Hawai‘i HomeOwnership Center The Hawai‘i HomeOwnership Center (HHOC) is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization which focuses on homebuyer education and foreclosure prevention in Hawaii. HHOC Board Members Stacey Katakura White, Chair HiAccounting (The Hawaii Group) Tony Au, Secretary Central Pacific Bank Karl Yoneshige, Treasurer/Past Board Chair HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union Ryker Wada, Past Board Chair State Department of Education Title Sponsor Joyce Borthwick, Past Board Chair First Hawaiian Bank Gary Kai, Past Board Chair Hawaii Business Roundtable Over the past 11 years of existence, HHOC has been able to reach significant milestones—3,602 member households, 2,561 homebuyer education graduates, and 1,185 successful first-time homeowners, the majority of whom were considered “low to moderate income” at intake. Additionally, another 968 distressed homeowners have been provided foreclosure prevention counseling at no charge. As HHOC expands its services statewide to meet the needs of the neighbor islands, it is most appreciative of its valued partners and contributors who help make a difference in our communities. With your support, HHOC can continue to educate individuals, empower families and transform communities, “one homeowner at a time.” Patrick Bullard, Heinrich Bullard Marketing Keith Kato, Hawaii Island Comm. Development Corp. Roy Katsuda, Hale Mahaolu Natalie Kiehm, A & B Properties, Inc. Debra Luning, Gentry Homes, Ltd. Carol Marx, Bank of Hawaii David Pietsch III, Title Guaranty of Hawaii, Inc. Chereen Pires, American Savings Bank Dawn Robinson Naya, HomeStreet Bank Mark Tanaka, Kauai Realty, Inc. Jun Yang, Office of Housing, City & County of Honolulu Shere’e Young, Communications Pacific CHIP IN for HOMEOWNERSHIP HHOC 2015 Golf Committee Please call 523-9500 should you have any questions regarding HHOC’s programs or the upcoming golf event. 1259 Aala Street, #201 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 Phone: 808-523-9500 Fax: 808-523-9502 Email: info@hihomeownership.org Website: www.hihomeownership.org Gerald Tanaka (Co-Chair), HomeStreet Bank Debra Luning (Co-Chair), Gentry Homes, Ltd. Guy Inouye Lisa Kahihikolo, Fidelity National Title & Escrow of HI Gwen Kojima, Oceanic Time Warner Cable James Martin, Fidelity National Title & Escrow of HI Reina Miyamoto, Hawaii HomeOwnership Center Coreen Nishijo, Exit the Master’s Plan Realty Dennis Oshiro, Hawaii HomeOwnership Center Ken Sekimoto, Territorial Savings Bank Robert Takeshita, Territorial Savings Bank Jodie Tanga, Pacific Rim Mortgage Jeannie Yukitomo, HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union HHOC’s 8th Annual Golf Tournament Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Pearl Country Club Chance to Win a Brand New Car! Sponsored by HHOC’s 8th Annual Fundraiser Golf Tournament Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Pearl Country Club Sponsorship Opportunities Title Sponsor ($10,000) Includes four teams, four tee signs, recognition as title sponsor for the golf tournament on HHOC website and newsletter, all PSAs, advertising and promotional materials, flyer & program Gold Sponsor ($5,000) Includes three teams, three tee signs, recognition on HHOC website and newsletter, promotional materials & program TEAM #1 REGISTRATION FORM Company Name:__________________________________ Contact:_________________________________________ Phone:________________ Email:____________________ Team Information Team Captain:__________________________ Handicap_____ Company:____________________________________________ Phone:__________________ Email:_______________________ Player #2:______________________________ Handicap_____ Company:____________________________________________ Phone:__________________ Email:_______________________ Silver Sponsor ($3,000) Includes two teams, two tee signs, recognition on HHOC website, promotional materials & program Bronze Sponsor ($1,000) Team Sponsor ($750) Includes one team, one tee sign, recognition on HHOC website, promotional materials & program Includes one team, recognition on program Hole Sponsor ($300) Lunch Sponsor ($1,000) Includes recognition at tee and on program; on-thecourse marketing opportunity available Tournament Information 10:00—11:30 Registration/Check-In/Lunch 10:00—11:30 Putting Contest 12:00 Shotgun Start Format: Scramble/Minimum 4 drives per person/Maximum 2 putts/NO MULLIGANS/ Double par max per hole Maximum Handicap: Men—24/Women—36 Fantastic Prizes Awards Banquet Hole-in-One, Chipping, Closest-to-the-Pin, and Other Contests Type of Sponsor _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $___________ Title $10,000 Gold $5,000 Silver $3,000 Bronze $1,000 Team $750 Hole $300 Lunch $1,000 TEAM #2 Cash Donation $___________ TOTAL PAYMENT ____________ Value $__________ Prizes (in sets of 3) Goodie Bag Donation (220 units) Value $__________ Items:_______________________________________ Payment Information □ □ Player #3:______________________________ Handicap______ Company:____________________________________________ Phone:__________________ Email:_______________________ Team Captain:__________________________ Handicap_____ Company:____________________________________________ Phone:__________________ Email:_______________________ Player #2:______________________________ Handicap_____ Company:____________________________________________ Phone:__________________ Email:_______________________ Player #3:______________________________ Handicap_____ Company:____________________________________________ Phone:__________________ Email:_______________________ Check (made payable to HHOC) VISA □ MasterCard Name on Card:____________________________ Card Number:_____________________________ Expiration Date:___________________________ Billing Address on Card:_____________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Signature:________________________________ ENTRY DEADLINE IS JULY 24, 2015 Please return completed form and payment to: Hawai‘i HomeOwnership Center 1259 Aala Street, #201 Honolulu, HI 96817 For more information, call 808-523-9500
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