Hardwick and Cambourne Community Primary School Newsletter March 27th 2015 Dear Parents and Guardians We hope you all have a very happy Easter Holidays. This has only been a short half term but we seem to have packed just as much as ever into it, this week the Y5/6 children have been enjoying recycling workshops, we seem to have small superheroes popping up everywhere, and Y3/4 are still glowing (orange!) after their wonderful production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Some of you have noticed that out school website is now completely transformed, we are still working on it, and do let us know if you have any suggestions, or find a link that doesn’t work. We’d like to thank the governors, parents and children who have all been part of the planning process and helped in its re-design. Our Its Learning pages are still where you will find even more information about the school, do contact either school office if you do not know the parent logon details. The summer term starts back on Monday 13th April,. We have now planned our training days for the next academic year, so please see the term dates later in this newsletter. We hope you all have a very happy Easter holidays and the children come back refreshed for the many exciting activities and challenges ahead of them next term. Andy Matthews & Ruth French (Co-Headteachers) Reception news Reception started this half term exploring the rainforest. We read Julia Donaldson’s ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and wrote our very own ‘Monkey Puzzle’ stories using our fantastic phonic skills. Then we dived into our ‘Under the Sea’ topic. We certainly have some budding marine biologists in reception! Did you know that sharks have 50 teeth? It was lovely to see so many Mums and Grandmas join us for our Mother’s day afternoon. We hope you enjoyed the activities and being pampered. We felt particularly envious of your beautiful finger nails and soft hands! So after a busy half term jam-packed with lots of exciting learning the children are ready for a well- earned Easter break. On their return we shall be launching into our new topic ‘Growing’. We all wish Mrs Hoban well as she starts her maternity leave, and are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Rand to our team! Thank you for your ongoing support. The Reception Team Year 1/2 news First and foremost, we would like to wish everyone a very happy Easter, and hope they get a well-earned break! The children have worked incredibly hard during the last half term, but we are sure their new found super powers have helped them out! ‘Super Heroes’ has been a hugely enjoyable topic. The children have been truly engaged and this is clearly evident in their work, especially their stories which are a heady mix of thrills, spills and daring missions- each of them a great read! The children on both sites were really excited and proud to share some of their work with you yesterday at Hardwick and today in Camboure. Our next topic will be ‘Be Wild’ which is largely based around the Bewilderwood books, and we’ll be asking the children to create their own fantasy lands full of creative creatures! There will also be a trip to the real Bewilderwood so the children will be able to fully immerse themselves into this hidden world! We'd also like to welcome Miss Emma Sayers to the Year 1/2 team. Emma is completing her final placement as part of the PGCE at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, and will be working at our Hardwick site for the next 9 weeks. She will be working mostly in Miss Cameron's class but will of course be involved in the teaching of children across the year group. If you see her, please do say hello and welcome her to Hardwick. The Year 1/2 team Year 3/4 news This term has ended on a real high, with the performance of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. We would like to say a huge well done to all the children for producing such an entertaining play with especially lively singing. The children have really enjoyed themselves and we feel they have done exceptionally well to pull this off in only four weeks. Again, we would like to reiterate our thanks for your support with costumes, songs and helping the children learn their lines. We are extremely grateful. Our next topic will be Rivers and Mountains, which will include a strong geography focus, poetry about nature, landscape painting, musical compositions and learning about rocks in science. We are also very excited about the up-and-coming Year 4 trip to Grafham Water (20th-22nd April) and the very special Wind in the Willows project that the Year 3s and other children who are not going to Grafham will be doing. After Easter, we will be welcoming Mr Gordon Williams, a PGCE student from Homerton College, who will be joining the Year 3/4 team until mid-June and working mostly in Miss Swann’s class. We hope that you have a restful and fantastic holiday. The Year 3/4 Year Year 5/6 news We have all been thoroughly enjoying our current theme of Tomorrow’s World, including the activities and talks given by some visitors to further enrich our learning. Dr Vanessa Bowman from the British Antarctic Survey came in to tell us all about her work and the extreme conditions experienced by the scientists there. All of us tried on some of the clothing she has to wear whilst at the Antarctic and a few of us snuggled down in the sleeping bags. The Time Truck from the University of Cambridge visited Year 5 to teach us about history and geology. One of the things we learned was that the United Kingdom used to be on the Equator! In connection with our work on taking care of our planet Amey Cespa (formerly Donarbon) in Waterbeach, led a day of activities based on recycling. Nick showed us how to put our cereal boxes to good use by creating moving animals. We plan to paint them soon. Each class has adopted an endangered animal (Miss Haji’s – a snow leopard, Mrs Garland’s – an orang-utan and Mrs Creamer’s – an Asian elephant) as part of our topic learning and we will continue to follow their progress in the months to come. Our football team recently won their match against Jeavons Wood, 3:0 with goals from Thomas Milton and Hathayfa. Jeavons Wood was a veritable opponent, sitting second in the league so our win was warmly celebrated. Holiday homework: No specific homework is being set for the holidays but we would encourage Year 6s to spend some time on BBC Skillswise, keeping their knowledge and skills fresh. Wishing you a Happy Easter from the Year 5/6 Team. Dinner Money The cost of school dinners for next half term is as follows: If your child is in Y4 and going to Grafham, and you usually pay half- termly, remember to take £2.15 off for each day they are away. Daily £2.15 Weekly £10.75 Half Term £62.35 Diary Dates for next term April Monday 13th 20th—22nd Term starts Y4 to Grafham Water May Monday 4th 11th—14th May Day Y6 SATs week Half Term June 16th—19th July Friday 3rd Saturday 4th 9th and 10th End of Term 25th—29th May Y6 to Hilltop Reports Carnival Y6 transition days Tuesday 21st July Somewhere in here we will also fit a Y1/2 trip, A Reception trip, Sports Day, a Y3/4 trip, a Y5/6 production, reports, class lists, new intake evenings for next year’s Reception, and a lot more! Oh and making sure we have a new school site finished and ready to move into over the summer holidays! Please look out for more dates being added as the term progresses. Term Dates 2015-16 Here are the dates for next academic year, so the dates below are when your children should be at school, and for your reference to ensure you do not book family holidays during term time. We are taking three of our five training days for the academic year in one block in September so we have the maximum time possible to set up the new school site and cover training and induction for the start of the new school year We also hope this gives families the opportunity to make the most of the bank holiday week! Autumn Term 2015 Training Days: Weds 2nd, Thurs 3rd, Fri 4th September (School closed) Begins Monday 7th September Half Term: 26h -30th October Training day: Monday 2nd November (School closed) Ends: Friday 18th December Spring Term 2016 Begins: Monday 4h January Training Day: Monday 25th January (School closed) Half Term: 15th- 19th February Ends: Thurs 24th March Summer Term Begins: May Day: Half Term: Ends: 2016 Monday 11th April Monday 2nd May 30th May—3rd June Thurs 21st July Bus Passes! The coach company have asked for parents to please ensure that the children using the Cambourne bus always have their bus pass with them as they travel. If their bus pass has been mislaid or lost you will need to contact Education Transport for a replacement.
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