Bridge Update for week of March 18 th If you cannot click on the links to the flyers, please go to, then high school, then PTC where you can view the flyers mentioned. **** MTHS HAPPENINGS!**** Monday, March 18th (Day 4): Freshman Fundraiser- 5-7pm- cafeteria Tuesday, March 19th (Day 1): Nothing posted Wednesday, March 20th (Day 2): World Language Honor Society Induction-7pm Thursday, March 21st (Day 3): School of Rock Concert- lunchtime- media center Mustang meeting- 6:45pm- media center Board of Education Meeting- 7pm- Lazar Friday, March 22nd (Day 4): Nothing posted No school next week….Enjoy your spring break! ****Good News**** The School of Rock will be performing in the High School's Media Center on Thursday at lunchtime. Among the Performers: Anthony Claus, Anthony Pizzi, Danielle Angelini, Emily Michalak, Gregg Schmitt, Isha Saxena, Jacob Fleisig, Jennifer Cappucio, Jess Caprio, Mike Gelvan, Nelson Moreno, Nick Senatore, Oliver Paul, Salena Wilson, Sam Chapman, Sam Gundlach. Songs: The A Team (Ed Sheeran), Can't Stop (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Fall For You (Secondhand Serenade), Glitter in the Air (Pink), Heroes (David Bowie), If I Ain't Got You (Alicia Keys), Sweet Love (Anita Baker), Against All Odds (Phill Collins) Links: You can click here to see recent videos of the School of Rock: Every Time (cover of Brittney Spears) and Swingtown (Steve Miller Band) and be sure to like them on Facebook. For more Good News, click here: Good news ****Guidance Department**** Local Scholarships for Seniors: Information on the local scholarships available to Montville students are now available on the guidance website. Click here to access: Local Scholarships SAT Registration: Register until April 5th for the May 4th test. ACT Registration: Late register until March 22nd for the April 13th test. College Fair for students with disabilities: Wednesday, March 27th 6:30-8:30pm at the Craig High School, 200 Comley Rd., Lincoln Park, NJ in the St. Joseph’s Church Hall. To see the colleges and universities attending, please click here: College Fair ****PTC Announcements**** PTC Help Needed for next year: Looking for a way to help next year? The PTC has a few open Executive Board Positions: Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary. The following Committee Chair positions are also open for the 2013 – 2014 school year: Awards and Scholarships, Project Graduation, Raffles, Catalyst SAT Prep, Lenz and Lenz SAT Prep, Secretaries Luncheon, and Teacher Hospitality. Please contact Michele Turnbull at if you are interested in any of these positions. ****SAT PREP**** 2013 Kaplan SAT Preparation for May SAT at Montville Township HS KAPLAN SAT CLASSROOM COURSES : The Best Guarantee - Higher Score Guaranteed or Your Money Back- Interest Free Installments - Pay in 3 equal monthly, interest free installments. Kaplan SAT Course starting April 2nd at MTHS! <> KAPLAN PREP TRIO <> Unlimited College Preparation through the end of your senior year! Includes full classroom courses for both the SAT and ACT plus PSAT prep, Kaplan’s Math Fundamentals Program, FREE PSAT, SAT and ACT On Demand Prep, Money Back Guarantee and More!!! Purchased separately these programs add up to $1900, save up to 55% with Prep Trio- a great value. $899 for MTHS Families (Pay in three installments) KAPLAN PREMIER PRIVATE TUTORING <> Prep with a Kaplan Premier Tutor and benefit from one on one elite preparation on your schedule and at a location of your choice. MTHS families receive a 10% discount off Kaplan Premier Private Tutoring Packages! Please call Amanda Lovett at (718) 880-3661 for additional information about private tutoring. As always, please contact Jaime Capra, the Kaplan representative for Montville Township HS, with any questions you may have about any of the above options or to enroll. <> or 201-317-3778 Practice SAT/ACT test, Saturday, April 20th at 9am to 1pm at MTHS. For the registration form, please click here: Practice Test registration Catalyst ACT BootCamp April 6th and 7th: Whether you're just thinking about taking the ACT or are signed up to take the ACT this fall, we strongly recommend that you take Catalyst's ACT Bootcamp. In just one weekend, you'll learn every strategy you'll need to succeed on the ACT. Catalyst's smart, experienced, charismatic ACT expert will teach you: 1. How to decipher the ACT's seemingly confusing science passages. 2. How to shortcut ACT math questions that stump 90% of test-takers. 3. How to zero in on key information in long, tedious ACT reading passages DATE, TIME & LOCATION: 9am-1pm on Saturday, April 6th & Sunday, April 7th at Montville Township High Just $165 per student for the entire weekend and course materials. For more information or to enroll, visit and click the Bootcamp Sign-Up tab on the website's menu bar. The deadline to enroll in this special SAT prep opportunity is Wednesday, April 3rd at 6pm. A portion of the proceeds directly benefits the Montville Township High School PTC! Catalyst SAT BootCamp April 27th and 28th: In just one weekend, come learn everything you need to know to outsmart the SAT from the only prep company whose curriculum developers have earned multiple perfect scores (2400) on the test. With Catalyst's SAT Bootcamp, you'll arm yourself with a strategy for every type of question guaranteed to be on the exam, learn how to avoid the most common traps, and discover how to compose a perfect-score essay -- no matter what question is asked! The Bootcamp is a momentum-building weekend seminar that gives students not only the insights and confidence they need the day of the test, but also Catalyst's self-study materials for sustained practice right up to the SAT itself. The next SAT Bootcamp is being held at Montville Township High School on Saturday, April 27th & Sunday, April 28th from 9am to 1pm. Cost is $165. Sign up at or call 1.800.235.0056 with any questions. A portion of the proceeds directly benefits MTHS PTC! ****MTHS Clubs/Organizations/Sports**** Freshman Class Mary Kay Fundraiser: Monday, March 18th from 5-7pm in the MTHS cafeteria. Light snacks will be provided. Come try a wide variety of makeup and skincare products *Complementary virtual makeovers and mini facials* Treat yourself or someone else Excellent for Mother’s Day and birthday gifts. If you are unable to attend: Visit to view products and place an order online. Online orders will be accepted until Thursday, April 4th. Make checks payable to the “Class of 2016”. Please print out your order form & send with your payment to Mrs. Einstein or Ms. Greenspan at Montville Township High School. For the flyer, please click here: Mary Kay Freshman Fundraiser Mustang Meeting, Thursday, March 21st at 6:45pm in the media center. First annual Montville Baseball Beefsteak Dinner: The first annual Montville Baseball Beefsteak Dinner will be held on Friday, May 10, from 7:30 to 11:30 PM at the American Legion of Lincoln Park, 133 Main Street. Price is $60 per person and includes dinner, beer, wine and soda. There will also be a Tricky Tray, 50/50 and DJ entertainment. For tickets, please contact Proceeds will benefit baseball teams at Montville Twp. High School. Project Graduation Volunteers needed: Volunteers are needed to assist with this year's annual Project Graduation. This year's celebration marks Montville Township's 29th consecutive project graduation, the longest running program of its type in New Jersey, and is being held at the JCC in West Orange after the High School Graduation Ceremony on June 20th. This overnight program includes complete use of the JCC facility including; pool, gym, common areas, kitchen and theater, as well as sport and game entertainment, shows, dinner and breakfast. The graduates that attend commit to an alcohol and drug free celebration that allows them to embrace the evening in an enthusiastic and heart-felt manner, while securing their safety and well-being. Volunteers are needed to assist with getting students readied for the buses, set-up/decorating facility, food prep and service, or for general station chaperoning in 2 hour shifts running from 9pm to 4:30am. If you are interested in helping out in any capacity please contact Nancy Mertz at or 973-316-1434. Thank you in advance for your support! Stop and Shop A+ Program: Do you shop at Stop and Shop (West Caldwell)? Register your courtesy card with Stop and Shop’s A+ Program and the High School receives cash based on your total monthly purchases. It’s that easy! NOTE: If you registered last year, you need to reregister this year. Click here to register your card: Stop and Shop A+ Are you a Target Red Card Holder? MTHS is enrolled in the Target Rewards Program: To register your card to support MTHS, go to the Target website and click on Red Card and then rewards. MTHS’s ID number is 73435. ****Board of Ed Announcements**** Next meeting: Thursday, March 21st at 7pm at Lazar Safe and Secure Schools- A Parent’s Forum- Wednesday, March 27th at 7:00pm at Paramus Park High School. A panel of educators and law enforcement professionals will discuss current practices and ways districts are improving school safety. There will also be time dedicated for a question-and-answer session. Sponsored by the NJ School Boards Association. Pre-registration is required. Parent Forum Registration ****District Schools’ News/Community Events**** Relay for Life Rally: First ever Relay for Life of Montville Rally on March 18th at 7:30pm at MTHS. For the detailed flyer, click here: Relay for Life Rally William Mason Tricky Tray: Thursday, April 25th at 6pm at The Villa in Mountain Lakes. Tickets are $50 and include a buffet dinner. For the detailed flyer and ticket order form, please click here: Tricky Tray Support the Daffodil Project: The Towaco Civic Association is sponsoring a project to establish a scholarship fund for Montville Township High School students. We are asking the community to support this project by donating funds for daffodils bulbs. For every dollar donated, a bulb will be planted along the roads in town by our members. The rest of the funds will go toward the scholarship fund. Our goal is to plant 1000 bulb annually. For the order form, click here: Daffodil Project Morris County Summer Camp for high school students: The Morris County Park Commission announces exciting summer camp programs for kids from Pre-K – 11th grade with interests in history, science, golf, ice hockey, horticultural, and fun! For the brochure, please click here: Summer Camp Relay for Life Fundraiser at Columbia Inn: April 18th 7-10pm- $45 includes dinner and a Relay for Life donation. For the detailed flyer, click here: Columbia Inn Fundraiser Relay for Life 2013: The fifth Relay For Life takes place on June 7th - June 8th at Camp Dawson (new location this year!). Relay For Life website is open for you to register a team and walk together as a community for this important fundraiser. Please go to ****Pathways**** Pathways' ONE to 1,000 Concert: This spring instead of having our walkathon, Pathways is having a ONE to 1,000 concert on April 27, 2013 from 7:30pm-9:00pm at the Montville Township Auditorium. Our theme this year is that it does not matter if you help ONE or 1,000 people, everyone can make a difference. The goal is to get children of all abilities included and involved in their schools and community! This will be an inspiring concert you won’t want to miss where children of all abilities will be performing on stage together! There will be dancers, a remarkable juggler, rock band, and disc jockeys! There will be a war of the DJs to see who is the best! The music will be rock and roll, blues, and pop. The children have prepared for over a year and their talents will amaze you! Purchase a ticket for $12.00 and you will get a ONE to 1,000 tshirt free to wear to the concert! Mentor Training: Pathways is doing another mentor training on April 8, 2013 from 4:00pm6:00pm at the Municipal Building - 195 Changebridge Rd. in Montville. This is a formalize training that will help children wanting to become a mentor to learn how to help children of varying abilities in Pathways' programs. Pathways Spring programs: Bowling: Ages 3-21; Wednesdays: 4:30pm-5:30pm; April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15 (6 sessions) at Boonton Lanes - Route 202 and Fulton St. in Boonton, NJ. Weightlifting : Ages 10-21; Wednesdays: 5:00pm-6:00pm; April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15 (6 sessions) at weightlifting room at the Montville Township High School - 100 Horseneck Rd., Montville, NJ Tennis : Ages 8-21; Sundays: 1:00pm-2:00pm; April 7, 14, 21, April 28, May 5, 19 (6 sessions) at outdoor tennis courts at the Montville Township High School - 100 Horseneck Rd., Montville, NJ ****Recreation Department News**** **High school students**2013 SUMMER CAMP EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Employment applications available at Recreation or download at: ay2013.pdf Positions available for Assistant Directors, Returning Camp Counselors, New Counselors & CIT’s. Deadline to submit applications & essays is Friday, April 19th. Winter & Spring & Summer Programs: Badminton Lessons (Gr 3-12) – March 4-May 2 Chef It Up’s Cake Decorating (Ages 10 thru Adults) – March 28 Summer Camp (Gr K-10) – July 8-Aug 9 – Deadline April 2nd Tai Chi (Adults) – March 5- April 30 Tennis (Ages 5-14) – April 13-June 1 Track League (Ages 9-15 on 12-31-13) – March 5-June Zumba & Zumba Gold – Evenings (Ages 13-99) Feb 26-May 7 & MANY MORE !!! Check our website for flyers…. CONSIGNMENT TICKETS for WINTER 2013 for Local Ski Resorts & Attractions for purchase from Montville Recreation: Adventure Aquarium, Blue Mountain, Camelback, Greek Peak, Jack Frost/Big Boulder, Mountain Creek, Sahara Sam’s Indoor Waterpark & Shawnee Mountain. If you would like something placed in the weekly Bridge update, please send the information to Andrea Orris at All non-school events must have superintendent approval before being published.
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