2015-05-01-10-44-24_2015 May

The Hawks' Newsletter
Volume 1I, Issue 9
Special points of
The Collier Column
 End of the Year
Dear Hygiene Families:
 Hygiene Celebrations
 Last Day of School
 Back to School Dates
Inside this issue:
Important Dates
Teacher Appreci- 3
PTO Board
Student of the
Last Day Events
5th Grade Upcoming Events
May 2015
It is hard to believe that I am
writing the last newsletter of the
2014-2015 school year. This
spring has flown by and before
we know it, we will all be enjoying the long summer days with
our precious ones.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my deep gratitude, appreciation and admiration for the outstanding current
PTO Board. Thank you, Jill
Chen, Kate Gaddis, Elisabeth
Comeau, Jency Paul, Karna
Jones, Janie Russell, Lisa Fallon, Maryam Moore and Pam
Knipscheer. I have greatly enjoyed working with such a dedicated and passionate board. On
behalf of the entire Hygiene staff
and community, thank you all
for making our school a better
place. Please join me in welcoming the new PTO Board. It
is with great pleasure to announce Teri Motheral, Mikki
Kobza, Sarah Morrison, Janell
Sherratt, Elizabeth Bailey, Lisa
Fallon, Rebecca Yoho, and Nick
Meyer to the PTO board. We so
appreciate all the work that you
do for our school. Another very
important group that deserves a
shot out is the Accountability
Committee. Thank you John
Gaddis, Karen O’Brien and
Laurel Tate for their partnership
and assistance with Parent Update Night back in November.
As we enter the final weeks of
the school year, I want to take
this opportunity to highlight
some celebrations and events we
have planned for our Soaring
students, staff and community.
Hygiene has been selected to
receive $5,000 thanks to Nina
Pears’ leadership! Nina wrote
an essay to a non-profit organization called, "Game Plan for
Success." Educators from
across the country wrote about
the importance of rigorous
standards in the classroom and
how it transfers to sports. As a
result, we will have an all school
assembly on May 7th and will be
presented with a check from
former Rockies player, Vinny
Castilla. We will be celebrating
our outstanding teachers May 4th
- 8th for Teacher Appreciation
Week. Feliz Gutierrez and Andri Henry have a great deal of
surprises planned for our teachers. Please join me in celebrating this amazing group of professionals. On behalf of the entire community, I would like to
congratulate Misti Snow, Linda
Emmerman and Christine Miller
who were nominated by our
community for the Encore
Awards Night on May 8th. I
want to express my deep appreciation to our amazing and highly dedicated teachers and staff!
Throughout the year, they have
remained focused on providing
high-quality instruction and
caring for our students. Let’s
make next week special for
During this week, we will also
celebrate our volunteers. Please
join me in recognizing three
outstanding volunteers from our
community at the annual
SVVSD Recognition Ceremony.
Please join me in congratulating
Debbie Conn, Kate Gaddis and
Jody McCain for their outstanding contributions this school
Parents, please mark your calendars for May 20th. We will be
holding our continuation ceremonies for kindergarten and 5th
grade. The kindergarten ceremony will begin at 10:45 and the
5th grade continuation ceremony
will begin at 1:30. We are looking forward to celebrating these
milestones with our sweet students so please join us in these
Our last day of school is May
21st. For all those families who
are new to the Hygiene Community, this is a very special day
for the entire community. All
families are invited to attend our
end of the year celebration and
picnic that begins at 12:30 on
the south lawn. Please see the
detailed information in this
Page 2
The Hawks' Newsletter
The Collier Column Continued
“A heartfelt
all of the
teachers, and
staff . . .”
As I reflect back on the 20142015 academic year, I want to
thank you for your outstanding
support and generous contributions to our school. There are
several outstanding events that
have occurred this year that
highlight the incredible commitment of this community.
Here are some of our accomplishments for 2014-2015
school year.
Community School
Hawk Air Tanzania
Arts Nights
Pumpkin Contest
Spelling Bee
Robotics Club
Show Choir
Fall Festival
Science Fair
Talent Show
Pinwheels for Peace
Student Council
Box Top Store
Book Fair
Peace Pals
Games Day
Shakespeare Festival
100 Mile Club
Youth of the Earth Festival
All School Movement
Eco Cycle Green Star SchoolTechnology (2 Chromebook
Game Plan for Success Winner
SVVSD Art Show
Presentation to school board on
Hawk Air
A heartfelt Thank You to all of
the parents, teachers and staff
who worked extremely hard to
organize these exceptional
As summer is right around the
corner and many of you are
making your summer plans,
please note that Community
Schools will be offering day
camp right here at Hygiene
starting May 28-August 1. This
is a great opportunity for your
child to stay connected with
friends. Community schools
will also be expanding their
program for the upcoming
school year by offering Wrap
Around Care for preschool and
kindergarten age children. Be
sure to enroll with Kristin Davis
as soon as possible as there are
limited slots.
And finally, I want to thank Ms.
Young, Mr. Rilling and Ms.
Tucker for their excellent contributions to Hygiene. We wish
them farewell and the best of
luck in their next adventures.
As the hiring season for the
upcoming school year is upon
us, we will be interviewing for
the 5th grade teacher, half time
preschool teacher, half time
kindergarten teacher and kindergarten para. I will let everyone know the new staff
changes when the process is
completed. In the event that
staffing changes occur during
the summer months, I will also
communicate those changes as
they arise.
As we look ahead to the fall,
here are a few important announcements and dates that are
important for planning. The
first week in August, we will
inform you of your child’s
teacher by mail. Please look for
this as it is a change from the
previous years.
August 18th Back to School
Night and class list posted
August 19th First Day of School
for grades 1-5
August 18th -19th Kindergarten
Assessment Days (date and
time will be sent to all parents)
August 21st First Day for Kindergarten and Preschool
I feel fortunate to work with all
of you and to serve the Hygiene
Community and look forward
to seeing everyone on May 21st
at the end of the year picnic.
Renee Collier, Principal
Hygiene Elementary School
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The Hawks' Newsletter
Important Dates
May 1st
6:00-7:00 pm Talent
May 8th Encore Dinner Recognition for SVVSD Teachers
May 20th 10:45 am Kindergarten Graduation
May 4th – 5th Grade Track and
Field Day
May 11th
May 5th -8th
tion Week
May 14th Last Day of Running
May 20th 1:30 – 2:30 pm
5th grade Continuation Ceremony
Teacher Apprecia-
May 6th Late start – School Begins
at 11:30 (1/2 day kinder begins at
May 7th Teacher Appreciation
May 7th Game Plan for Success
Assembly 1:00 (Vinny Castella)
May 8th 2:00 pm Longmont Symphony Assembly for Gr 3-5
4:00 – 5:00 pm PTO
May 14th 1:45- 2:45 pm Shakespeare Play (3rd, 4th, & 5th)
May 15th Shakespeare in the
May 21st Last Day of
School- School Picnic and
Games Day
May 21st Report Cards
available online
May 16th 10:30 am 5th Grade
May 18th 2:15 pm 100 Mile
Club Assembly
Teacher Appreciation Week!
The week of May 4th-8th is Teacher Appreciation Week. We
would love to honor our teachers for all they invest into the lives
of our children. On Friday, May 8th have your child bring in
something special for their teacher to show how much they are
appreciated! It could be a flower, poem, colored picture, gift
card… In each classroom we will have a bin for the child to
place their gift in. Thank you for your help in honoring our
Hygiene PTO
There are many other opportunities to help during Teacher Appreciation Week. If interested in helping, please contact Feliz at
princessfeliz@hotmail.com .
Volume 1I, Issue 9
Page 4
PTO Board Members Elected for the New Year
Welcome to the new PTO members and
a big thanks for joining the board!
New Members 2015-16
President - Teri Motheral
VP - Sara Morison
Sec – Janell Sherratt and Elizabeth Bailey
Treasurer - Lisa Fallon and Rebecca Yoho
At-Large - Nicholas Meier
Thank you to the outgoing PTO Board
members and their years of service.
2014-15 Members
President - Kate Gaddis & Jill Chen
VP - Elisabeth Comeau & Jency Paul
Sec - Karna Jones & Janine Russell
Treasurer - Lisa Fallon &
Maryam Moore
At-Large - Pam Knipscheer
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
You are invited to attend
Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
presented by the fifth grade
challenge class. The students
have been working diligently
for weeks on their Shakespeare
unit, which includes learning
about Shakespeare’s life and
the Elizabethan culture as well
as preparing for their production of Twelfth Night.
During rehearsals, cast members have been learning their
lines and proper stage techniques under the direction of
Miss Ali (Alicia Dunfee). In
addition to performing in the
area for many years, Miss Ali
has done choreography, directed, and taught drama
camps. The students are very
fortunate to be working with
Miss Ali and they are blossoming under her direction.
Besides their Shakespearean
studies and play rehearsals,
students have been involved in
all aspects of the production,
including painting the scenery
for the sets, creating the programs, and gathering costumes
and props. They are also preparing for their classroom
presentations. On the morning
of the play, small groups of cast
members will present an overview of the play to each third,
fourth, and fifth grade class.
We will perform Twelfth Night
for them and they will perform
Midsummer Nights Dream for
Our performance at Hygiene
will be at 2:00 on Thursday,
May 14. On Friday, May 15,
they will perform at
“Shakespeare in the Park”
where they will join about 200
other students from district
elementary schools at Thompson Park to do their last performance. Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
You are welcome to attend
either production.
For dress rehearsal, our cast
will host Lyons Elementary
School’s cast here at Hygiene.
Lost and Found
All items not claimed in the lost and found will be donated to Goodwill on May
22nd. Please make sure to check the lost and found over the next several weeks as
there are many jackets, coats, gloves, hats, water bottles, etc.
Volume 1I, Issue 9
Page 5
March Students of the Month—Demonstrating Perserverance
Back Row: Rain Lohr, Brooklyn Lee, Shyanne Pohl, Skylan Conn, Tristan Rench, Miles
Dumbauld, Maddox Leggett, Jack Moll, Tyler Woelfle.
Front Row: Violet Brinkerhoff, Genesis Esquivel, Kriby Neal, Michael Newell, Christian Juarez Acosta, Brandon Glennen Lovvern
Not Pictured: Otis Ogletree
Volume 1I, Issue 9
Page 6
National AGLOA Competition
One of our Hygiene students, Sam Fallon, went to Florida last week as a member of the district’s competitive
AGLOA team. It was a big accomplishment to earn a
spot on the team and to represent us at the national
AGLOA stands for the Academic Games League of
America. All of the academic games involve high level
thinking strategies and being able to ‘think on your feet.’
Sam competed in 4 games – Equations, Onsets, Propaganda, and Wffnproof.
He ended the tournament with 2 first-place finishes, 6
second-place finishes, and 4 third-place finishes. He was
in the top quarter in the nation overall. What a great
job, Sam!
The Hub News
Registration for The Hub before and after school program,
and Encore, the wraparound
program for the 2015/2016
school year has begun. We are
starting out with a new system
that will be used by every
Community School Program in
the district. Please see the
notes and attachments sent to
your email with this message. If you have any Community Schools questions, please
contact Kristin Davis at davis_kristin@svvsd.org . You
can also stop by this Wednesday, April 29, 2015 for registra-
tion help or answers in the
computer lab from 4-6pm.
About Registration
1. This is a 2-step process children need to be registered first, then parents/
guardians can go in and pick
their days. You can register
using this link; https://
2. EVERY parent will need
to then pick the days that
they need or want.
To do so, once you have
completed the Instructions
for Enrolling in 2015-2016,
click on the attachment
"Instructions for Picking
This is a new system being
used by every Community
School in the district. This is
also how people will register
for Enrichment Classes,
including Late Start, next
school year.
Please note, if you are interested in registering for any
computer coding classes this
summer, your registration
needs to be turned in no
later than May 15, 2015.
Come celebrate the end of the school year
at Hygiene Elementary with your student!
On the last day of school, May 21st we will hold our annual “All Games Day and
All School Games Day and Last Day of School Picnic
9:30-11:45 All School Games Day for PreK-5
11:45-12:30 All students in classroom for final class gathering.
12:30 Begin All School Picnic-students must be signed out and
picked up at their classroom.
Attention 5th Grade Parents!
Upcoming Events Calendar
Hello Parents and Students,
We are approaching a very special time of year for our fifth grade students. We are very excited to spend this time with your children and we look forward to your participation as well. Please see a list of dates/events below so you can mark your calendars and
help your child be prepared for these special days!
April 28th
Westview Middle School Visit (Leave Hygiene at 9:45AM)
May 4th District 5th Grade Track and Field Day (All day)
(Rain Date: May 13th)
Track and Field Day will be held at Longmont High School.
Bring a disposable lunch.
Wear and bring sunscreen and dress for the weather.
Wear tennis shoes.
Bring a water bottle (no glass).
Wear a hat (optional).
Week of
May 11th
The day of this event will depend on the weather. It’s best to have your cooker ready on May 11 th. We will determine on Monday which day that week will be best to cook the nachos.
Bring a solar cooker that you’ve created to cook some nachos! Date will be adjusted if needed-we will need sun!
Bring the following to school:
Your solar cooker
Chips and cheese (have your cheese grated and please write your name on it as we will put it in the refrigerator).
May 14th
5th Grade Shakespeare Performance at Hygiene for 3rd, 4th and
5th Grade at 2:00pm.
May 16th
Fifth Grade Hike-This is planned on a Saturday and is an
optional activity. All students that attend must be supervised
by a parent/adult chaperone. We will meet at NCAR at 10:30am and hike to Chautauqua to have lunch, then
hike back to NCAR.
May 19th
Fifth Grade Parent/Student Kickball Game at 2:45pm.
May 20th
Fifth Grade Continuation Ceremony at 1:30pm in the
Gymnasium/Stage. Invitations to come soon.
End of the Year Celebration with Root Beer Floats and Autographs in class.
May 21st
All School Games Day and Last Day of School Picnic
9:30-11:45 All School Games Day for PreK-5
11:45-12:30 All students in classroom for final class gathering.
12:30 Begin All School Picnic-students must be signed out and picked up at their classroom.
We look forward to seeing you at as many events as you can. This makes for a very busy month of May! Enjoy and thank you.
Rigorous Academics Enhanced Through the Arts
Kindergarten Continuation Ceremony
Kindergarten Continuation will be May 20th at 10:45 for both
11968 N. 75th
Longmont, CO 80503
Phone: 720-652-8021
Fax: 303-772-9158
We’re on the Web!
100 Mile Club
The last day to obtain laps for 100 mile club is May 14th. Parents, grandparents, families are invited out for the last morning
run to cheer, yell, or ring a bell to cheer these hard working
kids on!
We will hold our End of the Year 100 Mile Club Assembly on
May 18th at 2:15 pm
May 8th is the cut off date for charging lunches. No more meal charges after this date.
All meal charges need to be paid by May 18th.