All attendees of the ASOCSA 9 Built Environment Conference 2015 will earn CPD points as approved by the SACPCMP
The ASOCSA Built Environment conference series has become the leading built environment conference on the African continent. It is one of only two construction-related conferences in South
Africa that has been fully accredited by the Department of Higher Education for subsidy. Since its inception in 2006 the peer reviewed conference proceedings have been referred to by private and
public sector policy and decisionmakers. The series produces a conference edition of the sought after Journal of Construction, which is on the list of journalsapproved by the South African
Department of HigherEducation for subsidy. In the past the series has been underwritten by major industry stakeholders that have included the Construction Industry Development Board
(CIDB),Council for the Built Environment (CBE), Master Builders SouthAfrica (MBSA), PPC Cement and Peri.The series continues to be endorsed by the International Council forResearch and
Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), one of thelargest global built environment research organizations.
The Ninth Built Environment Conference with a very clear infrastructure delivery and sustainability focus continues in the tradition of previous conferences in the series and provides in an everincreasing challenging global economic environment an international forum that provides the opportunity for researchers and practitioners from developed, developing and underdeveloped
nations to deliberate topical current issues that impact the Built Environment
The broad objectives of the conference remain:
Ÿ To provide a forum for multi-disciplinary interaction between academics and Industry practitioners;
Ÿ To disseminate innovative and cutting edge practices that respond to the conference theme and outcomes namely Directions
Ÿ To provide a world class leading internationally recognized, accredited conference for the built environment; and
Ÿ To contribute to the existing built environment body of knowledge (BEBOK) and practice especially around the conference theme.
in Infrastructure Delivery and Sustainability;
Program at a glance:
Day 1: 31 May 2015: Venue - MBA Kwa Zulu Natal
12h00 -16h00 Heads Meeting
16h00 - 18h00 Registration
18h00 - 21h00 Welcome Cocktail
Day 2: 1 June 2015: Venue - UNITE building, UKZN Campus Gate 8
Full day conference
Gala Dinner - Venue TBC
Day 3: 2 June 2015: Venue - UNITE Building, UKZN Campus Gate 8
Full day conference
Site visit
CPD Points:
All attendees of the ASOCSA 9th Built Environment Conference 2015 will earn the
following CPD points as approved by the SACPCMP
The organizers aim to bring together in a single forum researchers and academics from the full range of built environment disciplines that include engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, construction andAttendance of 1 full day of the conference: 2.5 CPD points
project managers; administrators and government officials; industry professionals and practitioners; and contractors. Delegates will be drawn from institutions of higher learning, government agencies,Attendance of 2 full days of the conference: 5 CPD points
contracting organizations, consulting practices, financial institutions, and other construction-related organizations from the Southern African region but also from other parts of the world.
Reflections on Directions in Construction
This conference will seek responses to questions related to current conversations and debates on infrastructure delivery and sustainability such as, for example,
• Infrastructure Development Management
• Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) including professional practice
• Sustainable Green Building
• Innovative construction education
• Improved project management
• Mega construction projects in developing countries
• Construction contracts
• Innovation in construction technologies
• Cement and concrete Technologies
• Scaffolding and supportwork
• Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) including
Building Information Modelling
• Inappropriate construction practices and ethics
will include papers that address, inter alia,
ŸCurrent trends and developments
ŸLegislation and regulations
ŸCase studies
the conference program is still under development, plenary sessions will include keynote addresses from notable persons drawn from a wide range of built environment professionals
and practitioners that include construction and project managers, architects, engineers and contractors. These speakers will speak directly to the specifically stated conference outcomes.
Attendance registers will be taken and submitted to the SACPCMP as proof of
A discount of 10% will be allowed to all Pr. CM and Pr. CPM on proof of registration
with the SACPCMP if registering for the full conference or 1 day thereof.
Non-ASOCSA Members: ZAR 5 000.00
ASOCSA /CIB Members: ZAR 4 000.00
Full Time Students:
ZAR 2 500.00 (upon production of current full time registration
cards and who are not employed by the university)
MBA/Registered Professionals Full conference R5000 less 10%
Day 1 R3000 less 10% discount
Day 2 R2000 less 10% discount
Register online at www.asocsa.org
Ferdinand Fester:
Prof Theo Haupt:
Ferial Lombardo
ffester@uj.ac.za; Tel 011 559 6051 ; 074 589 7492
haupt@ukzn.ac.za Tel 031 260 2712 ; 082 686 3457
conference@asocsa.org Tel 021 9020302, 082 686 1852