,/ UJIAN TENGAII SEMESTER MATEMATIKA KELAS B I. Complete the following sentences by choosing the best answer. 1. Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with a. caring b. carefirl 2. 4. & carefully Answering telephone calls is the ... of an operator. a. responsible b 3. ... c. care respond c. re$ iffififldr,v A free lunch will be provided for a... period of time. c. tmited d.limiting a. limit b. limits The president has ... arrived in Pmis and a. still b. yet will meet the Ministry of Trade today. c. already d. soon 5. He gave a long ... in honor of the retiring vice manager. a. speak c. speaking b. speaker 6. d. speech Are you ... in giving some donations to help the victim of Tsunarni in Japan? a. o. interesting d. interestingly interest b. interested 7. No hotel ... could be made on weekends a. delays b. cuisines 8. 9. because it was too q,r firll. reservations d. violations The presetation was difficult to understand ... he spoke very quickty. s, because b. slthgrrgh If the client ... dissatisfied, a. am b. is- c. so that d. than please have him write a letter. 10. My acquaintance with Mr. Broughton started friend b. friendly a. c. ared. be as a business relationship and became... c. friendless #friendship ll. Answer the guestions bosed on the same teXt! 1. What is the name of the library? 2. What kinds of music are available INTRODI.'CTION in the CDs and cassettes list? 3. F6n##,,trffiI',,iTIA Does the library have a telephone number? W*i"tI'T"t'or lf yes, what is it? 4. When is the library month? 5. What kind of non_fiction books can you borrow from the library? 6. Does the library provide videos for children?,?*i 7, Does the library have a collection of hip hop music CDs? ,8. How many kinds of fiction books can you find in the library? 9. ffiffiffi ffi gx..ciii'Tffiffi Where can you find the information about other items and how many items can be borrowed from the library? 10. Can you possibly find a Japanese dictionary in the library? (o+ 5 lifies, pt - and post ffiffi:m'&ry,sci€,*€'ApRlL,Ig EBnARy BEfrtBHBm: qfi iut ruxt rrr. choose ane of thefoilowing topics then write one parugraph about 1. My family (present tense) 2. My Sunday Activity (present tense) 3. My Mernorable Experience (past tense) 4. My Last Weekend Activity (past tense) it! on_Stg97jnl7g il0NrHt KffiMfiNTERIAP'l pHfrl&lryKAN OAftl KHBUffiAVA&N I,,$ T{ IVE R5 gTAS ERAW!'IAYA SAKUi-TAS IM*PA UJ tAN "[A&'{U rs AKAmEmfr ! K 203''4fl &KF{ I R SEM ESTHR ffi &lu$ I L P&NEASiLA DAN KEffi'ARGANH{iAKAAru 6ALImh{ mAMI&YANTI, s"E-il", flvt.F{" MXATA KUfl.IAF{ ffiM$8ru n#AT',HMAT-tKA Pffi(}GRAMI STUm!/KE[.&$ !ftfAKr$ uJ[A&] Ni !-J_K M-E-N-G E R,lALQbi--5CI41 I ts SS MlHtr{fiT ffiFEIU EOOK SEFAT U.![&N prru ?$15' : lernbar jawaban I l-, Tulis n0m0r urut presensi di sudur kiri atas berikut sesuai denBan Instruksinya! 2. Eaealah soal dengan teliei dan jawabtah soal-soal 1. Soal bernllai 60 ; rnasing-r-nasing soal bernilai 30 Perrnusyawaratan IDemolcnasi Fancasina] a. jelaskan p*rbedaan antara Demokrasl ciengan nrorjet denrolcrasi yang lain ? lcclnse'p Geopotltik {Wawasan h. Bagaimana perspel<tif Otonomi Daerah berdasarkan ? f{usantaraiyanrg berasas rnanunggal dan nnenyeluruh 2. Soal bennllai40 sehagian besar negaraKekhawatiran sen'takin parahnya krisis pangan mrernb*yangi Pangan dan Pertanian PtsB {rAoi negara di dunia termastjlc lndonesia. organisas! pada tahun 200712008 hisa terulang {<ernhali' mengingatkan, l<risis pangan yang teriadi pangall tldal< terke|ola dengan hait<' Mtenunut FAO, krisis frunsr* teriadi karena kon:oditas rnerrgkfr'lawatirtcan' l<arena terus saat ini l<*ndls[ lahan pertanlan dI Indonesia sangat penrtllciman, perdagangan, indt'lstni' beralih ftrngsi rnenjadi lahan mCIn pertanian sepertl ; pada aktivitas sektor dan jalan" Eerlcurangnya iahan sridah $)asti ai(an benpemganuh sehingga petaku usafia ataur pekeria di pe3-tafiean dan clefisit kebultuhan tenaga kerja, penguatar! *saha ini. Dalarn sektor. pertanian terpal<sa nleninggarkan sektor 'angka parlgan blsil tenulang pada tahr'ln-tahLln ketahanan pangae.! dan rmengingat bahwa krisis pertanian rnernbutuhkan polifiral will rnendatang, rHaka perencanaan pernhangunan pidato-pidato Perneritrtah, tetapi iuffia aksl Feroerin.[ah, tidak $el(edar wacana dalan'l yarrg InasrJk a[<ai dan tr:ro petani' yang rulernhutuhlqan lceria keras dan prograrn kenja nyata krisis p;lngan lndonesia bgrd4sankan Analisis dam berikau'l pendapat anda terkait ancarnan lqqtlseP fi eo-51r.q1egi t KEefi ENTERIAN PENDIDIKAT{ DIN KEBUDAVAAIU UN IVERS ITAS BRAWI-}AYA FAKUI.TAS MATEMATIKA OAN iLMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM/I "tr"AI.I I-}N AJARAN 20 1 4/20 1 S UJ IAN AKH I R $Eh{TS'T"ER GAN J I L Maia Kuliah Dosen ; English for $pecific Funpose : $ni LjtamiBudi, M.A. i'r\1 Pelaksanaan : Kamls, 15 J %:',.-* ,.,"-,,rr,-, ln$q-rHUKSl: Kelas A {lbu $u'[ Utami] "AdanB Kelas mengsria$n P1ft {,2, dan 4 Kelas B (lhu Tantri! mengeriakan Paft 1,2, r*an 3 Diperbolehkan rfiernbuka kamus cetak, bukan ele$<tnonik Fart t. Raad the text and areswer the questiono that follow. {2S poiffits} Christmas is an inrpontant Christian holiday in Europe and $orth A'merica' [t is trees are cetrebrated on Eecen-Iher 25th. ln the weel<s before Christntas, Shristrnas put up in homes and offices and are beautifully decorated. F'eople dress.up a$ Santa played blari and sit in shopping matls glving children presents. Christmas carols are exehange and sung in the milfts Ind on trre streets. Farnilies and friends usually of roast turkey' roast fir*u*ntsl Fannilies share a Christmas meal that usuaily consists Pudding and Mince by $hrislmas bot*to*i and a large cholce of vegetahles followed pies. $ome people prefer Ci"lristrnas parties where theY drink beer, wine and not sometimee cnampagne. Since shops ancJ entertainment ':enter$ ane closed, visit farnilies. 1o going or to clrurch rnany people go out at Christmas, un!e$$ they are on Crlristrnaj celebrations are not just *n December Z$tlr tls people celebrate Day' $anta slaus Cl"rristrnas Eve and the day after Crrrlstmas which is catled Eloxing their presents he hrings believe ctrildren 1* drt of the ehnistrnae feitivities and small Nortt"t Pole in the lives he Sown the chimn*y on ehristmas Eve. Children believe that $ome world. the and travels with his reindeers to deliver presents to children around p*opi* traditionally leave a glass o{ sherry for $anta and a carrot for his reindeers. rr,,*i* is lots of excitennent dn Christmas morning as childre'n get up VERY early to open thelr Presents. 1. List three way$ people in Hngland cetrebrate christrnas 2. Why don't rnost people go out on Christrnas Day? 3. What is Boxing DaY? 4. what two things do children believe about santa claus? $. Where can children $ee $arrta Slaus? S. Why is there a lot of exclternent on Christmas mornirlg? 7. what wae the most interesting piece of information ln the text? why? pt{ z. complete the sentencas using the words in parentheses or by adding ys$r own word. , f#[ilffi,: 2. no you know {cetebrated} Boxing Day is? (who / wkere 3._ you ever started working there? / when) (say) no to your hoss since you 4, They (live) in Hngland since 2001. 5. lt could be no to you boss. (conslc{e{ impolite to say 6. l-ast year the presents Christmas morning. (open) by the r:hildren at 5 am on 7. ehristmas carole betore Shristmas Day. (sfng) at shopping malls three weeks L ldon't know many people there. 9 D0 you know came to the pafty. fhere wefle so time the party begins? X0. I have no idea he didn't cCInne to the pariy, Fart 3. Dascrihe a celehration held in your country. {20 points} Your description should ansyver the following questions: , When does the celebration take place? 'What ls the background of the celehratisn? . l-{ow is [t celebrated? 'What special foods are eaten? . What is special about it for children? Fart 4. Deecribe the procedure of how to print a document in pdf fonrnat. AN PEND TD TKAN D,A.I\] I(E B iJ D AYA AN B RAWIJAYA FAKU LTA S ]\4-,{TEMAIIKA DAN iLL4Li PEN GETAHU AN KE JI,iE N'TE RI IJNI VERSI 1 AS A LAM MATEMATIKA tjilAN TENGAII SEMESTER GAN]ll- TAFtliN AKADET\,{IK 2al-7t2ot4 PTTOGRA J\{ S-1 IJJIAN TENGAH SEMES_TER GANJTL TAHUN SADEMLK,201312014 Mata Kuliah Hari/Tanggal Dosen Kelas : Matematika BAHASA INGGRIS Kamis, 07 Nopember 2013 lrene Nany K., S"Hum B Waktu :13.00-15.00 Sifat :0pen Book A. I'ranslate this article into Bahasa lndoResia! Lottcqc"' Does listening to llXoz.art really boost your brainpower? Yau have probatrly heard of the Mozart etl'ect It's the idea that if-children or even babies listen to rnusic conrposecl by Mozari they wrli beconre rnore intel[i scnt. A uuick intcrnet scarcir reveals rYlngtt<crh . -'tc,n-tr.r^, bCaF -plJnt; ulj 1lt'otlucis io Ssiist 1'ou irt the tasli '+.-,9 cr Whatever your age there are Clls anel books 1<; help you to harness tlre powr:r t-il'- Mozai"t's rnrrsic, but when ii comes to screntilic ;videuoe thal it can nrake )iou rnore clever- the picture is more mrxed T'he phrase "the lr4ozad eflfect" was coined in 199 I , but it is a study described trvo years later iiriltt:itlrrrnaINat,rtrethatspg4iridrealrnediaandpublicinterest@',,ctk<i| to cia*ssic;rl rnusrc soniehow'iriiproves tlre brain lt rs one c-,f those ideas that leelsplerusiblel>'^ Mczart rvas undoubtedly a genius hirnselt, his nrusic is complex and there is a hope that il'rve hsten to enough of it, a little of that rntelligence might rub o1Ton us. Source: http:/i'tpww.bhc.comafitlure,.s{r:tr},i2]1301}J_eun-mr-tz_q!'1-boo.yt-branpoweI B. franstate these wise rvlrrds into Englishl "()rang lutn liduk ukan paeltli ,s'ebcrupct be,rur pengatttltttnn sebcrcipu besru' AnLltz pcc{Ltli tcrhurlap mcrcku. " "Oplirni.tnrc, udu{ah .sehuult litt.\,rtktnan -yarzg. br,s't.t Antlu hinggu merek.a ruhu John C. ivlaxrvell tuentttintbingrytu kepuda kcberhct,silon. L'idak adu .st:.sttu.ltt cp(tP-utr di tluniu ini .1,6t11g bisu lercal-ttti tunpo udunyct hut'upart dun keperct-Naan. " I[ellen Kellel' I]EST OF I-UCK 'ncft c61rp lrou'"nc,ch Anarhpr fsopip thaf tuttl gaur knat"'tegAe Unhl tl.g a tlou-a
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