Changed Lives Changing Our World

Our Faith Report
Serving You at Hilldale
Faith Report through April 26, 2015
Bible Study (Sunday School) ..............................................................................124
Morning Worship.................................................................................................143
Evening Worship (no service on April 5-Easter) .......................................... 25
Discipleship Training (includes Survivor Block Party—109+) .................... 84
Total General Fund Offering for Month ....................................... $ 35,130.05
General Fund Weekly Average for Month .................................... $ 8.782.51
2015 Average Weekly Budget Needs ........................................... $ 9,205.00*
Designated Offering ...........................................................................$
Emergency Fund for Building Repairs designated offerings ....... $ 6,561.00
*Based on the new church budget adopted in March 2015.
God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Wednesday Fellowship Meal Menu
Church Staff
Dr. Ron Pate ................................................. Senior Pastor
Dr. Donny Holley .................................. Associate Pastor
Jan Freeman....................... Minister of Worship & Music
Scott Hallmark ............. ...................Minister to Students
Marie Harbison ............................... Minister to Children
Faye Sawhill ............................................................. Organist
Kallie Hartley ................. Wednesday Meal Coordinator
Daris Houlditch .................... Financial Ministry Assistant
Tina Wiles ..............................Pastoral Ministry Assistant
Belinda Goodwin McCullough..................... Receptionist
Zip Floyd ...........................................................Maintenance
Jimmy Tapscott ...............................................Maintenance
(served from 5:30—6:30 PM)
May 6
May 13
May 20
May 27
Cost: Adults, $5.00; Children, $3.00 (age 4-4th grade)
Family Maximum, $15.00
Call HBC Office at 853-3000; e-mail:; or fill out the Connection Card
9:15 AM
10:30 AM
5:30 PM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
Bible Study
Morning Worship
Evening Worship
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:45 PM
Fellowship Supper
Student Connection
Adult Discipleship Training
Worship Choir Practice
7:45-8:30 PM
FLC Open
The church office is closed on Fridays.
6:30 PM
4:00 PM
6:30 PM
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
No Evening Service
Church Office Closed
Benevolence Sunday—May 31
Acts 2 ...
the early church came together in one
accord to help to anyone who had need.
May 3 ............. Bryan Russell ................John Dunn
May 10 ……Don Strazdus.................N/A
May 17 ........... David Brasfield .............Rodney Dobbins
May 24 … …John Brown...................N/A
May 31…… Wayne Cox………….Don Berry
Bring a couple of dishes- enough
for your family PLUS a friend.
Enjoy great food & fellowship!
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
Leadership Ministry Council Meeting
Mother’s Day - No Evening Service
Finance Ministry Team Meeting
TOUCH Outreach Visitation
Deacon’s Meeting
Memorial Day Week-end—No Evening Service
Memorial Day—Church Office Closed
Bring a Friend Day & Benevolence Sunday
Covered Dish Lunch followed by
Afternoon Singing Service
(in lieu of evening worship)
June 8-12
Students’ Summer Retreat—Panama City Beach, FL
June 21
Father’s Day—No Evening Worship
June 22-26
Vacation Bible School—8:30—Noon daily
June 28
VBS Family Day Event (in lieu of evening worship)
David Brasfield, Lauri McKinley
Kallie & Felix Hartley
Doug Miller
David Brasfield, Lauri McKinley
Kallie & Felix Hartley
If you have a ministry emergency when the office is closed, please leave a detailed message
on the answering machine. (853-3000) for the minister on call.
12:00 PM
Sunday, May 24
Memorial Day
Building Lock-Up Schedule
205 853-3000
(Grades 7-12)
OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Thursday, 8:00 -12:00 and 1:00—4:00
533 Sunhill Road, Center Point, AL 35215
Monday, May 25
May 3—9 ................................. Bryan Russell
May 10—16............................Don Strazdus
May 17—23.......................... David Brasfield
May 24—30 .............................. John Brown
May 31—June 6.........................Wayne Cox
Kidz Connection
(PS3 thru 6th Grade)
Teen Plus
YesterYears Choir
Deacon on Call
Beef Pot Roast, Potatoes & Carrots, Green Beans
Chicken Pot Pie, Green Beans, Salad
Country Fried Steak, Creamed Potatoes, English Peas
Lasagna, Salad
May 2015
Volume 9 Issue 5
Followed by ...
Worship Care
5.3 AM Marsha Helton
Worship KidStyle
Grades 1-6
Barbara Jerrell
Wanda Winstead
Mrs. Marie
Barb Goodwin
5.10 AM M.F. Littleton
Doris Miller
Sarah Moore
Betty Sloan
Mrs. Marie
Barb Goodwin
5.17 AM Marsha Helton
M.F. Littleton
Dianne & Joel
Mrs. Marie
Barb Goodwin
5.24 AM M.F. Littleton
Doris Miller
Judy Woodall
Gail Smith
Mrs. Marie
Barba Goodwin
5.31 AM
Mark & Betty
Mrs. Marie
Barb Goodwin
M.F. Littleton
*Based on attendance, need, and available volunteers, we will not be
offering weekly evening worship care for younger preschoolers. Children are welcome to attend services with their parents.
The CONNECT NEWSLETTER is a monthly publication.
Printed copies will be available in the Touch Centers and
Church Office. You may also view online or to receive a
copy by e-mail by sending a request to
1:30 PM
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship
June 22-26
Featuring all time
worship music
8:30 AM—12:00 Noon
for children age 4 (by 9.1.15) thru just completed 6th grade
We can still use a few good volunteers in several areas.
See Mrs. Marie to learn how you can help before, during,
and even after Vacation Bible School is over!
... a community of
Changed Lives Changing Our World
by connecting to God, to people, and to ministry.
What a blessing the month of April has been serving God with you here at Hilldale Baptist Church.
We have had some special services with presence of the Holy Spirit evident and working among us.
I do hope that you will seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in your life that God
might keep adding unto us all that He desires for us to experience. Do you know or remember the
desires you had for your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews as they were growing up?
Do you remember how you longed for the best things possible to happen to them and be a part of
their lives? Your Lord wants that to happen to you. He longs for you to experience the power of
His presence through the Holy Spirit working in you every day. Set the Spirit free to do His work
in you. Trust Him with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
6:45 PM - choose from one of the following
Team Captains will be responsible for:
Enlisting five (or more) individuals who will commit to
pray for the pastor’s special prayer needs on their
designated day each week.
Distributing copies of the Pastor’s prayer requests to
his or her team members each month. (Copies will be
provided to the team captain monthly for distribution.)
Communicating with team members throughout the
month to encourage them in their prayer commitment
and to provide updates as needed.
I have begun a series of sermons on James on Sunday nights that will be a compliment to the more in-depth look you can
take on Wednesday nights at 6:45 with Richard Duncan as he facilitates, Living a Christian Life in a Modern World. Let God apply the practical aspects of living out your faith daily as your join others in the study of this practical living book. Or get even
more practical and join Donny Holley on Wednesday nights for Managing Your Finances God’s Way. To grow in your Christ
you must study His Word with other believers to help challenge and encourage them as they challenge and encourage you.
Team Members will commit to pray for the Pastor’s specific
prayer needs on their designated day.
Mother’s Day is fast approaching and you will want to celebrate with your family. Honor your mother this year by being in
church. Bring her to church with you or go to church with your mother. Let her know that you recognize that she has been
an important part of your life. Our Ladies Ministry will be providing a small gift to help Hilldale Honor those mothers who
are present in worship with us on Mother’s Day.
THEpoint Hilldale Student Ministry Grades 7-12+
In preparation for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham in August we are encouraging you to take a “Bring a Friend” Brochure and use it to list the names of some of your friends who need to come to
church. Write their names down on the brochure, keep it in your Bible, and pray for them BY NAME daily. Invite them to
come to our own “Bring a Friend” Day on May 31, stay for the covered dish lunch, and join us that afternoon for “Worship
Through The Years” with special music and singing. Don’t miss it on May 31, right after the morning worship service. Bring a
Friend and if you don’t have any, bring an enemy. Bring someone to be a part of that special day with us.
Bringing a friend to worship with you,
To learn more or to volunteer—contact Dwanna Green.
 Sundays
9:15 AM Sunday School
 Wednesdays 6:30 PM Worship & Bible Study
Summer Camp—June 8-12 at Panama City Beach
If you need yard work, spring cleaning, baby-sitting services or
other odd jobs—HBC students would love to earn a little money
for summer camp while helping you! Contact Charmaine Brown
or Scott Hallmark for more information!
“THE BOOK OF JAMES: Living A Christian Life in the
Modern World” with Robert Emmitt
Facilitated by Richard Duncan in FLC Fireside Room
Continues through the end of June
Led by Donny Holley in the Small Dining Room
(Cost $5.00 for Seminar Handouts)
Videos and printed information will be presented from renown
Christian authors like Rick Warren, Ron Blue, Dave Ramsey,
Randy Alcorn and others.
ADULT CHOIR PRACTICE also meets at this time
Led by Jan Freeman—Choir Room, Bldg 1, 2nd Floor
Sunday, May 17 - 4:00 PM
Due to Mother’s Day and Memorial Day we have scheduled only
one Outreach Visitation in May. Of course, you can make home
visits, telephone calls, and/or send cards to guests, prospects, and
members who need a “touch” from their church family anytime.
Be sure to pick up some church business cards
that are available in the “touch” centers around
the building and give them out to those you meet
during your daily routines.
Hilldale Personals …
 BRING A FRIEND DAY … MAY 31 Plan now to be here, invite others, bring a couple of covered dishes (enough to feed
your family PLUS one more—the church will provide rolls and tea), stay for lunch, and then for a great time of “Worship Through
the Years” at 1:30, featuring some of our all time favorite worship music. Be sure to use the “Bring A Friend” brochures
provided in the worship center foyer to begin listing names to pray for and invite on May 31 and to continue to pray for and
invite to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association FESTIVAL OF HOPE in August. Yes, we WANT YOU to be here and
we NEED YOU to bring a friend and some delicious food!
 BENEVOLENCE SUNDAY … MAY 31 Participate in a special offering designated for helping those who are struggling
financially and quite often spiritually and emotionally. Your offerings allow us to say “yes” to church members and others we
know in our community who need a helping hand. Your offerings and pantry donations allow us and “Serving You Ministries,”
our ministry partner to minister to others in the name of Christ Jesus.
“But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.” Luke 11:41 (NIV)
 FESTIVAL OF HOPE … Bringing the Hope of Jesus Christ to Birmingham
We have had twenty-three Hilldale members participate in the Christian Life Witness Training Course during the month of
April and some will be volunteering as counselors for the Festival of Hope Evangelistic Crusade in August. In addition to
counselors, the Festival is depending on local church volunteers to help with merchandise sales, ushering, and security on each
of the days. Volunteers must be 16 or older (18 for security), submit an Event Volunteer Form (available in the church office),
and a Volunteer Release Form by July 13, 2015. Talk with one of our staff members to learn more about participating in
the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Festival of Hope this summer!
JoAnn Holley, Lauri McKinley, and Nike Moyegun have been trained and are currently tutoring an adult to read. Ask one of
them about this great ministry opportunity. Free training is provided by M-Power Ministries in Avondale. Volunteer Orientation is required prior to training. For additional information or to register for one of the following training events,
call 595-5959, ext. 206 or e-mail: or
The next Literacy Training dates are: May 19 (Tues), May 21 (Thurs), and June 9 (Tues) 5:30—9:00 PM
Worshiping God, Learning God’s Word, Living Like Jesus
Thank you to all who participated in the Survivor Block
Party on April 15. It was a great evening of fun! We recorded
fifty one adults and students and over fifty five guests. Thank
you to the Children’s Ministry and Special Events Ministry
Team for your help and leadership. Special thanks to Joe Brothers from Glencoe Baptist Church for providing the climbing wall
and maze and to the Center Point Fire Department for providing and manning the Fire Safety House.
Vacation Bible School plans are well underway
for June 22-26. Please pray for our leaders as
they prepare. We still need a few volunteers.
Ask Mrs. Marie how you can help.
Calling all Boys and Girls who will complete Grades 3-6 in May
Total Cost: $250
It is already the hour for us to
AWAKE from sleep, for our
salvation is now nearer than
when we became believers.
Romans 13:11
Welcome new member, Braxton Russell, by baptism.
The Hilldale family extends deepest sympathy to ...
 Zip Floyd and family in the loss of his uncle,
Bob Lawing, on April 9, 2015, and to
 Virgie Hughes in the loss of her brother,
Keith McCollum, April 16, 2015.
 To the friends and family of former member
Rick Whitehead on April 29, 2015.
Congratulations to:
 Juan and Leila on the birth of their son, Joshua Aaron Favareto,
(6 lbs 11oz; 19"), born April 10, 2015, and to
 Larry and Marsha Helton on the birth of their grandson, James
Daniel Hood, (9 lbs 11oz), born April 11, 2015.
Proud parents are Jason and Dana (Helton) Hood.
A thank you note has been received from Margie Duncan
and Leila Favareto and is posted on the bulletin board outside the choir room in Building 1.
Community News …
The City of Center Point will honor those
who gave their lives in American wars with
a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Veterans’
Memorial at Reed Harvey Park at 11:00 AM
on Monday, May 25.
The 2015 Center Point Farmer’s Market will
kick off on Thursday, June 4 at Reed Harvey Park.