The Commissioner Hayes Barton United Methodist Church Offering Christ, Community and Compassion Pastors: Rick Clayton, LuAnn Charlton, Jesse Baker To Live as Disciples of Christ March 16, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 23 Newsletter Deadline: Noon on March 23 Cloister thoughts... schedule and plan for how we will continue to be a vibrant, loving church while moving forward with less space. Certainly, this is a time the church is called to exemplify the gifts of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. May we work together, pray unceasingly, and exercise flexibility as the body of Christ experiences this time of refurbishing. Writing these words this morning, I realize we are just a couple of days away from the final vote in moving forward with The Well. Last week, the plans and financial package passed through the Capital District Committee on Church Buildings and Locations. The committee joined in our excitement to forge ahead with our vision for the future. Wednesday evening, March 18th, the church will take a final vote at a Called Charge Conference. The spring will give us opportunity to pause and give thanks to God for the ministries provided in the present space - serving thousands of people for seventy-eight years. Keep your eye on a date and time that will be announced for us to worship and offer praise and thanksgiving for the space provided over these decades. Likewise, there will be a time of groundbreaking for our new building. Before all the packing starts and the transition begins, it is time to pause and soak in all that has transpired over the last couple of years. The Building Committee, under the extraordinary leadership of Henry Jones, broadened the scope of this project to include Phase I and Phase II, charging the church to stretch and sacrifice in making the facilities needs match the outreach dreams of the church. Through the dedication of hundreds of folks serving in various roles during the Financial Campaign last fall, 9.5 million dollars came forth from those capturing the vision for us to become a hub of ministry for the Greater Raleigh needs. Through your faithfulness and love for God, Hayes Barton will add space that will serve as a launching pad for missions near and far while we grow spiritually in relationship through fellowship and study. Already this year, 2015, we have added 92 new members with their families, and this past Sunday we confirmed 54 confirmands into full membership. The church-wide day of service called – Scattered to Serve – will be held on Saturday, May 2nd. The goal is to have 500-600 members going forth for a morning of reaching out to the human needs of neighbors and agencies all around us. Thanks be to God for the blessings bestowed upon this congregation – Easter Sunday is coming ... A Transition Team of twenty-six folks, under the leadership of Walt Sherlin and Kerney Peoples, will soon unveil a In Christ’s Love - Rick Flowers for the Easter Floral Cross: $8 Please clearly print the names of those you wish to honor/remember and your name(s) exactly as you wish them to appear in print. Send this card and a check, made out to HBUMC, to arrive by April 1, to: HBUMC Business Office, 2209 Fairview Rd, Raleigh NC 27608 In Memory of ______________________________________________________________________________________ In Honor of ________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Name(s) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Amount Enclosed 03/16/2015 1 ______________________________ The Commissioner Stewardship Corner Church Calendar: see While we often focus on the Annual Fund and General Budget of Hayes Barton in discussing the finances of the church, a very important resource is the Endowment. The funds represent gifts to the church generally designed to support various programs in perpetuity. Currently, we have Endowments that support Scholarship, Music, Missions, Building & Grounds, Spiritual Development as well as a General Endowment available to provide support across the church programmatically. The Church has received these funds as gifts from current members, bequests from the estates of past members as well as friends of the church. Tue. 03/17 Currently the combined balances of all endowment assets are: $1,745,906. Thu. 03/19 Wed. 03/18 If you have an interest in learning more about our Endowment programs, please contact Tom Hines, Chair, Permanent Endowment Committee, at 919-345-0651 or Kevin Anderson, Chair, Finance Committee, at 919-7857150. Sun. 03/22 New Member Class Starts April 8 Mon. 03/23 Tue. 03/24 Wednesday, April 8, 15, 22; 6:30-7:15 pm, Chapel Sunday, April 26, 9:45-10:45 am, Children’s FH New Member Sunday: join at 11:00 service on April 26 For more information, please contact Amy Piland at 919-832-6435 x27 or Wed. 03/25 Rosebud Thu. 03/26 Claudia Elizabeth “Betsy” Parvin was born on March 12 to Casey and Robert Parvin. Prayer and Communion Service There will not be a service on March 17. Fri. 03/27 Sat. 03/28 Sun. 03/29 Scheduling Activities at HB As we begin making plans to fully continue our ministries with 35-40% less floor space, it is necessary for all events to be planned carefully, making the best use of time and space. This is a reminder that the Board of Trustees voted to require blue sheets to be completed for any event held at the church, inside or outside. Please contact Melanie Iversen at or 919-832-6435 x12 if you have questions or need help. Mon. 03/30 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast 202 No Prayer/Communion Service 9:30 am Avila Silent Retreat offsite 7:00 pm Finance 229 9:30 am Women’s Study Chapel 1:00 pm Mourning Glories 320 1:00 pm Haggai’s Helpers 229 5:00 pm Pancake Supper FH 5:30 pm Children’s Choirs 6:30 pm Lenten Worship Sanc. 6:30 pm Children’s Spiritual Academy 6:30 pm Cub Scouts 7:30 pm Charge Conference FH 6:15 am HS Prayer Breakfast offsite 10:00 am Pastor’s Lectionary Study 202 11:15 am Grand Age Club offsite 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Room 8:00 pm LightHouse Practice FH 5th Sunday in Lent 8:30 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 8:45 am LightHouse Worship FH 9:50 am Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary No Homework Club 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast 202 11:45 am Prayer/Communion Service 1:00 pm Haggai’s Helpers 229 2-5 pm Prayer Labyrinth Chapel No Dinner or Lenten Service 8a-5p Prayer Labyrinth Chapel 10:00 am Pastor’s Lectionary Study 202 11:15 am Grand Age Club 203 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Room 8:00 pm LightHouse Practice FH 8a-5p Prayer Labyrinth Chapel 8a-12p Prayer Labyrinth Chapel Palm Sunday 8:30 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 8:45 am LightHouse Worship FH 9:50 am Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 6:00 pm UMYF FH No Homework Club Grand Age Club: Thursdays, 11:15 am Baptism Ministry Help The Baptism Ministry is looking for help. If you are in- 03/19: (Trip) Looking Back/Growing Up in NC; Speaker: Sandy Webbeere terested in joining either the Baptism Coordinator Team or the Baptism Photography Team, please contact us 03/26: Aging in Place with David Simpson For questions: Call Mary Lib Gallagher at 782-8116. and we will fill you in on the details. Coordinator Team: Hillary, Photography Team: Liz, The Commissioner Attendance 03/15 2 (8:30) 476 (8:45) 115 03/16/2015 (11:00) 517 (SS) 493 Memorial Gifts through March 14 In Memory of Earl Barnes by Doris Barnes, Rick and Amy. In Memory of Audrey Barringer to the Building Fund by Lou & Marcie Pucillo. In Memory of Cale Burgess by Susan D. Johnson. In Memory of Owen Fitzgerald to the HB Endowment Fund by Chip & Judy Anderson, Mrs. Claude Barrett, Vic & Mary Grady Bell, Tom & Lynn Chandler, Lou Garrabrant, Leah Ann Goodnight, W. E. Graham, Jr., Cheryl B. Hall, Betty D. Hunt, Tom & Michelle Lindley, Tucker & Karen Mann, Virginia Maxwell, Ms. Neill McLeod, Mary Newcomb, Mac & Lindsay Newsom, Susan Pennington, Dr. & Mrs. William A. Potts, Walt & Mary Penn Sherlin, Gray & Susan Southern, Billy & Clara Wellons, and Peyton Woodson, III. In Memory of Lauretta Parker: - to The Well Building Fund by Leslie & Ret Boney, Frank & Becky Brown, Kent & Ann Burns, Bill & Ann Collins, Mitchell McLean, Fran McMillan, Lou & Marcie Pucillo, Rod & Julie Realon, and Don & Karen Reinfurt. - to Music Ministry Fund by Bob Morrison. Professional Men’s Prayer Breakfast Special Guest Speaker: David Morken Thursday, April 2, at 7 am in the Fellowship Hall All men of HBUMC are invited. Please invite peers, friends, & colleagues to attend. The HB Professional Men’s Prayer Breakfast is thrilled to host a larger fellowship on April 2, headlined by special guest speaker David Morken. David is the cofounder and CEO of Bandwidth, a communications technology company based in Raleigh. At the center of his success and leadership is his Christian faith, and he has healthily integrated this at Bandwidth. Come hear his story and thoughts on Faith in the workplace, and please invite your peers and colleagues. Breakfast and coffee will be provided. Please RSVP Webb Bostic at The Invention of Wings, March 16 to April 13 Women’s Book Study sponsored by HB Spiritual Academy and The Encouraging Place WHEN: Join us on Monday nights, March 16, 23, 30, April 6 & 13, as we explore themes from Sue Monk Kidd’s novel, The Invention of Wings. Our meetings will be at Hope Elementary School, 1116 N. Blount St, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. WHAT: When we meet, we’ll discuss major themes and share insights with one another. The class format will be part teaching and part small-group sharing. March 16 will be an introductory meeting. Please read all you can by March 23. HOW: Please register prior to the first class by contacting Reggie Edwards of the Encouraging Place at 919-834-7626 or, or Janey Hunter of HBUMC at or 919-832-6435 x23. Men’s Study - facilitated by Major Lackey and Larry Mallard We plan to cover the following book from March 16 through June 1 on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm in Room 328 - Galatians (6 chapters), Ephesians (6 chapters), Philippians (4 chapters), and Colossians (4 chapters). Please read the first 3 chapters of Galatians and plan to meet on March 16th. We would love for you to join us! Sign up with Major at Wednesday Women’s Study - special mini-Lenten retreat on March 18 Even if you have not been attending our women’s study on a regular basis, please join us on March 18 from 9:30 - 11 am. Pastor LuAnn is going to offer a mini-Lenten retreat that she hopes will be meaningful no matter where you are on your Lenten journey. Hope to see you then! 03/16/2015 3 The Commissioner Prayer Encouragement Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers. J. Sidlow Baxter Pray for Those Deployed Contact Jesse Baker at or 919-832-6435 x20 Nick Constantino: We pray that God would “strengthen them and help them, that He would uphold them with his righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10b AIDS Care Team Beth Russell: 919-696-8181 Bereavement Care Ministry Emily Barbour: 919-417-7777 Cancer Support Mary Elizabeth Gallagher: 782-8116 Communion Ministry Theresa & Dick Stevens: 919-866-0304 Martha Ministry Mary Penn Sherlin: 919-781-5579 or 919-832-6435 x33 Memory Support Ministry English Edwards: 919-625-1524 Mourning Glories Becky Balentine: 919-783-6806 Sue Robertson: 919-832-2269 Prayer Ministry Scott Tyler: Prayer Requests 832-6435 x45 or Prayer Shawl Ministry Larry Hines: 919-781-5155 Reminiscent Outreach Jen Smith: 919-758-8475 Stephen Ministry Jesse Baker: 919-832-6435 Visiting Friends Eleanor Blackwell: 919-787-7855 Peggy Underwood: 919-781-2372 Volunteer Patient Advocacy Annette Cass: 919-606-3405 Stephen Ministry An Inclusive Community Working for an inclusive community of love and justice doesn’t mean throwing all of us with our various beliefs into a big blender so that our believing and belonging become homogenized. It means being able to celebrate difference and argue for our point of view without wanting to imprison or kill those who differ from us. Alan Jones Source: Reimagining Christianity Stephen Ministry offers Christ’s love and confidential care to individuals experiencing difficult or troubling times. Stephen Ministers are caring and sharing Christian friends who desire to walk beside you when you are hurting, who will really listen, offer resources and referrals if needed, and pray with you and for you. 27 hours of training is required to be a Stephen Minister along with regular meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Contact: Jesse Baker, or 919-832-6435 x20 Prayer Labyrinth in the Chapel: March 25 - 28 2-5 pm on Wed.; 8 am-5 pm on Thu. & Fri.; 8 am-12 pm on Sat. THOUGHTS ON Walking a Labyrinth It was a dream and goal of many early Christians to take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Few were able to make that long journey. The labyrinth, as a circular pathway, offers that kind of experience. Even though it is on a much smaller scale, this journey holds potential for change if you bring openness and seek reflection. The labyrinth is NOT a maze. There are no dead ends. It is a pathway into the center and out again, just as you went in. It can be a time of letting go, staying still to receive, and then returning, but with new insights and different perspectives. The labyrinth is only a pathway, but as you walk it in your own rhythm, perhaps with the pace of your breathing, it can be a doorway to spiritual growth. Each experience is unique. Here are some suggestions when taking this pilgrimage: 1. Shed any expectations as you enter; be open to receive whatever guidance you may be given. Begin with mindfulness of what is going on inside and around you. 2. Think about the image of moving away from the old and into the new with each step. What’s going on in your life? Is there a need for change? The labyrinth can be a safe place to shed burdens, seek healing, or ask for wisdom. 3. As you walk, allow time for listening. Pay attention to how you are feeling. Is something weighing you down? How do you feel in your body, mind and spirit? 4. Some questions that you might take with you into the pathway: How am I feeling before I begin? Why am I walking the labyrinth? Is there a word or phrase that would help me meditate? Are there particular important questions I want to address? 5. On a practical note, if others are walking at the same time that you are, do what comes naturally—smile (or not) as you greet folks; step aside when needed. Don’t worry about doing something wrong. This is your time and your walk. 6. When you reach the center, stop and spend time to receive. 7. Then return outward, giving thanks for any insights you might have received. The Commissioner 4 03/16/2015 Scattered to Serve on May 2 Backpack Buddies Big Sweep - City of Raleigh Boys and Girls Club Centro Internacional de Raleigh Clothing Ministry at First Baptist Church Christian Life Home Grace Home for Women Habitat for Humanity Hayes Barton Member Assistance Hearts & Hands for Haiti Maple Ct. Transitional Housing for Homeless Vets Hope Reigns Hope School Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Meals on Wheels Methodist Home for Children Miracle League Note in the Pocket Oak City Outreach Center Parkview Manor Project Enlightenment Safe Child Salvation Army Society of St. Andrew Starnes Class StepUp Ministry Stop Hunger Now The Healing Place UMCOR Urban Ministries of Wake County Wee Care Contact Jesse Baker at or 919-832-6435 x20 or Anne Bryan at or Jamey Motter at Scattered to Serve on May 2 Nearly 40 projects have been identified for HB’s Scattered to Serve on May 2. There is much work to be done from gardening to cleaning and construction to companionship and everything in between. There are jobs for kids and youth, men and women, families and seniors. We have a place for everyone to serve! See next column. We invite you to pray about how God will use you in this day of service and where you are called to be. Over the next week look for detailed descriptions of each of these projects to be published online and in a hardcopy brochure. We trust this information will aid your discernment of your place in Scattered to Serve on May 2. HBUMC AIDS Care Team Persons living with HIV/AIDS face many physical, emotional and spiritual challenges. The mission of the Care Teams is to serve people living with HIV/AIDS, their loved ones, caregivers and communities at large with compassionate, nonjudgmental care, prevention, education and advocacy. Currently, there are two teams. They meet once a month to plan monthly goals for two Care Partners - help with meal preparations, provide transportation to doctor’s appointments, help run errands, or meet for coffee just to socialize and strengthen the special friendship. They are welcoming new volunteers! Contact Beth at 2015 Triangle Walk to Defeat ALS: April 4 Show your support for the fight against ALS this year by participating in the 2015 Triangle Walk to Defeat ALS. The date for the walk is April 4. All are welcome to join Team Fortier show support for those still fighting and struggling against ALS. Anne was all about creating awareness for this disease so one day there may be a cure...or HOPE for a cure. Today that HOPE for patients with this disease is not much. The Ice Bucket Challenge that so many did last summer, including many of you, did a lot to bring ALS awareness to the forefront. However that attention faded quickly. Anne would do the walk to support the ALS patients still struggling, and since Anne cannot be here herself, Team Fortier plans to be there for her. If you can join us, throw on that green shirt and come on out. A link below will take you to our team page which will also contain a link where you can order a HOPE shirt (by March 19) if you do not have one. If you would like a shirt but will not be able to make the walk, you can elect to have the shirt shipped to you. As always, thank you for your support...and please feel free to pass this along. 03/16/2015 5 HIV/AIDS Food Pantry The food pantry for Under One Roof/Alliance of AIDS Services-Carolina still needs your contributions and appreciates them more than ever. Most of the clients are living on limited incomes and need canned goods, small boxes of pasta and toiletry items. Please leave donations in the pink bins in the front stairwell off the parlor hall. Contact Estes Thompson at 919-6120977 with questions. The Commissioner Confirmed on March 15 Wilson Avery Barr * John-Henry Lomax Barwick Payson Lee Black Camryn Ann Brockman Emma Catherine Brooks Sarah Hadley Brugh Isabella Grace Brunelli * Harris Stephens Bunn Avery Morgan Busick Emma Beth Cline Katharine Dare Collie Catherine Russell Currin Josephine Bostick Nash DeRonja Mia Kathleen DeWitt Ella Glenn Dyer George DeKalb Eller Benjamin Hoke Ellis Emma Margaret Hartley Farquhar * Grace Laine Fine Genevieve Wade Fortier Katherine Smith Fortier Mary Ellis Garside William James Grimes Sarah Clark Hamilton Logan Thomas Hunter Abigail Elizabeth Jenkins Henry Hunter Jones Sterling Nelson Jones Lindsay Reid Kindem Cameron St. Claire Lowe Lucy Thomas Lowe Gracen Hayes Malpass Erin Margaret McIntyre James Steven Motter Sandra Mackenzie Naylor Josie Macrae Nicholson James Monroe O’Brien IV Callie James Oliveira Marina Lee Pace Hayden Cooper Peake Christian Reavis Phillips * Robert James Ramseur III John Mason Rogers Edward Scott Rostick Kate Elizabeth Ryan * Kate Sterling Sabiston Robert Penn Sealey Parker William Smith * Elizabeth Finklea Sullivan Kathryn Martiel Teague Madeleine Elizabeth Tharrington Maxwell Wise Webster Aidan Thomas Wiemer Emma English Wilkins Davis Jon Wilson Bailey Elizabeth Zeller * - baptized and confirmed Homework Club “CELEBRATE SPRING!” at Alliance Medical Ministry The Seeds of Hope Homework Club is in need of: Join the “Spring is almost here! Busy Bees” at Alliance Medical new or gently used board games for ages 4 and up Ministry. Alliance provides compassionate care for our working new or gently used books (same age range) neighbors by providing primary health care for Wake County adults. card games and flash cards Alliance’s holistic approach to patient care includes a wellness program that features nutrition, health and exercise classes. Our Com- Please be sure that all the game pieces or cards are inmunity Garden is a major part of our wellness program; we have 20 cluded. Please contact: Heather Pace: or boxes (12’x3’ each), three 50-ft rows of flex space, and open beds Jill Fletcher: for blueberry and strawberry bushes. Last year, Alliance harvested over 2,100 lbs of produce from our garden! Our mission is achieved to arrange a drop off time and location. with the help of our incredible, dedicated volunteers (“Busy Bees!”). There is an opportunity with Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) and Homework Club to become a mentor once a week for after school tutoring. N2N provides training. Seeds of Hope Homework Club students are in need of further tutoring in English and reading to reach grade level. Tutor“Can You Dig It?” – Garden Workdays ing is Monday through Thursday, and 4 to 12 individuals We would LOVE to have your SS class, youth group, or small group can rotate one day a week or one day every other week join us in our garden! No experience necessary. Our staff will lead to cover the tutoring of one child. Please call Jill Fletcher you in the garden “chores” needed on the day of your visit. at 919-909-5100 if you are interested. 4th Saturday mornings: (9:30 am – 12 Noon) Mar. 28, Apr. 25, May 23, June 27, July 25, Aug. 22, Wake Interfaith Hospitality Sept. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 21 Our next host week starts May 3. Sign up online or con2nd Wednesday afternoons: (5 – 6:30 pm) tact Lisa or Nelson at or 302-5055. Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13, June 10, July 8, Aug. 12, Dinners - Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9 Overnite Hosts/Van - Laundry & Tear Down - Contact our Garden Coordinator, Kelsey Riggs Groceries - (, about coordinating a day Set Up - for your group to join us as “Busy Bees” in our Community Garden. Saturday, March 28 (9:30 am – 12 Noon): “GARDEN LAUNCH” Come join the “Busy Bees” as we bless seeds, plant vegetables, and dedicate our garden. Contact our Garden Coordinator Kelsey Riggs ( The Commissioner 6 03/16/2015 Wednesday Dinners Palm Sunday Plans - March 29 5:00 - 6:30 pm On Palm Sunday, March 29, HB children are invited to wave the palm branches and sing “Riding on the Road to Jerusalem.” Children who have attended choir have learned this anthem, as well as children in preschool SS. All children will rehearse the piece during SS on March 22. We invite children to attend either the 8:30, LightHouse, or 11 service. It is possible to sing in all three services (and especially easy to sing in 8:30 and LightHouse - Ms. Laurie and Ms. Liz will help escort children)! This is a beautiful way to lead worship for the congregation as we remember Jesus’ triumphant ride through the throngs of supporters into Jerusalem. 03/18: Youth Costa Rica Mission Pancake Dinner please donate generously 03/25 and 04/01: No dinner RSVP by noon on Mondays: - Reply to weekly email. - Call 832-6435 x34, leave RSVP information. Meet in the parlor at 8:15 for the 8:30 service (children may then join their families in that service or go with Ms. Liz to LightHouse to join their families there), at 8:30 for the 8:45 LightHouse service, or at 10:45 for the 11:00 service. We sing EARLY in the service, so all children are welcome to sing and then rejoin their families. Questions? 832-6435 x24 or JOY Class Notes: March 15 Today we honored the two seniors from Team 5, Blaine Blackburn and Sarah Huggins, two remarkable young ladies. Our contest winners from the ACC Tournament were announced, including long-time leader Becky Brown. Beach Retreat preparations continue. We had wonderful lessons from Doug McMillan and AJ & Jen Muttillo. Youth Ministries Contact Josh French at or x25 or Emily Newman at or x17 Register Now for Youth Missions SLAM Nashville: June 21-27 Info Meeting on April 26 14 youth spots Student Life: July 27-31 Info Meeting on April 19 1 youth spot Go to: Children’s Spiritual Academy Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:15 pm lessons, discussions, crafts, games Donkeys/Whales - Room 102 with Ms. Liz 1st-5th Grades - CFH with Ms. Laurie Contact Liz Merritt at or x22 or Laurie Perry at or x13 03/16/2015 Extended Session Volunteers 2s 03/22 Kate & Matthew Boes 03/29 Katie & Jonathan Cork 3s 03/22 Beth & Tony Gill 03/29 Sydney & Rob Jamison 4s 03/22 Kelly & Brad Minsley 03/29 Holly & Scott Eaddy 5s 03/22 Susan Mears/Brad Wiemer 03/29 Anne & Hugh Avera 7 Info Scholarships for HS Seniors On 2/26, scholarship applications were mailed to seniors and are due back to HB by 3/31. For questions, please call Fil Stidham, Scholarship Committee Chair, at 781-7118. Middle School Girls Retreat Girls, save the dates May 1-3 We’re just 2 months away from our Middle School Girls Retreat! Be sure to save the weekend of May 1-3 to join Emily, LuAnn, Melanie Tharrington, and more for a great weekend getaway! All necessary forms and details will be sent to you soon, so be watching for those. In the meantime, talk to your girls and make plans for this awesome weekend of fellowship and worship! Weekday Preschool We have a couple spaces left in 3’s and 4’s. For other ages, we have short waiting lists. For information, contact Amy, 832-9535 or Volunteers Needed The Children’s Department is looking for help in filling our ministry teams. If you are interested in joining either the Nursery Ministry Team or the Extended Session Team, please contact us and we will fill you in on the details. Nursery Ministry Team - Casey Parvin at Extended Session Team - Fay Luihn at The Commissioner This newsletter is also available by email as a pdf, and can be found on the web at The Commissioner (USPS 021732) is published weekly, except one week in December, one week in August, & every other week in June/July. Periodical postage paid at Raleigh, NC by: Hayes Barton United Methodist Church 2209 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608-2240 HAYES BARTON United Methodist Church 2209 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608-2240 Ph: 919-832-6435 Fax: 919-832-4029 8:30 am/11:00 am - LuAnn Charlton “A Discipleship Lesson” Jesus is the supreme example of one who finds by losing, who brings a great harvest by dying. If we want to follow Jesus, understand that we must be, like him, a grain of wheat that falls into the ground and dies in order to bear much fruit. John 12:20-36 Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Commissioner, PO Box 6088, Raleigh, NC 27628-6088. March 16, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 23 Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12; Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33 Publisher: Doug Gill 919-832-6435 ext. 26 March 22: 5TH SUNDAY IN LENT PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT RALEIGH, NC 8:45 am LightHouse - Rick Clayton “How Big Is Our World?” Jesus saw the fulfillment of his call in the visit of Greek seekers; they remind us of the size of our world, under God’s love. John 12:20-33 Plan Now to Join Us for Holy Week Services See page 3. Join Us for Wednesdays in Lent: Wednesday, Mar. 18 – 6:30-7:15 pm – “Come and See” Transitioning to The Well The subcommittees for the Transition Team are continuing their discussions in order to prepare our church for the construction phase. The Staff Location subcommittee is happy to report that the decision has been made for the staff to remain on campus during the transition. More details will follow informing you of the specific location of staff. Also, please place on your calendars the Called Charge Conference scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th, at 7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. This meeting follows the Book of Discipline procedures that the Building Committee present the current plans, specifications and detailed estimates of cost to the Charge Conference. Rev. Jon Strother will be the presiding elder for the conference. All church members are invited to attend, and the voting members are limited to the 2015 Church Council. Continue to pray for the Transition Team, its subcommittees, and the church as a whole. There is a lot more work to be done, and our hope is that all of it glorifies our great God. Peace, Jesse Baker, Associate Pastor, HBUMC, (919) 832-6435 ext. 20 The Commissioner 8 In This Newsletter AIDS Care Team ......................... p. 5 Alliance Medical Ministry ............. p. 6 Baptism Ministry .......................... p. 2 Bible Studies................................ p. 3 Calendar ...................................... p. 2 Children’s Ministries..................... p. 7 Cloister thoughts.......................... p. 1 Confirmands ................................ p. 6 Floral Cross ................................. p. 1 Food Pantry ................................. p. 5 Grand Age Club........................... p. 2 Holy Week and Easter Sunday.... p. 3 Homework Club ........................... p. 6 Memorial Gifts ............................. p. 3 New Member Class ..................... p. 2 Outreach Pathway ................... p. 5, 6 Palm Sunday Plans ..................... p. 7 Prayer Labyrinth .......................... p. 4 Professional Men’s Breakfast ...... p. 3 Scattered to Serve....................... p. 5 Stephen Ministry.......................... p. 4 Stewardship Corner..................... p. 2 Support Pathway ......................... p. 4 Triangle ALS Walk....................... p. 5 Wake Interfaith Hospitality........... p. 6 Wednesday Dinners .................... p. 7 Youth Ministries ........................... p. 7 03/16/2015
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