Hawk Talk Newsletter – April, 2015 6100 S. Fulton Street, Englewood, CO 80111 720/554-3600 720/554-3688 FAX Derek Mullner, Principal highplains.cherrycreekschools.org Attendance: 720-554-3637 Important Dates to Remember Friday, April 10 School Store Open (3:15 pm – 4:00 pm) Monday, April 13 Parent’s Council Meeting (SARC) Tuesday, April 14 Guiding Good Choices, CMS Media Center (6:00 pm) Tuesday, April 14 Friday, April 17 Please note changes to the following testing schedules: 5th Grade CMAS Testing Science (9:00 am-10:30 am) 4th Grade CMAS Testing Social Studies (10:25 am–11:55 am) Please note changes to the following testing schedules: 5th Grade CMAS Testing Science (9:00 am-10:30 am) 4th Grade CMAS Testing Social Studies (10:25 am–11:55 am) Please note changes to the following testing schedules: 5th Grade CMAS Testing Science (9:00 am-10:30 am) 4th Grade CMAS Testing Social Studies (10:25 am–11:55 am) Volunteer Tea (9:15 am-10:15 am) Tuesday, April 21 Class Picture Day Tuesday, April 21 Dining for Dollars – Chipotle (Arapahoe & Peoria) Wednesday, April 22 Earth Day Thursday, April 23 3rd Grade Music Program (6:00 pm) Wednesday, April 29 Kindergarten Orientation (2:30 pm) Thursday, April 30 4th Grade Music Program (6:00 pm) Friday, May 1 School Store Open (3:15 pm-4:00 pm) May 4 – May 7 Staff Appreciation Week Saturday, May 16 High Plains Fun Run Wednesday, April 15 Thursday, April 16 Dear High Plains Families, We have been busy planning for the 2015-2016 school year. Generating class lists is one of the most important things we do in order to create the foundation for continued success in the upcoming school year. Based on the positive feedback I received regarding last year’s process, we will use the same procedures again this year. The process is collaborative in nature and involves staff members from all sectors of our school: Homeroom Teachers, Student Achievement Services, Reading Intervention, Gifted and Talented, English Language Acquisition, Specials, TAs, and Office Staff. The integrity and professionalism of our staff is the foundation of our wonderful school. We feel that we know each of our students well: learning styles, relationships with peers, academic strengths and weaknesses, etc. Our intention is to create groups of children who reflect heterogeneity and cohesiveness. Student placement is based upon many considerations. Some of the influencing factors in this process include: Balance of male and female students A heterogeneous range of reading, writing, and math in each room Consideration of emotional needs, giftedness, and other special needs Separation of social conflicts Balance of students with strong leadership qualities Balance of students with good study habits Due to the complexity of the class placement process, we are not able to honor specific requests for a classroom teacher. If you would like to add to our knowledge of your child’s social, emotional, or academic needs, you may do so in writing to the principal no later than Friday, April 24th. The needs you share will be treated as part of the process in making assignments for next year. Requests for specific teachers will not be granted and should not be part of the information you share. Please respect the integrity of this process. Thanks in advance for your assistance and cooperation! Your child will have the opportunity to meet their teacher on the last day of school, and class lists will be posted before dismissal on June 2nd. For our current kindergarteners, the last day of school is on June 1st. Class lists for them will be posted before dismissal on June 1st. Again, I am excited about next year and look forward to your partnership as we work together for the success of your child. Best, Derek Principal School Start and End Times Please note that the first bell in the morning rings at 8:55 am. Children should be seated in their classroom at 9:00 am. Dismissal time is 3:30 pm. Please have your plan in place with your child before he/she comes to school as to where to meet him/her, what club they are attending after school, play dates, etc. If your child will be absent for any reason (sick, doctor, vacation), please make sure to call the attendance line at 720-5543637 before school begins leaving your child’s name, grade, teacher, and reason for absence. Please call the attendance line even if you have let the classroom teacher know your child will be gone. Thank you! Crosswalk Safety As the weather gets warmer, more children walk or bike to school. Please talk to your kids about the importance of crossing the street at a designated crosswalk. We have fantastic crossing guards that work hard to keep everyone safe. NEVER allow your children to cross between cars or in the middle of the street. Thank you for your help! Re-Announcing High Plains 4th Grade Music Program Thank you very much for your well-wishes and flexibility as we have worked to reschedule this performance. I am very excited to announce the new date and hope to see you there! Who: What: When: What to Wear: High Plains 4th grade students A musical performance entitled, “Colorado: Part 2” Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 6:00 pm, in the High Plains Gym Black on bottom (pants or skirt with leggings) and blue on top (any shade and sleeve length-no writing or pictures, please). Let me know ASAP if you would like help obtaining the requested outfit. I am able to provide a limited number of shirts and pants. Please be sure to have your student arrive by 5:45 pm so that we may begin the show on time. Lost and Found Please make sure you write your child’s name on any clothing items. We have a parent volunteer that goes through all lost and found items every week. If there is a name on it, she delivers the item directly to the classroom. Announcing - High Plains 3rd Grade Music Program Who: High Plains 3rd grade students What: A musical performance entitled, “Rock and Roll Forever: How it all began” When: Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 6:00pm in the High Plains gym. What to Wear: BLACK on bottom (pants or skirt with leggings) and BLUE OR GREEN on top (any shade and sleeve length-no writing or pictures, please). Let me know ASAP if you would like help obtaining the requested outfit. I am able to provide a limited number of shirts and pants. Please, be sure to have your student arrive by 5:45pm so that we may begin the show on time. *Some students have been assigned parts for the show. If your child received one, please take a few minutes to help him/her memorize the part by Monday, April 20th. Kindergarten Parents: Please look for information about your child’s musical “Jack and the Beanstalk” in Friday Folders. Each class will have their own presentation of the show in the music room during their regular specials time (9:35 for AM classes & 2:20 for PM classes) at the end of their May music rotation. It is a short, cute show. We hope you can join us! Feel free to contact Mrs. Merrihew for more information. (dmerrihew@cherrycreekschools.org) Field Day Field Day is coming up and I need your help. If you would be interested in volunteering, sign up is easier than ever. Just go to this website: http://goo.gl/forms/q9IBZwyXF3 Registration for the 5th annual High Plains 5k & 1M Fun Run is now in full swing! This year, the Fun Run will take place on Saturday, May 16th. Whether you run or walk, this is such a fun community event! You can register online at:www.highplainsfunrun.weebly.com or drop off a registration form at the front desk. Also be sure to check out our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/highplainsfunrun for updates and special announcements about the Fun Run. Plus, don't forget about the Kids' Marathon Challenge! Kids can accumulate miles walking/running towards reaching the 26.2 miles of a marathon, finishing their last miles either during the 5k or 1M Fun Run event. If your child completes the challenge, he/she will get a special medal after they cross the finish line at the Fun Run! Don't want to run, but still want to be a part of the fun? Please consider volunteering. Volunteers are essential for making the Fun Run a success! Plus, new this year, ALL volunteers will receive a Fun Run shirt. Please email me at:hpfunrun@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering. Shoes for Love Wanted: Shoes. Any type. Any size. Any condition. A donation box will be in the High Plains lobby from 4/20 to 5/1. Please rubber band pairs of shoes together. Your shoes will be sent to orphans in Burkina Faso, Haiti, and Ecuador who don’t have shoes of their own, From the Library: Overdue Notices Parents, in May of 2014 we switched to automated overdue notices for late library books. This means that we no longer send home paper copies of overdue notices when your child has overdue library books; instead, notifications are sent to the primary email address listed in PowerSchool. Have you never received an overdue notice via your email? It could be: 1) your child has never had an overdue book (and that’s amazing!), or 2) your email notification is being sent to your junk mail or spam folder. If you’ve never received an email notification for an overdue library book, please check your junk mail or spam folder for "sirsi@sirsi.ccsd.k12.co.us" and change your settings to allow any future messages come to your inbox. The subject line will say, “Library Notice.” Thank you! Mrs. Connors Summer Sports Opportunities Cherry Creek School District provides summer sports. Please see the following website for information: www.cherrycreekschools.org/athleticsactivities/summercamps. From our PE Department Spring clubs and intramurals have started this past week. If your son or daughter would like to join, you still have some time to do that. Click on the following link to sign up: http://scan.me/nkyqpw4. The clubs/intramurals schedule looks like this: Mar. 2 - May 18 Mar. 3 - May 19 Mar. 12 - May 28 Mar. 13 - May 29 Running Club Super Skippers Intramurals Intramurals Grades K-5 Grades 3-5 Grades 1-3 Grades 4 & 5 Mon. 8:00-8:45 Tues. 8:00-8:45 Thur. 8:00-8:45 Fri. 8:00-8:45 In case of a spring snow, running club will not be cancelled, but will move indoors to jump rope with the lack of space. If you have any more questions feel free to email/call me at sbuchanan4@cherrycreekschools.org or 720-554-3682. Thank you! Thank you, Scott Buchanan The Weather Outside is Frightening Should bad weather or emergency situations result in the closing or delayed start/early dismissal of school, please turn on your radio or tv to determine if school is either closed or on a delayed start. Cherry Creek School District is who you need to look for to see if we are closed/delayed. You can also find the same information by going to the Cherry Creek School District website at www.cherrycreekschools.org or calling the hotline at 720-554-4702.
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