The Commissioner Hayes Barton United Methodist Church Pastors: Rick Clayton, LuAnn Charlton, Jesse Baker April 20, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 28 Newsletter Deadline: Noon on April 27 Offering Christ, Community and Compassion To Live as Disciples of Christ The Movement of the Holy Spirit We’ve been talking a lot lately about being in a period of transition … that time before construction on The Well begins … a period of going through everything from files to furniture, packing what we won’t be needing for over a year and storing items for safe-keeping. This phase could be considered the transition before the transition since additional physical changes will happen closer to construction which begins in June. No matter how you look at it, we are all being invited to live differently. us during this time. Regeneration is a mystery that is beyond our complete understanding and control. If we can stay connected to God and each other during the development of God’s plan, we will all have expanded access to God. Now that is an incredible thought! If we stay focused during our transition, we will know things about God and one another that it was not possible for us to know before we took a leap of faith to build. It is interesting to me to know that John Wesley believed that true regeneration is something that could be marked. He believed that people who experience what we are opening ourselves to experience … new birth through the movement of the Holy Spirit … can become people of greater faith, hope and love. While theologians debate whether regeneration occurs in baptism or only as a result of an experience of repentance and conversion, I personally believe that at least small moments of rebirth happen over and over again. After our first awakening to the movement of the Spirit, we can certainly grow and learn and stretch and change as we follow God’s ways. That’s part of the work of sanctifying grace in our lives. I’ve used the word transition over and over, so out of curiosity, I looked it up on-line to find an expanded definition. Most dictionaries I consulted agree that it is “the process … of changing from one state or condition to another.” This definition reminded me of a word that is often spoken of in theological circles: transformation. So, I pulled my dictionary of theological terms that I have not packed yet from the shelf, dusted it off, and began to take a look at transformation. In my research, I was directed to another word: regeneration. Put very simply, here is a theological understanding of regeneration: The action of the Holy Spirit to transform us so that we experience new birth, also referred to as being “born again” or “born from above.” According to John 3:3, Jesus told the Pharisee Nicodemus that no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above. Jesus compared the new birth to the action of the wind in 3:8: “The wind [spirit] blows where it wills.” I don’t know about you, but understanding more fully that the real work of The Well is performed by God gives me peace, and simultaneously, evokes great excitement! To think that each of us can be more loving, have greater hope and possess more faith in God a year from now than we do today … it just doesn’t get better than that! To believe that God will be refining each one of us as we dream and vision and work toward making the kingdom of God more visible here on earth … that is an amazing concept to grasp! May we all keep our eyes focused on the God of New Birth who dreamed us into being as we move forward with dreams for Hayes Barton. We can be sure of the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout our entire building process, but we cannot predict how or when it will work. While it is possible … and is another great blessing for us … to have skilled architects and builders and designers and financial experts calculate how many square feet we will have and what type of materials will best suit our needs and how much money each item costs, it is not possible for us to predict how God will move among 04/20/2015 Love and blessings, LuAnn 1 The Commissioner Church Calendar: see Stewardship Corner Tue. 04/21 7:30 am 11:45 am Wed. 04/22 1:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6/6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Thu. 04/23 6:15 am 10:00 am 11:15 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Fri. 04/24 6:30 pm Sat. 04/25 6:00 pm Sun. 04/26 General Fund Financial Update: HBUMC ended the first quarter in solid shape. After a slow start, we ended the three-month period with receipts of 26% of budgeted pledges and non-pledged offerings. The Staff and leaders of the Seven Pathways have worked diligently to manage expenses and currently we have used just under 23% of budgeted funds. Thus far, 462 folks who made pledges have made payments on their existing pledges. If you have not yet begun to fulfill your pledge and would find it easier to have your commitment drafted monthly, please email Russell at to initiate this process. Baptisms on April 19 Matthew Lowe O’Neal, Jr. and Emmett Alexander O’Neal, sons of Matt and Nina O’Neal 8:30 am 8:45 am 9:50 am 9:50 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Mon. 04/27 7:00 pm Tue. 04/28 7:30 am 11:45 am Wed. 04/29 1:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6/6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Thu. 04/30 6:15 am 10:00 am 11:15 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 05/01-05/03 Fri. 05/01 6:30 pm Sat. 05/02 7:15 am 7:45 am Sun. 05/03 Wednesday Evening Program April 22: Transition to The Well Plans UMM “Ladies Night” - Tuesday, May 5 The United Methodist Men have a treat in store for you at our annual “Ladies Night” dinner on Tuesday, May 5, at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Don McNeill has been entertaining audiences all over the Triangle as Mark Twain for years. Come hear the wit, wisdom and storytelling that made Mark Twain a cultural icon. Please RSVP by Friday, 5/1, to or 218-2632. Dinner is just $6. Hope to see you there! Packing Party for The Well on May 15 & 16 As we move forward to The WELL, we’ve organized a “packing party.” All HB members are invited to “Gather to Serve.” Please mark your calendar to join the Packing Party on Friday, May 15, from 2-8 pm or Saturday, May 16, from 2-5 pm. Boxes and packing supplies will be in the Chapel. Light refreshments will be in the kitchen. We need as many volunteers as possible to help pack. Come for one hour or as long as you wish. Please RSVP to Connie at or 757-2062 to sign up or for questions. Grand Age Club: Thursdays, 11:15 am 04/23: Seniors and Their Cars 04/30: Trip to Temple Theater, Sanford, for Hairspray, and lunch For questions: Call Mary Lib Gallagher at 782-8116. 8:30 am 8:45 am 9:50 am 9:50 am 11:00 am 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Mon. 05/04 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Tue. 05/05 6:30 pm Attendance 04/19 (8:30) 152 (8:45) 210 (11:00) 320 (SS) 458 Follow HB on Twitter and Facebook Twitter: @HBUMC Facebook: Hayes Barton United Methodist Church Group The Commissioner 2 Men’s Breakfast 202 Prayer/Communion Service Haggai’s Helpers 229 UMM Chicken Pickin’ FH Children’s Choirs Middle School Studies Transition Plan Meeting FH Children’s Spiritual Academy New Member Class Chapel HS Prayer Breakfast offsite Pastor’s Lectionary Study 202 Grand Age Club 203 Chancel Choir Choir Room LightHouse Practice FH Cardinals Miracle League Game The Gathering (Youth) FH 4th Sunday of Easter New Member Sunday Shuttle Service Starts Traditional Worship Sanctuary LightHouse Worship FH New Member Class CFH Sunday School for All Ages Traditional Worship Sanctuary SLAM Info Mtg. Chapel UMYF FH Homework Club offsite Men’s Breakfast 202 Prayer/Communion Service Haggai’s Helpers 229 Wednesday Dinner FH Children’s Choirs Middle School Studies Spiritual Academy Sanc. Children’s Spiritual Academy HS Prayer Breakfast offsite Pastor’s Lectionary Study 202 Grand Age Club 203 Chancel Choir Practice LightHouse Practice FH Middle School Girls Retreat Cardinals Miracle League Game Scattered to Serve Registration Send-off Service 5th Sunday of Easter Youth Missions Birdhouse Sale Traditional Worship Sanctuary LightHouse Worship FH Lambs Breakfast CFH Sunday School for All Ages Traditional Worship Sanctuary Paul Jacobs Organ Concert UMYF FH Homework Club offsite Permanent Endowment 336 UMM Ladies Night FH 04/20/2015 Pastor Alan Storey, SOUTH AFRICA Preacher, Teacher, Activist, Witness for Peace Spiritual Academy: Wednesday, 4/29, 6:30 - 7:30 pm “Creation Care,” a conversation with Duke Divinity Professor Dr. Ellen Davis Alan Storey is an ordained minister of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa and is presently serving Central Methodist Mission (CMM) in Cape Town. Alan’s commitment to peacemaking was tested early in his life when he faced conscription into the apartheid regime’s military. After spending a year of discernment working as a laborer in Australia, he returned to SA, declaring he would never fight in the apartheid army – or any army. He was arrested and faced trial with a six-year prison sentence as the likely outcome. Alan’s trial was abandoned midway, and he became the last conscientious objector to be tried in apartheid SA. Alan holds an Honors Degree in Theology and a Masters in Philosophy (Applied Ethics in Economics). During his training at Rhodes University, he was involved in the Gun Free South Africa Campaign that was launched at the time of transition to democracy. Alan has spearheaded the transformation of the Stipend Policy within the Methodist Church of SA calling the Church to take seriously the Gospel imperatives of economic justice. He is also a founding member of Sacred Worth, an organization working for the full inclusion of LGBT persons within the Church. Alan specializes in facilitating Diversity Engagement Encounters, both within the Church and within business and education institutions – healing the divisions that still divide us. Beulah Cameron Beulah Cameron was honored at a special event at Greensboro College on April 11 to recognize her donation of a full-size, 2manual organ for Odell Auditorium in their music building. Family, friends and college dignitaries attended a luncheon followed by a mini-concert featuring the GC Choral Ensemble and a student solo trumpet, both accompanied by her organ. UMW Freezer Sale to Support ‘The Well’ Just in Time for Mother’s Day! May 10, 13 & 17 100% of the profits from this freezer sale will go to fund The Well! This sale will be on Sundays, May 10 and 17, and on Wednesday, May 13. Bring your cash/checkbook/credit card, your cooler and your appetite! We’ll be at the front desk, ready to take and fill your order. First come, first served! Quantities are limited. UMW Freezer Sale Items Big Al’s Cinnamon Rolls $12 — A bazaar favorite! Approximately 10 mouthwatering sweet buns! Baked French Toast $12 — This deliciously rich casserole is sure to be a hit! Sausage Egg Casserole $15 — The scrumptious smell of sausage, bread and cheese baking could wake anyone in the morning! Mary Douglass’ Appetizer Chive and Ham Biscuits $15 — Also a bazaar favorite! Homemade chive biscuits filled with ham, brown sugar and butter. Now it doesn’t get more southern than that. Smokehouse Spaghetti $15 — Bacon, Beef, Cheese… Need we say more for this twist on baked spaghetti? Chicken Pot Pie $15 — A bazaar favorite! Circle 1’s infamous pot pie recipe. Marinated Pork Tenderloin — 1 for $12, 2 for $20 — Over a lb of pork tenderloin marinated in soy, ginger and spices. After thawing it is ready for the grill, oven or crock pot. 04/20/2015 Green Bean Almondine $10 — Fresh green beans steamed and simply tossed with salt, pepper, fresh lemon juice and slivered almonds. A great accompaniment to our Pork Tenderloin or any other meat! Crustless Veggie Quiche $12 — A quiche chocked full of eggs, broccoli, zucchini, and peppers to name a few. Perfect for the veggie lover in your house. Lemon Zest Pie $10 — Sugar, eggs, butter, lemon and some extra love goes into making these pies. Just add whipping cream or fresh fruit to top it off. Kentucky Derby Pie $10 — This chocolate and pecan pie is the perfect ending to a fabulous meal. Pound Cake (sold as a half bundt) $10 — Dense pound cake ready to be served with fresh strawberries and/or whipping cream. Cookie Dough $8 — Offering sugar and chocolate chip cookie dough rolls. Each roll will make approximately 2 dozen cookies. 3 UMW Scholarship: Apply by June 1 UMW Scholarship applications and standards are available at: - women/ - the front desk. The applications are due to UMW President, Jo Anna McMillan, by June 1, 2015. Our UMW annual scholarship is paid directly to the college of the female recipient, who is a member of HB. The scholarship is for graduate or undergraduate study and is granted for one year; however, current HS seniors who are eligible for many other HB scholarships are not eligible. Our UMW is accepting applications. Questions? Please contact Jo Anna at or 417-3470. The Commissioner Prayer Encouragement “God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” John Wesley Pray for Those Deployed Contact Jesse Baker at or 919-832-6435 x20 AIDS Care Team Beth Russell: 919-696-8181 Bereavement Care Ministry Emily Barbour: 919-417-7777 Cancer Support Mary Elizabeth Gallagher: 782-8116 Communion Ministry Theresa & Dick Stevens: 919-866-0304 Martha Ministry Mary Penn Sherlin: 919-781-5579 or 919-832-6435 x33 Memory Support Ministry English Edwards: 919-625-1524 Mourning Glories Becky Balentine: 919-783-6806 Sue Robertson: 919-832-2269 Prayer Ministry Scott Tyler: Prayer Requests 832-6435 x45 or Prayer Shawl Ministry Larry Hines: 919-781-5155 Reminiscent Outreach Jen Smith: 919-758-8475 Stephen Ministry Jesse Baker: 919-832-6435 Visiting Friends Eleanor Blackwell: 919-787-7855 Peggy Underwood: 919-781-2372 Volunteer Patient Advocacy Annette Cass: 919-606-3405 Nick Constantino, Trey Goodwin: We pray that God would “strengthen them and help them, that He would uphold them with his righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10b Haggai’s Helpers Haggai’s Helpers Ministry meets to lift-up the needs of the church, the ministers, and staff. Members meet each Wednesday at 1:00 pm in the Columbarium Prayer Room. Contact: Ann Bowers at 755-0420 Youth Missions Birdhouse Sale Save the Date: May 3 May 3rd is the youth missions birdhouse sale. Please plan to purchase a one-of-a-kind birdhouse for your mom for Mother’s Day or as a special gift for yourself or a friend. These birdhouses were made by the youth and then decorated by talented artists in our church. All proceeds will benefit youth summer missions. Come early to get your favorite. A few houses will be sold by silent auction, so get ready to outbid your fellow church members! We look forward to seeing you on May 3rd in the courtyard from 8:30 am-12:00 pm. This Kind of Life Contrary to all our fond hopes, you seized upon precisely this kind of human life and made it your own. And you did this not in order to change or abolish it, not so that you could visibly and tangibly transform it, not to divinize it…. No, you took upon yourself our kind of life, just as it is. Karl Rahner Source: Encounters With Silence The Commissioner 4 04/20/2015 Scattered to Serve on May 2 Project Partners Backpack Buddies Big Sweep - City of Raleigh Boys and Girls Club Centro Internacional de Raleigh Clothing Ministry at First Baptist Church Christian Life Home Grace Home for Women Habitat for Humanity Hayes Barton Member Assistance Hearts & Hands for Haiti Maple Ct. Transitional Housing for Homeless Vets Hope Reigns Hope School Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Meals on Wheels Methodist Home for Children Miracle League Note in the Pocket Oak City Outreach Center Parkview Manor Project Enlightenment Safe Child Salvation Army Society of St. Andrew Starnes Class StepUp Ministry Stop Hunger Now The Healing Place UMCOR Urban Ministries of Wake County Wee Care Contact Jesse Baker at or 919-832-6435 x20 or Anne Bryan at or Jamey Motter at Scattered to Serve: Sign Up Now Nearly 40 projects have been identified for HB’s Scattered to Serve on May 2. There is much work to be done from gardening to cleaning and construction to companionship and everything in between. There are jobs for kids and youth, men and women, families and seniors. We have a place for everyone to serve! See next column. We invite you to pray about how God will use you in this day of service and where you are called to be. Sign-up and information on all the projects are available at: More information on 3 partners is on page 6. We trust this information will aid your discernment of your place on May 2. Support the Miracle League HBUMC Cardinals Schedule: Friday Evening Games 4/24, 5/1 & 5/8 at 6:30 pm; 5/15 & 5/22 at 7:45 pm at Adams Elementary School, 805 Cary Towne Blvd. Cary Questions: Ben Thompson 781-0964 Alliance Medical Ministry Garden Wake Interfaith Hospitality NEXT WIHN HOST WEEK: May 3 - 10 Our next host week starts May 3. Sign up online at the links below. Questions? Contact Lisa or Nelson at 302-5055 or Dinners - ................................................... TU, SA needed Set Up - ............................................................. 7 slots open Overnite Hosts/Van - Male hosts ...................................................................MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA Female hosts ............................................................................. SU, MO, TU, SA Morning van ..........................................................MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU Evening van .................................................................MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA Laundry/Tear Down - ......................7 tear down open Groceries - bananas, cheese slices, chips/pretzels, bagels/cream cheese, grapes, ham sandwich meat, ice cream, apple juice, orange juice, juice boxes, lemonade, mayonnaise, milk (skim & 2%), oranges, peanuts, turkey sandwich meat, bread (whole wheat & white), small bottled water, yogurt, lunchables 04/20/2015 5 We’d love to have your group join us in our garden! No experience needed. 4th Saturdays (9:30a-noon) 4/25, 5/23, 6/27, 7/25, 8/22 2nd Wednesdays: (5-6:30p) 5/13, 6/10, 7/8, 8/12 Email The Commissioner Project Volunteers Needed: 20 adults, youth and children…great for families! Scattered to Serve This month, our Ministry Spotlights will highlight a few of the organizations participating in this day of service: A Word from Cindy Motamen about the Starnes Class Ministry: I was blessed to have the opportunity to attend the Starnes SS Class and witness their love for each other, their love for The Lord and their hospitality toward me. What a joy it was to have Gerald in his booming voice tell me multiple times, “I like you!”, to see Kristen’s face light up with a smile, and to hear Nevie reading scripture. Today their Sunday School lesson was about God’s light in the world. When asked, “Where do you see God’s light in the world?” The answers included, “In my Mommy and Daddy” and “In other people’s kindness”. I couldn’t stop thinking that I was seeing God’s light in the world right that moment in these special HBUMC members. On May 2nd you have the opportunity to be God’s light in world by participating in a Scattered to Serve mission project. One of the mission opportunities is to take one of these wonderful Starnes Class members on a special outing and be God’s light in their world. I can promise you will be blessed by their light in return! Examples of appropriate outings include a trip to the movies, going out to lunch, a trip to a sporting event, or taking them to help you participate in another Scattered to Serve mission project. REPAIR WORK Project Lead: Tim Price Making minor repairs to several homes in the Stony Brook Mobile Home Park. These repairs may include rolling new sealant on roofs as well as minor construction repairs. Project Volunteers Needed: 10 adults or older youth VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Project Lead: Heather Pace Conducting a children’s bible camp for approximately 35 elementary-aged children from the Stony Brook Mobile Home Park. Project Volunteers Needed: 12 adults and youth Centro Internacional de Raleigh CIR is a faith based non-profit organization in Raleigh working across the state on and with immigrant issues. We believe that God has called each of us to love the immigrant. We encourage relationships between internationals and others within local communities to empower and enrich the entire community. This helps individuals restore broken relationships with self, others, the material world, and with God. GARDEN PROJECT Assist with a variety of activities on the farm to include planting and/or harvesting, mulching, weeding, moving livestock fencing, and other farm tasks. Project Volunteers Needed: 20 adults, youth and children About Inter-Faith Food Shuttle: Inter-Faith Food Shuttle is an innovative hunger-relief organization serving seven counties in and around the Triangle. We believe hunger IS fixable if the community works together to do two things: create sources of healthy food in every low-income neighborhood and grow opportunities for people to provide for themselves by learning job skills or growing their own food. From BackPack Buddies to nutrition education, mobile markets to community gardens, culinary job training to urban agriculture training, we go directly to people in need and create what works to empower them. We feed. We teach. We grow…to create a hunger-free and healthy community. Project: Our Starnes Class members thrive on companionship! Befriend them by taking them on outings with you/your family or help them participate in a Scattered to Serve Project. Project Leads: Doug Gill, Mary June Jones, Cindy Motamen The Commissioner 6 04/20/2015 Wednesday Dinners VBS Registration: through May 6 Normal Dinners (5-6:30 pm) $6 (adults); $3 (children) VBS will be at Aldert Root Elem. School due to construction of ‘The Well’. VBS will be 9 am-12:30 pm, June 22-26. Only $10 per student participant. 04/22: UMM Chicken Pickin’ BBQ chicken, roll, boiled potatoes, green beans, banana pudding, tea, lemonade (donation) 04/29: glazed ham with stuffing and sweet potato casserole RSVP by noon on Mondays: - Reply to weekly email. - Call 832-6435 x34, leave RSVP information. Questions? 832-6435 x24 or Youth Ministries Contact Josh French at or x25 or Emily Newman at or x17 Contact Liz Merritt at or x22 or Laurie Harrell at or x13 04/20/2015 Sign up at (for students and for volunteers). For current Lambs/preschool 3’s through 5th grade. If the parent of a current Dove/preschool 2’s or younger is volunteering, childcare is available while parent volunteers. Volunteers of all ages/life stages are welcome! You are the key to making VBS a fun, unforgettable experience. Volunteers should register online by May 6. Questions: Email or JOY Class Beach Retreat What a glorious weekend for 68 youth & 38 leaders who attended the 45th JOY Class beach retreat April 10-12! When the final horn sounded, the Lime Green Luigis, captained by Sharon Crawford, were crowned the winners. Team members were Josh French, Chris Tharrington, Melanie Tharrington, Roy McMillan, Kendall Stephenson, Ian Reetz, Grace Riddle, Phillip Stevens, Brinkley Thompson, Logan Hunter, and Katherine Fortier. The competition was “fast and furious” and GREAT FUN, but the relationships that were built and the love shared with one another made fantastic memories that will last forever! Huge thanks to our 8 captains, Kim Balentine, Sharon Crawford, John Holding, English Edwards, Andy Fowler, Bo Walker, Andrew Realon, Lisa Coster. Wonderful devotions were prepared by Josh & Emily. Bo Walker did a fabulous job as our MC, and a tremendous shout out to our advance team, Kelly & Janice Donaldson, David Coster, Barry Luck. Hope to see you for #46. Extended Session Volunteers 2s 04/26 Ingrid & Paul Holscher 05/03 Caroline & Danny Kadis 3s 04/26 Sara & Stevie Locklear 05/03 Christina & Jeff Lovern 4s 04/26 Amanda & Sammy Cann 05/03 Audrey & Andy Gastmeyer 5s 04/26 Lucy Brewer 05/03 April & Jay Risinger Noah’s Ark Breakfasts May 3 - Lambs May 17 - Doves 7 JOY Class Notes: April 19 Seniors Annie Ruhmann and Caroline Shriver were honored during their Senior Spotlight. The JOY Class verse for the week is Eph. 2:19 - As a member of His church, you are no longer strangers, but members of His household. The Lime Green Luigis held a small celebration for winning the beach retreat. MS Girls Retreat May 1-3 at Camp Don Lee Forms/payments requested by April 24. The Gathering Saturday, April 25th, 6-8 pm Join us for a celebration of our youth ministry and the faces making it possible! We have many reasons to be thankful and we want to call them by name. Upcoming Events The Gathering at 6 pm on Sat., 4/25 SLAM Nashville Info Meeting on 4/26 Birdhouse Sale on 5/03 (see p. 4) ASP Retreat on Saturday, 5/16 Youth Sunday on 5/17 Packing and Moving As we prepare for the construction to begin for “The Well.” we’ll need many volunteers to help. If you can help with packing, moving, storing bins of seasonal items at your home, contact: Connie ( Volunteers Needed To volunteer, please contact: Nursery: Extended Session: The Commissioner This newsletter is also available by email as a pdf, and can be found on the web at The Commissioner (USPS 021732) is published weekly, except one week in December, one week in August, & every other week in June/July. Periodical postage paid at Raleigh, NC by: Hayes Barton United Methodist Church 2209 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608-2240 HAYES BARTON United Methodist Church 2209 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608-2240 Ph: 919-832-6435 Fax: 919-832-4029 8:30 am/11:00 am - Rick Clayton “Trustworthy Shepherd” Christ called himself the Good Shepherd. As his followers, we can count on his concern for each of us just as a dependable shepherd is for his sheep. He seeks us out, he knows us personally and calls us by name. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will walk with us “through the valley of the shadow of death,” and never leave us alone in trouble and sorrow. John 10:11-18 Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Commissioner, PO Box 6088, Raleigh, NC 27628-6088. Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18 April 20, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 28 New Member Sunday Publisher: Doug Gill 919-832-6435 ext. 26 April 26: 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT RALEIGH, NC 8:45 am LightHouse - LuAnn Charlton “Who Is the Person of Jesus Christ?” For centuries, followers of Jesus have sought ways to express, in words and images, who was and who is the person of Jesus Christ. The writer of the gospel of John, for example, turned to images Jesus had taught people about himself. Jesus taught that he was our shepherd and we are his flock. How does that image help us in our following today? John 10:11-18 Congregation-wide Meetings to Learn about the Transition to The Well Wednesday, April 22, 6:30-7:15 pm - Come learn the details about staff location, moving and location of activities as we begin our transition to The Well Get on Board – Starting April 26 Shuttle service from Carolina Place on Glenwood Avenue to the Stone Street entrance…quicker than parking & walking… • • • • • • Carolina Place office building is at 2626 Glenwood Ave. (across from Glenwood Village) The Shuttle service will run continuously from 8:00 am – 1:00 pm, departing every 10 minutes from the parking deck. Shuttle parking is located in the parking deck at Carolina Place. The parking lot has 100+ spaces that are covered and should allow most loading to be protected from inclement weather, and vehicles will stay cooler. Shuttle passengers will be dropped off/picked up at the Stone St. entrance. Carolina Place is 1 mile NW of HB; travel time is less than 10 minutes. As you approach the parking deck, you will see an HBUMC parking sign. The Commissioner 8 Sign Up Now for WIHN see page 5 In This Newsletter Alliance Garden ........................... p. 5 Beulah Cameron.......................... p. 3 Calendar ...................................... p. 2 Children’s Ministries..................... p. 7 Grand Age Club........................... p. 2 Haggai’s Helpers ......................... p. 4 Hymns to Sing Our Faith ............. p. 4 Miracle League ............................ p. 5 The Movement of the Holy Spirit . p. 1 Outreach Pathway ................... p. 5, 6 Packing Party .............................. p. 2 Paul Jacobs Concert ................... p. 4 Scattered to Serve................... p. 5, 6 Spiritual Academy........................ p. 3 Stewardship Corner..................... p. 2 Support Pathway ......................... p. 4 UMM Chicken Pickin’................... p. 7 UMM Ladies Night ....................... p. 2 UMW Freezer Sale ...................... p. 3 UMW Scholarship........................ p. 3 VBS ............................................. p. 7 Wake Interfaith Hospitality........... p. 5 Wednesday Dinners .................... p. 7 Youth Ministries ........................... p. 7 Youth Missions Birdhouse Sale... p. 4 04/20/2015
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