2015 April - Heritage Needlework Guild

Volume 32 Issue 4
Apri l 20 1 5
A Publication of Heritage Needlework Guild, PO Box 576, Nebraska City NE 68410
Sue Says
Sue Says
Treasurer Report
Places to Go
Block of the Month
2015 Raffle Quilt
Heritage Sampler #2
$ 800
$ 600
$ 400
President Sue McKee-Neill
Steering Committee meeting Tues, May 5th 7:00 pm.
First Evangelical Lutheran
Spring showers bring May
Flowers. May should be very
pretty after the rains this week!
Thanks everyone for being
gracious about our last minute
move to a different location for
the meeting in March. We
were rewarded with a great
presentation by Sheila Reinke.
She is so laid back and it is
easy to understand her processes. I would love to take a
class from her. Maybe we can
get her for next year.
We had a good steering committee meeting. You should
attend sometime. All members
are welcome. They are held at
7:00pm the first Tuesday of the
month. You can learn a little
more of the workings of different
committees. It is enlightening.
See you the 28th when we
have Mary Mayfield teach us
about Tasmanian Treasures...great batiks. She will
have some for sale too!!
Sue McKee-Neill
There is a possibility we may
be able to have a booth and
display and sell tickets on our
Raffle Quilt at the Nebraska
City Home & Garden Show
Saturday April 25th (Arbor
Day Weekend). At the Eagles
Club 9 am to 5 pm.
If you are willing to help work
the booth that day give Denice a call (CELL 402-2973481)
Depending on how many
people we have we can do 2
or 3 shifts.
Denice will call those that
volunteer to let you know for
sure if we have a booth or not
Probably the week
of April 20 – 24.
Thanks so much for considering this.
Mary E. Mayfield-April Program
Tanzanian Treasures, Fabric and More is a mission project of St. Matthew Lutheran Church,
Omaha, NE. We raise funds for Women's scholarships to the Augaza Women's Training Center
to the Katira Secondary School, and Machame Hospital School of Nursing. We sell Tanzanian
fabric, jewelry, baskets, artwork and more. Fifty percent of each sale of fabric, kits, etc. goes to
the scholarship fund, the other fifty percent pays for the item.
We man booths at Quilt Shows, give Programs about Tanzania, sponsor and conduct a 3 day
retreat each year at Carol Joy Holling Camp called "Tanzanian Fabric, Fun, and Facts". It will
be held March 1st to March 3rd in 2015. We conduct two Tanzanian Flair Brunches a year at
St. Matthew's and raise funds for textbooks and school supplies for our Partner Parish, Tella
Lutheran, located 7.5 miles from Mount Kilimanjaro.
We provide a trunk show of Tanzanian Fabric Quilts... most are samples made for the retreats
that have been held at Carol Joy Holling Camp. We also have a suitcase of Tanzanian wraps
that the women wear as everyday wraps. We will be in Tanzania February 2-17, 2015 and will
be bringing back new fabric.
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Ap ri l 20 15
H e r i ta g e Ha ppe ni ng s
Treasurer's Report for March 2015 Carol
Happy Birthday
Judy Dahlgren
Gloria Hall
Yolanda Kerr
Phyllis Masters
Judy McCalla
Bonnie Smith
Patti Thimgan
Judy Jecha
Carolyn Kabella
Margaret Om
Leslie Reed
Madonna Smith
Barbara Stramel
Donna Stratker
Send News articles by the 10th to:
Linda Myers,1203 23 St,
Auburn NE 68305
402-274-4216, or 402-414-1331
Or give to me at a meeting!
Apri l 20 1 5
H e r i ta g e Ha p p e n i n g s
Page 3
Minutes March 2015
The Heritage Needlework Guild met on
March24, 2015 at Bethel United Church
of Christ, in Nebraska City. Sheila Reinke, professional quilter from Omaha
gave a very informative presentation,
Fun Tools and Perfect Endings, sharing
some of her sewing tips and secrets. Our
members then shopped in her ‘store’.
Sew and Tell was also shared at this
There were 41 members including 2
new members in attendance. President
Sue McKee-Neill called the meeting to
order. Judy McCalla made the motion to
approve the February, 2015 minutes as
printed in the newsletter, seconded by
June Brinkman. Motion passed. Kristi
Bednar made the motion to approve the
February, 2015 treasurer’s report as
printed in the newsletter, seconded by
Sherri Dowding.
Ann Clarke presented newsletters from
other quilt guilds. She also reported on
the Auburn Day of Learning to be held on
Saturday, April 18th, 3-5pm at the Auburn Fair Grounds. Members volunteered to assist with demonstrations. The
quilt may be displayed but no raffle tickets may be sold.
Community Service: Kathy Morgan
presented 10 children’s quilts that have
been completed. Kathy continues to
make use of any donations of fabric, etc.
Volunteers to assist with construction of
the quilts are always appreciated. An all
day sew day is scheduled at Gloria
Hall’s home on April 18th, 8am to 5pm.
Gloria will furnish a sandwich and drinks.
Those attending may supplement food if
Courtesy: No concerns had been reported.
Programs: The April workshop will be
presented by Mary Mayfield using Batiks
from Africa. Our presenter, Sheila Reinke, is also willing to do a workshop.
Bus Trip: Kathy Morgan reported 49
people have reserved a seat on the bus.
There are a total of 55 seats available.
Cut off date for guild members to reserve a seat on the bus is May 1st.
Block of the Month: Sheri Dowding
presented the April block. The instructions will be in the April news letter.
Members were also encouraged to
make a block for a Quilt of Valor quilt.
Sixteen Valor blocks were turned in this
Challenge: Kathy reported that
‘challenges’ are still available in the ‘ice
cream bucket’ for those still wanting one
or for those wanting to do a second challenge.
Quilt Mom: Denice Rathbone reported
that the raffle pot has grown to $547.
Where does the money come from to operate our guild for a year? As you can see
from the chart , the quilt show, raffle tickets and
membership dues bring in 86% of the income
the guild needs to pay for expenses such as
programs ($3,000), the monthly newsletter
($1,200) and putting on our annual quilt show
This is behind schedule. Please complete
your raffle sales. More tickets are available
from Denice. She has several sites scheduled to display the quilt but needs your
input to keep the raffle quilt on display.
2015 Quilt Show: Denice handed out
‘book markers’ advertising the upcoming
Quilt show. The 2015 Heritage Needlework
Show Entry Form was available in the
March newsletter. It is also available on our
website, heritageneedleworkguild.org.
Newsletter: Linda Myers would appreciate information for the April newsletter by
April 9th.
Website: Sue McKee encouraged members to visit our website, heritageneedleworkguild.org. She has recently updated it.
It looks great!
With no further business, the meeting
was concluded.
Next Steering Committee will be held at
7:00 on April 7 at the Lutheran Church. All
members are welcome. Our next meeting
will be at the Lutheran Church on April
The April program will be Mary Mayfield
with African Native Batiks. April hostesses
are Nancy Houchin, Regina Reidy, Janet
Roulson, Madonna Smith, Anna Webster
and Bonnie Smith.
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Hauberg, Secretary
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Apri l 20 1 5
H e r i ta g e Ha ppe ni ng s
Places to Go
April 9-19, Nebraska 17 Annual Shop Hop
April 17, 18 & 19, 21st Annual Chadron Festival of Quilts
“Hexagon Heaven” Info www.chadronfestivalofquilts
April 21-25, AQS Quilt Show, Paducah, KY
April 23, 24, 25, 44th Annual Kalona Quilt Show & Sale
Kalona Community Center, 6th & D Ave. Kalona IA. Thru 5pm8pm, Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-5pm $5 any or all days
June 13, Quilts in the Courtyard, Holton KS, 9 am—3 pm
June 19-21, The Kansas Regional Quilt Festival, Kansas City
KS. Info at https://www.facebook.com/kcrqf.
July 23-26, 2015, QuiltNebraska 2015 Norfolk
September 18, 19 & 20 2015, Heritage Needlework Guild Quilt
October 9-10, Threads Across Nebraska, Buffalo County Fairgrounds, Expo building, Kearney NE
October 17, NSQG District I, Quilt Gathering, Homestead Monument. Everyone Welcome.
Bus Trip
Bus Trip Itinerary May 30, Sat.
7am Lincoln, south 84 St Walmart, furthest south
parking area
7:30am Syracuse, Cubbies, east end of the lot
8am Nebraska City, Outlet Mall, northeast corner
8:30 Rock Port, Trail’s End
10:30-11:30am Crossroads Quilting, Cameron, MO
11:45am-3:30pm Missouri Star Quilting, Hamilton,
5:30pm Rock Port
6pm Nebraska City
6:30pm Syracuse
7pm Lincoln
Check out IQSCM Upcoming events at
Our location: 1523 North 33rd St., Lincoln, NE
The cost covers the only the bus. No meals, snacks,
or door prizes are included.
Heritage Needlework Guild members have until May
1 to sign up for this trip. Cost is $10 for members. At
time of newsletter submission, 49 members have
signed up for a 55 passenger bus. After May 1, nonSeptember 5, 2014—May 31, 2015, “Signature Cloths”
members may buy any remaining seats for $20. I
February 6—April 25, 2015 FIBER Craft, Culture and Art.
have a non-member waiting list of seven people. AfMarch 31—June 28, “Traditions Made Modern: Double Wedding Ring
ter May 1, they will be offered seats in the order they
Quilts” made by Victoria Findlay Wolfe. Cost Free with admission.
notified me of wanting on the wait list.
April 17-18. Making and Mending: Quilts for Causes and Commemoration” Symposium, Cost $150 members, $195 nonmembers
I will have an info sheet for passengers at the April
June 6, 2015 “Ambiguity & Enigma: Recent Quilts by Michael James” guild meeting. This will be info for ME, your tour diMichael James is recognized as a leader in the studio quilt movement that rector about YOU (cell number, where you want to
began in the 1970’s. Today, he crafts innovative quilted artworks through get on the bus, etc.) If you don’t make the meeting,
digital processes. James juxtaposes unique digitally developed and please give me a call or email me.
printed textiles, giving form to interpretations of human experience. James
describes his studio quilts as visual poetry to be read and interpreted by Questions? Kathy Morgan 402-466-9269
each viewer. Ambiguity & Enigma is the artist’s debut IQSCM solo exhibition.
Mar ch 20 1 5
H e r i ta g e Ha p p e n i n g s
Page 5
2015 Challenge Project
The challenge is to make any project of
your choice using only the color(s) that
you pulled out of Kathy Morgan’s ice
cream container. On the slip pulled from
the container, is listed several ice cream
flavor combos. Choose one combo and use
that for your inspiration for colors. You
can only use those colors, do not add
any additional colors. There is no size or
type of project required. We are a needlework quilt, use your imagination for your
project…a pincushion, a quilt-any size, an
afghan, a tote bag?
Your deadline is the August ’15 guild
meeting. Bring your complete project for
all of us to savor your creativity. We will
vote for members’ favorites at that meeting. The projects will also be shown at our
The ice cream container will be at future
meetings, if you missed January’s meeting. Have fun!
Questions? Kathy Morgan 402-466-9269.
A man comes into the ER and yells, my wife’s going to have her baby in
the cab. I grabbed my stuff, rushed out to the cab. Lifted the lady’s dress
and began to take off her underwear. Suddenly I noticed that there were
several cabs—- - and I was in the wrong one.
At the beginning of my shift I placed a stethoscope on an elderly and
slightly deaf femal patient’s anterior chest wall. Big breaths, I instructed.
Yes, they used to be, replied the patient.
While acquainting myself with a new elderly patient, I asked, How long
have you been bedridden? After a look of complete confusion she answered, Why, not for about twenty years—when my husband was alive.
Upcoming Programs
April 28, 2015
Mary Mayfield
African Native Batiks
May 26, 2015
Bonnie Kucera
From Ugly Ducklings to Shimmering
May 30, 2015
Bus trip to Missouri Star Quilts
June 20, 2015
Workshop by Bonnie Kucera
June 23, 2015
Chip Johnson
Sewing Machine care from Featherweights to High Tech machines
July 28, 2015
Lori Lee Triplett
Pieces of the Prairie Trunk Show
August 25, 2015
Carla Fiedlier and Margaret Aalberg
Smocking: Brief history and Trunk Show
September 22, 2015
LaVonne Uffelman
Antique Buttons
October 27, 2015
November 24, 2015
Christmas Party & Secret Sisters
Pot Luck K—Z
Courtesy Committee
Have a concern for the courtesy committee?
Concerns in Nebraska City proper and Iowa, direct to Donna Stratker, 402-873-4584.
Judy McCalla, 402-786-2547, will respond to concerns west of Syracuse. Syracuse and east to Nebraska City,
then south will be handled by Elaine Hauberg, 402-264-4585. Please alert us to concerns within our group.
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Mar ch 20 1 5
April Block of the Month
H e r i ta g e Ha ppe ni ng s
Change to
Membership Book
New Members
Sherry Gayler
706 S. Bluff
Rock Port MO 64482
Karen Kindred
2951 2030 ST
Sidney IA 51652
Use sizes on block so that you have a 12 1/2” block. Make
one for Quilts of Valor, (Red, White, and Blue) and another
for yourself.
To date (4/9/2015) we have sold $_ 547.00
in raffle tickets. THE
CLOCK IS TICKING!!! With only a few days over 5 months until the Quilt
Show, we need to have $ 290.60 in sales each month to get to that $
2,000.00 GOAL. I know I sound like a broken record!! Please help us
get to that sales goal each month 254.00 in sales each month to get to
that $ 2,000 GOAL. If I had 20 members turn in their tickets and money
each month that would get us there.
If anyone wants more tickets let me know. I will be glad to mail them
to you
Here is another avenue for you to sell tickets. As you are shopping at
Quilt Shops during the Shop Hop or otherwise be sure to have a picture
of the 2015 Raffle Quilt and some tickets with you. It never hurts to ask
and you might be surprised at how many tickets you may sell just by
I do appreciate everyones efforts so far!!! Please just tuck a ticket into
each card you send for the next 6 months, Mothers Day, Birthday, Anniversary, Get Well, Graduations or just a Thinking of You Card!!!Just think how
thrilled that person would be to win our raffle quilt !!!!
Denice Rathbone, Quilt Mom
Valerie Duncan
17957 State Hwy B
Rock Port MO 64482
Barbara Stramel
64642721 RD
Nemaha NE 68414
Linda Becher
3426 Dudley ST
Lincoln NE 68503
Linda Boden
Nemaha NE 68414
H e r i ta g e Ha p p e n i n g s
Apri l 20 1 5
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Pag e 8
Apri l 20 1 5
H e r i ta g e Ha ppe ni ng s
2015 Library Project
“More Elm Creek Quilts” by Jennifer Chiaverini is the new book selected to be given to member’s local Libraries in 2015 by Hertiage
Needlework Guild
This is the 23rd year the guild has been giving quilting books to member’s local libraries, in honor of National Quilting Day in March.
The public libraries in the following towns will receive a copy of the book: Auburn, Bellevue, Cook, Elmwood, Humboldt, Johnson,
Lincoln, Nebraska City, Nemaha, Nehawka, Palmyra, Plattsmouth, Syracuse, Talmage, Tecumseh, Unadilla, Waverly, and Weeping
Water in Nebraska. Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Hamburg, Sidney, and Tabor libraries in Iowa and Rock Port in Missouri will also receive a copy of the book.
Star Quilts by Mary Elizabeth Johnson
Women & Their Quilts by Nancyann Twelker
America’s Heritage Quilts –Better Homes & Gardens
Heirloom Machine Quilting by Harriet Hargrave
Quick Country Quilts by Debbie Mumm
Quilts From The Civil War by Barbara Brackman
Stars Across America-Quilt in a Day
One Piece At a Time-Star Quilts-Kansas City Star Book
Star Quilts II-Kansas City Star Book
Prairie Flower: A Year on the Plains-KC Star Book By Barbara Brackman
O’Glory-Kansas City Star Book by Edie McGinnis
Baskets of Treasures-Kansas City Star Book by Edie McGinnis
Four Block Quilts-Kansas City Star Book by Terry Thompson
The Sister Blocks-Book Vk-KC Star Book by Edie McGinnis
Heart & Home-Kansas City Star Book by Kathy Schmitz
Applique Inside the Line by Carol Armstrong
Tea in The Garden by Cynthia Tomaszewski
A Treasury of Mennonite Quilts by Rachel & Kenneth Pellman
Curl-up Quilts from Piece O’Cake Designs
When Quilters Gather by Ruth McDowell
Orphan Block Quilts
Fresh Perspectives
More Elm Creek Quilts by Jennifer Chiaverini
H e r i ta g e Ha p p e n i n g s
Apri l 20 1 5
Page 9
Bonnie Kucera Workshop
June 20, 2015
HNG will be sponsoring a full day workshop in Syracuse,
NE on June 20th. Our teacher will be Bonnie Kucera who
will be sharing her method of converting scraps to
"Shimmering Swans". At our May 26th HNG meeting, Bonnie will be presenting "From Ugly Ducklings to
Shimmering Swans". At the June 20th workshop Bonnie
will teach us a method of making half-square triangles that
she developed. This a great scrapaholics workshop with
the opportunity to swap fabric squares with other attendees to spice up your quilt. In fact, trading is strongly encouraged! Bonnie suggests 12-18 different dark 9 inch
squares and 12-18 different light 9 inch squares. Can use
mediums also as they become either a light, if paired with
a dark or become a dark, if paired with a light.
Attendees will need to bring their sewing machines and
we will set up pressing stations with 3 attendees to each
station. The full supply list will be available at the April and
May Guild meetings or can be emailed upon request.
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015
Time: 9:30 am to 3 pm
Location: Syracuse Public Library meeting room, 296
Sixth Street Syracuse, NE
Instructor: Bonnie Kucera
Cost: $35.00 due upon registration (make checks payable
to Heritage Needlework Guild)
To register: Sign up sheet at April or May Guild meeting or
contact Valerie Seevers 712-579-0277 or email
A sweet grandmother telephoned St Joseph’s Hospital.
She timidly asked, “Is it possible to speak to someone
who can tell me how a patient is doing?”
The operator said, “I’ll be glad to help, dear. What’s the
name and room number of the patient?”
The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said,
Norma Findlay, Room 302.”
The operator replied, “Let me put you on hold while I
check with the nurse’s station for that room.” After a few
minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said, “I
have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is
doing well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work
just came back normal and her physician, Dr. Cohen,
has scheduled her to be discharged tomorrow.”
The grandmother said, “Thank you. That’s wonderful. I
was so worried. God bless you for the good News.”
The operator replied, “You’re more than welcome. Is
Norma your daughter?”
The grandmother said….”No, I’m Norma Findlay in
Room 302. No one tells me shit!”
Heritage Needlework Guild
PO Box 576
Nebraska City NE 68410
April 28,2015
Officers 2015
V President
Sue McKee Neill
Ann Clarke
Elaine Hauberg
Carol Woerlen
Kristi Bednar
The Heritage Needlework Guild meets on the fourth Tuesday
of the month at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 16th Street
& 3rd Corso, Nebraska City, NE . Social time starts at 6:30 pm
and the meeting starts at 7:00. Dues are $25 per year.
Things to Remember:
___Mug ___Nametag ___Sew-n-tell ___Library Books ___ QOV Blocks
Nancy Houchin
Regina Reidy
Janet Roulson
Madonna Smith
Anna Webster
Bonnie Smith