marriage, the couple marry each other by exchanging mutual promises. The teaching elder witnesses the couple’s promises and pronounces God’s blessing upon their union. The community of faith pledges to support the couple in upholding their promises; prayers may be offered for the couple, for the communities that support them, and for all who seek to live in faithfulness. “A service of worship recognizing a civil marriage and confirming it in the community of faith may be appropriate when requested by the couple. The service will be similar to the marriage service except that the statements made shall reflect the fact that the couple is already married to one another according to the laws of the civil jurisdiction. “Nothing herein shall compel a teaching elder to perform nor compel a session to authorize the use of church property for a marriage service that the teaching elder or the session believes is contradictory to the teaching elder’s or the session’s discernment of the Holy Spirit and their understanding of the Word of God.” The amendment was approved by a vote of 34 in favor, 9 opposed, and 1 abstention. VISION TASK FORCE Alex Chamberlain and Andrew Kukla, in behalf of the Vision Task Force, led discussion on the task force’s report. It was moved by the Coordinating Committee that item #4 in the report be amended. It was moved that the first sentence of the proposed amendment be substituted; the motion was not seconded. It was moved to strike a portion of the amending motion; the motion was defeated. The amendment as originally moved was defeated. LUNCH Presbytery recessed for lunch at 12:10 p.m. with prayer and blessing by the moderator. Presbytery reconvened at 12:48 p.m. VISION TASK FORCE, continued It was moved by the Coordinating Committee that item #6 in the report be amended. A substitute motion was moved and seconded. Presbytery voted to substitute the following: Moved that Boise Presbytery hold a consultation on a “Sustainable Staffing Pattern” at a regular or called meeting with guidance from the Transitional Synod Executive and the Office of Mid-Council Relations. Presbytery voted to amend item 6 in the Vision Task Force’s report to read: 6 Boise Presbytery shall hold a consultation on a “Sustainable Staffing Pattern” at a regular or called meeting with guidance from the Transitional Synod Executive and the Office of Mid-Council Relations. Judy McKay noted that nothing in the way the Presbytery is structured will change until its bylaws are amended. Presbytery voted to adopt the report of the Vision Task Force as written (see appendix). Presbytery voted to approve an increase in Ruth Hicks’s salary as Stated Clerk to $2,000 per month and her hours to 20 per month during the transition to a new structure. COORDINATING COMMITTEE No formal report. BUDGET AND FINANCE The budget and actual income and expenditures for 2014 was distributed and discussed by Rodney Moore. COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY Presbytery voted to approve the Annual Reports of the Teaching Elders and Housing Allowance. (See appendix.) Presbytery voted to approve the request of Covenant Presbyterian Church session to waive the vacancy dues with the Board of Pensions for the head of staff position at the church, retroactive. Presbytery voted to appoint Kelly and Mike Nieto to a 1-year term of temporary service as Co-Pastors effective March 1, 2015. Presbytery voted to dissolve the relationship between Covenant Presbyterian Church and Kelly and Mike Nieto and the Associate Pastor position at Covenant Presbyterian Church. Presbytery voted to dissolve the pastoral relationship between First Presbyterian Church, Homedale, and the Rev. Marianne Paul effective February 8, 2015. Presbytery voted to form an Administrative Commission for Kingman Memorial Presbyterian Church, Adrian, Oregon, with the following authority: The Administrative Commission has the full authority of the Presbytery to execute the limited powers granted by the presbytery (G-9.0502). Those limited powers may include, inter alia, the powers: to determine whether a schism exists within the congregation (G-8.0601, G-11.0103); to make recommendations to the presbytery to dissolve pastoral relationships, or when requisite authority given by the presbytery, to dissolve pastoral relationships, G9.0503a(4); to assume original jurisdiction in any case it determines the session is unable or unwilling to manage wisely the affairs of its church (G-10.0102); to freeze the assets of the church (real and liquid); to determine if and when a meeting of the congregation is appropriate for the purpose of voting to withdraw from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); to call that congregational meeting, and provide the moderator and clerk for that meeting; to report results of congregational vote to the Council; to propose to the presbytery the recommendation for the disposition of the property held by or for the church, and the assumption of the liabilities of the church, in the event there is no viable faction of the congregation that has been identified as the true church within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 7 There being no nominations from the floor, Presbytery voted to elect the following as the Administrative Commission for Kingman Memorial Presbyterian Church, Adrian, Oregon: Teaching Elder Brian Grassley, HR Teaching Elder Rick Irish, HR Teaching Elder David Carlson, HR, Stated Supply, Kirkpatrick Memorial, Parma Ruling Elder Liz Leonardson, Southminster Ruling Elder Kathryn Baker, Bethany, Ontario Kingman Memorial wishes to become a community—nondenominational—church. Presbytery voted to approve that, pending approval of Heidi Smith’s terms of employment by First Presbyterian Church, Emmett, beginning February 15, 2015, she be authorized to serve in that 1/4 time position as pastor and be appointed to serve as moderator. The moderator prayed for Marianne as she leaves Homedale and for the Kingman church, its leadership, and the Administrative Commission. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION UPDATES Marianne Paul reported on Boone: the matter is still in the courts, and is going to trial. It is groundbreaking for Idaho. The Administrative Commission gave the Boone steering committee authority to appoint a nominating committee and elect a Session. Covenant: the Administrative Commission considers its work to be done. The congregation’s “interior leadership” having left, the Administrative Commission has supported the continuing congregation. The Administrative Commission to Covenant Presbyterian Church having completed its task, Presbytery voted to dismiss the Administrative Commission with thanks. NOMINATING The Coordinating Committee nominated David Beck, HR, to the Nominating Committee, class of 2017. There being no nominations from the floor, David Beck, HR, was elected to the Nominating Committee, class of 2017. The Nominating Committee nominated Marilyn Blair-Clausen, Ruling Elder, Bethany, Ontario, to the Budget and Finance Committee, class of 2017. There being no nominations from the floor, Marilyn Blair-Clausen, Ruling Elder, Bethany, Ontario, was elected to the Budget and Finance Committee, class of 2017. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSIONS, continued Tom Johnston reported that Trinity Presbyterian Church, Boise, is now officially closed. Presbytery voted to dismiss the Administrative Commission to Trinity Presbyterian Church, Boise, with thanks. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Jackie Benjamin reported on the activities of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery and its leadership. CAMP SAWTOOTH Senita Watkins, camp co-manager, presented a video on the camp and reported on last year’s activities and plans for next year. She distributed a box including the video and other goodies to each congregation. NEW BUSINESS Presbytery voted to appoint a special committee to draft bylaws necessary to implement the recommendations of the Vision Task Force, the nominating committee to recommend three persons to serve on the committee, and the Coordinating Committee of 8 Presbytery authorized to appoint the Special Committee, which shall report its progress at the May meeting of the Presbytery and shall propose bylaws to be adopted at the August meeting of the Presbytery. STATED CLERK Ruth noted that in February and March she will work on bylaws and manual of operations, to be presented at May meeting, when the Presbytery will initiate a search for an individual to fill the position of Stated Clerk. The Synod of the Pacific Mission Personnel Committee must be contacted, since the Presbytery is part of the Synod personnel system. Preliminary work will need to be done by the end of the summer; she will work through the August meeting and retire September 1, 2015. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Kathryn Baker reported on the Presbytery website. If pastors who blog want links on the website to their blogs, they should notify her. There are links to GA vote counts on the site. STATED CLERK, continued Identification cards for Teaching Elders will be here next week. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS, continued Rick Irish reminded commissioners about available training for spiritual directors. ADJOURNMENT Presbytery voted to adjourn at 2:20 p.m. The moderator offered the closing prayer. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Hicks, Stated Clerk Judy Austin, Recording Clerk APPENDIX I – Annual Reports of the Teaching Elders VALIDATION OF TEACHING ELDERS 2015 SERVING CONGREGATIONS Name Salary Housing Effective Salary** 67,275 Pension Total Allowances 10,323 Total: Eff. Sal. + Pen. + Allow. 102,153 Kukla 36,000 31,050 24,555 Carlson Francis 26,275.18 16,000 46,775.18 15,146.31 12,900 68,371.49 Geisel Glass 18,227.40 29,000 49,427.40 19,359.70 11,212.90 80,000 K Nieto M Nieto Paul Wilson PT 3,161 15,804 22,016 13,421.92 800 36,237.92 **Total Effective Salary may contain items not shown on the chart, e.g. reimbursements or 403b VALIDATION OF TEACHING ELDERS 2015 SERVING SPECIALIZED MINISTRY [Bold – have submitted reports] 9 Housing Allowance Request 19,500 Elizabeth Ryder 16,520 Green, Richard Rogers, Phil Thiry, JoAnn 14,400 Westfall, Nina Alex Chamberlain Goldthwaite, Ruth Murphy, John Smith, Mark Thomas Lobaugh 16,000 7,000 APPENDIX II – Attendance Teaching Elders Pastor Beck, David Beck, Elizabeth Binns, Jerry Carlson, David Chamberlain, Alex Dunn, Edward Francis, Karen Geisel, Marty Glass, Marci Goldthwaite, Ruth Grassley, Brian Green, Richard Hicks, Lee Hicks, Ruth Hindman, Gary Irish, Rick Jones, Wes Keener, Ed Kirk, Francis Koah, Tim Kukla, Andrew Lobaugh, Tom Marshall, Ralph Matthew, John McKay, Judy Murphy, John Nieto, Kelly Nieto, Mike Paul, Marianne Payne, John Pickrell, John Rogers, Phil Ryder, Elizabeth Shrumm, Norm Smith, Mark Swanson, Bruce Thiry, JoAnn Van Nest, Bob Westfall, Nina Wilson, Daryl Wood, Larry February 7 X X X X EXC X EXC X X X X X X X X X EXC X X X EXC. X EXC X X X X 10 Ruling Elders Church Adrian (1) Boise, Covenant (3) Boise, First (3) Boise, Southminster (3) Emmett, First (1) Homedale (1) King Hill, King Hill Com. (1) Nampa, First United (2) Elder Commissioners Ron Abbott Phil Ruebel Rick Smith Mathew Eardley Marilyn Fordham Louise Nagel Carolyn Blackhurst Andrew Dahlke Commissioned Ruling Elders Elders on Coordinating Committee Julie Anderson Carol Brunlinger Randy Marshall Evelyn Cates Sharon Holford Jacquelyn Benjamin Barry Fujishin Ken Jones Willard Kneidl Sally Moore Ontario, Bethany (1) Owyhee, Owyhee (1) Joya Hill Parma, Kirkpatrick Memorial (2) Tom Johnston John Vinson Joey Mills Kathryn Baker Jerry Hamby Weiser, Ch. of the Redeemer (1) REPORT OF THE COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR INFORMATION 1. The minutes of the April meeting as information: PRESBYTERY OF BOISE Coordinating Committee April 13, 2015 First Presbyterian Church, Boise The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Barry Fujishin, chairman, who offered the opening prayer. Committee members present were Kathryn Baker, Jacquelyn Benjamin, Evelyn Cates, Alex Chamberlain, Barry Fujishin, Brian Grassley, Ruth Hicks, Gary Hindman, Andrew Kukla, and Liz Ryder. Also present was Judy Austin, recording clerk. The Coordinating Committee voted to approve the agenda for the meeting. The Coordinating Committee voted to approve the minutes of its meeting of January 19, 2015. Stated Clerk Ruth noted that a process needs to be determined for hiring a new Stated Clerk, since her term expires at the end of August. The chair of the Personnel Committee, Ed Johnson, has not been involved thus far; the other members of the committee are Gary Hindman, Lorie Icenhower, Randy Marshall, and Marianne Paul. This process may best wait until after the Presbytery consultation on May 13. 11 The new bylaws will be given a first reading (with time for questions but not for proposing amendments) at the Presbytery meeting on May 2. The new manual of operations will be presented and voted on at the August meeting. Presbytery Consultation Following discussion about who should attend, the Coordinating Committee voted to call a special meeting of the Presbytery of Boise on Wednesday, May 13, from 1 to 9 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Boise, for the purpose of for the purpose of consulting with the Synod of the Pacific Transitional Executive, Jane Odell, and the General Assembly Mid-Council Staff, Sue Krummel, to help the Presbytery of Boise determine a future staffing configuration. There will be a supper provided for a small charge, and all interested parties are encouraged to attend. Presbytery Meeting The time of engagement at the May 2 Presbytery meeting will be a time of prayer. Finance Committee No report. Personnel Committee No report. Administrative Commissions and Other Congregational Matters The Boone Church court case awaits the filing of an appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court by those who have left the denomination and clarification of some parts of his decision by the trial judge. The Adrian church is meeting Wednesday with Cliff Looney, a Vale attorney (and member of the Ontario church) who has served on the GA Permanent Judicial Commission. It is likely that the congregation will vote to dissolve; property issues will be worked out. The Homedale church is doing well; Bruce Swanson is moderating its Session. Kathryn Baker will post the church newsletter on the Presbytery website. Committee on Ministry Marianne Paul will be interim at Nampa, Bruce Swanson moderating at Homedale, and Daryl Wilson moderating at Ontario. Readers of ordination exams are Daryl Wilson and Carol Brunlinger, with alternates Ruth Goldthwaite and Alex Chamberlain. There will be a Presbytery work day at the Homedale church on Saturday, June 27. Hilary Roethlisberger, Southminster, wishes to become an inquirer. She has had two years of seminary, at Princeton, and then dropped out to start a family. Heidi Smith will be examined at the May 2 meeting for membership in the Presbytery; she has been called to the Emmett church as a temporary pastor. Mission Committee The committee is seeking another $50,000 in mission money this year. It plans a Presbyterywide mission project, moving from church to church as the base. Among plans are a Cam Sawtooth picnic, work at the Presbyterian nursing home in Ontario and at Hope House and Maple Tree House in Weiser. Nominating Committee No report. 12 Presbyterian Women The Covenant and Christ (split from Covenant) PWs are holding a retreat at Nazareth Retreat Center, led by Kelly Nieto; women from other churches are welcome. Eastern Oregon and Boise Presbyteries are meeting jointly on September 26 to hear a participant in the PW Global Exchange program. The fall gathering will be in Weiser; no date is yet set. The Coordinating Committee voted to approve the agenda for the Presbytery meeting. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. with closing prayer by Brian Grassley. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Hicks, Stated Clerk Judy Austin, Recording Clerk 2. NOTE: The Coordinating Committee voted to call a special meeting of the Presbytery of Boise on Wednesday, May 13, from 1 to 9 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Boise, for the purpose of for the purpose of consulting with the Synod of the Pacific Transitional Executive, Jane Odell, and the General Assembly Mid-Council Staff, Sue Krummel, to help the Presbytery of Boise determine a future staffing configuration. 3. The bylaws are being presented for a “first reading.” Questions about process can be entertained. Discussion and motions will take place at the August meeting. The task group that presents the proposed bylaws based on the new Vision are: Ruth Hicks, Kathryn Baker, Joey Mills and Brian Grassley. VISION FOR THE PRESBYTERY OF BOISE ADOPTED: FEBRUARY 8, 2014 1. Mission Statement: As Boise Presbytery we are a covenant community of congregations, ruling elders and teaching elders joining together in mission offering mutual support, providing for worship and sacraments, nurturing faithful disciples of Jesus Christ and connecting with the councils of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. in solidarity with our ecumenical partners and with the interfaith community. 2. Our Vision: We envision a presbytery in which there is dedicated service of teaching and ruling elders, and the full participation of congregations. We propose that we work together as a presbytery and as committees to carry out the responsibilities of a presbytery described in the form of Government G-3.03. We also propose that in addition to the mission projects of congregations, that the presbytery develop mission projects that all congregations can support through personal involvement and financial contributions. 3. Committee structure for the Presbytery of Boise: Mission Strategy Committee (A representative from each congregation) Long Range Planning Supporting and connecting with the mission efforts of congregations Development of Presbytery mission projects Recommendations for establishing new worshiping communities Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Representation Young Adult, Youth ministry (including Triennium participation) 13 Leadership Development Committee Education for Elders and Deacons Planning for education of presbytery committees with committee chairs Planning and coordination of times of engagement for presbytery meetings Training specific ruling elders to administer the Lord’s Supper when committee on ministry and mission strategy deem it necessary, (e.g. in congregations without pastors and for new worshiping communities) Promote and interpret Presbyterian resources. Relate to the Shared Ministry Board Relate to Camp Sawtooth Board Committee on Ministry Encourage, guide and resource congregations Recommend appointments of moderators for congregations without pastors Recommend reception or dismissal of teaching elders Presbytery reference checks in pastoral searches Recommend reception, merger or dismissal of congregations Support, nurture and discipline of teaching elders and commissioned ruling elders Validation of specialized ministries of teaching elders Approval of sabbatical plans Approval of education plans for candidates for commissioned ruling elder and review of seminary education of candidates for teaching elder Committee on Preparation for Ministry: Work with inquirers and candidates for teaching elder and commissioned ruling elder. Financial Management Committee Presbytery budget Mission budget (with mission strategy) Financial planning and oversight Mission interpretation and Stewardship Personnel Committee Nominating Committee Permanent Judicial Commission 4. There is no Coordinating Committee. Committees will bring action items directly to the presbytery by submitting them for the agenda to the Stated Clerk, who will prepare the agenda and the call to the meeting. 5. Presbytery meetings will include worship, times of engagement, business meetings with consent agendas, and times for committees to meet with each other for coordination, and separately for education or business. 6. Staffing pattern: Stated Clerk, 1/3 Time, with compensation similar to the current compensation to be worked out by Personnel Committee. Recording Secretary, $100.00 per meeting Boise Presbytery shall hold a consultation on a “Sustainable Staffing Pattern” at a regular or called meeting with guidance from the Transitional Synod Executive and the Office of Mid-Council Relations. 7. At this time there will not be an executive presbyter. After the presbytery has developed a mission strategy, it may be feasible to call an executive for mission. 14 DOUBLE STRIKE-THROUGH = DELETE ITALICS = NEW WORDING/ADDITION/CHANGE Bylaws 08/12 August 2015 PRESBYTERY OF BOISE BYLAWS CHAPTER I NAME, DEFINITION, and BOUNDS 1.10 The corporate name is “The Presbytery of Boise.” 1.20 The Presbytery of Boise is the ecclesiastical council affiliated with the Synod of the Pacific and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), having original jurisdiction over all local churches and missions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), within the bounds described below. 1.30 The bounds of the Presbytery comprise the Counties of Owyhee, Canyon, Ada, Elmore, Payette, Gem, Washington, Adams, Valley, and Boise in the State of Idaho; area surrounding Adrian and Ontario in Malheur County in the State of Oregon; and that part of the County of Elko in the State of Nevada that comprises the Duck Valley Reservation. 1.35 The relationship between the Presbytery and its churches is a collaborative relationship. The Presbytery has oversight of the churches with regard to the churches’ conformity to the Book of Order of the PCUSA. The Presbytery is also expected to serve the churches by providing resources and skills that will enable the churches to better accomplish their mission. The churches provide the financial support and the service of talented church members. 1.40 The rules for governing bodies of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) so far as they apply to a Presbytery shall be the rules of the Presbytery of Boise. In addition the following Bylaws shall govern the proceedings of the Presbytery. 1.50 The fiscal year of the Presbytery shall be the calendar year. 1.60 In matters not governed by these Bylaws the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) and the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) shall govern the procedures of this Presbytery. 1.70 The executive body of the Presbytery is the Coordinating Committee. 1.80 1.70 There is a Permanent Judicial Commission as required by the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). CHAPTER X CHAPTER II CIVIL CORPORATION 10.102.10There shall be a corporate body called The Presbytery of Boise, incorporated perpetually under the laws of the State of Idaho, authorized to do business in the States of Oregon and Nevada as a foreign corporation, and under these Bylaws, to include the ecclesiastical body known as the Presbytery of Boise. 10.202.20There shall be a Board of Trustees (Board of Directors) of the Civil Corporation, which shall consist of the following members of the Coordinating Committee. Presbytery: chairpersons of the committees and Moderator of Presbyterian Women, the Stated Clerk, Moderator of the Presbytery, and Vice Moderator of the Presbytery. All members of the Board of Trustees shall have voice and vote at meetings of the Presbytery. The Stated Clerk of the Presbytery shall be the Secretary of the Civil Corporation. The Treasurer of the Presbytery shall be the Treasurer of the Civil Corporation. The President of the Civil Corporation shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee of Presbytery and elected by the Corporation’s members for a three-year term at an annual meeting of the Civil Corporation. The Vice-President of the Corporation shall be the Moderator of the Coordinating Council. 10.302.30The meeting of the Civil Corporation shall be held annually at the conclusion of the fourth Stated Meeting of the Presbytery. 10.402.40The Board of Trustees of the Civil Corporation shall meet on call. 10.502.50 In accordance with the Book of Order, G-4.0206a, the consent of Presbytery shall first be obtained in changing the location of church buildings; or if congregations wish to rent, encumber, or sell their real property. 15 CHAPTER II THE COORDINATING COMMITTEE 2.10 The work of the Presbytery shall be under the oversight of an executive body named the Coordinating Committee. Its responsibilities shall be to recommend and assist the Presbytery in administering a strategic plan, including the development of plans for new churches; the coordination of all agencies needed for the work of the Presbytery, and the planning of the agenda of Presbytery meetings. The Coordinating Committee of the Presbytery of Boise shall supervise and carry out such executive, promotional, and administrative duties as are referred to it by the Presbytery, a part of which shall be carried out through the Council Committees of Personnel and Budget and Finance. 2.20 The members of the Coordinating Committee shall be the Moderator of the Coordinating Committee, the Stated Clerk, the Moderator of the Presbytery, Vice-Moderator of the Presbytery, the chair of the Committee on Representation, the chair of the Presbytery Program Committee, the chair of the Committee on Ministry, the chair of the Mission Alliance Committee, the President of the Civil Corporation, the chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, the chair of the Personnel Committee, the chair of the Nominating Committee, the Moderator of Presbyterian Women, and a representative of the board of Camp Sawtooth. 2.25 Presbytery membership shall be granted to any ruling elder who is a member of the Coordinating Committee. Civil Corporation. Presbyterian membership to the Moderator of the Presbyterian Women. 2.30 The Coordinating Committee shall serve as the Trustees of the Civil Corporation of the Presbytery of Boise. 2.40 The Coordinating Committee shall nominate members of the Nominating Committee for election by the Presbytery. 2.60 The Coordinating Committee may recommend to Presbytery the appointment of a recording clerk, as a compensated position, to assist the Stated Clerk as specified by the Personnel Committee. 2.70 The Coordinating Committee shall meet at least four times during the calendar year. 2.80 The Coordinating Committee shall encourage the establishment and maintenance of those ecumenical relationships that will enlarge the life and mission of the church. Book of Order, G-3.0301a. CHAPTER IV CHAPTER III OFFICERS OF PRESBYTERY 4.10 3.10 The officers of the Presbytery shall be, Coordinating Committee Moderator, Moderator of the Presbytery, Vice-Moderator of the Presbytery, Stated Clerk, Treasurer, and President of the Civil Corporation. 4.20 3.20 The Moderator of the Presbytery shall serve one calendar year following election, and shall perform the duties assigned to that office according to the Book of Order G3.0104. The office shall be served alternately as nearly as possible by ruling elders and teaching elders. The Moderator may appoint commissions of Presbytery. 4.30 3.30 The Vice-Moderator shall fulfill the duties of Moderator as delegated by the Moderator. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the Moderator, the Vice-Moderator shall succeed to the office for the duration of the term. 4.35 3.40 The Moderator and Vice-Moderator shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee for approval by the Presbytery. The ordinary progression will be for the ViceModerator to serve as Vice-Moderator of the Presbytery, then Moderator, of the Presbytery. then Moderator of Coordinating Committee. 4.40 3.40 The Stated Clerk, Treasurer, and President of the Civil Corporation shall serve three-year terms. 4.50 3.50 The Stated Clerk shall be responsible for proper conduct of the office, according to the Book of Order, G-3.0104. The Stated Clerk shall be responsible for parliamentary procedures, and the interpretation of the Constitution of the PC (USA), for all correspondence and records, and for the minutes of the Presbytery. at both Coordinating Committee meetings and Presbytery meetings. The Stated Clerk shall examine the minutes 16 and record books of all churches in the Presbytery. The Stated Clerk shall be the Secretary of the Civil Corporation. This officer shall receive compensation for services. 4.60 3.60 The Stated Clerk may appoint a person to serve as parliamentarian, subject to the approval of the Presbytery. 4.70 3.70 The Treasurer shall receive all Presbytery funds and disburse them at the direction of the Presbytery. Treasurer shall forward the proper apportionments to the General Assembly and the Synod of the Pacific. The Treasurer shall prepare and submit a financial statement concerning the financial condition of the Presbytery at each stated meeting and an annual financial statement at the first stated meeting of the calendar year. 4.80 3.80 The President of the Civil Corporation of the Presbytery of Boise (Bylaws Chapter IX) should be one who is familiar with civil law. CHAPTER III CHAPTER IV THE TASK GROUPS 3.10 4.10 The services of the Presbytery may be provided by committees or task groups under the oversight of the Presbytery. of the Coordinating Committee. A task group is a team of volunteers undertaking the task of providing a service for the Presbytery. Throughout its existence the work of a task group is subject to review by the Coordinating Committee. the Presbytery. When the task is accomplished the task group disbands. CHAPTER V CHAPTER V MEETINGS 5.10 Four Stated meetings of the Presbytery shall be held each year. The meeting dates for the coming year shall be announced by the Coordinating Committee Stated Clerk at the last Stated Meeting of the year. 5.20 The handbook and docket shall be determined and arranged by the Coordinating Committee the Stated Clerk and announced by the Stated Clerk at least ten days before the date of the meetings. 5.30 The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper may be celebrated at each meeting, and shall be celebrated at the first stated meeting of the calendar year. 5.50 Committees, the Coordinating Committee, and commissions of Presbytery shall submit reports of their activities and request for actions to the Stated Clerk to be sent with the call and proposed docket of the Presbytery meetings. 5.60 Non-Budget Items: Any proposal for expenditure of money not previously budgeted shall be referred to the Coordinating Committee. Financial Management Committee and reported to the Presbytery. 5.61 5.70 The Moderator shall call a special meeting at the request, or with the concurrence, of two teaching elders and two ruling elders, the ruling elders being of different churches, or at the determination of the Coordinating Committee. Should the Moderator be unable to act, the Stated Clerk shall, under the same conditions, issue the call. If both Moderator and Stated Clerk are unable to act, any three teaching elders and three ruling elders, the ruling elders being of different churches, may call a special meeting. Notice of the special meeting shall be sent not less than ten days in advance to each minister and to the session of every church. The notice shall set out the purpose of the meeting, and no other business than that listed in the notice shall be transacted. 5.62 5.80 A quorum of the Presbytery shall be any three teaching elder minister members (teaching elders) and three ruling elder elder (ruling elder) members, commissioners provided that at least three churches are represented by the ruling elders. CHAPTER VI COMMITTEES OF PRESBYTERY 6.10 Committees of Presbytery 1. Committee on Ministry, which includes the Committee on Preparation for Ministry, shall be a minimum of six members, consisting of an equal number of ruling and teaching elders. 2. Committee on Representation – A minimum of two members. 17 3. Nominating Committee – A minimum of three members, nominated by the Coordinating Committee and elected by the Presbytery. 4. Mission Alliance Committee – A minimum of six members with the opportunity of any designated member of a congregation to attend the meetings without vote. 5. Presbytery Program Committee – A minimum of six members. 6. Budget and Finance Committee – A minimum of five members to include the chairperson of the Personnel and Mission Alliance Committees. Chairperson of this committee may serve as treasurer of the Presbytery. 7. Personnel Committee – A minimum of three members. The following committee structure is from the approved Vision. Minimums have been transferred where appropriate from the previous structure. 1. M ission Strategy Committee – A minimum of six members and a representative from each congregation Long Range Planning Supporting and connecting with the mission efforts of congregations Development of Presbytery mission projects Recommendations for establishing new worshiping communities Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Representation Young Adult, Youth ministry (including Triennium participation) 2. Leadership Development Committee – A minimum of six members Education for Elders and Deacons Planning for education of Presbytery committees with committee chairs Planning and coordination of times of engagement for Presbytery meetings Training specific ruling elders to administer the Lord’s Supper when committee on ministry and mission strategy deem it necessary, (e.g. in congregations without pastors and for new worshiping communities) Promote and interpret Presbyterian resources. Relate to the Shared Ministry Board Relate to Camp Sawtooth Board 8. Committee on Ministry - shall be a minimum of six members, consisting of an equal number of ruling and teaching elders. Encourage, guide and resource congregations Recommend appointments of moderators for congregations without pastors Recommend reception or dismissal of teaching elders Presbytery reference checks in pastoral searches Recommend reception, merger or dismissal of congregations Support, nurture and discipline of teaching elders and commissioned ruling elders Validation of specialized ministries of teaching elders Approval of sabbatical plans Approval of education plans for candidates for commissioned ruling elder and review of seminary education of candidates for teaching elder Committee on Preparation for Ministry: Work with inquirers and candidates for teaching elder and commissioned ruling elder. 3. Financial M anagement Committee – A minimum of five members Presbytery budget Mission budget (with mission strategy) Financial planning and oversight Mission interpretation and Stewardship Personnel Committee 4. Nominating Committee – A minimum of 3 members, nominated by the Board of Trustees and elected by the Presbytery 18 5. Permanent Judicial Commission – Membership per Book of Order 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 Committee members and chairpersons shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Presbytery. Committee members shall be elected in classes for three-year terms. Committee members are eligible for re-election to a second term. A committee member shall not serve consecutive terms of more than six years. Committees shall consist of laypersons and ministers with at least one half the members being laypersons. ,following the Book of Order, G-3.0109 prescription for balance and representation. Committees shall be responsible for submitting their budget requests for the coming year to the Budget and Finance Committee of the Coordinating Council Financial Coordinating Committee prior to the third Stated Meeting of the Presbytery. Committees shall report annually to the Nominating Committee their needs and recommendations for the new class to be nominated. There shall be a joint annual meeting of the Nominating Committee and the Committee on Representation. CHAPTER VII CHAPTER V II PERMANENT JUDICIAL COMMISSION 7.10 There shall be a permanent Judicial Commission composed of a minimum of seven persons in accordance with all the provisions of the Book of Order D-5.0100. 7.20 Duties and all other characteristics of the Permanent Judicial Commission shall be those described in the Book of Order, D-5.0202. 7.30 Members of the Permanent Judicial Commission shall be elected in classes for six-year terms. 7.40 The Permanent Judicial Commission shall meet at least once a year for purposes of organization. CHAPTER VIII COMMISSIONERS TO GOVERNING BODIES 8.10 General Assembly (8.11-8.14) 8.11 Commissioners and alternates to the General Assembly shall be elected at the direction of the General Assembly fourth Stated Meeting of the Presbytery the year prior to the General Assembly meeting. 8.12 The Teaching Elder Commissioners and the alternate shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee from among those ministers who are members of the Presbytery, provided those persons have attended the majority of the stated meetings of the Presbytery during the preceding 12 months. The list shall not include inactive ministers. They shall ordinarily, but not necessarily, be those who have rendered the longest service since their last attendance as General Assembly commissioner. 8.13 The Ruling Elder Commissioner and the alternate shall be nominated to the Presbytery by the Nominating Committee. Those nominated shall be ruling elders who have attended Presbytery and are familiar with the issues of the church. 8.14 The Young Adult Advisory Delegate and the alternate shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Presbytery. The youth delegate shall be between 18 and 22 years of age. 8.20 Synod (8.21-8.22) 8.21 Commissioners to Synod and alternates shall be nominated to the Presbytery by the Nominating Committee and elected in classes at the fourth Stated Meeting of the Presbytery, in compliance with the standing Rules of the Synod of the Pacific. 8.22 In electing Synod Commissioners the procedures for the election of General Assembly Commissioners shall be followed. 8.30 Presbytery (8.31) 8.31 Commissioned Ruling Elders shall have the right to voice and vote at Presbytery meetings. 19 CHAPTER IX INTER-PRESBYTERY AGENCIES 9.10 Camp Sawtooth Board of Directors (9.21-9.23 9.11 – 9.13) 9.11 Boise Presbytery shall be represented on the Board of Directors responsible for maintaining the program and facilities of the Camp Sawtooth. 9.12 The Nominating Committee shall nominate and the Presbytery shall elect annually at the fourth Stated Meeting two persons to serve on the Camp Sawtooth Board for three-year terms. 9.13 Presbytery representatives to the Camp Sawtooth Board shall be responsible for reporting annually to the Presbytery. Reports shall include a complete statement of programs, finances, and future plans. 9.14 Shared Ministry Board (9.15 – 9.17) 9.15 Boise Presbytery shall be represented on the Shared Ministry Board that is responsible for the cooperative venture of the Presbyteries of Boise and Eastern Oregon in lay leadership training and education. Each person will serve on the Shared Ministry Board for a three-year term. Board members are eligible for re-election to a second term. A Board member shall not serve consecutive terms of more than six years. 9.16 The Shared Ministry Board shall have oversight of the Paul Kessell Resource Center. 9.17 Presbytery representatives to the Shared Ministry Board shall be responsible for reporting annually to the Presbytery. Reports shall include a complete statement of programs, finances and future plans. CHAPTER XI CHAPTER X AMENDMENTS 11.1010.10These Bylaws shall supersede and invalidate all former Bylaws of this Presbytery. 11.2010.20These Bylaws shall be amended by the following process: 1. Written notice of the proposed change shall be sent with the call to a stated meeting where it shall be presented, but not debated. 2. Vote on the change shall take place at the following stated meeting. 3. A two-thirds majority shall be required for adoption. REPORT OF THE MODERATOR OF THE PRESBYTERY REPORT OF THE STATED CLERK To be entered into the minutes: The annual reading of the minutes of the session took place on April 11, 2015. The following churches are out of compliance: Homedale First, Owyhee, and Church of the Redeemer. The following churches were accepted without exception: Boise First, Southminster, Adrian, Emmett First, King Hill, Nampa, Bethany, Kirkpatrick Memorial and Covenant. Boone Memorial does not have minutes – the AC keeps their minutes of meetings. REPORT OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE The report will be handed out at the presbytery meeting. REPORT OF THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY/COMMITTEE ON PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY FOR INFORMATION: 1. COM approved the interim contract and interim call of the Rev. Marianne Paul to the Nampa church, effective May 1, 2015. 2. Daryl Wilson is moderating the session of Bethany church and Bruce Swanson is moderating the session of the Homedale church. 20 3. An exit interview was conducted with the Rev. Karen Francis as she moves from Bethany to a chaplain position with St. Luke’s. 4. COM approved the Cooperative Exam Readers for 2015: TE Daryl Wilson, RE Carol Brunlinger, Alternates Ruth Goldthwaite and Alex Chamberlain. 5. The COM is developing new processes for the yearly evaluation of Commissioned Ruling Elders and the Validation of teaching elders not serving congregations. 6. Homedale is asking the presbytery to come to a Work Day the last Saturday in June. Information will be sent to the churches, pastors, and clerks of session. FOR RECOMMENDATION: 1. Examine the Rev. Heidi Smith, Kendall Presbytery, for membership. Heidi Smith Statement of Faith I believe in One God, revealed in Three Persons wholly indwelling in one another. His triune nature reminds us we are created to be in community. I believe God the Father is the Creator of all things; creation is ongoing and more complex than we can comprehend. Like Paul and Calvin, I believe God reveals His power through creation; having seen creation we have no excuse for unbelief. I believe Jesus the Son came to more clearly reveal God. In His humanity He occupied a time and space in history; through His divinity He was God since before the beginning of time and will be God forever. I believe in His Resurrection; the end of earthly life is not the end of life as God knows it. There remains mystery in death, but I am confident God is present on the other side of it. I believe in the Holy Spirit as God present with, within and around us. The Spirit speaks and reveals all truth but it is up to us to listen. I believe we are called into personal relationship with God, mediated by the Spirit. I believe we cannot fully understand God in this life, but the imperfection in understanding is due to our limitations; God has no limitations. I believe Scripture is authoritative and contains the basis for our relationship with God; still, the “great cloud of witnesses” both before and after Christ’s incarnation provides valuable illumination about God's nature and will. I stand with Calvin in believing that reading, hearing and preaching of the Word are essential and that the two sacraments instituted by Christ—baptism and the Lord's Supper—are means of grace supplemental to the Word. I believe humanity is imperfect; we require God’s grace to be in relationship with Him, with others and with our world. I believe evil results from turning our backs on God. Despite our brokenness, we are justified once and for all by grace through Christ's atoning sacrifice on the cross, but our sanctification is a process, not a single event. We will not achieve perfection in this life. We will err, but in our striving, prompted by grace, we become closer to God. I believe in the church as a family of believers called into community, ordained by God, to minister and witness to the world. I believe forgiveness is essential to relationships between people; it only happens when God is a part of it, and it occurs when we take ownership in our transgressions. The ultimate forgiveness was Christ’s death on a cross. I value experience and reason; God would not have given us minds without expecting us to use them, just as He expects us to use all our gifts. Knowledge does not conflict with wisdom or faith. Scientific frontiers are experiences in faith; if we had to see before we could believe, we would not look for cures 21 for disease, new technologies, or expand our horizons. It is because we believe that we continue to seek—reaching out for knowledge is an extension of reaching out to God, who we cannot see but whose presence surrounds us and sustains us like the air we breathe. 2. The Committee on Preparation for Ministry recommends Hillary Roethlisberger as an Inquirer for ministry. Hillary is a member of Southminster church. REPORTS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSIONS REPORT OF THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Boise—May 2, 2015 The 2015 PWP Spring Gathering was at Southminster on March 14, 2015. Forty women attended from eight churches in our Presbytery. We were introduced to Artisans For Hope by presenter Hildy Ayer, who told us, “This is a place where refugees connect, learn, create and earn.” It is a community-based, volunteerdriven nonprofit organization in Boise, with the goal of helping incoming refugees develop the skill base, language acquisition, and confidence to successfully integrate into their new community. All this is accomplished by building on the traditional fiber-related handcraft skills and interests and stories of the refugees. More information at The Spring 2015 edition of “Spirit Weaving,” the newsletter of PW of the Presbytery of Boise, has been published and is available on the Presbytery website. Covenant Presbyterian Women are sponsoring a Women’s Mini-Retreat on Saturday, May 16, 2015, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Nazareth Retreat Center, 4450 N. Five Mile Road, Boise. Girls and women 14 years and older are invited. Retreat fee is $35.00, to be paid by April 26th. Questions may be directed to Joni Kelley (297-5600) or Dottie Barrons (378-1290). Twelve women from Presbytery of Boise are attending the Churchwide Gathering in Minneapolis June 18-21: one from Emmett, Nampa and Parma, with four from Southminster and five from Ontario, including two mother/daughter teams. The 2015 PW Churchwide Gathering theme is “One Body, One Spirit.” The Gathering will take place June 18-21 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The cost will be: Registration @ $395; 3 nights at the Hyatt @ $169 plus tax ($507+); and airfare. Carol Collins of the Kirkpatrick Memorial Community Church in Parma is the recipient of PW scholarship funds to attend the Gathering. It isn’t too late to register. Registration booklets are available online, and you can also register online at: On September 26th there will be a PW Global Exchange to the Caribbean presentation by Linda Lee in Baker City. We will get to know the women from Eastern Oregon Presbytery who will also attend. It is hoped that a busload of women will attend from the Boise Presbytery! The 2015 Fall Gathering will take place October 10th and will be hosted by the women of Church of the Redeemer in Weiser. Submitted by Jacquelyn Benjamin, Moderator of PW in the Presbytery of Boise MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS SHARING OF CELEBRATIONS/UPCOMING EVENTS FROM OUR CONGREGATIONS ADJOURN WITH PRAYER FOR LUNCH 22
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