COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES Curriculum Change Form Indicate the change/changes being made: _____ Program Proposal _____Trial Course _____Course Addition/New Course _____Undergraduate _____Course Deletion (answer #3, 4, 5, & 9 below) _____Graduate _____Change in Pre-professional Requirements _____Both _____Course Change (course title, semester credit (SC), catalog description, etc.) Explain in space provided: Is this course change coupled with a change in any other course/s? ______No ______Yes If yes, please explain in space provided: 1. Department/Division Name ____________________________________________ 2. Primary Instructor 3. Course Status (choose one) _______Required* ___________________________________________ _______Elective *If required, will a change in total program SC hours occur? ______no, ______yes 4. Proposed Course Number and Title _____________________________________ Approval of Course Number Current Course Number & Title For changing or deleting a course _____________________________________ Associate Dean for Academic Affairs/Date _____________________________________ Page 1 of 3 5. Semester and Year Changes Will Become Effective _______________________ 6. Attach a Copy of the Syllabus. In addition, please indicate in the space below whether the status of the holdings within the department and/or UAMS library are adequate and whether any laboratory or special facilities will be required to implement any proposed changes or additions. 7. Anticipated Enrollment 8. If this is a new course, indicate whether similar courses are offered within the college, and if so, list those courses and explain why this proposed course should be added. 9. Justify the Change in Course Status. The justification may include the level of the course, the need, the clientele to be served, the relationship to the existing program… Page 2 of 3 Required Signatures ____________________________________________ Originating Faculty Member ___________________ Date ___________________________________________ Department Chair ___________________ Date __________________________________________ Curriculum Committee Chair ___________________ Date __________________________________________ Associate Dean of Academic Affairs ___________________ Date __________________________________________ Dean ___________________ Date Page 3 of 3
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