Founder of Campaign Group - Save the Harpenden House Hotel. Independent Consultant - Right School Right Place. WHAT INDEPENDENTS CAN DO FOR YOU • Ensure consultation is a priority. • Focus on issues that really matter to you and put constituents first and foremost. • Make informed decisions based on common sense and facts instead of having to toe a party line. • • Be open and transparent in their decision making. Represent all constituents and not just those who have voted for them. CONSULTATION ! For Localism to truly succeed residents must be involved in the decision making process. With the advent of new technologies local authorities have never been in a better position to connect with their communities. It will take open-minded councillors to push for these changes but it is possible. Vote Independent to help make this a reality! ! ! HARPENDEN INDEPENDENT PARTNERSHIP ! ! H!iP INDEPENDENTS EN RPENDEN HA SH IP ER N DE NT N I NDEPE HiP PAR T Anne is a Chartered Town Planner who has worked for both local and central government as well as the private sector. Committee Member - Batford Community Action Group (BCAG) - campaigning on behalf of residents and event organisers. Committee Member - Harpenden Society. ! PAUL HOWE Raised in Kimpton and schooled in Hitchin. After graduating settled in Harpenden in 1994. ! PA R Committee Member - BCAG. Co-founder of Harpenden Independent Partnership (HiP). Member - Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust.! ! T Is a residents' group created to provide a means to share information regarding initiatives and decisions which may affect you in and around Harpenden. It is not a political party but it has evolved into a platform to help residents stand at local elections. HiP candidates are all independents, residents who merely wish for fair and democratic local governance. As such there is no party line, no hidden political agenda. National policies are not made at this level of authority but solutions to local issues can be driven by residents voices instead of political group leaders and their whips. NEW SECONDARY SCHOOL - Right School in the Right Place Herts County Council's consultants have now determined that HCC's preferred site F, Common Lane, Batford, is the most likely to pass a planning application and so it has progressed to the next stage. Not only is site F the most expensive site all round to develop and furthest from the area of unmet need it is also closest to the three existing state funded schools. Why are HCC still determined to build a school in this unsustainable location? HCC will now have to purchase the site themselves but they already own other sites in the area of need and there is an underused school in Redbourn. There has been no public consultation whatsoever. Residents will only have an opportunity to have their say by way of an official comment at the planning application stage. There are serious traffic and parking implications for Batford as a whole but even residents on the 'alternative' route, Crabtree/ Marquis Lane, will be seriously affected. To meet the short term need, changes to admission policies could have been made. This would have ensured that even this year more local children would have had the opportunity of being educated in their own town. Self employed - Local property services NE INDEP DE NT JOHN HANSEN! ! PAUL HOWE! ! !ANNE JAMES! PIP MARTYN A mother of three with four grandchildren and has lived in our community for nearly 30 years. RS H IP RPENDEN HA ANNE JAMES One of the few statutory responsibilities of the Town Council. Allotments are a valuable means of food production and can provide great health and social benefits to all in our local communities. It is imperative that your Town Council has representatives who offer their support to ensure that access to these important assets is not lost. Whilst Pip strove to ensure HTC's grant funding for this front-line service was not reduced further, it is vital to continue to manage and protect allotment sites, safeguarding them for the benefit of future generations. PIP MARTYN Has lived in Harpenden for over 20 years. Born and raised in Cornwall. Self employed Gardener. Committee Member - BCAG. Trustee and Secretary - East Harpenden Gardening Club. Coordinator - Neighbourhood & Allotment Watch. Co-founder - Harpenden Independent Partnership (HiP). NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING - In its Draft Strategic Local Plan the District Council has determined that some Green Belt in Harpenden should be released for housing development. The public response to the consultation was overwhelmingly against this proposal (almost 80%) yet SADC have concluded that this opinion was not indicative of the district as a whole. They are still progressing the plan even though the Government has made it quite clear that authorities do not have to release Green Belt land to meet housing need. It is recognised that the impact on Harpenden and its infrastructure will be immense. With the advent of 'Localism' communities were given the right to shape their own environment. Through Neighbourhood Plans they are able to choose where houses, shops, offices and even schools should be built. Harpenden Town Council can still progress a Neighbourhood Plan which could see the release of more small scale Green Belt sites. In fact the District Council has based its figures on this assumption. If insufficient sites are identified by our parish councils the planning authority will have to dictate where these further additional homes will be built. Therefore it is imperative that your representatives at both town and district councils listen to your concerns to ensure the right policies are in place to meet local needs, provisions are made for the much needed infrastructure, employment areas are safeguarded and that our green spaces remain protected. WHY! ! 'be independent - get your voice back'! RPENDEN HA HiP IP Chartered Electrical Engineer. Managing Director and co-founder of ETher NDE a Harpenden based manufacturer of test equipment. ! ALLOTMENTS! EN PIP MARTYN is also standing as your Independent candidate in the District Council Elections aiming to represent you there too. Has lived in Harpenden for almost 30 years and has two children. INDEP On the 7th May 2015 all sixteen Harpenden Town Council seats are being contested. ANNE, JOHN, PAUL and PIP are your Independent candidates for the four East Ward seats. JOHN HANSEN This is your opportunity to elect truly independent local candidates to represent you. R SH EAST WARD Common Sense Approach To Local Issues ! DE NT NE Bringing open, transparent and democratic governance to our local council HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL ELECTIONS 7th MAY 2015! PAR T OUR COMMUNITY! East Ward has recently benefitted from some great community events but without help and support from residents and local businesses, many of these may not have been as successful or even possible. It is important that we support and nurture these growing relationships, not only to enhance community spirit but to acknowledge the wider role our local employment sector plays. Our local authorities, especially town and parish councils, should also do all they can to offer their help and support in fostering these community-based initiatives. WHEN AND WHERE! ! Local and General Elections are both being held on May 7th 2015 from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Your polling card will advise which polling station to attend. PARKING and associated congestion is a chronic problem throughout Harpenden with no current sustainable solutions. Causes include: low parking allocation at new developments, traffic analysis overlooked at planning, restricted access to on site parking at schools etc., the problem is exacerbated by Controlled Parking Zones. Instead of providing additional parking CPZ simply displace vehicles. We need to remedy causes and not merely treat the symptoms. Local government should work with stakeholders and the community to increase parking provision. HOW! ! TO VOTE INDEPENDENT ! LARKS IN THE PARKS 2014 It has only just become apparent that the delays which caused the loss of funding for an upper parking deck at the Station were due to disagreements with the District Council over materials. This much needed infrastructure could have already been under construction and should be a priority for the Town. JOHN HANSEN X PAUL HOWE X ANNE JAMES X PIP MARTYN X TRANSPARENCY - HiP campaigned widely for Harpenden Town Council to allow residents to record its public meetings. This provides access to their discussions for those who can not attend in person and encourages open and transparent governance. It is only due to a recent change in Government legislation that the public can now record town council meetings without objection. HiP use their own video and audio equipment to make accurate meeting records available. (Even councillors initially opposed to this public right have since taken advantage of HiP's archive). Although HTC recently unanimously agreed to invest in an audio recorder they did so solely to protect themselves. HiP will continue to campaign for HTC to use their newly acquired technology to benefit residents. This means recording meetings when there are no members of public in attendance and ensuring that they do not destroy the data as soon as written minutes are approved. This would not only ensure the decision-making process is fully transparent, but also provide a true and accurate record. Text: 07864896322! E-mail:! Facebook: Harpenden Independent Partnership Promoted and published by Pip Martyn and Paul Howe, 5 Marquis Lane, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 5AA. John Hansen, 29 Common Lane, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 5BT. Anne James, 18 Pickford Hill, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 5HD.
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