Hello and welcome to Healthwatch Wirral’s E-Bulletin featuring: Local and national news Local events in Wirral Useful links Healthwatch Wirral at Moreton One Stop Shop 11am - 4pm, Every Monday in Moreton Library, Pasture Road, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 8SA Healthwatch Wirral is at Tesco’s Bidston 10am – 12pm, every Friday in the Community Room (upstairs) Bidston Village Road, Birkenhead, CH43 7AA Join Healthwatch Wirral staff and volunteers to share your views on local health & social care services, meet the team and find out how you can get involved! Come and see us at one of the above venues and give your issues, concerns, compliments or complaints on local health and social care services Alternatively you can also leave your concerns, compliments or complaints on our Speak Out page by clicking here Make a date to donate and help save a life this May WIRRAL residents are being urged to make a date to donate blood to ensure life-saving supplies are maintained over the spring and summer months. NHS Blood and Transplant is hoping people will save a life by giving blood, with a number of donor sessions taking place across Wirral throughout May. While the organisation has many volunteers, numbers are running a little lower than normal for the sessions and so staff have put out a call for more. The sessions available are: Wednesday, May 20: TA Centre, Prenton, CH43 9TF Friday, May 22: Civic Centre, Bebington, CH63 7RX Tuesday, May 26: Leasowe Castle Hotel, Moreton, CH46 4RF Friday, May 29: Harrison Hall, Wallasey Village, CH45 3HL This information was taken from the Wirral Globe and can be found by clicking here To find out more about times or venues visit blood.co.uk or call 0300 123 23 23 to make an appointment. New and returning donors are welcome. Free Workshops in the North West area Macmillan Cancer Support are offering free workshops for anyone interested in developing their knowledge of cancer and how to support people affected by cancer. This can include volunteers, service users, support group members, people affected by cancer and all healthcare professionals (not restricted to Macmillan post-holders). The list of workshops include: Cancer Awareness Listening & Responding Buddying & Befriending Loss and Bereavement Support Group Training. To book a place on one of the available dates, please call the course administrator Sarah Banks on 01904 756432 or email SBanks@macmillan.org.uk For more information on these workshops, please click here Mental health taskforce survey In March 2015, NHS England announced a new Mental Health Taskforce which will develop a five year national strategy for mental health, covering all ages. The strategy will align to the Five Year Forward View and will be informed by a wide range of lived experience and professional expertise. To ensure that a wide range of stakeholders have the opportunity to feed in Wirral Mind and Rethink Mental Illness are running a survey, the results of which will feed into the Task force. The survey is now open at www.surveymonkey.com/s/mh2020 NHS England would very much welcome your input into the survey and would be grateful if you could circulate details to your members, particularly people with lived experience of mental health problems. The survey will close on 15th May 2015. There is further information about the Mental Health Taskforce and how you can get involved available on Mind’s website. Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Q1 Combined Mental Health Inspections A Care Quality Commission inspection of mental health services provided by the Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is taking place on 22nd June. Care Quality Commission would like to give you the opportunity to share information you may have about services - particularly people’s experiences of their care, and feedback from their carers, families and advocates. If you have any information that you think would be useful to this inspection, please either email mhinspections@cqc.org.uk or you can telephone 03000 616161 Healthwatch Wirral received this communication via email Sponsored Walk - Step out for Stroke Location: Birkenhead Park, Park Drive, Birkenhead, CH41 4HY Date: Wednesday 13th May 2015 Time: 11am start Step out for stroke and help the Stroke Association raise awareness. Most Step out for Stroke walks are about a mile long. You can walk at your own pace and in your own time. Whether you walk one step, 10 steps or the full mile, you’re helping to support people. For more information contact the Stroke Association on 0151 625 6902 for registration forms or more details. Alternatively please click here to view the website. Give and Gain Location: The Market Wells Foyer, Price Street, Birkenhead CH41 6HA Date: Friday 15th May 2015 Time: 12:00pm - 4:00pm Forum Housing are holding a Give and Gain event to celebrate the opening of their new Give and Gain Community Hub which aims to get you and the community healthy. There will be lots of health advice and services available for all ages - Or if you like you can just chill and unwind in the good mood café. If you would like more information please click here, alternatively to book a stall please email Amanda.boden@forumhousing.co.uk If you would like to give feedback on any issues, articles etc. Please contact us: By Phone on: 0151 230 8957 Email at: info@healthwatchwirral.co.uk Visit our website at: www.healthwatchwirral.co.uk Or find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Healthwatchwirr Write to us at: FREEPOST RTEH-SKRE-ABZE Healthwatch Wirral 220-224 Liscard Road Wallasey, Wirral CH44 5TN Copyright © 2014 Healthwatch Wirral, All rights reserved. You are receiving this as an associate member of Healthwatch Wirral or an interested third party. This document does not constitute legal or professional advice, or information, neither does it endorse nor reject the services mentioned. The views and opinions expressed in the document are not always to be taken as expressing the opinions of Healthwatch Wirral CIC. Please note this newsletter was originally created for online distribution, if you would like a hard copy of any further information mentioned within this document please contact Healthwatch Wirral.
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