TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS: Altar Steward: Susan Wamsley The Well Setup: Team Daniel Trustee: UMYF for ALL Rising 7 -12 Graders th th UMYF Tonight! All 7th-12th graders are invited to the gym tonight from 6-8pm for dinner, games, and some time to think about when to “Step Out” and when to “Step Up.” Don’t miss it! Need a Summer Job? If you are a youth looking for a summer job, please contact Elizabeth! Several Hibben members are looking for help with yard work and other chores over the next several months. or 813-8700. David Hand Media Operators: 8:15 & 10:30 The Well Music Leader: 10:45 Heather Caffarel Children’s Church: Helpers: Lay Readers: 8:15 10:30 Ushers: TODAY IN SUNDAY SCHOOL Pre-k and kindergarteners will learn that "Jesus wants us to believe in him.” First through sixth graders will discuss "Breakfast on the Beach" (John 21:1-19). Sunday school is offered for children ages 3 through 6th grade, and all classes meet on the first floor of the education wing. ATTENTION RISING 5th & 6th GRADERS! Are you ready to discover how Jesus Outshines Life's Trials (J.O.L.T.)? Join in the fun and learning at Camp J.O.L.T. June 15-18, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm here at Hibben. Each day will be jammed with chances to create, play, learn, perform, and do some whacky-off-the-wall stuff that will get your heart racing. Registration forms can be found on Hibben's website, in the church office, and in the children/youth ministry office. Contact Elizabeth Connell with questions ( Invite friends! Operation Christmas Child Item of the Month 10-Pack Ivory Bar Soap Washcloths Sealable Sandwich Bags Eric Shuler Elizabeth Connell 10:30 Worship Bob Barton Shawn Dolan Jimmy Hinson Steve Price Patrick Wamsley Marty Watson Acolytes: 8:15 10:30 Brad Kicklighter Kate Nyers Sarah Collins Crucifer: 8:15 10:30 Ben Kicklighter Tyler Collins Monday, April 20 11:15 am 6:30 pm 6:45 pm Morning Prayer Financial Peace BSF Tuesday, April 21 12:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Primetimers Girl Scouts Young Adults Missions Family Ministries Pack Meet Boy Scouts Wednesday, April 22 10:00 am 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Thursday, April 23 5:00 pm Stephen Ministry Meeting 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study No Scheduled Activities Worship Design Team Alcoholics Anonymous Benefitting The Mallard-Sweatt Scholarship Fund Saturday, May 2 Palmetto Islands County Park Registration forms available in the church office, table at side sanctuary door & The Well welcome table. You can still participate! Monetary donations to the Mallard-Sweatt Scholarship Fund are always accepted. Just make your check payable to Hibben UMC, designated Scholarship Fund, and drop it in the offering plate this morning. Our rising college freshmen will be grateful for your show of support as they endeavor to further their education. 10:30 Alicia Hinson Mary Anne Larkin Bill Roberts, Jimmy Hinson Your Ministry Team Family Fun Run 5K NOT A RUNNER? Yvonne Garmendia Paul & Janice Cross Rev. Dr. James C. Hunter Pastor Rev. Kathryn O. Hunter Pastor Sara Flores Missionary to Ecuador Elizabeth Connell Dir. Youth Ministry Kim Dowd Dir. Children’s Ministry Heather Caffarel Well Worship Coord. Jennifer Roberts Discipleship Director Steven Jones Media Ministry Director Candace Dellinger Business Mgr. Cheryl Cummings Executive Assistant Nancie Willett PreSchool Co-Dir. Robin Robertson PreSchool Co-Dir. H. Scott Brunson Director of Music Pam Brunson Organist Norma Taylor Pianist Frankie Lewis Sexton Joyce Baldwin Nursery Coordinator Rev. Dr. Cecil Pottieger Retired Clergy Rev. David Lupo Clergy April 19, 2015 8:00am – 5K Begins 9:00am – Kids’ Races Begin Friday, April 24 Saturday, April 25 12:00 pm 8:00 pm Hibben Happenings Hibben UMC Morning Bible Study Evening Bible Study Men’s Bible Study Handbells Chancel Choir Greeters: 8:15 All are welcome! Linda Abbitt Jennifer Rhyne 8:15 Worship Eric Shuler Mike Simms Salkehatchie! 2015 Salkehatchie Registration is open at The camp name has been changed from Lexington camp to Batesburg-Leesville Salkehatchie to better represent the area we work in. Camp is open to all who are 14 years or older, and will take place July 11th-18th. The camper maximum attendance is 65 campers. Camp will fill up fast, so register as soon as you can. After you register, please message Elizabeth to let her know you'll be attending. If you need full or partial scholarship, please contact Elizabeth before you register. Brad Nyers Paul James THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES: Sunday, April 19 8:15 am Early Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Worship in the Park 12:00 pm Church Picnic 4:00 pm Stephen Ministry Training 6:00 pm UMYF Mallard-Sweatt Scholarship Attendance April 12, 2015 Sunday School 8:15 Worship 10:30 Worship The Well 145 47 269 68 Giving 2015 General Budget Rec’d Toward Budget Mar. 2015 Rec’d Year To Date Special Offering Rec’d Last Week: Let’s Finish It! $913,506.00 63,822.84 205,627.93 475.00 We are making our debt disappear! Our current loan balance as of 3/31/15 is $348,156. Please use the pink envelope marked “Let’s Finish It” to make your offering toward debt reduction. Applications for the 2015 Mallard-Sweatt Scholarship are now available at all Welcome Centers and online at Applications are due in the front office no later than noon on Monday, May 11. PLEASE NOTE: The scholarship is now open to all students who are completing their Senior year of high school. Those who are current college students are encouraged to enroll in the newly established Hibben Student Care Program, outlined on the following page. Questions can be directed to Elizabeth Connell at or 813-8700. Concerns & Opportunities Opportunity to Serve The Hospitality Team is looking for a few good people to offer a smile and a “Hello, we’re glad you are here today” greeting to those attending worship during the 8:15, 10:30 or The Well service. Help us offer a “Hibben” welcome to all who come on Sunday morning. Contact Terri Suiter, 343-3436 or to answer this call to serve. Hibben Student Care Program This new program has been established in order to maintain contact with Hibben members who are ages 18-23 as they embark upon higher education, the military, or life in the working world. As a part of the Student Care Program, participants can expect to receive periodic cards, care packages, and other goodies from various ministries and small groups within the church. Enrollment information can be found at and at both Welcome Centers. VBS Registration Registration for VBS is currently taking place. Registration forms are available in the children/youth ministry office, the church office, and on Hibben's website ( All children ages 3 through rising 4th grade are invited to participate June 15-18, 9:00am-12:00pm. Space in each age group is limited, so be sure to register early! For more information, contact Kim Dowd (884-9761, Primetimers It’s time for the Primetimers to gather for their monthly “lunch bunch.” Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 21st at 12:00 in the CLLC. It’s time to celebrate the arrival of spring. Our guest this month will be Judy Cavanaugh, who will tell us of her involvement with “Little Dresses for Africa,” a non-profit organization based in Brownton, Missouri. Bring your favorite dish and join in the fun. Thank You! Norma Taylor wishes to thank those of her Hibben family who shared so much concern during her recent illness. The cards, calls, visits and words of encouragement meant so much during her recuperation. ** SAVE THE DATE ** North Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Gathering (Brickyard, Park West, Dunes West, Huger, Awendaw & Beyond) Saturday, May 2 We’ll lead the pack in the Family Fun Run/Walk. Then we’ll head to brunch/lunch somewhere fun. Don’t forget to register for the event or sign up to volunteer. If your morning is already planned, then join us for good eats. Want to stay in the loop? Please contact Heidi Mortimer or call 843-412-6856. APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH Hibben is a community that values children and we take seriously our responsibility to protect them. In South Carolina, there were over 7,000 cases of reported child abuse or neglect last year (nearly 600 in Charleston County). To show your support of all children and your commitment to preventing child abuse, please pick up and wear a blue ribbon. Ribbons are available at the entrances to the sanctuary and the welcome table in The Well. ECCO Grocery Bags Longpoint Neighborhood Gathering Sunday, May 3 @ 6:00pm Hosted by: Nick & Michelle Miles 565 Hidden Boulevard RSVP: or (270) 256-2820 We provide the hamburgers & hotdogs. You bring the side dishes & dessert! Don’t forget to return your filled ECCO grocery bag this Sunday, April 19th. Bags are to be placed in the vestibule where they will be collected first thing Monday (4/20) morning. IT TAKES A VILLAGE . . . to produce a meaningful and fun Vacation Bible School! Many volunteers are needed, and we'd love for you to join our team. VBS will be held June 15-18 from 9:00 am – Noon. Both adult and youth volunteers are needed to help with everything from worship to crafts to missions to snacks. If you'd be willing to help, contact Kim Dowd ( or 884-9761). Epworth Is Our Ministry! Where do children go when DSS has taken them from their families because of abuse or neglect? What about when a mother is struggling with addiction and is neglecting her children? What happens when a family becomes homeless and children are forced to live in a car or the local park? Last year, more than 181 of these children found a home through the ministry we share as United Methodists in South Carolina. Epworth Children’s Home has been welcoming children in Christ’s name for 119 years through the generous support of churches like ours! We will participate in the annual Mother’s Day Offering on Sunday, May 10th, to benefit the children who call Epworth home. Please be in prayerful consideration of what God is calling you to give to this valuable and life changing ministry. For more information about Epworth Children’s Home, you can visit them on the web at or find them on Facebook. Hibben’s Church Library Even though we are now in the age of eBooks, don't forget that Hibben has a church library for your use. It's a great resource if you're a Sunday School teacher, or if you're in a Bible Study. Also, if you're looking for a study for your class, there are some series with multiple copies for you to use. At the present time, we do not need any donations, unless you have a series that you used in a class. Checkout is the honor system- look at the bulletin board in the library for checkout slips. Come in and browse! Contact Susan McSwain, 843-971-5085, for more information. Hibben Media Team Are you interested in joining the media team at Hibben? We are looking for volunteers to help run the sanctuary sound and slides! You will be paired with a media veteran in our new team-based plan. Please find Steven Jones on Sundays or email him at if you are interested. Hibben United Methodist Church 690 Coleman Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-9761 *SERMON TEXT Luke 24:36b-48 Leader: People: HIBBEN AT WORSHIP The Gospel of our Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. SERMON Dr. Jim Hunter Questioning in the Midst of Happiness April 19, 2015 PASTORAL PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER Please refer to the overhead screen for responsive readings and unison prayers. OFFERING All things come from you, O God, and with praise and thanksgiving we return to you what is yours. GATHERING AND WELCOME OFFERTORY CALL TO WORSHIP Haan Jesus, Lover of My Soul Responsive *DOXOLOGY TIME OF CENTERING Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord. We want to see you. No. 94 SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION OPENING PRAYER (8:15) No. 15 Unison *OPENING HYMN Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy No. 340 *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostles’ Creed No. 881 *HYMN OF SENDING Up from the Grave He Arose *BENEDICTION No. 322 Dr. Jim Hunter *POSTLUDE Nelhybel Alleluia! Sing Praise to Christ *GLORIA PATRI No. 71 PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Thy Word Is a Lamp (refrain only) No. 601 ~ Sanctuary Flowers ~ The flowers have been placed on the altar today by Robbie, Will and Robert Hokum to the glory of God and in loving memory of their wife and mother, Debbie Hokum. SCRIPTURE LESSON 1 John 3:1-7 Leader: People: The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. A NEW CHAPTER ANTHEM (10:30) Wood Jubilate Deo *HYMN OF THE DAY ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus *If able, please stand No. 462
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