WELCOME TO WORSHIP We are always happy to have visitors with us in Cregagh; and we welcome any who may be Worshipping with us this morning. We are delighted to have as our guest speaker, Ms Linda Wray, the CSW Residential Services Manager in with PCI. Ms Wray is also a member of McQuiston Memorial Presbyterian Church. We would invite our visitors to sign the Visitor’s Book in the Vestibule, giving full name and postal address. Any parents of young children are invited to make use of the Creche (in the Session Room) for babies or KidZone (in the Stewart Hall) for 3 year olds upwards who leave church after the Children’s Address and hymn. ** The following may help our visitors to share in the service:** The Processional and Recessional hymns are not announced – the numbers are on the hymn boards (those marked ‘Hy’, ‘Ps’ and ‘Par’ are in the red Irish Presbyterian Hymn Book, and those marked ‘G’ are in the Glory to God books) – both books are in the pews. ** Please stand (if able) as the service begins when the Bible, Choir and Minister enter church. ** The Offering is after the Sermon and is not announced. ** Please stand (if able) as the collectors bring the Offering to the Sanctuary for dedication, and remain standing until after the Recessional hymn and the Bible is carried from church. TODAY’S FLOWERS The Pedestal flowers are provided by Mr R Irvine, Glenholme Avenue. The Sanctuary flowers which are provided by Mrs A Whaley, Holywood Road are ‘In Memory’ GARDEN FETE/CAR BOOT SALE MEETING Anyone who has been, is, or would like to be involved in the Summer Garden Fete or Car Boot Sales are asked to meet for a few minutes in the Session Room immediately after this morning’s service. This meeting to consider the continuation of both these fund raising events and how best to deal with any uncertainty regarding their future. PRESBYTERY SERVICE The East Belfast Presbytery Service will be held today at 7.00 p.m. in 1st Holywood Presbyterian Church, Bangor Road, Holywood. The Sermon will be preached by Rev Stephen Lockington, (Mullingar Presbyterian Church) It is hoped that a good number of Cregagh members will join with our friends from the other congregations in the Presbytery. KIRK SESSION Kirk Session will meet on Tuesday at 7.45 p.m. in the Session Room. The Finance Committee will meet at 7.30 p.m. in the Minister’s Room. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY The final session of this year’s Lenten Bible Study will be held on Wednesday from 10.30 a.m. – 12.00 noon in Robyn McCullough’s home, 27 Ballygowan Road. OFFICE HOURS Rev Dalzell will be in the Minister’s Room on Thursday from 7.30 – 8.30 p.m. OPEN CHURCH The church will be open for private prayer and meditation on Friday and each Friday during Lent from 10.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. LENTEN LUNCHES – ‘Come dine with us! The sixth of this year’s Lenten Lunches will be served on Friday from 12.00 noon – 1.30 p.m. in the Allen Hall. Only £5 for a nice lunch comprising of a choice of soup, wheaten bread, French rolls, traybakes and tea or coffee. Proceeds are for the Building Fund. The lunches this year have been very well supported, so if you haven’t been please come along – we would love to see you. READING CIRCLE The Reading Circle will meet on Friday at 7.30 p.m. at the Ferguson home, 16 Cairnshill Park to watch ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ on DVD. Then on Friday, 10th April, the books, ‘The Martian’ by Andy Weir and ‘The girl on the train’ by Paula Hawkins will be reviewed at the Dunlop home, 5 Ardenlee Avenue. Further information available from May Gordon (07969149048) or Carol McCormick (07936529562) COFFEE MORNING A Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday from 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon at the home of Kathryn Glover, 16 Vestry Road, Ballygowan. Donations are in aid of Transplant Sport UK which is the largest national charity promoting active recovery for transplant recipients and increasing the awareness of the benefits of organ donation through sport. Kathryn Has been selected for Team GB & NI at the forthcoming World Transplant Games in Argentina this August. Her fundraising is helping GB athletes and their supporting medical team to travel to the games. Information: contact Kathryn (07810276546) APRIL CAR BOOT SALE The next Car Boot Sale will take place on Saturday week, 4th April from 9.00 a.m. Booking for car spaces or hall tables to Karen McCurry (07552606550) SHOPPING TRIP DOWN SOUTH! Bookings for the shopping trip to Avoca and Kildare Outlet Village on Saturday 25th April have been exceptionally good. Only 6 more people are needed to fill a 53 seater coach which means the cost would only be £11.50. To book one of these last 6 seats please contact Angela Watson (07891554807) or Cheryl Cowling (07890064772) Palm Sunday 29th March at 11.00 a.m. Reception of New Communicants and Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Retiring Offering in aid of the Benevolent Fund. Tuesday 31st March at 10.45 a.m. Morning Watch Wednesday 1st April at 7.45 p.m. ‘Music for Holy Week’ in McQuiston Memorial Presbyterian Church Thursday 2nd April at 7.30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion Good Friday, 3rd April at 12.00 noon and 7.30 p.m. Meditations for Good Friday Easter Sunday, 5th April at 11.00 a.m. Easter Day Service TABLE QUIZ A Table Quiz in aid of the Building Fund will be held on Thursday 17th April at 7.30 p.m. in the Allen Hall. Tickets (£20 for a team of 4) are available from Eddie or Sandra Harper. MOVIE NIGHT A Movie Night at the Tudor Cinema, Comber will be held on Wednesday 20th May proceeds of which will go to help our friends in Malawi. There will only be 60 – 70 seats so please put the date in your dairy. Inquiries to Carol McCormick, Heather Sharpe or Christine Sharpe. CHURCH CAR PARKING In the interests of health and safety we would point out that car parking in the church grounds on Sundays is only permitted in the designated areas. These designated car park spaces are provided for those with mobility issues. It is quite in order for drivers to ‘drop off’ elderly folk or young children in the grounds but having done so to park on the road or one of the streets/avenues close to the church. There is strictly no parking on the driveways in front of the church or Allen Hall. Your cooperation in this matter is very much appreciated. SESSION MINUTES Elders are asked to collect their Minutes/Agenda from the pigeon holes today. It just takes seventeen muscles to smile But forty-three to frown. So do what you’ve got to do with a smile And it will take much less effort! WEEKLY NEWS SHEET SHEET The Fifth Sunday in Lent Passion Sunday 22nd March 2015 “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) “He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 50:6) TODAY’S SERVICE at 11.00 a.m. in the Church Service conducted by the Minister. Guest Speaker: Linda Wray Scripture Readings: Matthew 25: 31-46 and 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15 Cregagh Presbyterian Church 102-104 Cregagh Road Belfast BT6 0ER Tel: 028 9045 5160 Website: cregaghpresbyterian.org Minister: Rev. Paul T. Dalzell.
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