May 2015 Newsletter 1200 Atlantic St. Milford, MI 48381 (248) 684-2798 FAX (248) 684-9585 Office Email: Link to MUMC website- A Stephen Ministry Congregation comm Pastor’s Column: Doug’s Discoveries I’ve discovered it’s time to meet with the bishop: Detroit Annual Conference 2015. Each spring, our congregation sends 2 clergy and 2 lay members to the DAC: Detroit Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. About a thousand people gather for worship, dynamic teaching, ordinations, retirements, official business, and wonderful fellowship. A similar gathering takes place for the WMC: West Michigan Conference. This year we will vote on a motion, as announced months ago, to create a new annual conference for all of Michigan together. Our episcopal office and ministry center are already in Lansing. If both conferences approve the motion, we will invest in the effort to collect more input, design a new conference, and bring a detailed plan back to the conferences for additional votes. Conference Business: We will elect officers, approve candidates for ordination, vote on a proposed budget up 3.27%, and elect delegates for the May 10-20, 2016 General Conference in Portland, Oregon, titled, “Therefore, Go.” All Voting Items are at Upcoming Events National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 7th/12-1, Central Park Spring Workday Saturday, May 9th/8-Noon, MUMC Mother’s Day Services (pg. 10) Sunday May 10th, 8:30 & 10:30 am UMW Rummage Sale (pg. 4) ASP Clothing Sale (pg. 4) On Sunday, May 17, at Adrian College, we host an “Explore Calling” Education Bake Sale (pg. 3) luncheon open to everyone who is discerning a call to ministry. The Th., Fr., May 14,15/9-5 Sat. May 16/9-12 luncheon will be held at 12:00 noon with representatives from the Board of Ordained Ministry, United Methodist seminaries, and young adult ministries in the Detroit Annual Conference. If you are discernLast Day of Sunday School (pg.3) ing a call to ministry, please contact me for details. I hope you can Sunday School Teacher Recognition come to the lunch and stay for 2:00 p.m. service. Sunday, May 18th You are invited to “Explore Calling” Sunday You are invited to the Ordination of Rev. Sherry Foster on May 17, 2015. You are invited to The Service of Ordination and Commissioning at 2:00 p.m. in the Adrian College Chapel. Rev. Sherry Foster will be ordained in this special service, followed by a reception for the newly commissioned and ordained. Adrian College is located at 110 S. Madison St., Adrian, MI. Arrive early to find parking and locate Herrick Chapel on campus. 1 Begin 9:30 am Service (pg. 10) Sunday, May 24th Our Deacon-Rev. Sherry “Milestones” In our lives, we pass many milestones. There are of course the milestones or mile markers along the highway which we can physically see. There are also the milestones that we keep in our hearts and memory of significant events or stages in life, progress, development, etc. It is a way of keeping track of our life journey. We mark the happy dates of our birth, baptism, first day of school, graduations, confirmations, weddings, first jobs, new homes, etc. to plot a picture of the journey of the high points of life. And there are the dates of the low points, deaths of family members and friends, divorce, major illnesses, things that don’t go right, etc., that we would rather forget but still shape our journey and who we are. We can take comfort in the fact that God is with us through the whole journey. He celebrates and laughs with us when we do, and he cries with us and lifts us up with his strength at the low times. All of our milestones are a resumé of who we are. This month, on May 17th, I will pass through a milestone moment in my life, something I have worked, prayed, strived, and persevered for during the past decade or more. I will be ordained as a deacon in fullconnection to Word, Service, Compassion and Justice by Bishop Deborah Kiesey at the Detroit Annual Conference in Adrian, Michigan. The ordination service is a moving experience and will be a special moment for me as both Pastor Doug and Pastor Gregg will stand with me as I am ordained and then place my deacon stole over my shoulder. Our bishop also includes a foot-washing ceremony where she washes the ordinands feet, symbolic of the servant leader Jesus was in washing the feet of the disciples. I hope that many of you will be at Adrian College in the chapel with me on May 17th at 2:00pm. All are welcome to attend the service and the reception afterward in the Richie Marketplace building. The support of our church family has strengthened me for the journey past and the journey to come and it would mean a lot to me to see your smiling faces in Adrian. Thank you for all you have given me through these years of preparation and practice. I look forward, by the grace of God, to continued ministry among you and to creating a travel and retreat ministry. Blessings, Reverend Sherry Foster, Deacon Planning your summer? Don’t forget to check out United Methodist camping opportunities for all ages! The mission of the Detroit Conference United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries is to extend, en- hance and enable our congregations in the task of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our focus is providing and marketing quality year round camp and retreat facilities and programs that offer and promote Christian faith for people of diverse backgrounds and ages. One often forgotten camping opportunity is tent and RV camping at Meyers Lake Campground near Byron, MI. It even has a couple of cabins to rent. Brochures (with registration forms) and information about all Michigan Area UMC Camps are available in the Fellowship Hall or you may go to the online brochure and registration at Scholarships are available, or if you have questions- ask Rev. Sherry, MUMC Camp Coordinator Check it out! 2 What and who are the Education Committee? This committee works with the Children’s Ministry Director (Karen J Smith) to plan, support, and implement Christian education programs for children in our church and in the community. Programs include Sunday School for all ages, Vacation Bible School, Prayer Partners, Birthday Party for Jesus, and other special events throughout the year. The committee members assist with planning and running the programs as well as with any fundraising necessary. They are active members of our church, many of whom have children in the programs so they are especially interested in providing quality programs and bringing new ideas. The spiritual growth of our children is our highest priority and we seek to find ways to nurture that growth in meaning and interesting, often hands-on (sometimes messy!) ways that will stay with the kids as they grow and mature in their faith. Our children’s ministry encompasses ages birth (nursery care) through high school (Sunday School and graduation celebration). We are always open to new ideas; we meet on the third Thursday each month at 10:00am. Sunday School News: The last day of Sunday School (youth and adults) will be on May 17th. We will honor our wonderful teachers on that day during the 10:30 am worship service as well as during a special Coffee Hour reception following the service. PLEASE take a moment to write a short note of appreciation and thanks for the teacher(s) who led you and your children in your knowledge of God during this past year. These notes are SO appreciated! THANK YOU, TEACHERS!!! Baked Goods Needed: The Education Committee is sponsoring a Bake Sale table at the UMW Rummage Sale in May and we are offering the opportunity for providing goodies to everyone who is interested! We would like a variety of items (sweet, savory, sugar-free, gluten-free – whatever is your specialty. If you are not a baker but can put together snack mixes that is welcome too! This is a big fundraiser for Vacation Bible School and the more we have the more we sell – so let’s have a lot! Thanks for your help with this! Donations can be left in the church kitchen or the Children’s Ministry office. A-Hiking We will Go! Embark with us on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power! At this year’s Vacation Bible School – “Everest” - we will seek to anchor kids in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges – through daily Bible Adventures, games, science projects, skits, songs, worship, kid-to-kid video encounters, God sightings, snacks and much more! Our expedition begins at 9:00am sharp on August 3rd this year. *Registration and volunteer sign-up will begin on Sunday, June 7th. Do you have a graduate? If someone in your family will be graduating from high school, college or graduate school this year please notify the Church Office and fill out a Graduate Information form so that we can recognize their accomplishments in our next newsletter and during Graduate Recognition on Sunday June 7th. 3 United Methodist Women May 3-National Day of Prayer May 7-9:30 am Morning Glories meets at the home of Karen Smith. May 10-Mother’s Day May 11-16-Rummage Sale May 14,15/9-5, May 16/9-12 in the Fellowship Hall. May 22-10:00 am Clara’s Helping Hands meets in the Church Parlor. Hostess/Devotions-Linda Sturgeon May 26-7:00 pm Mary Martha Circle home of Linda Sturgeon Devotions-Marilyn Moore April 30-1:30 pm MAY Executive Board Meeting, Parlor ANNUAL UMW RUMMAGE SALE It’s that time of year again to clean out your closets, basement, and garage and drop it off items at the church for our annual UMW Rummage Sale. Please bring your gently used items to the church starting Monday, May 11, and dropping off no later than Wednesday evening, May 13. The hours for the sale are Thursday May 14 and Friday May 15 from 9 – 5, and Saturday, May 16 from 9 – 12. The ASP will accept clothing on the stage for the same hours listed above. We will accept baby items, small appliances, furniture, books, CDs, movies, garden items, toys, jewelry, linens, children’s clothing, sports equipment, seasonal items, office equipment, kitchen items, plus much more…. We cannot accept donations of large book shelves, entertainment centers, computers, TVs or other electronic items! Thank you for supporting this event as all proceeds go to our Mission Projects. We are now collecting clothing for sale at the UMW Rummage Sale May 14-16. You can leave bags of clean clothes by the barn at any time between now and May 10th. Starting May 10th, bags can be left at the church. If you would like to help in setting up for the rummage sale or during the rummage sale, contact Cheryl Smith. ASP Mission Opportunities Our next Appalachia Service Project mission trip will be June 27 - July 4, 2015. We will be traveling to Lawrence County, Kentucky. We have a group of 11 adults and 26 youth preparing for our trip. We are in need of one additional vehicle for the trip that will hold a work crew of 7 or 8 adults and youth. If you have a vehicle that we can borrow for the week, would like to help as we prepare for our trip or have any questions, please contact Cheryl Smith at 248-676-2593 or email To the church, Thank you for having us work there. I enjoyed organizing for you. Dear Methodist Church, Thank you for letting me work at the church. I enjoyed stuffing the flyers and working as hard as I could. Thank you for having me. Notes from Milford High School SMART program students who worked at our church on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Newsletter Deadline The newsletter deadline is the 15th day of each month. 4 Welcome New Members Debbie Rivet resides in Milford with her husband of 26 years, Chuck. They have 4 children, ages range from 25-32. Debbie has lived in the Milford area for most of her life, and felt she wanted to be a part of the community, and give back in some way. Joining MUMC will enable her to do this. She currently works full time at a local tube mill and also attends school at night. She enjoys gardening, reading, and bike riding. Carl Hawkinson, sponsored by Phil Harris. Carl resides in Milford with his wife, Carol. They have 5 children. He is retired from the auto industry as well as the radio/DJ arena. He likes to work with people and walks around Milford for exercise. Joe Ann Pliska, sponsored by Jan Olari. Joe Ann recently moved to Milford from Onsted, Michigan. She has been very active with the UMW over the years, went on the Emmaus Walk, and has been a lay speaker. Joe Ann moved from Tennessee to Dearborn in 1955 and married her late husband Steve in 1960. They were both employed by Ford Motor Company . She has 4 children, 5 grand children, 6 great grand children and 1 great-great grand child. Joe Ann likes to cook, read, and care for her dogs. Meals on Wheels Thanks to Ron Opfer, Dave Ebert, Linda Lutz, Jan and Bob Olari, Ann Godwin, Sue Trevas, Caroline Graves, and Juanita Rogers for delivering meals in March and April. We have a great bunch of volunteers who make my job of rounding up drivers easy. The delivery route is usually about 18 miles and takes 1 ½ to 2 hours, leaving from the Milford Senior Center. There are usually about 20 meals to be delivered. About half of the meals are delivered at American House in Milford. Please let me know if you would like to deliver meals any time in the future. It’s definitely a rewarding adventure. May 9: Spring Workday: Saturday 8:00am—Noon. Spring cleaning is well at hand in homes all over! Set aside some time to help our Men’s Club and Board of Trustees spruce up around MUMC! Prayer Shawl Ministry, The prayer shawl was an unexpected gift of kindness. I will think of all the prayers that were said when each knot was tied. Thank you so much. Mary Burley and the Family of David “Murray” Burley Stitching for Others – Prayer Quilts and Shawls. Please come and help us. We need knitters, crocheters, sewers, cutters, ironers, etc. It is a wonderful fellowship group and there is a job for everyone, no experience necessary. For more info call Thesia Wolf, 248-310-8798. Thesia 5 Happy 05/01 05/02 05/12 05/15 05/16 05/28 05/28 05/29 Anniversary John & Kris Heidt Glenn & Diana Rittenger Ernest & Jeannette Morris Tom & Deb Llewellyn Bob Campbell & Thesia Wolf Tom & Carla Gorton Gregg & Karen J. Smith Jerry & Lu Gierhart 01: Pam Fisher; 02: Maxwell Smith; 03: Andrew Smith; 04: Cameron Atkeson, Tiffany Klingensmith, Pat Loder, Carol Strauss, & Lisa Tribble; 06: Johnny Venezia & Sabrina Watkins; 08: Al Worrell & RJ Gurke; 09: Julius Glinter; 12: Ron Harris & Reid Jacoby; 13: Bailey Clemens; 14: Amanda Shoberg; 16: Judy Braid, Dawn Brudi, & Wesley Wenger; 20: Susanne Fraser; 25: Tracy Bruletti; 26: Jim Bell; 27; Alex McKane; 28: Tom Llewellyn; 29: Ben Weeks. IN OUR PRAYERS New Prayer Requests: Joyce Raupp having heart surgery. Regina Olari, her sisters, and family. Charlene Schuman in hospice care. Tom Godwin in hospice care. Spencer is fighting cancer. Tyler Katchever for continued healing. Betty Oeschger for recovery from heart attack. Ann Caulkins for complications from flu. Sympathies for: Lynn Leibler, Bob & Margarent Leibler for passing of Lynn’s father Bill Chaldakas. John & Marilyn Moore and family on the passing of Marilyn’s brother-in-law Merrill (Tutt) Harvey. Continuing Prayers: Arlene & Steve Booker, Ken Bourns, Pamela & Bruce Chester, Tom Divozzo, Betty Dryer, Jerry Gierhart, Patty Harvey, Eddie McManus, Larry Moscal, Ann Morris, Gerry Nowland, Marilyn Nowland, Bonnie Parsons, Phil Thompson, Jean Utley, New Sawtrol UMC (sister church, Liberia). Homebound, Rehabilitation Center & Nursing Care: Dorothy Branch, Winnie Crawford, Barb Harrison, Marjorie Morris, Donna Oberg, Gary Scholes, Betty Whitworth, and Kyoung Yim. Members in College: Sarah Bonhard, Audrey Fisher, Christian James, Katie Loder, Rachel McAuliffe, Marshall Rittenger, Mike Rockwell, Shawn Shove, Ieasha Shufflebarger, Kayla Shufflebarger, Alexander Smith, Andrew Smith, and Sarah Smith. Other church members in postsecondary education? Please notify the church office. Those in the Military: Capt. Jamie Bowman, Matt Cowell, Sgt. Jennifer Ducote, Sgt. First Class Michael Ducote, Staff Sgt. Sean Foster, Jeremy Francis, Col. Chris Garver, ABF AR Elena Glinter/Navy, Kelly Harvey, Sgt Deacon Holton, Sgt. Ryan Kidd, Lance Corp. Michael Leibler, 2nd Lt. Alaina Maten, Gunnery Sgts. Connie & Gary Ollor, Airman Adam Rack, Jeremy Rudd, Jacob Smucker, Chris Thomas, Staff Sgt. Charles VanAcker III, & Capt. Bryan Vaught. Deployed: Major Matt Graham in USAF deploying to Qatar; Jonathan Maten deployed to Ecuador. Lt. Col. Eric Harris deployed to the UAE, Bahrain, & Saudi Arabia, Danny Scull deployed to Japan. Others deployed? Please notify the church office. Thank you all for your service!! Dear MUMC, Thank you for hosting our Human Trafficking Event. The generosity of the use of your facility each month as well as this evening is invaluable. Your treasure is in Heaven. Than you to Karen Smith for being our building liaison each month. Thank you John Olari for helping with the sound equipment. And thank you to the bell choir for accommodating us during their scheduled practice time. May the downtrodden be uplifted and His kingdom advanced. Beth Grate, Northwest Oakland Abolitionist Project 6 God Inspired Turning Points. – Spiritual Gifts By Debbie Llewellyn Two recent news stories helped me select this month’s topic. Locally, Evan Leedy, a Wayne State College student started a “GoFundMe” campaign on behalf James Robertson after reading a story in the newspaper detailing how Mr. Robertson walked 21 miles to work every day. Despite his hardship, Mr. Robertson’s attendance record was exemplary. The fund raised more than $300,000 and changed James Robertson’s life forever. The other story I heard on the radio while driving home from work. An 8-year old Washington state girl set a goal in 2013 to do 60 nice things to honor her grandmother on her 60th birthday, March 22, 2014. Her grandmother unexpectedly passed away before her 60th birthday, but Alex McKelvey likes doing nice things for people. To date, she has completed 600 acts of kindness (volunteering at a food bank, bought toys for St. Jude’s Hospital.) I believe Evan and Alex are tapping into their God-given spiritual gifts. As I researched the topic, I found a definition thanks to the First United Methodist Church (Kansas) that describes spiritual gifts as follows: “God gives each person spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ, for faithful living and for serving Christ in the world. As we discover and use our spiritual gifts, we come to know the joy of serving Christ and find places where our gifts intersect with the needs of the church and the world.” Spiritual gifts include: (abbreviated definitions adapted from full text on Administration – direct and implement plans to lead others Apostleship – plant new ministries and churches Discernment – distinguish between the influence of God, Satan, the world and the flesh Evangelism – reach out to the lost with the Gospel Exhortation – strengthen and encourage those who are wavering in their faith Faith – building up the church; trust that God is sovereign and He is good Giving – share with others the overflow of blessings God has given them Healing – compassionate toward the sick and pray over them regularly; possess great faith that God can and will heal some and are not deterred when he chooses not to Knowledge – allows believer to relate the Scriptures, and particularly the Gospel of Jesus to all. Leadership – care for God’s people and lead them into deeper relationship with Christ and each other Mercy – great empathy for others in their trials and sufferings (Evan and Alex) Miracles – heightened sensitivity to the presence and power of God through his Holy Spirit; always give credit to God for His mighty works Pastor/Shepherd – humbly teach, guide, and lead others in the mission of the church; loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ and puts it as the center of his/her life Serving/Ministering – love to help out; content to serving in the background knowing that their contribution will bless the church, display the love of Christ to the world, and bring glory to God Teaching – help the church fulfill its ministry as “a pillar and buttress of truth”; demonstrate God’s love while revealing His truth to the world Wisdom – deep understanding of the holiness of God and the lack of holiness in their own hearts; can recognize this in others and have the compassion and boldness to share that truth Do you recognize your spiritual gift from the list? How is God calling you to use your gift(s)? If you are unsure about your gift, you can take an online assessment. Visit the website: 7 Evangelism and Care Report – May Events this month: Mother’s Day – May 10 As your own mother comes to mind, consider what it says in Philippians: 1:3 “I thank my God every time I remember you.” Memorial Day Parade – Saturday, May 23 We are seeking volunteers to walk in the parade – it’s a fun event and it feels good to honor those brave men and women who serve our country Community Sharing The demand at food pantries remains high and the contributions taper off during spring/summer. Please consider brining (1) can a week – when multiplied by (1) can from all of us – we can make a difference in the lives of those struggling to get by. Friends Summer Camps for 2015: Safety Camp – Introduction to: safe side adults, home, bike safety and emergencies. Bug Bonanza – explore the world of bugs & insects. Wilderness Week - explore the outdoors: camping, boating, hiking and more. Crazy Carnival Week- games, crafts and food. Science Camp – a new experiment each day. Wacky Water Week- experiment with water, water play and learn about our lakes and oceans. Before and After Camp Adventures will be available for each camp. Activities will keep with the camp theme. Care may be provided until 6:00pm. For more information contact Robin Fletcher at Friends Preschool. 8 Did You Know? Willow UMC’s Last Chicken Dinner is on Wednesday, May 13th ? Chicken Supper-Served Family Style – all you can eat, Where-Willow United Methodist Church, 36925 Willow Rd., New Boston, MI 734-654-9020, Runs March, April & May, September, October, & November, Time: 5:00pm ‘til sell out (Carry outs start at 4:30pm), Cost-Adults: $10.00 Children – 12 & under: $5.00, Pay at the door. Menu: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Biscuits and Gravy, Dinner Rolls, Dessert, Coffee, Hot Tea, Milk. Willow is the church served by Pastor Marianne McMunn. About Our Vital Church Initiative (VCI)? As announced last month, our Church Council voted to participate in VCI, a program of The Detroit Annual Conference. We announced that our team of six persons will enter a 9-month program of intensive learning about church revitalization. We will meet with leaders of other participating churches. Since then, we learned that we will need to find other United Methodist churches who are ready to engage in this program with us. We have sent a letter of invitation to 10 pastors of churches with average worship attendance over 100 persons. We have conferred with our Church Council Chairperson, Bette Knedgen. We hope we can enlist other churches in VCI by September, but if not, we plan to invite our own VCI Team together and review the book we studied in an adult Sunday School class last fall, titled, “Renovate or Die: Ten Ways to Focus Your Church on Mission.” Please pray that we may learn about effective ministry strategies and enhance the total ministry impact of our church. The following persons have agreed to serve on our VCI Team: Bill Antrim, Cheryl Daman, Bette Knedgen, Cory Lupinacci, and our clergy - Pastor Doug and Rev. Sherry. Finance Committee Finance Committee continues to meet the first Thursday of each month. Revenue and spending are both on track after the first quarter of 2015. The work of Finance Committee is necessary, but is only being done to support the mission of Milford United Methodist Church. Keeping our financial health in good order allows lots of good things to happen. Youth Programs, Vacation Bible School, Christian Education, Boy Scouts, furniture distribution from Betty’s Barn, services at West Hickory Haven, pastoral visits, music programs, Friends Preschool facilities, facilities for local community groups, Meals on Wheels support, support of District and Conference missions, support of MUMC overseas missions, ASP worker support, just to name a few. We at Finance Committee often seem focused on the dollars and cents of the church budget. The real purpose of “running a tight ship” with church finances is to maintain a solid foundation, so that MUMC can provide services and support to our members, friends, and to many outside our community. We should be proud that MUMC is able to provide all these services. Dave Ebert, MUMC Finance Committee Chair Thank you! Thank you! To Ron Davis who built another beautiful shelf for us to store our coffee cups. Thank you also to Matt McKane for hanging it next to the first shelf in the left hand side of the kitchen serving bar hall. Bring in your cups for coffee hour. Be sure to mark them with your name. For Smart Phone Users QR CODE Scan this QR code with your smart phone or electronic device and it will take you directly to the MUMC website. 9 Worship Service Volunteers May 3 Greeter: Judy Culbertson Ushers: 8:30 Audine Morris 10:30 Julius Glinter, Evelyn Cohea, John Robinson, Emil/Sue Tonello Liturgist: 8:30–10:30Counters: Al Worrell & Linda Fraser May 10 Greeter: Betty Erwin & Brad Erwin Ushers: 8:30 Kelsey Shufflebarger/David Bonhard 10:30 Doug Radeka, Ray Michaels, Jeff Motschenbacher, Chris Smith Liturgists:8:30 & 10:30-Linda Lutz Counters: Deb Bonnewell & Bette Knedgen May 17 Greeter: Marilyn Stoner Ushers: 8:30 Audine Morris 10:30 Roger Clemens, Cole McKane, Ron Opfer, Carla Gorton Liturgists: 8:30- 10:30Counters: Carla Gorton & Marilyn Stoner May 24-Begin 9:30 am Service Greeter: Bob & Margaret Leibler Ushers: 8:30 John & Kris Heidt 10:30 Jan/Bob, Regina, & Katja Olari, Larry Shaver Liturgist: 9:30-Nancy Weeks Counters: Larry & Carol Shaver May 31 Greeters & Ushers-United Methodist Women Liturgist: 9:30-Judy Culbertson Counters: John Olari & Doug Holloway Noisy Offering-ASP Fellowship Hour Hosts-Education Committee Our Staff Pastor-Douglas McMunn Deacon-Rev. Sherry Foster Children’s Ministry Director-Karen J. Smith Music Director-Linda Lutz Nursery Care Director– Kayla Shufflebarger Friends Preschool Director-Robin Fletcher Office Manager-Kelley Cerny Custodian-Margie Majewski May 2015 Worship Features and Sermon Themes May 3 Holy Communion Golden Cross Sunday (offering) Mark 4:30-32 “How Great Things Begin” Choir Anthem “Bread of the World” May 10 Mother’s Day John 15:9-17 “A Share in the Fruit” Choir at both morning services. “ Thuma Mina” May 17 Ascension Sunday May 24 Day of Pentecost (Begin 9:30 Service) Aldersgate Day/Heritage Sunday Memorial Day Hymn Sing Romans 8:22-27 “The Spirit Helps Us in Our Weakness” Choir Anthem “America” May 31 Trinity Sunday Peace with Justice Sunday (offering) Isaiah 6:1-8 “The Holy Mystery of God” Golden Cross Sunday, May 3, focuses on the work of health and welfare ministries and institutions in the annual conference. The offering gives us an opportunity to support special needs camperships, children who have been abused or neglected, and seniors who have outlived their savings. The organizations represented are United Methodist Outdoor and Retreat Ministries, Methodist Children’s Home Society, and United Methodist Retirement Communities. Peace with Justice Sunday, May 31, supports peace and justice initiatives directed by (50%) the Detroit Conference Board of Church and Society and (50%) the General Board of Church and Society. Locally, we sponsor a training event in Lansing, called Keep Making Peace, assist immigrants with citizenship procedures, and give grants to congregations for projects such as a community garden in Redford, and a retreat for children whose parents are incarcerated. Summer Worship Schedule Starting on Sunday, May 24, Sunday worship is at 9:30 a.m. only. 10
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