the THE WEEKLY N EWSLETTER O F N ORMANHURST B OYS H IGH S CHOOL NORMANHURST NEWS 27 FEBRUARY 2015 | VOLUME 24 ISSUE 5 A T F W E Normanhurst Boys High School Pennant Hills Road Normanhurst NSW 2076 SCHOOL EXECUTIVE +61 2 9489 1077 +61 2 9489 5722 Asli Harman Mark Anderson Principal Deputy Principal Frank Abas Deputy Principal IN THIS EDITION Summer Sport Grand Final Results Harmony Day, Thursday 19 March Year 9 Northern Explorer Camp, 9-13 March Year 8 Bungarra Camp, 23-27 March Year 11 Burrendong Crossroads Camp, 23-27 March Left: Year 7 Parent Information Evening in the school hall FROM THE PRINCIPAL Mr Mark Anderson B. A. Dip. Ed. Year 7 Information Evening: Thank you to all of the Year 7 parents who attended this year’s “meet and greet”. The night provided an opportunity for parents to put a name to a face and to mingle with parents of other students whom their son may have mentioned as now part of his new friendship group. These sorts of nights are rather socially awkward for all concerned as it is difficult to establish who is who in the mass of humanity attending. It did provide a great opportunity for parents to ask teachers a few of those questions that would otherwise go unanswered. Many parents see their son’s arrival at high school as a time when they pull back from involvement in the school. I would encourage all parents to consider their arrival in year 7 as a way-point rather than the final destination and one where it is important to continue to be involved in the school. Adolescent boys are notorious for becoming rather noncommunicative as they grow out of the “tweens” and develop fully fledged teenage characteristics. Having watched this phenomenon rather closely for 25 years I can see a pattern that repeats itself year after year so I am not really expecting this year’s group to deviate from the norm. Overcoming the lack of communication is a challenge. Attending nights like this creates a shared experience which can be an opener for conversation. We had an excellent attendance rate with more than 90% of the boys being represented by their parent(s). Thank you to all of our wonderful staff members who came to welcome our newest parents. A special thanks to Ms Free, Ms O’Neill, Ms Harman, Ms Thomas and Sade Kalasabail (our P&C President) for their presentations and to Mr Briefrel for his assistance with catering. As promised, the presentation provided by Ms Thomas has been uploaded to the Year 7 page of the school web-site. A resource is also being created to assist parents in helping their sons navigate through Moodle. Congratulations to Jonathan Simpson and Philip Lentz who performed at Government House for the Norwegian King and Queen last Wednesday. King Harald, Queen Sonja and a large delegation of representatives of Norwegian public administration, trade and industry are currently in Australia from 23 to 27 February. Jonathan and Philip performed as part of the NSW Public Schools Singers. State Representative Certificates: These certificates recognise people who represent the State in-any field including sport, maths or science Olympiads, Robotics, dance, public speaking and the like. Application forms are normally available from your local MP. In the case of Normanhurst this is Barry O’Farrell. I would strongly encourage parents of any student who is eligible for this recognition to apply on behalf of their son. While we will attempt to complete forms for students we know qualify, there are gaps in our knowledge regarding events our boys are involved in beyond the DEC. These awards are great inclusions for resumes and provide additional recognition for high performers. For DEC events please return the forms to me so I can endorse them and forward them to our MP Barry O’Farrell. For non-DEC events please contact the team manager or coach to endorse the application before returning the form to me to forward on your behalf. I have attached a digital copy of the nomination form to this link. Avoiding Computer Related injuries: Have you ever wondered if your child may be suffering physically from using a computer for schoolwork? While the age of the laptop has resulted in most students frequently not working in an ergonomically correct manner, there are things parents can do to assist their students at home. • • • • • • • Use a computer chair with adjustable height, tilt and lower spine options. Teach your child to sit with their elbows at right angles to the tabletop and wrists flat, rather than raised. Make sure your child's back is flat against the seat back. Feet should be flat on the ground and knees should face forward. For a smaller child, tilt the lumbar support forward so that the seat pan supports their legs as far as the backs of their knees. Use a step if your child's feet don't reach the floor properly. The top of the computer screen should be at eye level so your child can scroll down with their eyes rather than looking up and down and straining their neck. Use a separate plug-in keyboard and mouse with a laptop, and raise the screen to an appropriate level with a dedicated laptop stand. Invest in a larger monitor which can be used to create a workstation Getting Students Organised for school: For those parents who are struggling with getting their son organised for school in the morning here are some simple but effective tips which may help. For those who are pondering the machinations of the teenage brain and wondering what is going on, this link provides a great source of basic information on the development of the teenage brain that parents might find interesting if not revealing. Not Just Great Programmers and Robot Builders: Our Robotics Team, “Team 4739 The Thunderbolts” have not only created a robot to compete; they are trying their hand at raising the seed capital required to enable them to continue the Normanhurst domination in this field. The boys have set up an “OzCrowd” funding avenue to help them raise the capital to put together a masterpiece of robotics. If you would be able to help the boys financially please click on the link below to make a donation. They are still looking for a major sponsor but all donations will be graciously accepted. We have quite a few old boys who read the for some philanthropy boys! newsletter. Time Congratulations to all of the boys who were lucky enough to participate in a Grand Final this week. I was fortunate to be able to visit the Futsal, Baseball and First XI Cricket at ELS Hall and see a number of the boys in action. While the Principal’s presence appeared to be a kiss-of-death for victory, all of the boys gave their best and played their hearts out. The weather was not kind to any of the games and some of the games were washed out before they even started. I am sure there will be a rather in-depth item later from Mr Ridley on the cricket and from the Sports Organiser providing an overview of the results. Well done to all players this season. The only losers in sport are those who do not give it their best shot. As some parents may be aware, Mr Ridley has indicated that he will possibly retire at the end of the year and that this will be his last season as the First XI coach. There is a really beautiful relationship between the team and Mr Ridley. His obvious passion for the game and determination to maintain the traditional dignity of the game of cricket is apparent even at a glance. From bringing watermelon for the boys after the game, to bringing a cover from home for the run-up area, he is a cricket devotee of extraordinary proportion. At the end of the game the team presented Mr Ridley with a signed and annotated bat as a way of recognising the great contribution he has made to the boys in the team over many years. While the Firsts could not get away with a win, they were able to thank and farewell their coach in a manner that I am sure he will always remember very fondly. Harmony Day: On Thursday 19 March we will be holding our annual celebration of the cultural diversity that is such a strength of this nation of ours. A cultural dress competition, creative writing competition, origami and of course multicultural food will mark the day. The day will be mufti and students are encouraged to come dressed in cultural costume or in orange to mark this special occasion. Year 12 Team Normo Evening: Thank you to all our Year 12 boys and parents who attended the information evening which was designed to support our boys through the period in the lead up to the HSC. It is a very stressful time for all and our focus is on ensuring that balance and perspective are maintained. Thank you to the following people for taking the time away from family, loved ones and busy lives to share wisdom in support of our boys. • Our MCs: Lachlan Jones and Semonn Oleksyn • Mr Phil Rumbelow – Year Adviser • Ms Rebecca Thomas - Head Teacher Welfare • Ms Meredith O’Neill - Counsellor • Ms Kay Woodhams - Careers Adviser • Students from Year 12 2014: o o David Norris – (MQ) BPsy (Hons)/BLaws Gajan Shivaramanan (UNSW) BE (MTRLS Science and Eng) (Industrial Chemistry Coop) • o Raul Vellani (UNSW) BCombined Law o Enoch Chiu (UTS) B Design Arch/BCrtInIn Mrs Shahereen Shums Bhargava - 2014 Year 12 Parent 2015-17 School Plan: Thank you to the attending parents, students and staff members for their contribution to the school’s planning process on Thursday afternoon. A cross section from each of the stakeholders was able to spend some time reviewing our progress so far, and make some very insightful comments to enable us to fine-tune our draft. The development process for the formulation of school plans is now consistent across the State with all school plans needing to be formulated with the same components and structure. While the content from school-to-school will be very different they will all look fairly similar at a glance. A special thanks to Ms Harman for her organisation in the lead up to and during the forum. Technology and Contact with the School Next Week: As a result of the ET4L technology upgrade across the school please be reminded that there will be no email access to the school next week. Please contact the office via phone as email will not be available in the office until Wednesday at the earliest. The boys will still be able to use their machines as a local device but will not have access to the internet or school drives. We are expecting some technology “DT’s” as a result of the outage but have but a plan in place to minimise disruption to learning and the basic functioning of the school. Please note that we will be unable to send out SMS notifications of student absences and late arrivals until the system is up and running again. ► P&C NEWS Mr Sade Kalasabail, P&C President The Canteen Manager Position is vacant and we are in search of a new Manager. The details are in the Position description in this school newsletter and we have advertised in local newspapers this week. Thanks to contributions of Ruchi Bharadwaj, Deepti Biswas and Ash Gholkar this week’s Year 7 Parent Information Event & Year 12 Team Normo Event were very well catered for by P&C Events committee, Thanks to the fantastic staff at the school who gave a helping hand when we were running out of time, without them it would have been very difficult. The Events Committee is trying a new model of conducting the events by involving the parents who are attending the events. Our next Grounds Day (… working bee) for this term / Year will be held on the Saturday 14 March (9.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon). Our next P&C meeting will be held on Tuesday 10 Mar 2015 at 7.30 p.m. in the School Library. Before the meeting Mr. Anderson our principal will conduct training to parents to be eligible to join a selection panel. It is free and a good skill to have so you can help the school. Parents are needed to join the various selection panels formed during the year. More details in next week’s newsletter. Further information about P&C is available on the School website , under the “P&C” tab along with details of the previous meetings. ► DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD Ms D James, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Coordinator Congratulations to Julian Moore of Year 10, who received his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award late in 2014. This award requires commitment, perseverance and focus. Julian's award was presented during assembly on Thursday 12 February 2015. ► 2014-15 LIONS INTERNATIONAL YOUTH OF THE YEAR PROGRAM & NBHS Mr G Ridley, Coordinator, Youth of the Year Program The international charity organisation Lions (the largest charity of its type in the world) have Lions Clubs in our district running their club finals of the Youth of the Year Program at this very time of the year. You may remember the immediate host club to Normanhurst Boys, the West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions club, run their final at the end of 2014. Merle Runde from Cherrybrook Technology HS was the overall successful candidate, however our School Captain Lachlan Jones was extremely close according to the judges. Lachlan in fact kept up the great public speaking name we have by easily winning the public speaking section on the night. Of late we have candidates ready to perform at three other clubs namely Epping-Eastwood, Beecroft and CarlingfordDundas Lions Clubs. Ashkan Khoshab and Mitchell have already had their interviews and Ashkan participated in the YOTY in Beecroft at Cheltenham Girls HS on Monday 23 February. Dilir Ali and Jethro Yuen are to represent the school at Carlingford on 3 March. We wish all the lads the very best in both the interview stage and the public speaking section. On Wednesday 18 February Keita Richardson represented the school with distinction just as Lachlan Jones had done. Unfortunately he was pipped at the post by Connor Boesel from Epping Boys who had a great advantage having learnt from mistakes after competing in last year’s event. Keita spoke passionately about the need for greater promotion and recognition of Science and Technology in modern society. He had some tough impromptu questions, ranging from Gallipoli, the Bali Nine and best use of a gap year. Keita has been extremely busy of late with his Biology research and science camps and olympiads. We wish him well in those endeavours. Mr Abas really enjoyed the evening and we thank him for his support of Keita on this occasion. RAUL VELLANI RETURNS Raul Vellani was invited to Keita’s Epping–Eastwood Lions final function. As the previous winner, State winner in 201314 and National finalist, Raul was asked to speak on his experiences during the year and to give advice to future participants. He shared stories of his journey through the early rounds and into the State and National final. All present enjoyed his presentation especially the reports of his Lions International Youth Forum in Rotorua New Zealand in January and his trip to Fremantle with all other State winners. One of the biggest things to come out of this event for Raul was the acquaintances he has made with people from all over the world. He said he can stay anywhere in the world now for free, such is the closeness of the friendships. In fact he has many of the fellow students coming to Sydney in April. Hopefully he will arrange for them to visit us here. He mentioned our school motto, Know Thyself. Through this event he has tested himself and come to know his strengths and weaknesses on a different plane. By the way he did say he enjoyed the boating and water sports off Fremantle as well as the cooking and organic farming exploits of his elderly, but not retired, billets (he has another set of ‘grandparents’ he can visit in WA now). In NZ he participated in jet-boating, paintball, free falling, rock climbing, swam in pristine lakes, milked cows, hiked to visit volcanos, camped out on the beach, experienced Maori culture and a hangi, performed magic and rode the luge to mention a few of the activities. During the ten day camp he had no communication with home, no technology, was sleep deprived and worked from 6am till 1am. However he said “NZ was simply awesome”. The whole ethos of both the Perth and NZ event appeared to be based around shared leadership. The activities were designed to force reliance on each other and develop teamwork and forge closer cultural ties. A big thank you to Raul for giving up his time to visit and brief this year’s candidates. That was very well received on a couple of occasions. STOP PRESS: LOST: One rare Youth of the Year badge. FOUND BY BHAVYA POPLI of Year 8! Well done! He even knew who to hand it to. Many thanks from the School Captain. He had lost his winning West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions Public Speaking badge on the basketball courts. ASHKAN WINS AT BEECROFT. The talent at the Beecroft Lions Youth of the Year last Monday was just as strong as ever. Ashkan was up against strong candidates, particularly from a student from Pymble Ladies College who won the public speaking section. The young lady has already won early entry into law at Cambridge for 2016 and her resume was very impressive. Fortunately Ashkan’s interview skills and his general knowledge were exceptional and he was awarded the overall club winner. He moves onto the Area final on March 14 now. Congratulations. A big thankyou to Udai and Jethro of Year 11 for teaming up with Miss Ormiston in support . ► 2014-15 SUMMER GRAND FINALS – WEDNESDAY, 25 FEBRUARY Mr Peter Edwards, Sports Coordinator Sport Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Baseball Baseball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Oztag Oztag Oztag Oztag Futsal Futsal Futsal Futsal Waterpolo Waterpolo Waterpolo Waterpolo 1st 2nd 15A 14A 14B 1st 15 1st 2nd 15 14 1st 2nd 3rd 15 14 1st 2nd 15 14 1st 2nd 15a 15b SenA SenB JunA JunB 1st 2nd 15 14 Higher Place 1-Epping 1-Homebush 1-Normanhurst 1-Epping 1-Epping 1 – Epping 1 – Asquith 1 – Randwick 1 – Epping 1 – North Sydney 1 – Homebush 1 – Homebush 1 – Epping 1 – Epping 1 – Homebush 1 – Homebush 1 – North Sydney 1 – North Sydney 1 – Normanhurst 1 – North Sydney 1 – Epping 1 – Randwick 1 – Randwick 1 – Randwick 1 – Epping 1 – Epping 1 – Homebush 1 – Homebush 1- Epping 1- Epping 1- Asquith 1- Epping Lower Place 2-Normanhurst 2-Normanhurst2-Epping 3-Asquith 2-Homebush 3 - Normanhurst 2 – Epping 2 – Epping 2 – North Sydney 3 - Normanhurst 3 - Normanhurst 2 – Epping 3 – Homebush 2 - Normanhurst 2 – Asquith 2 - Epping 3 – Epping 3 – Epping 2 – North Sydney 2 - Normanhurst 2 - Ashfield 2 – Homebush (B) 2 - Homebush 3 – Ashfield 2 – North Sydney 3 - Normanhurst 2 - Randwick 2 - Epping 2- Homebush 2- Epping 3 2- Randwick 2- Homebush NBHS Firsts Cricket Team (photo by Brendan Yau) Winner Epping Wash out Wash out Wash out Wash out Epping Asquith Randwick Epping North Sydney Normanhurst Epping Epping Epping Homebush Epping Wash out Wash out Wash out Wash out Epping Randwick Homebush Randwick Epping Epping Randwick Homebush Homebush Epping 2 Randwick Epping Score By 7 wickets Joint Premiers Joint Premiers Joint Premiers Joint Premiers 8-1 6-5 38-35 30-23 45-26 34-30 2-0 2-1 2-1 2-0 2-1 Joint Premiers Joint Premiers Joint Premiers Joint Premiers 7-6 5-4 7-5 8-3 8-2 7-1 4-2 3-2 8-4 11-1 5-0 ► CALENDAR Wk 6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 3 WEEK B 4 WEEK B 5 WEEK B 6 WEEK B Year 11 Maths Assessment Years 7, 9 & 11 Study Skills Year 11 Maths Assessment Year 7 & 8 Vaccinations Zone Swimming Year 10 Preliminary Geography Fieldwork Year 10 PDM Assessment Task Year 8 English Assessment Year 11 Biology Field Trip Year 12 Engineering Assessment Year 8 Maths Assessment Year 10 Visual Arts Assessment Task 7BUK English Assessment Year 8 Science Assessment Task Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 9 English Assessment Year 11 Software Design & Development UTS Big Day In Excursion Year Meetings Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 8 Geography Assessment Task Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 9 Drama Assessment Year 8 English Assessment Year 9 Geography Assessment Task 7WAR English Assessment Year 8 English Assessment Prefect Peer Tutoring Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition 7 Thursday 2 March WEEK B 7DIN & 7WAY English Assessment Task 9 March WEEK A 10 WEEK A 11 WEEK A 12 WEEK A 13 WEEK A Year 9 Northern Explorer Excursion Year 9 Northern Explorer Excursion Year 9 Northern Explorer Excursion Year 9 Northern Explorer Excursion Year 9 Northern Explorer Excursion Year 8 History Assessment Task Earth Hour Breakfast Year 12 Music 1 and 2 Assessment Task Selective Schools Placement Test Year 10 Music Assessment School Assembly Year 12 Non Assessment/Excursion Period Year 12 Visual Arts Assessment Task Year 11 Japanese Assessment Year 11 Society & Culture Assessment Year 11 English Advanced Assessment Year 8 Music Assessment Peer Support Year 7 Maths Assessment Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 12 Music 1 and 2 Assessment Task Year 10 Music Assessment Year 10 Maths Assessment Task Prefect Peer Tutoring Year 7 Science Assessment Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 7 Geography Assessment Task Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition First Regional Robotics Competition P&C Meeting World Greatest Headshave and BBQ Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 8 Visual Arts Assessment First Regional Robotics Competition Saturday, 14 March First Regional Robotics Competition P&C Working Bee (9.00am – 12.00 noon) 8 16 March WEEK B 17 WEEK B 18 WEEK B 19 WEEK B 20 WEEK B Year 12 Non Assessment/Excursion Period Year 12 Non Assessment/Excursion Period Year 12 Non Assessment/Excursion Period Year 12 Non Assessment/Excursion Period Year 12 Half Yearly Exams Year 11 Software Design & Development Assessment Sydney Northern Region Swimming Carnival Year 10 PDM Assessment Task Year 11 Biology Assessment Task Year 11 Drama Assessment Task Year 10 Accelerated Geography Assessment Task Year 9 Maths Assessment Task Year 10 Commerce Assessment Task Year 11 PDHPE Assessment Year 11 History Assessment Task Year 9 Music Assessment Task Year Meetings Harmony Day Year 8 French Assessment Task Year 10 Commerce Assessment Task Year 8 Visual Arts Assessment Year 11 English Ext.1 7BUK & 7DIN French Assessment Year 10 History Assessment Year 8 Music Assessment Task Year 8 Japanese Assessment Task Prefect Peer Tutoring Year 8 Music Assessment Task Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition 7WAR & 7WAY French Assessment Task Peer Support Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Assessment Task Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 7DIN Music Assessment Task Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Normanhurst & Hornsby Girls SRC Dance 9 23 March WEEK A 24 WEEK A 25 WEEK A 26 WEEK A 27 WEEK A Year 12 Half-Yearly Examinations Year 12 Half-Yearly Examinations Year 12 Half-Yearly Examinations Year 12 Half-Yearly Examinations Year 12 Half-Yearly Examinations Year 11 Crossroads Camp Year 11 Crossroads Camp Year 11 Crossroads Camp Year 11 Crossroads Camp Year 11 Crossroads Camp Year 8 Bungarra Camp Year 8 Bungarra Camp Year 8 Bungarra Camp Year 8 Bungarra Camp Year 8 Bungarra Camp Years 7-11 Australian Geography Competition Years 7-11 Australian Geography Competition Years 7-11 Australian Geography Competition Years 7-11 Australian Geography Competition Years 7-11 Australian Geography Competition Year 10 Japanese Assessment Year 10 History Assessment Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition NSW Combined Schools State Swimming Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Year 9 Visual Arts Assessment Year 9 PDM City Photographic Shoot & Exhibition Viewing AGNSW Year 9 Science Assessment Task 7WAY Music Assessment Task Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Earth Hour School Assembly Year 10 English Assessment 7BUK Music Assessment Task Year 10 Science Assessment Task Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Prefect Peer Tutoring Year 9 Commerce Assessment Year 10 House Lunch Soccer Competition Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 March NSW Combined Schools State Swimming ► YEAR 7, 8, 11 & 12 SCHOOL IMMUNISATION PROGRAM Ms R Thomas, Head Teacher Welfare YEAR 7, 8, 11 & 12 SCHOOL IMMUNISATION PROGRAM Dear Parents Just a friendly reminder that vaccination dates are: Thursday, 5 March 2015 Year 7: HPV (1) Year 8: (catch-up) HPV(1) Monday, 4 May 2015 Year 7: HPV (2) Year 7: Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Year 8: (catch-up) HPV(2) Year 12 (catch-up) MMR Tuesday, 25 August 2015 Year 7: HPV (3) Year 7: Chicken Pox Year 8: (catch-up) HPV(3) Year 11 (catch-up) MMR R Thomas Head Teacher Welfare ► CAREERS NEWS Mrs. K Woodhams, Careers Adviser Important Information – Calendar of Events Check this calendar for upcoming University Open Days, Parent/Student university nights plus more Go to: We also have additional information including a comprehensive calendar on the MhsCareers website User name: nbhs - Password: careers SCHOOL CAREERS INFORMATION YEAR 12 Year 12 Information Evening It was very rewarding to see so many parents and students at the information session held last night. Thank you to Raul Vellani, David Norris & Gajan Shivaramanan students from Year 12 (2014) who shared information including study tips, time management, coping with the year, getting into your dream course and even tips for scholarship applications. Mrs Shahereen Shums Bhargava also gave an informative presentation from a parent’s perspective. There was a Year 12 careers handout issued on the night. Spare copies are outside my office. Year 12 Community Service I have already had an introductory session with the boys participating in the 2015 Bowden Brae Year 12 Community Service program. The paperwork needs to be returned to the Careers Office by Monday 2 March. Orientation/ Workplace Health & Safety Session Friday, period 1 6 March. The boys are to assemble outside my Office the beginning of period 1. Educational Access Scheme (EAS) I spoke to Year 12 parents and students at the information evening about the Educational Access Scheme (EAS). There will also be a lunchtime presentation later in the year. EAS are programs which aim to redress: *the statistical under representation of particular groups at Australian Institutions and *the under representation of applicants who have experienced long term (six months or more) educational disadvantage. Institutions use EAS to make offers in one of two ways, they: *allocate bonus points or *set aside a certain number of places for EAS applicants. Booklets including an application arrive at the school in July/August. I have placed a copy of the table outlining the eligibility criteria outside my office. More information can be found on the UAC website UNIVERSITIES UNSW: Built Environment Parent and Student Information Session Wed 25 March, 6.00pm – 8.30pm, A valuable information session where students can: *Learn about degrees within the disciplines of Architecture, Design, Construction and Planning *Hear about the career paths within the Built Environment *Have any questions answered about studying at the faculty of Built Environment at UNSW University of Sydney: House of Karls – Knowledge is Power Wed 29 April, 5.45pm – 6.45pm, Eastern Avenue Auditorium In this free lecture, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki will speak about a range of topics including how children are smarter than their parents, why bank robbery is a terrible economic decision, and the surprising origins of the selfie. University of New England Open Day Fri 1 May, Armidale More details available closer to the date. 2015 Bradman Foundation University Scholarship Applications close Fri 28 February. This scholarship for young cricketers attending university offers $5,000 per annum for up to 3 years. The Bradman Scholar will be chosen on a blend of academic, cricketing, sportsmanship, community, community service, presentation, personal, and social skills. Contact: 02 4862 1247 or UTS Discover Session: Nursing Discover Nursing: Tue 30 June, 6.00pm Learn more about nursing or midwifery by attending an interactive workshop. University of Western Sydney: Observatory Astronomy Nights Sat 28 February, 8.00pm – 10.00pm Sat 14 March, 8.00pm – 10.00pm Sat 28 March, 8.00pm – 10.00pm UWS Observatory, Penrith Campus The evening will include a presentation, a 3D astronomy movie, a tour of the dome area and an opportunity to view the night sky through the observatory's telescopes. ry_-_penrith_campus/whats_on PRIVATE COLLEGES Coco Republic Design School: Upcoming Masterclasses Drawing and Illustration: Sat 21 March, 10.00am – 3.30pm The Outdoor Space Masterclass: Sat 18 April, 10.00am – 3.30pm Colour for Interiors Masterclass: Sat 2 May, 10.00am – 3.30pm Coco Republic Design School offers a range of masterclasses for people who are interested in getting involved in drawing and illustration, and interior design. Coco Republic Design Studio, 24 O’Riordan Street, Alexandria. OTHER NEWS Australian Defence Force Gap Year Applications Open Mon 2 March The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians who have finished year 12 or equivalent, aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training & lifestyle whilst gaining new skills over a paid Gap Year. To apply, visit: Australian Defence Force Information Sessions Parramatta – Navy Careers: Wed 25 February, 6.30pm, 9 George Street Graduate Careers Australia: GradStats – Employment and Salary Outcomes of Recent Higher Education Graduates This report reveals the results of Graduate Careers Australia’s survey regarding the study and work activities of 2013 higher education graduates, four months after graduation. My Health Career: Health Career Videos This webpage contains videos of health professionals, students and industry experts speaking about career opportunities and study pathways within their field of health care. Selected videos are available covering the disciplines of dentistry, dietetics, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology. Lions Australia Youth Exchange Applications Close: Tue 30 June 2015 Lions Australia Youth Exchange provides the opportunity for 17 – 21 year olds to experience life overseas as part of a 5 or 6 week program that does not involve tourism, academic studies or employment. All Lions Youth Exchanges Programs depart in early December and return in mid-January. MyFuture Q and A Series Throughout 2013 and 2014, MyFuture had a number of live webinars with professionals from a range of careers speaking about the highs and lows of their occupations, their career path and the industry in general. Recordings of these webinars are still available for online viewing. All of the information is emailed in good faith and it is the responsibility of the reader to confirm all details with the appropriate institution. Make sure you look at any relevant websites. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. NBHS P&C POSITION DESCRIPTION CANTEEN MANAGER The following position is available for immediate start, to apply or for more details contact Email: Mobile: 0433 244 855 Purpose of the position This position is responsible for the profitable management and operation of the school canteen according to the policies and procedures of NBHS. The incumbent will be: • • • • • • Canteen Policy Hours Remuneration Immediate manager Reports Extent of Authority Providing leadership to canteen staff and volunteers to ensure the delivery of an affordable food service to the students and staff of the school; Planning, organising, and monitoring the day to day operations of the canteen, including the rostering of voluntary workers, daily record keeping (as deemed necessary by the canteen policy), opening and closing the canteen, preparation and cooking for service and ensuring all workers sign in and out; Understand, implement and train volunteers in the food preparation and other procedures to deliver an affordable food service to the students and staff Use food preparation and cooking skills to minimise waste of fresh produce; Ordering, purchasing and checking all supplies against invoices and delivery dockets then passing them on to the appropriate financial delegate; Implement procedures and process regarding food safety to ensure that correct food handling and hygiene practices are performed to prevent food spoilage, contamination and subsequent food poisoning; The NBHS canteen’s aims and objectives are to : provide healthy and nutritious food at a reasonable price Permanent part time - 3 days per week during school terms only Remuneration is under the Shop Employees Award –Buying 0-4 people supervised at casual rates, plus holiday loading and superannuation. Sick leave not entitled. The Canteen Manager is responsible to the P&C executive through the Canteen Convenor Canteen Assistant/s and volunteers report to this position • Has authority to purchase/order necessary products and produce to deliver a healthy canteen food service. • Exercise a degree of autonomy to achieve objectives of the position. • Management and direction of Canteen assistants • Canteen manager is responsible to the Canteen convenor and P&C executive Work Experience & Skills • Essential - Work Experience in Food Industry - Possess excellent interpersonal skills to manage and establish effective relationships with parent volunteers, suppliers, canteen committee , School Principal and teachers - Strong verbal and written communication skills - Maintain high level of confidentially where appropriate. • Desirable – Work experience in the running and management of a school canteen.
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