THE ST. JAMES JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 10 One God, One Church, Many Missions October 2014 As I write this, I am listening to music being prepared for worship. It is a beautiful sound, the sound of praise and adoration, in rehearsal as much as in worship. I am reminded that in all we do, we are to give thanks to God for provision, for blessing, for care, for nurture, for all good things. In the last weeks, I have heard too many reports of human life being handled carelessly, thoughtlessly. In each of the circumstances, I come back to my relationship with God, remembering that at the foundation, we are God’s precious and prized creation. And when we are living in right relationship with God, we tend to treat each other as the prized possessions of God that we truly are. I’m not saying that we are perfect in this regard, but we certainly do a better job than when not in a relationship with God. We heard about some of the facts surrounding human trafficking, and to me, it boils down to the traffickers not seeing their victims as human – prized creations of God. The news has had regular reports of trafficking atrocities, of immigrant abuse and killings, of child abuse, of domestic violence, and so many more horrors. And it feels like they all come about because we see others as less important, and therefore less human, than we are. This line of thinking leads me back to being thankful for all things, for all blessings, not only for worship, but for those leading worship, for each individual, their gifts, their time, their energy. And that thankfulness in worship allows me to be thankful for each and every person in my life, not just those I call by name, but those I meet on a daily basis, the person totaling my grocery purchase, the person working in the gas station, the person walking a dog down my street. I realize this has the feeling of me calling for us all to join hands and sway, singing the Coca Cola theme song from the 1970’s (as I referenced in a recent message), but I do believe that our attitudes toward one another are contagious. And if we Christian people do not set the example for the preciousness of each human life, then who will? Our calling is to be the body of Christ, working to share the news of God’s love with a broken and hurting world. Part of that work is to teach that ALL of God’s creation is precious. This month, I invite you to consider the preciousness of all of the persons in your life, whether you know their names or not. And as you come to worship, we will do our best to reinforce the attitude of gratitude and praise as we worship together! 1 From the Board of Trustees The Trustees continue to be busily at work in maintaining the facility and grounds! At the September meeting of the Trustees, the board approved the replacement of the White Chapel roof. As soon as the requisite quotes are in hand, the contract will be assigned and the work begun. The driveway, which was damaged by a trash truck while the driveway was still curing, will be replaced. The cost of this will be borne by our trash company. This work has begun and will be finished as weather and labor availability permit. The board has approved the installation of a crash bar at the Carson Hall kitchen exit to eliminate the security risk posed by leaving this door unlocked. We have received funds for the first ten niche reservations for our new columbarium! The Trustees are in the final design phase of the courtyard layout. The first repair that will be made is to the gutters (cost has been approved, and company selected). The gutters will then be connected to the already existing drainage, and proper grading of the courtyard will be carried out. We will then install the columbarium unit! Those wishing to receive the $1,500 price for niches must have their reservation and money turned in by the time the unit is installed. Following that, the cost per unit will be $2,000. The renovation plan for the classrooms in the Cobb Educational Wing has been developed, and five teams are being organized to do the work. Work will be done three rooms at a time so as to provide for continuity of educational ministry. The first rooms to be renovated are rooms 9, 10, and 12. The organization of the work teams is by team function: Demolition – removal of the current drywall and baseboards and all items on the brick walls, along with brick wall repair and cleaning. Ceiling – removal of all hooks, staples, pushpins, screws and nails from ceiling beams, cleaning tape and tape residue from ceilings and beams, cleaning the wood and painting. Electrical – addition of outlets to classrooms, replacement of switches, and assessment of emergency lighting. Brion Paulson and Richard Currin are Trustee Coordinators of this team. Walls and doors – installation and finishing of new sheetrock and interior doors. Roger Miedema is Trustee Coordinator. Painting – painting of walls once all above work is complete. YOU are invited to join a team! Please see the sign-up list, or look for a Trustee, who will be looking for you to ask you to volunteer! Timers have been placed on the canopy lights at the Chapel entrance and at the Montague Hall entrances so that those areas are well lit in the evenings. The Trustees ask you to remember that we do not have a paid kitchen staff member to clean up after us. All those who use the kitchen are reminded to properly store food, clean up counters, put trash in dumpsters, and take cardboard to the recycling dumpster. Even if only coffee is prepared, the counter needs to be cleaned up! We are grateful to God for providing us a large facility to use in ministry for our church family and for the community. Thank you for working with the Trustees to maintain the facility for our present and for our future! 2 You Are Invited Monday, October 6, to dinner with the United Methodist Men at 6pm. We will hear a presentation about our current financial status – both in the general fund and in our critical repairs fund. We will hear an update on the critical repairs progress, and we will have the opportunity for table discussion. This meeting is for the entire church. Our United Methodist Men have been gracious in offering to prepare the meal for us. We do need an RSVP so that our men prepare appropriately for the evening. Please call the church office, or sign up in the Lobby by Sunday, October 5. Interim Children's Weekday Ministries Director Position As we begin designing and implementing our new Children's Weekday Ministries, we are ready to hire the Interim Children's Weekday Ministries Director. We invite resumes and letters of application. The job description is available on the church website and from the church office. 3 St. James in Missions Local Opportunities: Community Garden The fall garden is in and things seem to be growing well. To date we have contributed over 700 pounds of produce to the Interfaith Food Shuttle! There are sweet potatoes to harvest sometime in October. Please contact Mickey Strong if you are interested in leasing a plot of your own or if you would like to be a part of a harvesting team. The cost of a leased 4x8 plot is $16.00 a year. Habitat for Humanity Thank you to those who came out to work our Sept. workday. The walls will be ready to raise when the slab is ready! Our next Habitat work day is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 4. This new home will be located at 2721 Patbrook Lane in the Maybrook subdivision, only 11 minutes from St. James! Volunteers work from 8:15 to 3:30. No experience is necessary; just a desire to serve. Add your name to the clipboard wall in the office lobby area. All volunteers will receive an email with detailed information. Global Opportunity: Agape Christmas Boxes for Armenia: We have prepared more than 22 boxes that will go to the children in Armenia! Thank you to everyone who prepared a box for a child who may receive nothing else but this box for Christmas! Yam Jam It is time once again for the annual Yam Jam festivities to begin. We are celebrating the sweet potato for four weekends in October. This year the crop is "super-sized" so we will need lots of gleaners and trucks to haul the potatoes to those who are in need. If you can join us, please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the lobby for the day, or days, that you want to come so that I can let SOSA know how many to expect from our group. We will meet at the church on Saturday mornings at 8 am to get water, a head count and directions. Bring garden gloves, sunglasses, sturdy shoes, a hat, clothes you don't mind getting muddy/dirty, and bug spray for bees or flies. Permission forms will be given to those who need one. This will be hard work, but great fun as well. We will also be putting food on the table for many who can't afford to buy it. If you have any questions please contact Diane Lipscomb. See you in the field! 4 5 Children’s Ministry News Welcome the newest members of our Sunday morning children’s ministries teaching team! 9:45 2-and 3-year-olds: Leslie Thorpe 9:45 Celebration Station: Chris Conner and Lenny Pfleider 11:00 Sonrise Kids: Jean and Jerry Barker We are excited to welcome these folks to our teaching team, and give thanks for their faithfulness and the faithfulness of all our teachers in serving our church and God. Kids Club kicked off for the year on Sunday, September 14th with an opening celebration! During the tropical themed event, we enjoyed hot dogs then played games. A fun time was had by all! Kids Club continues each Sunday, beginning with snack supper and fellowship at 5.30pm followed by creative arts and a weekly lesson until 7:00 pm. Children ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to join each week, or as schedule allows. It is a wonderful and exciting time of fellowship and learning! Children’s Bell Choir, led by Laurie Merlo, is beginning again this fall! This group is for children in grades 3 through 5. Rehearsals take place on Sunday afternoons from 5:00 to 5:30 (so they can go straight to supper and Kids Club). Please talk with Laurie Merlo with your questions. She is looking forward to a great year! Service Opportunities: We are still in need of 2 Sunday morning teachers to teach our children in Celebration Station at 9:45am. The commitment is 1 month teaching during each quarter of the year. All you need is a love of children and the Lord. Current openings are in 2 separate teams, so new volunteers would be paired with experienced teams. Kids Club needs volunteers to prepare Sunday evening snack supper for Kids Club and youth. The simple meal provides an important opportunity for fun and fellowship, for children, youth and volunteers. Partnering with another volunteer to prepare the dinner is a great strategy to get involved. Contact Dawn Evans or Amy Biggers for more information or to volunteer. Kids Club also needs volunteer adults to teach the lesson, or who are willing to assist the teachers. Please contact Amy Biggers for more information. Below are some important dates for your calendar. Sunday, October 19th Sunday, October 26th from 4-6pm Sunday School Teacher Appreciation event (see below) Fall Festival Teacher Appreciation Lunch will be held on Sunday, October 19th from 12:15pm-1:30pm in Carson Hall. If you are a teacher or volunteer with our children's ministry - Celebration Station, Sonrise Kids, or Kids Club - please plan to attend! Our guest speaker will be Pam Russell from the UMC Conference Children's Ministry team. Please use the sign-up sheet in the lobby to RSVP by October 5th; or to request childcare by October 5th; or if you are interested in helping with this event - bringing food, setting up, serving, or cleaning up. Contact Courtney Dozier with questions. 6 Congregational Care Council – What’s New? What’s Needed? Many of you saw and responded to the Congregational Care Council information as listed in the Ministry Opportunities booklet. Here are just a few additional items for you to consider. We now have a Resources Ministry headed up by Chris Conner. If you need to seek help through resources available from the government or community, Chris may have the contact information you need. Whether it is Meals on Wheels, public transportation, dementia training for caregivers, references for mental health issues, Warmth for Wake, etc., St. James is making the effort to centralize this list of phone numbers, emails, names, addresses, and websites. Feel free to contact Chris. Please note that this committee will not arrange these services for you. We will just be providing you with the contact information. Leadership is needed for a few other areas of ministry. We are looking for someone to coordinate Cradle Ministry, an effort to help a family when their baby arrives. This may include arranging a meal and delivering the altar rose. This need arises occasionally as new babies are born. We are seeking a coordinator for Home Worshippers Visitation. This well-organized ministry has many devoted volunteers in the church who serve as visitors to maintain contact with our home worshippers including those who are homebound, in nursing homes and in retirement settings. This leader will tabulate the numbers of visits and calls made by the volunteers each month and match new visitors with additional members needing visits. The last leadership position we are striving to fill is the coordinator for the Meal Ministry. This person matches up church families with a need for meals (new baby, bereavement, surgery, illness) with volunteers who are willing to purchase/make a meal and deliver it to the home at a pre-arranged time. Recently we have been using as the online calendar. Please contact Helen McGee if you are interested in learning more about any of these positions. The 10th Annual 2014 CHILI COOK-OFF and luncheon will be held in Carson Hall in November. Dust off your best chili recipe and get ready for the “hot” competition. Challenge last year’s “Chili Boss” Carolyn Bishop for the title. Entry forms will be available on the clipboard wall in the office lobby beginning October 1, and more information will appear in weekly bulletins. All proceeds from luncheon donations will support the Music Department. 7 Calling All Singers! The St. James Sanctuary Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the Music Room. All sections – soprano (1st and 2nd), alto, tenor, and baritone/bass – are in need of additional singers. The ability to read music is very helpful, but if you have a pleasing voice, a good ear, and a willingness to learn, we need you. The choir participates in the 11:00 traditional worship service on most Sundays and in special programs throughout the year. Rehearsals last about an hour – a little longer during the week or two before a special event. Regular attendance is important, but we don’t send authorities to look for you until after you’ve missed two rehearsals (just kidding – sort of – but we do like consistency). Remember, if you are not able to commit to the choir year-round, you are always welcome to join the group for special programs. Newsletter announcements about these are made well in advance. With that in mind, however, the need for additional adult or teen vocalists right now is critical. We are not a closed or elite group; we actually have a lot of fun during our time together and would welcome new members. Feel free to sit in on a rehearsal to get a better feel for the group. Contact Music Director Lennie Collins for more information. St. James Book Club The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs Is a Little Perspective, by Andy Andrews, will be discussed at the next meeting at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 5, in the church library. All who are interested in participating are welcome! If you have questions, please call Beth Cobb. The Animals were blessed! And so were we! On September 7, St. James welcomed nearly 50 animals and their 70 adult and children friends to an evening service of blessing. Dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens, hermit crabs, a turtle, and some stuffed best friends gathered on the lawn near the Community Garden to receive their individual blessings. Horses and more cats and dogs were represented in photos. Joyful Noise presented special music arranged just for the occasion, and refreshments were enjoyed by all the attendees. It was a wonderful evening of worship and fellowship (without a hint of territory-claiming), and there are reports that at least one or two animals benefited noticeably from the experience. Praise God for all “creatures great and small.” 8 Some of the ASP Team Habitat for Humanity Church Staff Rev. Kim Lamb, Lead Pastor .......................................................................... John H. White, Pastor Emeritus ............................................................................................................ Linda Spain, Mgr. Finance & Missions ........................................................ Kedra Prescott, Office Manager .................................................................... Lennie Collins, Director of Music................................................................ Sue King, Assistant Organist........................................................................... Crystal Lennon, Music Leader for Common Thread ................................. John Beckling, Youth Minister .................................................................... Church Contact Information Church Office .................................................................................................................... 919-876-5796 Church Fax: 919-876-6030 Church Website: .............................................................................................. Church Office Administration email ............................................................. Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM 9 COMMUNITY fall Festival S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 2 6 th 4:00–6:00pm Carson Hall Calling all children 5th grade & younger to put on your friendly costumes, grab your candy buckets, and bring your family to the St. James Fall Festival 4-6pm on Sunday, October 26th, 2014. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join us for games, prizes, activities, a light supper that is free to all, & mounds of candy treats. How can I use my gifts and talents to help at the event? Sign up for any of these opportunities on the clipboard in the lobby – look for the orange paper!! Help Evangelism Team prepare & serve the meal – approx 3-6pm Set-up Carson Hall 11:00am -1:00pm on Sunday, October 26th Bring one large or two medium cookies in a baggie for the Cookie Walk Run a game booth during the Fall Festival – 3:30pm orientation – event 4-6pm Serve as a parking lot greeter – 3:00pm orientation – your duties 3:30-4:30pm Serve as a door greeter to welcome all – 3:00pm orientation – your duties 3:30-4:30pm Assist with breakdown and cleanup – 6:00-6:45pm How can I help now?? Choose to do any items listed below Pass out orange flyers to neighbors & coworkers – flyers located in the lobby Donate bags of individually wrapped candy – deposit in the white box in the office lobby area – We need lots of candy !! Donate bags of friendly prizes – deposit in the white box in the office lobby area Loan us a carnival-style game Our annual Fall Festival is a great event that brings many families & children in the door of our church. Let's all work together to welcome them & give them a fun evening full of fellowship & Christian spirit. Any questions–please contact Helen McGee. 10 United Methodist Women Due to the efforts of many of you, as well as others in the St. James congregation, our Yard and Bake Sale on September 13 was very successful. The proceeds will help fund our UMW mission projects for 2015. Faye Vest, our super salesperson, received the “Genie” award this year. O. C. Pratt received “Jose,” an award given to a man who has been especially helpful with our sale. Both “Genie” and “Jose” were created by Edith Owen and are kept by the recipients for a year and then awarded to someone else at the next sale. Look for pictures of Faye and O. C. receiving their awards and other scenes from the yard sale on the UMW bulletin board near the library. Our quarterly UMW General Meeting took place at 7:00 p.m. on September 8, and the congregation was invited to attend a program on “Human Trafficking” arranged by Angela Carter. Jessica Porta, AntiHuman Trafficking Training and Education Manager at the Salvation Army, made a very interesting presentation. This is one of the topics United Methodist Women are encouraged to become more informed about during 2014. All copies of The Best of St. James, Volume IV, a cookbook published by the UMW, have been sold! Most of the proceeds of this on-going fundraising project were donated to the building fund and repair projects at St. James. The date for the Samaritan’s Purse project has been changed to November 16. More details will be made available at October Circle meetings. UMW Yard Sale, September 13, 2014 One person’s junk is another person’s treasure. 11 St. James United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org 3808 St. James Church Road US Postage Paid Raleigh, NC 27604 Raleigh, NC Permit # 370 Sent with a prayer from St. James UMC For Current Resident or: The St. James Journal A Monthly Publication of St. James United Methodist Church 2014 12
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