FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THOMASVILLE NOVEMBER 2014 The Mustard Seed NOVEMBER CALENDAR Unless otherwise noted, the following events are held each week: Sundays (nursery provided) Sunday School at 9:45 am Coffee Fellowship at 10:30 am Worship Service at 11:00 am Tuesdays Al-Anon at 7:00 pm Wednesdays Thomasville Seventh Day Adventists at 6:00 pm Saturdays Thomasville Seventh Day Adventists at 9:30 am Additional events for November: 11/02 Daylight Savings Time Ends 11/04 Afternoon Circle at 2:30 pm Building & Grounds Committee at 7:00 pm 11/08 Seventh Day Adventists’ Fall Festival 7-10 pm 11/09 Service Committee at 12:15 pm 11/11 Session Meets at 7:00 pm 11/16 Nickels for Hunger Offering POYQ at 4:30 pm 11/17 PC Class at 7:00 pm 11/20 Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall 1:30-6:00 pm 11/23 Communion Mustard Seed Submissions Deadline 11/27 Thanksgiving Holiday—Office Closed 11/29 Decorate Church at 3:00 pm (punch & cookies provided) 11/30 Hanging of the Greens Witness Committee at 12:15 pm FOOD OF THE MONTH FOR CCM: BOXED CEREAL PRAYER FAMILIES FOR NOVEMBER 1st week: 2nd week: 3rd week: 4th week: Ramona Cranford Aden & Dori Tyson Bruce & Jill Dale Liz & Jason Jenkins Carol Darr Bonnie Bradham Ellen Felton Sue Hunter PW Global Exchange Update As you read this, I will be on my way with forty-seven other Presbyterian Women to the Caribbean for the Global Mission. I want to thank First Presbyterian Church for your support. I appreciate all of you who gave me money to help defray the cost, and also the ladies that crocheted 60 yarn necklaces and light-up bracelets to give to the children. The Salem PW and the mid-Atlantic have supported me with cash and necklaces as well. I will take around 200 with me! Please keep all of us in your prayers as we do the Lord’s work. Thanks again, Karen Rubish SESSION HIGHLIGHTS, OCTOBER 2014 PASTOR’S REPORT Supply pastors have been lined up for 10/19, 10/26, and 11/2. We are growing with more young families and need to consider ways to address their spiritual needs from nursery, to Sunday school through worship service and including POYQ. TREASURER’S REPORT Cash on Hand remaining after subtracting Unreserved Fund/Liability Accounts and Lilly Fund is $40,100.24, including Non-Profit Checking and Money Market Accounts. The Money Market Account includes $2,500.00 in prepaid pledges. $1,216.24 was transferred out of Money Market Account and sent to LPL Financial so that all of the Endowment Fund would be reflected in the correct account, which would bring our bank accounts and designated accounts in correct alignment. $4,000.00 was transferred from Money Market Account to Non-Profit Checking to cover payroll. Office Expense was over this month due to quarterly billing for printing. Christian Education was over this month due to supplies purchased for POYQ. Taxes that Empower House had paid in advance were refunded to them in September, leaving a negative amount under income for Loftin Property Rent. Expenses were $3,555.91 greater than income. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building & Grounds: Double doors to front of fellowship foyer are complete. Christian Education: Suggested Uses for $25,000 Gift—Purchase new edition of hymnals for choir, Yulia, and projection screen for $900; hire part-time student preparing for the ministry to come on Sundays for Sunday School, children’s sermon, children’s church for elementary students, and maybe POYQ meeting, with pay of $100-$150 per week ($5200-$7800 per year); provide instrumentalists for special occasions . Congregational Care: Committee supports creating a position for a Youth Pastor and planned activities for youth, as well as money budgeted for Congregational Care. Personnel: The Personnel Committee has completed its review of Office Manager's performance and will give that report at meeting. Review of Music Director will rely mainly on choir members and Mike for input. A sub-committee comprised of CE and Personnel have drafted updates/changes to the proposed Sexual Misconduct Policy. All teachers and nursery attendants will be required to read and sign off on this policy annually. Session approved the policy. Service: From now until the end of the year the committee will be busy with food drives, Give-a-Kid- a Coat campaign, a shoe drive, CCM meals of grace, and Ringing the Bell for Salvation Army. Witness: A big THANK YOU to session members that helped with the Faith, Family, and Fun event in September. Committee is checking into getting new FPC engraved pens for less money. Worship: Worship Committee is updating costumes for the Christmas Pageant, and Mike is updating the script. We will decorate windows, Fellowship Hall, etc., on Nov. 29. Hanging of the Greens will be Dec. 30. Advent Devotional books have been selected & ordered. Recommendations for money gift: youth director to give youth sermons/training during Sunday Service and assist Mike with POYQ and youth activities; materials and activities for the youth; new hymnals. NEW BUSINESS Session elected Julie Tyson as commissioner for the Salem Presbytery Meeting on November 8th at North Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church. Salem Presbytery has announced that Online Giving is now available for pledge payments to the Presbytery, donations, or other gifts. Session received “Giving Made Easy” information to consider setting up an automated way to receive online donations, pledges, and tithes. Cost associated with this will depend on the plan selected (fixed monthly charge $10 - $30). Rev. Joel Long will be Interim General Presbyter while Sam Marshall is on sabbatical. He will be available 20 hours a week and can be reached through the Salem office. 11/2 11/3 11/3 11/4 11/7 11/11 Joe Harrison Anice Griffin Barbara Manning Noah Manning Sam McColl Donna Whitman 11/13 11/14 11/14 11/18 11/24 Dee Harrison Carol Darr Josef Walker Ben Moroni Aden Tyson 11/30/1957 Don & Jane Osborne TREAURER’S REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 Pledges Facility Use & Property Income Special Offering & Other Inc. Month of September Actual Budget Variance 7,903 11,143 (3,240) Total Operating Expenses Special Offerings Disbursements Surplus/(Deficit) Variance 4,551 57 1,182 (1,125) 8,902 10,637 (1,735) 375 287 88 5,106 4,108 998 - - 25,461 - 25,461 8,335 12,613 (4,278) 144,299 115,024 29,274 11,308 11,432 (124) 111,510 113,133 (1,623) 583 627 (44) 6,989 8,921 (1,932) (3,556) 554 -4,109 25,799 (7,030) 32,829 Gifts Total Income YTD thru September Actual Budget 104,830 100,279 Pledges for September were $3,240 under budget. Year to Date pledges look good because of prepaid pledges. We now have only $2,500 of prepaid pledges left of the original $10,500 we had at the beginning of the year. Please prayerfully consider bringing your pledge up to date. Expenses were under budget by $124 in September. Each of you should have received your pledge card for 2015 by now. Please be encouraged to go on faith in filling out and returning the pledge card by November 2. You may put your pledge card in the plate on any Sunday. If you forget to bring it with you, there on cards on the table in the Narthex. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOVEMBER 2014 21 Randolph Street Thomasville NC 27360 Please submit any information or articles for the December issue of The Mustard Seed by December 21, 2014 to the following email address:, and indicate “Mustard Seed” in the subject line. For questions about submitting information, please contact Sandi Rice at the email above or by phone at 336-472-8527. The Session The Rev. Michael Lamm, Moderator Marguerite Fowler, Clerk Class of 2014 Eddie Coggins Marguerite Fowler Julie Tyson Class of 2015 Gene Moore Jim Moore Johnnie Suggs Rev. Curtis Patterson, Pastor Emeritus Carole Skinner, Office Manager Yulia Roubtsova, Director of Music Phil Griffin, Moderator, Men of the Church Shirley Byrnes & Cheryl Wilson, Co-Moderators, Presbyterian Women Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-12:00 noon Church Office Phone/Fax: 336-476-4110 Pastor’s Cell Phone: 336-848-6536 Web Page: Email Addresses: Class of 2016 Carolyn Bennett Anice Griffin Travis Hege
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