HANSVATIKA DAY BOARDING SCHOOL G – BLOCK ASHOK VIHAR PHASE – I DELHI – 110052 Email: hansvatikadb@gmail.com Website: www.Hansvatikadayboarding.com Face book: HansVatika@gmail.com PLAY – WAY HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2015 -16 Save Electricity Its time for summer holidays Happiness to be spread in so many ways ! Have an ice cream & drink some lemonade, Rejoice, sitting under a tree’s cool shade. Cool drinks Exercise Save Water Save paper Time to have fun, Don’t run under the sun, Sit back and have some fun, Learn a new skill, eat an ice cream and chill. TIPS FOR SUMMER BREAK Dos Donts Always start your day with prayers. Don’t Watch TV for long hours Drink lots of liquids like water, juice etc. Don’t Eat junk food. Wear cap and carry an umbrella when you move out during day time. Don’t Play in sun. Help your parents at home by putting your things in place. Wish your elders and guests. Always use these words – Thank you , Sorry , Please , Excuse me Note: Bring your child close to nature and let him/her learn different concepts through nature . Whenever you are going for an outing with your child make sure you discuss about the surroundings and have an open conversation with him / her. For e.g. - colour of the dress also relate the colour with the objects of same colour in the environment. Make sure that your child accompanies you while going to the super market ,mother dairy ,etc .Show different vegetables and fruits and tell him/her to draw and colour the picture of fruits and vegetables. 1 1. English Know Yourself Learn the following sentences related to ‘Myself’: My name is ______________. I am a boy / girl. My mother’s name is ________. My father’s name is _________. My address is ______________. My telephone no. is __________. My school is Hansvatika Day Boarding School. My class is PLAY WAY. Take a cut out of a any two objects(chair, table, fan, window, display board, dustbin, smart board) and colour it accordingly. Attach a string or ribbon so that the child can wear it. Learn 3-4 lines on it for Show and Tell activity. Help your ward to practice the given strokes on drawing sheets. Learn the story – SUNNY THE SUNFLOWER Once upon a time there was a bright yellow sunflower named, Sunny. One day it was raining very heavily and the ants could not go out find food. So, Sunny gave them his petals to eat. After some days there was no water and sunny the sunflower was dying. Ants brought water and poured on him. Sunny was cheerful again. Moral: We should help each other. 2. Maths MAGIC BOX Take an empty box . Cover label and decorate it nicely. Things to be kept in the box: Small flash cards of the size 4” * 4” each a) Numbers: - 0-9 with red glitter sheet or sand paper(get it laminated). Collect 2 pictures of blue and green objects. Paste them separately on A4 size pastel sheet. 2 3. E.V.S.- Know The World Around You Make a facemask of any one animal.. Make a wind chime(using paper plate) having beautiful cutouts of fruits /vegetables. My Fruits/ Vegetables Paper Plate Make an environment friendly bag / folder by using old calendar or newspaper and decorate it using your creativity. Put all your all holidays H.W in it. Bring it on 3rd July 2015. 4. Art Create a composition using all the textures you have learnt ( Thumb impression, hand printing, foot impression, finger printing, vegetable texture etc.) For E.g Make 1 bright greeting card.(size – 8“ x 6” using any texture or paper work). Make a beautiful Table Mat: On A4 size sheet draw or paste pic of any one _______________________ get it laminated. ACTIVITIES FOR FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT: Playing with clay / dough like making of ball / chapatti. Scribbling on old newspapers. Polishing of shoes. Closing and opening of zip of school bag. The school shall remain closed from 18th May 2015 for summer vacations and shall reopen on 1st July 2015. 3 4 Decorate a bird with any texture done in school ( Thumb / Finger tip printing, vegetable texture etc.). Paste colourful feathers. 5 Decorate an umbrella with paper tearing and pasting activity. 6 WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY – 5 JUNE Water the plants twice a day. Beautify ‘Our Earth’ with balls of crape paper (different colours). 7 FATHERS DAY - 21 JUNE Colour and decorate the batch. Cut it and pin it on you father’s shirt. 8
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