S ERVICES T ODAY S T . M ARY ’ S C ONTACT D ETAILS 9.00am - Breakfast Church (in the Hall) Leader: The Samways family Preacher: Christopher Pix Theme: Changed! A Rich Man Reading: Luke 18: 18-30 (p.1,052) St Mary’s Church Office, Church Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9EU 9.00am - Holy Communion Leader & Preacher: Sarah Pix Theme: People get ready - ready to welcome Reading: Matthew 10: 38-42 (p.976)) 10.15am - 10.40am Refreshments served in the Hall 10.45am - Morning Worship Leader: Vic Barron Preacher: Sarah Pix Theme and reading: as for 9am Church Service 3.00pm - Royal British Legion Service 6.30pm - Hungry Refreshments available as you arrive Leader: Debbie Austin Preacher: Andrew Harmer Theme: Filled: Partnering the Word Reading: Eph. 6: 17, Acts 4: 31, Heb 4:12 (p.1,177, p.1,096, p.1,203) G ROUPS FOR C HILDREN Y OUNG P EOPLE Tel: (01202) 897087 W ELCOME TO S T . M ARY ’ S C HURCH F ERNDOWN E-mail: office@stmarys-ferndown.org.uk Open Hours: Mon - Fri 9.30am- 4.30pm Find us online at www.stmarys-ferndown.org.uk Find us on Facebook “Like” St. Mary’s, Ferndown’s page Rev. Sarah Pix - Associate Minister (01202) 890798 Day Off: Wednesday Mary Tyler - Children’s Pastor (01202) 861516 Day Off: Friday Mike Orman - Worship Pastor (01202) 959453 Day Off: Friday S UNDAY Rachel Noel - Pastoral Care Coordinator (01202) 891041 Day Off: Tuesday 9 TH N OVEMBER 2014 S ERVICES N EXT S UNDAY 16 TH N OVEMBER 2014 Welcome to our Sunday services! AND During 10.45am Service Sparklers (Crèche - 0-3s) In the Church Lounge “Platform” (children aged 3-11) meet together in the Hall) “Dynamo” (children aged 11-14) meet in the Youth Room During “Hungry” (6.30 - 8.30pm) CYFA (13-18s) - Youth Room 9am - Breakfast Church 9am - Morning Worship 10.15am - 10.40am refreshments in the Hall 10.45am - Morning Worship 6.30pm - Hungry (in the Hall with Holy Communion) Refreshments available as you arrive A particular welcome if you are new or visiting us today. Our Welcome Team (wearing white badges) will be available to give you any information or help that you might need. If you’d like to find out more about St Mary’s, please complete a “Welcome Card” and place it in the offering bag, or hand it to a member of the Welcome Team. P RAYER F OCUS Mon - We give thanks for all those who attended the fireworks party on Saturday and pray that the seeds sown of God's welcome and love will begin to grow. Tues - A prayer for peace: God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. N OTICES Intercessions & Reading Training Evening Wed 19th Nov at 7.45pm in the Hall. An invitation to all those who lead intercessions and do the readings, and for those who might like to. We'll be sharing tips and ideas and offering training. Please let the Office know if you would like to come. Prayer Gathering - this Tues (11th) at 7.30pm in Church. All welcome. Small Groups will not be meeting this week to enable everyone to attend who would like to. Wed - Please look at Adele’s colourful new Sierra Leone display on the Mission noticeboard in the hall foyer. Speak to Adele for suggestions of ways you can give practical support too. Her colleague, Alison, has made another visit to Sierra Leone after coming back from her earlier visit and returns in a month. Please continue to pray for her. CYFA Special - “Ready, Steady, Cook” Sat 15th. Speak to Mike Orman for details. Thurs - We pray for The Beacon Team as they meet this evening to discuss the way forward for our exciting building project. We pray that they will all be given great wisdom and discernment and that they will clearly hear God's voice. An Evening with Andrew White (the Vicar of Baghdad) - Fri 21st Nov at the Purbeck School, Worgret Road, Wareham BH20 4PF. 7.30-9pm. Fri - We lift to the Lord all those we know who are unwell at home, in hospital or in care/nursing homes. We pray God's blessing, comfort, peace and healing upon them and on all who love and care for them. Please see our monthly newsletter for the names of those in our church family who are in particular need of our prayers. Sat - Today we pray for all the Alpha Course candidates as they meet together for the "Holy Spirit Day". Let's pray that they will all experience the love of Jesus in a profound way that will grow their faith and understanding. Sun - Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty! As we gather together to worship the Lord we pray for Anne Hansford, Ann Scouse, Sarah Collins, Stephen Bell, Louise Horlock and Christopher Pix as they lead and preach at our services today. Congratulations to Maria Gonzalez who is celebrating her 85th birthday on 13th November Women’s Worship Evening - Fri 21st Nov at 7.30pm in Church. All women welcome. See “Spotlight” for details. Andrew Wilson (Release International) - Copies of Andrew's latest newsletter are now available from the back of church. If you could like to receive prayer alerts and/or newsletters from Release International via email, please contact the Office. Guest Preacher Next Sunday We are delighted to welcome back Stephen Bell from ECM (European Christian Mission) as our guest preacher at our 9am and 10.45am church services. Stephen is involved with church planting throughout the Balkans. THIS WEEK WE PRAY FOR Vicki Barnes, Janet Bourne , Valerie Cope, Gladys Fielding, Joan Stogden & Brian Tall If you have anything you would like prayer for, or would like to receive prayer requests, please email St Mary’s Prayer Link: stmarysprayer@fastmail.co.uk N OTICES ( CONT ’ D ) Christmas Day Dinner at St. Mary’s Tickets £8 available from John & Lynne Ewins. Specifically for those who would otherwise be alone on that day. 40 tickets available. Christmas Shopping “babysitting” afternoon Sat 22nd Nov, 1.30pm5.30pm. Bookings are now being taken. See “Spotlight” for details, or speak to Mary Tyler or the Office. Ladies’ Christmas Craft Evening - Fri 28th Nov at 7.30pm in the Hall. Tickets £3 available at coffee time or from the Church Office during the week. Bring your family and friends. Christmas Fayre - Sat 29th Nov, 2-4.30pm in the Hall. See “Spotlight” for details. Entry FREE. Prayer Ministry Training Evening - Wed 26th Nov at 7.30pm, 9 Sherwood Avenue. This is for anyone who is already on the team, or for anyone who is interested in joining the team. Christmas Cards and Calendars in aid of The Beacon Project Available during coffee time on Sundays and from the Office during the week. Packs of 10 Christmas Cards are £3.50. 2015 Calendars featuring photos of the New Forest are available for £7. A big “THANK YOU” to all those who contributed cakes and helped at the Service of Light last Sunday Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance This afternoon at 3pm in Church Followed by refreshments at Ferndown Royal British Legion All welcome.
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