First Presbyterian Church Newsletter 2015 June Coffee Sunday

First Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Sunday Worship:10:45 a.m.
110 North Adams Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Phone (850) 222-4504 Fax (850) 222-2215
email: w e b s i t e : w w w . o l d f i r s t c h u r c h . o r g
Pastor’s Blog: b r a n t c o p e l a n d . c o m
201 5
CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 AM—12:30 PM AND 1:30PM—5:00PM, Monday—Friday
June Coffee Sunday
Old First Church has long hosted
Sunday lunch for our hungry neighbors, with the help of partners and
With the opening of the
new, beautiful Kearney Center,
ECHO chose to discontinue this particular part of their mission. We at
First Church (and many of the partners) feel the need to continue this
ministry, while we assess the
Kearney Center's impact. (Adonica
is happy to chat with you about it.)
Meanwhile, for 28 June we need the
good hands, good hearts and good
cooks of First Presbyterian! We expect 60-70 guests, to enjoy fried
chicken, baked sweet potatoes,
coleslaw, bread/rolls and homemade desserts. If you can contribute time, foodstuffs or both, please
contact Adonica at or
Coffee Sundays are usually the second
Sunday of the month; however, there
will probably be no sales in July or August. Sales have been waning over the
past months; so, no new coffee will be
ordered until the supply on hand has
been sold. This is a good time to try
something other than your usual variety. Who knows? You may like it even
better than your current selection!
Fair trade coffee may be purchased after the worship service in the education
building conference room. This is a
mission of the Presbyterian Church and
here at Old First Church $1.00 per bag
of coffee goes to Presbyterian
Disaster Relief.
June 14
Summer Newsletter Schedule
The newsletter is on a bi-weekly publication
schedule for the summer; so, plan your
announcements in advance.
Dates of publication:
June 22
July 6
July 20
August 3 resume weekly publication
Submit items for publication to:
no later than noon Monday.
Where in the World Is Christy Williams?
Christy Williams, Director of Christian Education here at FPC, will leave on June 1 to begin
serving as the Adjunct Staff Person for the youth conference at Montreat Conference Center.
She will return on June 20 in time to meet with camp staff one more time and be ready to
welcome campers to FPC’s Summer Camp on June 22. While she is away she can be reached
by email, She will be answering emails throughout her time at
Summer Schedule
Our Summer Schedule began Sunday, May 24th.
Church School classes for all ages will resume in August.
The Preschool class and our nursery will be available for drop off beginning at 10:00 a.m. and
children will be cared for through the worship hour.
First Presbyterian Church’s Summer Camp 2015:
Washed in God’s Love
A four week, full day Summer Camp Program for Elementary School-aged children.
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Completed kindergarten through completed fifth grade
Week one: June 22-26
Week two: June 29-July 3
Week three: July 6 – 10
Week four: July 13-17
Incentives: early registration discount, multiple week discount and sibling registration discount.
Get a brochure from the bulletin board on the main floor of the Education building or in the Sanctuary OR go to our website
and click the duck for an online brochure.
Childcare for infants and toddlers is available in our education building from 10:00 a.m.– Noon on
Sundays. Heavenly Helpers Agency provides our babysitters and they are all background checked
and trained in caring for children as well as CPR/First Aid. Volunteers also assist sitters in the
Lectionary Readings
June 14 2015
3rd Sunday after Pentecost
June 21, 2015
4th Sunday after Pentecost
Middle and High School Youth Group
Sign-Up for Facebook Page
Our end of the year meeting was Sunday, May 17th with a
dinner and review of the church year. We will meet again
during the summer for special events. Check the Facebook
page and your email for information. If you are in High
School please join the HSYG Facebook page – First Presbyterian Church HSYG. Information about upcoming events
and happenings in each other’s lives are posted there.
Prayer Chain Ministry
One of the ministries of First Church is a prayer chain that responds to specific
needs of our members and friends at any time. Whenever there is a specific need
and desire for prayer, you can contact the coordinator at
It might be for someone who is anticipating surgery or recovering from illness; it
might be for someone preparing for a job interview; it might be thanksgiving for the
birth of a child or a significant anniversary. Once the coordinator knows of a need,
it will be relayed to the prayer chain for the volunteers in that ministry to hold up
the specific concerns or celebrations in prayer for as long as is needed. If you would
to to be added to the list.
"Day by Day..."
Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 3158 Shamrock South, Tallahassee, invites
you to the presentation by St. Stephen United Methodist Church, Mesquite,
TX, of Elation! youth drama choir, in concert with Godspell, a musical based
on the Gospel according to St. Matthew, Friday, June 19, at 7 p.m. EDT.
Free admission.
Called Presbytery Meeting June 28
In accordance with the Presbytery's Manual of Operations, a called meeting for the Presbytery of Florida has
been scheduled for Sunday, June 28, at 4 p. m. CDT at First Presbyterian Church, Chipley. The purpose is to
hear the following recommendations from the Presbytery Leadership Team (PLT):
1. That the Presbytery elect a Search Committee for the purpose of searching for a new Coordinating Presbyter;
2. That the Presbytery celebrate the ministry of Ted Land as Coordinating Presbyter;
3. That the Presbytery change the date of the September stated meeting to September 15, 2015;
4. To take other actions deemed relevant to issues 1, 2, and 3.
A docket with a detailed report regarding the above matters will be electronically mailed no later than June 17,
Opportunities abound ...
... for helping:
Numerous states have been affected by flooding this year due to the melting from heavy snow fall
and a higher than average amount of rainfall. More than 150 locations in the central and southern Plains are
currently reporting river flooding, the majority of which are in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, eastern
Kansas and western Missouri. The relentless rain and storms have impacted a wide swath of Texas since the
Memorial Day weekend. The severe weather left at least 23 people dead, and an estimated 4,000 homes damaged, washed away, or otherwise destroyed.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has been in continual contact with mid-councils that have been experiencing storms and flooding, and has responded to the most affected ones, Grace, Mission and New Covenant,
with One Great Hour of Sharing funds and the presence of National Response Team (NRT) members, and has
also reached out to Palo Duro to offer assistance.
Two congregations and a New Church Development, Saint Paul Presbyterian Church, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church and Iglesia Cristiana Latina Presbiteriana in New Covenant Presbytery, sustained damage from the
flooding. PDA is working with Presbyterian leadership to help these churches with their needs.
John Knox Ranch camp, a Presbyterian camp situated on the Blanco River, was affected by the flooding in Texas. While most of the buildings at John Knox stand on a ridge and were unaffected by the flood waters, the
camp sustained extensive damage to the dining hall, swimming pool and two shower houses that were located
below the ridge.
Please "stand in the GAP" for all who are affected by the flooding:
Give. Share your financial blessing and designate your gift to DR000191 - U.S. Flooding. Gifts can be made
online, by phoning 800-872-3283 weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. EDT, or by mailing a check to
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), PO Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700.
Assemble Gift of the Heart kit clean-up buckets to help with response and recovery efforts following disasters in
the U.S.A.
Volunteers may be needed to help with cleanup and rebuilding; register your team's interest with the PDA Call
Center or call 1-866-732-6121.
Pray for all who have been affected by storms and flooding, for those who remain in harm's way and for those
involved in responding to needs.
Pursued by Grace, the national 1001 New Worshipping Communities conference, for
anyone interested or involved in the 1001 movement, will be held Aug. 10 – 13 at
St. Pete Beach, FL. The conference will offer:
Workshops to stretch the mind & heart,
Resources for moving forward in ministry,
Space for rest and new relationships, and to be pursued by God,
Language-specific offerings for Hispanic, Brazilian and Korean attendees,
Meetings for African Immigrant transformational leaders
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