West Epping Uniting Church Cnr Carlingford Road & Orchard Street, Epping NSW 2121 Our Vision We are people sent to share the love, hope and compassion of Jesus Christ with all the world. MINISTRY TEAM TEAM LEADER Rev John Barr Phone: 0457 879 099 jmbarrwepping@gmail.com SENIORS MINISTRY Rev Hugh Park Phone: 9868 3574 8 February 2015 Welcome 환영합니다 欢迎 PASTORAL CARE CO-ORDINATOR Pastor Lois Rees Phone: 9876 1743 8am Preaching: Rev Hugh Park Liturgist: Rev John Barr CHILDREN, FAMILIES & YOUTH MINISTRY Mr Richard Sercombe Phone: 0418 291 219 richardwestepping@gmail.com 9.45am Preaching: Rev John Barr Liturgist: Pastor Lois Rees STUDENT MINISTER Ms Claire Wright ms.claire.wright@gmail.com CHURCH OFFICE Mrs Helen Tattersall 35 Orchard Street, Epping Monday – Friday 9am-3pm Phone: 9868 3574 EMAIL weppinguca@gmail.com WEBSITE www.weppinguca.org.au Evening Worship @ 5pm Leading: Pastor Lois Rees We Pray this week For freedom of speech and for those who are persecuted for telling the truth. For all those who are on death row and are facing the death penalty – and for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumrarn who face imminent execution in Indonesia. For mutual respect among people of different religious faiths across the world. For leaders in government – federal, state and local. May they govern with integrity, justice and with compassion. For West Epping Congregation and our ministry with children, families, seniors and with our outreach to the community around us. For the many programs supported by this congregation – English Conversation Classes, Mainly Music, Kid’s Playgroup, Kid’s Club, OurSpace mid week, Missionary Fellowship, Junior and Sunday JAM, Amazing Space, Ladies Fellowship, Thursday Craft, Cottage Crafters, Arrunga Men’s Shed, Men’s Fellowship, Friday Discovery, Asperger's’ Support Group, Andiamo, KYB and our many Small Groups. For Peter Greste as he is released from prison and for his two colleagues who remain behind bars in Cairo. For Rosie Batty, Australian of the Year, and for all those impacted by domestic violence. PRAYER: You are gentleness. You are protector, You are our guardian and defender. You are courage. You are our haven and our hope. You are our faith, Our great consolation. You are our eternal life, Great and wonderful Lord, God almighty, Merciful Saviour. (St Francis of Assisi 1181-1226) PASTORAL CARE: For any Pastoral Care needs please contact Pastor Lois Rees 9876 1743 or Rev John Barr 0457 879 099 Minister’s Message “'The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is not a resting-place, the church is a people' The word for “church” in the New Testament comes from the Greek work “ekklesia”. And “ekklesia” comes from two words, “ek – meaning “out” and “kaleo” – meaning “to call”. In the first century “ekklesia” was actually translated as “assembly”. This referred to a group of people, like you and me, who were “called out” to gather in a public space for a particular purpose. So this means the church is you and the church is me. The church is you and the church is me as we gather, as we identify ourselves in the community and as we do so for a particular purpose. And that purpose is to bear witness to the love, mercy and compassion of God made known to us in Jesus. So you see, the church has three essential points: Firstly, the church is you and the church is me! Secondly, the church is you and the church is me “called out” to gather. Thirdly, the church is you and the church is me “called out” to gather with the purpose of bearing witness to God’s love, mercy and compassion. Friends the important thing to remember is this - the church is the church only when these three things work together. And these things can only work, the church can only do its job, if you and I are there. For, in the words of that simple song: John Barr An informal, relaxed, creative worship service for everyone followed by a meal – children are included in the worship! Sunday 8th Feb: What is God calling us to do? Leader Pastor Lois Rees Sunday 15th Feb: Shared worship and meal with Epping UC at Epping UC, Chester St, Epping Contact: Richard Sercombe 0418 291 219 or John Barr 0457 879 099 Then why not enquire about our Exploring the Christian Faith Series to take place in March 2015 at West Epping Uniting Church cnr Carlingford Rd and Orchard St Epping www.weppinguca.org.au Ph: 9868 3574 Contact: Rev John Barr jmbarrwepping@gmail.com or Richard Sercombe richardwestepping@gmail.com for details. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY AID EASTWOOD Heather Pinto, General Manager of CCA in Eastwood was contacted this week regarding the cuts to CCA’s programs that assist people in distress in the community. Ms Pinto is encouraging people to attend a rally in Sydney on Thursday 26 February at 12 noon outside the Commonwealth Government Offices, corner of Bent St and Farrer Place. This rally will protest the $240 million in cuts to the Community Services Sector (CCA in Eastwood has lost $236,000 in funding). Ms Pinto also recommends writing to local parliamentary members (Federal and State) to identify concerns about these cuts. Meanwhile CCA will launch an appeal shortly to raise funds to ensure front line services continue. Our ongoing support and concern for CCA is greatly appreciated. CARLINGFORD-EPPING ECUMENICAL NETWORK COMBINED CHURCH COUNCIL Members of West Epping Uniting Church are warmly invited to attend the Ecumenical Network Combined Church Council. This is an opportunity to gather with our Anglican, Baptist, Catholic and Uniting Church brothers and sisters in the Carlingford-Epping area, to learn more about each other’s ministry, and to celebrate our unity in Christ. Each church will be making a short presentation after a eating a meal together. Thursday 12 February, 7.00pm for a meal at Epping Uniting Church. Please RSVP to Helen in the office or to John Barr for catering purposes. ELECTION OF A NEW WEST EPPING CHURCH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE The positions of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are now vacant and the nominations for these positions are Heather Petrie (Chair), Sue Elliott (Secretary) and Morris Ross (Treasurer). An election will take place during Sunday worship next Sunday 15 February. Ballot papers will be distributed and then collected during the service. Please prayerfully consider these marvellous people who have been nominated and are offering themselves to exercise important leadership in this congregation. COMMISSIONING OF THE NEW CHURCH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE AND ACTION TEAM LEADERS This commissioning will take place on Sunday 22 February at both morning services. Put this date in your diary and plan to be there! What’s on at West Epping MEN’S FELLOWSHIP DINNER Monday 9 February at 6.30pm For Catering purposes please book: Bruce Elliott 9869 7633 or brucellio@yahoo.com David Newton 9876 1890 or davidandbarbnewton@bigpond.com ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE To commence the period of Lent an Ash Wednesday service will take place in the church on Wednesday 18 February at 7.30pm. Claire Wright and John Barr will lead the worship. No later than Sunday 8 February please. ECUMENICAL TAIZE WORSHIP You are invited to share in Taize Worship every second Sunday of the month at St Alban’s Anglican Church, Epping, at 6.00pm. Taize is a meditative, reflective style of worship involving songs and prayers based on the scriptures. For more information contact Rev Paul Weaver: 9767 7760; 8819 2883. Cost $15. (No refunds once booking has been made). FRIDAY DISCOVERY ~ Join us on Friday 20 February at 10am for morning tea followed by our guest speaker John Andrew. His topic is ‘Sydney Harbour bridge’. Enquiries: Joan Ross 9873 3713. ANDIAMO ~ will meet in the cottage next Thursday, 12 February at 2.30pm. For information or transport phone Adele 9868 7185. DAVID LENA REICHARDT: ~ MANALI PRAYER PARTNERSHIP BULLETIN The latest bulletin from the Reichardt’s, who are currently serving in North India, is available on the desk as you leave the church. Please take a copy. Wednesday 11 February ~ Worship and Spiritual Life Action Team 7.30pm in the cottage Sunday 15 February ~ Combined evening worship with Epping Uniting Church at Epping Uniting Church 5.oopm followed by a meal. Thursday 19 February ~ Celebrating the Lunar New Year Thursday 19 February ~ Church Council, 7.30pm in the cottage West Epping News CARPET CLEANING ~ in the church and cottage is happening this week: the cottage will be cleaned on Monday 9 Feb from 12 noon and the church on Friday 13 Feb from 8am. As the carpets need plenty of time for drying, please work around these times if you need access to these areas. Thank you. Richard Sercombe commended his role as Children’s, Family and Youth Ministry Worker here in West Epping 12 months ago (on 9 February 2014). Thank you, Richard, for your ministry that reaches out to young people and encourages us all on our journey of faith. STRONGER RELATIONSHIPS This is a program led by UnitingCare at the initiative of the Australian Government to assist adult couples of all ages in committed relationships to build and maintain respectful and mutually satisfying relationships. A series of two sessions will be conducted at West Epping Uniting Church on Wednesday evening 29 April and Wednesday evening 6 May. This is an important opportunity to help couples move through different phases in their relationship, to work through tough times or build a foundation for closer communication. Places are available. All couples are encouraged to participate in this important program. Please contact Richard Sercombe or John Barr for more information. MYSTERY COACH TOUR Please note that the next Tour will be one day earlier than usual on Friday 27 March 2015 as Saturday 28 March is NSW Election day. Tour departs at 8.30am and returning at approximately 5.30pm. Cost $40 per person. Limited seating available. Payment may be made to Dorothy, Jenny, Joan or Tess by placing cash in a sealed envelope marked ‘MCT’ and with your name. Bible Reading Isaiah 40:21-31 Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to live in; who brings princes to naught, and makes the rulers of the earth as nothing. Scarcely are they planted, scarcely sown, scarcely has their stem taken root in the earth, when he blows upon them, and they wither, and the tempest carries them off like stubble. To whom then will you compare me, or who is my equal? says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high and see: Who created these? He who brings out their host and numbers them, calling them all by name; because he is great in strength, mighty in power, not one is missing. Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, ‘My way is hidden from the Lord, and my right is disregarded by my God’? Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless. Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint Korean Bible Reading 이사야서 40장 21-31절 (Isaiah 40:21-31) 21 너희가 알지 못하였느냐 너희가 듣지 못하였느냐 태초부터 너희에게 전하지 아니하였느냐 땅의 기초가 창조될 때부터 너희가 깨닫지 못하 였느냐 22 그는 땅 위 궁창에 앉으시나니 땅의 거민들은 메뚜기 같으니라 그가 하늘을 차일 같이 펴셨으며 거할 천막 같이 베푸셨고 23 귀인들을 폐하시며 세상의 사사들을 헛되게 하시나니 24 그들은 겨우 심기웠고 겨우 뿌리웠고 그 줄기가 겨우 땅에 뿌리를 박 자 곧 하나님의 부심을 받고 말라 회리바람에 불려가는 초개 같도다 25 거룩하신 자가 가라사대 그런즉 너희가 나를 누구에게 비기며 나로 그 와 동등이 되게 하겠느냐 하시느니라 26 너희는 눈을 높이 들어 누가 이 모든 것을 창조하였나 보라 주께서는 수효대로 만상을 이끌어 내시고 각각 그 이름을 부르시나니 그의 권 세가 크고 그의 능력이 강하므로 하나도 빠짐이 없느니라 27 야곱아 네가 어찌하여 말하며 이스라엘아 네가 어찌하여 이르기를 내 사정은 여호와께 숨겨졌으며 원통한 것은 내 하나님에게서 수리하심 을 받지 못한다 하느냐 28 너는 알지 못하였느냐 듣지 못하였느냐 영원하신 하나님 여호와, 땅 끝까지 창조하신 자는 피곤치 아니하시며 곤비치 아니하시며 명철이 한이 없으시며 29 피곤한 자에게는 능력을 주시며 무능한 자에게는 힘을 더하시나니 30 소년이라도 피곤하며 곤비하며 장정이라도 넘어지며 자빠지되 31 오직 여호와를 앙망하는 자는 새 힘을 얻으리니 독수리의 날개치며 올 라감 같을 것이요 달음박질하여도 곤비치 아니하겠고 걸어가도 피곤 치 아니하리로다 NEXT SUNDAY 15 February 8am & 9.45am PREACHING: REV JOHN BARR LITURGIST: CLAIRE WRIGHT CHURCH BANK ACCOUNT Bank: Westpac BSB: 032 081 Account: 961263 New Testament Reading Mark 1:29-39 As soon as they left the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told him about her at once. He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them. That evening, at sunset, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. And Simon and his companions hunted for him. When they found him, they said to him, ‘Everyone is searching for you.’ He answered, ‘Let us go on to the neighbouring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.’ And he went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons. find a word puzzle Show Others You Care Mark 1:33-34a FEVER SUNSET JOHN HEALED SIMON VILLAGES HAND TOWN PREACH EVENING SYNAGOGUE DOOR BED JESUS JAMES ANDREW DEMONS HELPED SICK PEOPLE Korean New Testament Reading 마가복음 1장 29-39절 (Mark 1:29-39) 29 회당에서 나와 곧 야고보와 요한과 함께 시몬과 안드레의 집에 들어가시니 30 시몬의 장모가 열병으로 누웠는지라 사람들이 곧 그의 일로 예수께 여짜온 대 31 나아가사 그 손을 잡아 일으키시니 열병이 떠나고 여자가 저희에게 수종드 니라 32 저물어 해 질 때에 모든 병자와 귀신들린 자를 예수께 데려오니 33 온 동네가 문 앞에 모였더라 34 예수께서 각색 병든 많은 사람을 고치시며 많은 귀신을 내어 쫓으시되 귀 신이 자기를 알므로 그 말하는 것을 허락지 아니하시니라 35 새벽 오히려 미명에 예수께서 일어나 나가 한적한 곳으로 가사 거기서 기 도하시더니 36 시몬과 및 그와 함께 있는 자들이 예수의 뒤를 따라가 37 만나서 가로되 모든 사람이 주를 찾나이다 38 이르시되 우리가 다른 가까운 마을들로 가자 거기서도 전도하리니 내가 이 를 위하여 왔노라 하시고 39 이에 온 갈릴리에 다니시며 저희 여러 회당에서 전도하시고 또 귀신들을 내어 쫓으시더라 What’s on this week! Sunday 8 February 8.00am 9.45am 5.00pm Worship Worship : JAM, Junior JAM Evening worship followed by a light meal Monday 9 Feb 10.00am 6.30pm English Conversation Classes Men’s Fellowship Dinner Tuesday 10 Feb 9.30am Men’s Shed at Arrunga Wednesday 11 Feb 9.30am 9.45am 4.30pm 7.30pm Men’s Shed at Arrunga mainly music OurSpace mid week Asperger's Support Group Thursday 12 Feb 9.30am 9.30am 10.00am 2.30pm 3.30pm Men’s Shed at Arrunga Playgroup Thursday Craft Andiamo ASK—After School Kids 8.00am 9.45am 5.00pm Worship Worship : JAM, Junior JAM Combined service with Epping UC at Chester St, Epping, followed by a light meal Sunday 15 February Serving Next Sunday 15 February 2015 8.00am 9.45am Welcomers Anne Jeffery Jan Watson Jean Chapple Jenny Whittaker Stewards Doug Blunden Alan Herron Michael Bullen, Ian West Bruce Elliott, Michael Jenkins Ministers Assistant John Hall Peter Brown Reader Helen Aiton Michael Bullen Prayer Ministry Annabelle Avern Helen Campbell Ranjit Alexander Sound Computer Bruce Sheldrick Bettina Benjamin Flowers Margaret Gibbons Grounds 7 Feb Ian West & Michael Bullen
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