Hele Lane Methodist Chapel Notices Sunday 28th June, 2015 Thought for the week Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Congratulations to Shane who celebrates his 18th Birthday on the 2nd of July. With love and best wishes from all at Hele Lane! Junior Church Meeting -Wed July 8th 7.30pm @ Daniel & Kirsty’s House Copplestone Community Choir Strawberry Soiree Summer Concert in Aid of Local Charities Thursday 2nd July 2015 7.30pm @ Copplestone Methodist Church Tickets £5, Children FOC Inc Strawberries and Cream See poster for details. Circuit Inter-Youth Night @ Morchard Chapel Fri 3rd July 7.30-9.00pm For TheEdge, Shed, Illuminate & Truth4Youth See Zoe for details. BIG CHURCH NIGHT IN with Matt Redman & Kari Jobe Sat Nov 21st in Exeter Tickets £15. For more information speak to Zoe or visit www.bigchurchnightin.com to book tickets. Discovery Social Tues 30th June—Bring & Share Supper @ 9 Church Close DCYC CAMPS—PARENTS DON’T FORGET TO BOOK YOUR CHILDFREE WEEK!! See http:www.dcyc.org.uk for details. Children must be aged 10+ at camp. Contribution towards costs available for Junior Church & Rock Solid Children –see Stu D. Senior Mixed 25/07-01/08; Girls Camp 01/08-08/08; Boys Camp 08/08-15/08; Junior Mixed 15/08-22/08; Bliss Family Camp 28/08-31/08. SPREE PARENTS INFORMATION EVENING Tues 30th June 7pm @ Hele Lane Come along for a short presentation and an opportunity to ask questions. SPREE DONATIONS OF CAKE FOR THE 50+ IN OUR GROUP If you can donate a cake please speak to Zoe Lane or Pauline Nott ASAP SPREE SET UP AND PACK UP Fri 10th late am/early afternoon and Sun 12th pm Help needed to tow caravans, erect Marquee and put up tents. If you can help please let Sean Schofield know seanswy@yahoo.co.uk or speak to Zoe. Truth4 Youth Sunday 5th July—see Zoe for details Littleborough Chapel House of Prayer—PFI Prayer and Bible Day Sat 4th July 11am-4.30pm With Gerald Gotzen & Rod Boggia. See schedule in the lobby for more details. Drinks provided, please bring a picnic lunch Contact Colin Burrow for further information. 01884 860274 We welcome you to Hele Lane. We pray that God will bless each of us as we gather together. Our service today at 11.00am will be led by Rev John Wiltshire and will include Communion. Our service at 6.30pm will be led by Roy Sambles. Next Sunday our service at 11.00am will be a family service led by Zoe followed by a church picnic. Our service at 6.30pm will be led by Rev John Wiltshire and will include Communion. There is a prayer meeting every Sunday before the evening service & a monthly one on the second Tuesday at 7.30pm. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: ZOE’S DIARY (zoeswymtrainee@gmail.com or 07519 360243 work mobile) SWYM Cluster MB Collective Worship,Prep, Ridge House, Spree parents evening MB Craft Club, Spree Review Prep MB Games Club, Inter-youth Night Day Off Sun: Family Service @ Hele Lane & Truth4Youth Tues Tues Wed Thurs Fri Spree Meeting Discovery Social @ 9 Church Close Keep fit House group Cuppachat THIS WEEK.... 7.00pm 7.30pm 6.30pm 8.00pm 10.30am DIARY DATES.... 5th July Family Service led by Zoe followed by Church Picnic at Tiverton Park 18th July Cream Tea @ Jireh 3-5pm In Aid of Devon Free Wheelers 2nd August Cafe Church 5th Sept Junior Church Outing (preschool and primary) 6th Sept Prize Giving 19th Sept Junior Church Outing (the Shed) 10th October Circuit Celebration 200 Years of the Bible Christian Movement Bush Conference 2015 28th - 31st August Speaker John Andrews. For more details about day visiting , weekend camping and children's work booking information please go to www.bushconference.org.uk, speak to Craig or pick up a booking form. Come and meet God in a field near Bow this summer!! If you would like to receive a copy of these notices by email then please send your address to rachelkcooper@outlook.com. Saves paper, saves ink, saves the planet, saves pennies! Prayer Chain –The Text Prayer Chain is now up and running with a few side shoots for those who prefer the traditional method (see the notice board for details). If you have an item for prayer please call, email or text Andy or Rachel on: H 01884 860698 A 07811 929888 R 07813 822886 Email andymcooper@outlook.com or rachelkcooper@outlook.com An offering will be taken during our services. If you are a visitor or if you would rather not contribute by this means, please feel free to pass the box to the next person. Please continue to pray for all those who are struggling with health & other problems. For those who are caring for them & anxious about the future. Please pray also for all the planned events & meetings. The vestry is available for those who wish to pray or to be prayed for. Contacts (www.helelane.org.uk) If you need to talk to someone or have a query about anything in this church please contact our minister or one of our stewards Minister: Rev John Wiltshire (01363 877281 or 07899 629022) Stewards: Mr Steve Govier (01884 860179) Mr Andy Cooper (01884 860698) Mrs Julia Rottenbury (01884 861302) Mr David Grant (01363 877400) Mr Bev Robins (01363 83160) Mrs Julie Dallyn (01884 860005) If you have an item for the notices please contact Rachel Cooper 01884 860698 or rachelkcooper@outlook.com by Thursday 10am
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