WEST EPPING UNITING CHURCH Sunday 8 March 2015 Our Vision We are people sent to share the love, hope and compassion of Jesus Christ with all the world GOD’S WAY OF DOING THINGS Australia has some of the strictest bicycle helmet laws in the world. Campaigns by organizations, including the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, have sought to drastically reduce the number of head injuries suffered by cyclists. They have done so by encouraging governments to impose laws concerning the mandatory wearing of helmets. Welcome 환영합니다 സ്വാഗതം 欢迎 Ki ora Malo elelei Prayer Points Pray for an end to the capital punishment as many people remain on death row or have recently faced the firing squad. We pray for those nations that regularly practice this policy - China, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. And we pray for mercy in Indonesia. Give thanks for the celebration of St David’s Day on 1st March and St Patrick’s Day on 17th March. We celebrate the marvellous contribution the Welsh and the Irish have made to this country and we remember all those who have migrated to Australia and who continue to offer so much to the life, prosperity and character of this nation. Most of us would assume this is a good thing. But libertarians oppose such initiatives, claiming people have the fundamental right to live their lives as they wish. Remember the Royal Commission into Institutional It’s true that no one likes being told what to do. We often resent receiving instructions about how to live our lives. Arguments about “big brother” and the “nanny state” together with claims about the slippery slope towards totalitarianism are familiar to us. Pray for Joy Balazo and her tireless commitment to In today’s Bible reading God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses. These laws are directed to the people of Israel and they become the foundation of that nation’s life. The Ten Commandments provide a basis for just and peaceful living. They exhort God’s people to embrace a life where worship and ethical living intersect. Give thanks for the contribution of women on this This creates a new found freedom where communities grow in an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and security. The Ten Commandments are a blueprint for peace and wellbeing. While it’s not always trendy these days to receive a list of “do’s” and “don’ts”, the Ten Commandments, God’s way of doing things, are there for us. Check them out - you may well be surprised. They are not there to bludgeon or tie us down. Rather, the Ten Commandments are given to build authentic community. These laws are offered to free and unite us. They are there to help us become the kind of community God intends. So, do consider the Ten Commandments. They are, very much, God’s way of doing things! John Barr PASTORAL CARE: For any Pastoral Care needs please contact Pastor Lois Rees 9876 1743 or Rev John Barr 0457 879 099 Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. May all those impacted by abuse experience healing and receive justice. peace in communities torn apart by violence and conflict. Pray that her ministry in Mindanao in the southern Philippines will offer a new way forward as nurturing communities are established and sustainable skills are learnt. International Women’s day. Pray for women who continue to experience gender inequality, violence and for women who are exploited and enslaved through human trafficking. Remember all those who share their gifts in this congregation - for musicians, worship leaders, small group leaders and all West Epping members who offer their services in many ways as volunteers. Pray for our sisters and brothers who have special needs through illness, grief or loneliness. Pray for the ministry of local Uniting Churches in our area - Marsden Road Uniting Church, Carlingford Uniting Church, Eastwood Uniting Church and Epping Uniting Church. May we learn to better serve one another and may we bear a common witness as a people united Christ. Take seriously “God’s way of doing things” as given to us in the Ten Commandments. May we, in the midst of our busy lives, especially remember the sabbath. May we also, in a world of conflicting values, honour our commitments and remain faithful to those we love. THANK YOU! Jenny, Ivan and family wish to thank members of our church family for all their love, prayers, support and caring following Jenny’s mum’s passing on 17th February. We have felt truly blessed to be surrounded by God’s love during this most difficult time. MEN’S FELLOWSHIP DINNER Monday 9 March at 6.30pm For Catering purposes please book: Bruce Elliott 9869 7633 or brucellio@yahoo.com David Newton 9876 1890 or davidandbarbnewton@bigpond.com Community News ECUMENICAL LENTEN SERVICE Tuesday 10 March at 7.45pm at St Gerard Majella Catholic Church, 543 North Rocks Rd, Carlingford Preacher: Rev John Barr No later than Sunday 8 March please. Cost $15. (No refunds once booking has been made). ANDIAMO ~ meet for lunch Thursday 12 March, 12 noon at Nadia's at Carlingford Court. For details and transport contact Adele 9868 7185. FRIDAY DISCOVERY ~ Friday 20 March. Join us at 10am for morning tea. Guest speaker: Mr. Doug Blunden. Topic: An Independent Traveller; with pictures! (You may even see the occasional train) Enquiries: Joan Ross 9873 3713. SAVE THE DATE! Amazing Women’s Day Retreat Saturday 16 May 15 Leader: Rev Laurel Barr 9.30am to 3.30pm Decide now to come and mark your diary! AT WEST EPPING PALM SUNDAY 29 MARCH Special intergenerational celebration commencing at 9.15am in Loftus Square Park (Willoughby and Hermington Streets) with a donkey! We will process to the church for a service beginning at 9.45am. Note: the 8.00am service will meet as usual. TUESDAY 31 MARCH Performance of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater With Claire Wright: Soprano, Radhika Sukumar-White: Alto and Malcolm Allerding/Philip Fraser: Organ. Tickets on sale at the door $15 (proceeds to support Christian Community Aid) 7.30pm in the church MAUNDY THURSDAY 2 APRIL Maundy Thursday service of Holy Communion 7.45pm in the church GOOD FRIDAY 3 APRIL Good Friday service 9.00am in the church FINANCIAL REPORTS to the end of January are available from the table in the foyer. A PRAYER FOR THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT: Loving Jesus, you came into the world and taught us your ways of love and reconciliation. You called out injustice where you saw it, even driving out the money changers from the temple. You have called us to walk in your ways and to carry the cross. Help us, Lord, to put to death the doubts and fears that live within us. Help us, Lord, to put to death the things that hold us back from following you with our whole hearts. Call us into discipleship, that we might serve you in the world we live in, that we might follow you all of our days, knowing that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen. Bible Readings Exodus 20:1-20 God spoke all these words: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. For six days you shall labour and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it. Honour your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour. When all the people witnessed the thunder and lightning, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking, they were afraid and trembled and stood at a distance, and said to Moses, ‘You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, or we will die.’ Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid; for God has come only to test you and to put the fear of him upon you so that you do not sin.’ 출애굽기 20장 1-17절 (Exodus 20:1-17) 1 하나님이 이 모든 말씀으로 일러 가라사대 2 나는 너를 애굽 땅, 종 되었던 집에서 인도하여 낸 너의 하나님 여호와로라 3 너는 나 외에는 다른 신들을 네게 있게 말찌니라 4 너를 위하여 새긴 우상을 만들지 말고 또 위로 하늘에 있는 것이나 아래로 땅에 있는 것이나 땅아래 물속에 있는 것의 아무 형상이든지 만들지 말며 5 그것들에게 절하지 말며 그것들을 섬기지 말라 나 여호 와 너의 하나님은 질투하는 하나님인즉 나를 미워하는 자의 죄를 갚되 아비로부터 아들에게로 삼 사대까지 이 르게 하거니와 6 나를 사랑하고 내 계명을 지키는 자에게는 천대까지 은 혜를 베푸느니라 7 너는 너의 하나님 여호와의 이름을 망령되이 일컫지 말 라 나 여호와는 나의 이름을 망령되이 일컫는 자를 죄 없다 하지 아니하리라 8 안식일을 기억하여 거룩히 지키라 9 엿새 동안은 힘써 네 모든 일을 행할 것이나 10 제 칠일은 너의 하나님 여호와의 안식일인즉 너나 네 아들이나 네 딸이나 네 남종이나 네 여종이나 네 육축 이나 네 문안에 유하는 객이라도 아무 일도 하지 말라 11 이는 엿새 동안에 나 여호와가 하늘과 땅과 바다와 그 가운데 모든 것을 만들고 제 칠일에 쉬었음이라 그러므 로 나 여호와가 안식일을 복되게 하여 그 날을 거룩하 게 하였느니라 12 네 부모를 공경하라 그리하면 너의 하나님 나 여호와 가 네게 준 땅에서 네 생명이 길리라 13 살인하지 말찌니라 14 간음하지 말찌니라 15 도적질하지 말찌니라 16 네 이웃에 대하여 거짓 증거하지 말찌니라 17 네 이웃의 집을 탐내지 말찌니라 네 이웃의 아내나 그 의 남종이나 그의 여종이나 그의 소나 그의 나귀나 무 릇 네 이웃의 소유를 탐내지 말찌니라 TODAY, 8 MARCH, IS INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY This is a day to celebrate the contribution of women and to advocate for gender equality and for the rights of women who continue to experience violence and abuse. Some facts: One in three women across the world are, or have, been abused. One in three women in Australia have experienced violence from a family member or an intimate partner. Women make up just 20% of members of parliament across the world Women make us just 12% of directorships of Australia’s top 200 companies 90% of casualties in contemporary conflicts are civilians, most of whom are women and children. The Uniting Church in Australia embraces a policy of gender inclusion and we affirm the Gospel imperative as expressed in Galatians 3:28: “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” What’s on this week! TO RICHARD Next Sunday 15 March, there will be a Farewell and ‘Pot-Luck’ Lunch for Richard Sercombe, after the 9:45 am Service. Please come and bring something to share for a light Lunch, and the opportunity to say farewell and thank you to Richard, our Children’s, Family and Youth Ministry Worker. There will be a Card available to sign, in the Hall at Morning Tea time today. Monday 9 Mar 10.00am 6.30pm English Conversation Classes Men’s Dinner Tuesday 10 Mar 9.30am 7.45pm Men’s Shed at Arrunga Ecumenical Lenten Service at St Gerard’s Wednesday 11 Mar 9.30am 9.45am 4.30pm 7.30pm Men’s Shed at Arrunga Mainly music OurSpace mid week Aspergers Support Group Thursday 12 Mar 9.30am 10.00am 12 noon 3.30pm 7.30pm Playgroup & Men’s Shed Thursday Craft Andiamo lunch at Nadia’s ASK—After School Kids Guest Speaker Hon John Watkins Sunday 15 March Lent 4 8.00am 9.45am 11.30am 5.00pm Worship Worship : JAM & Junior JAM Farewell & lunch for Richard Evening Worship followed by light meal Serving Next Sunday 15 March 2015 8.00am 9.45am Welcomers Margaret Leivesley Thelma Marshall Joan Ross Norma Perry Stewards Doug Blunden Alan Herron Michael Bullen, Ian West Bruce Elliott, Michael Jenkins Ministers Assistant Betty Taylor Lois Rees Reader John Hall Ali Powers Prayer Ministry John Planner Sue Elliott Chief Executive Officer of Alzheimer’s Australia NSW Thursday 12 March 7.30pm Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease ‘Its effect on Families & Community’ Suggested donation of $10 will go to Alzheimer’s Australia NSW Sound Computer Please bring a plate of food to share for supper Bring your family, neighbours & friends! Nick O & Jan VB Glennis E & Bruce S Lyndal Venn Brown Flowers Glennis Endicott Grounds 14 Mar Arvin Tan & John Norman Worship Sunday 15 March 8am Liturgist: Preacher: Rev John Barr Rev Hugh Park 9.45am Liturgist: Preacher: Rev John Barr Richard Sercombe 5pm: Worship & meal The West Epping Uniting Church uses information and news provided by its members, adherents and officers for the purposes of conducting its pastoral ministry. In the course of that ministry, material published in this bulletin may reach an audience wider than the membership of the congregation. Ministry Team Team Leader Senior’s Ministry Pastoral Care Co-ordinator Children, Families & Youth Ministry Student Minister Office Administrator Rev John Barr Rev Hugh Park Pastor Lois Res Richard Sercombe Claire Wright Helen Tattersall 0457 879 099 9868 3574 9876 17432 0418 291 219 9868 3574 9868 3574 Church Office Office Hours Email Website Phone WEUC Bank Account 35 Orchard St Epping 2121 Monday to Friday 9am—3pm weppinguca@gmail.com weppinguca.org.au 9868 3574 Westpac BSB 032 081 Account 961263
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