OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 1 OF 15 OUTRIGHT PURCHASE OF COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HOUSING OFFICE AT SHIMLA INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS These instructions shall form part of the Offer Document to be submitted by the bidders to Himachal Consultancy Organization Limited hereinafter termed as “HIMCON”. The offer is under "Two Bid" system / concept – the "Technical Bid" and the "Price Bid" - which shall be submitted in separate envelopes as detailed elsewhere in this document. 1. The Bid Document consists of the following: A. Technical Bid: (to be in the first envelope fully sealed) Notice Inviting bids, The Instructions to Bidders, Bid offer, General Terms and Conditions, Schedule A: HIMCON’s Requirement, Schedule B: Information about the Bidder Schedule C: Technical details & Specifications. B. Price Bid: (to be second envelope properly sealed): Only the priced bid with rates and amount filled shall be in this bid. The Bidder has to submit all the documents duly filled and signed along with other additional information, drawings etc as detailed in the Technical Bid. 2. Offers submitted not in accordance with these terms and conditions are liable to be rejected. 3. Qualification of Bidders: The bidders shall have proper title to the property/authority to put through the sale transaction and shall produce Documentary evidence to establish their ownership/authority along with the Technical Bid. 4. Submission of Offers: A. TECHNICAL BID: The completed Technical Bid along with all the documents, shall be put into an envelope (1st envelope) super scribed "TECHNICAL BID - OUTRIGHT PURCHASE OF COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HOUSING OFFICE AT SHIMLA BY HIMCON" In this envelope all details shall be furnished. B. PRICE BID: The Price Bid shall be placed separately in another envelope, sealed and super scribed "PRICE BID - OUTRIGHT PURCHASE OF COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HOUSING OFFICE AT SHIMLA BY HIMCON". In this envelope ONLY PRICE BID TO BE ENCLOSED and no other details etc shall be enclosed. OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 2 OF 15 The two envelopes containing the Technical Bid and the Price Bid shall be placed in a 3rd larger envelope duly super-scribed "OFFER FOR OUTRIGHT PURCHASE OF COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HOUSING OFFICE AT SHIMLA BY HIMCON” should reach HIMCON or dne dropped in a Tender Box available in the premises of HIMCON on or before 4.P.M. on 22nd June, 2015 at office of HIMCON, New Bridge View Estate, The Mall, Shimla171001. The name of the bidder should be mentioned at the bottom left hand corner of all envelopes. All envelopes should be addressed to MANAGING DIRECTOR and submitted so as to reach the HIMCON on or before the specified date and time. 5. The Technical Bids will be opened on 22nd June, 2015 at 4.30 P.M. in presence of available bidders or their authorized representatives who may choose to be present at the time of opening. After scrutiny and assessment of the Technical Bids including eligibility criteria and inspection of the properties, Price Bids of short-listed eligible bidders will be opened with prior intimation to the shortlisted bidders. 6. All items in the offer document must be duly filled in and no column should be left blank. Nil or Not applicable should be written where there is nothing to report. The authorized signatory of bidder should sign all the pages of the offer documents and additional documents, if any, enclosed. The HIMCON reserves its right to reject the incomplete offers or in cases where information submitted is found incorrect. 7. In case the space in the offer document is found insufficient, the bidder may use separate sheets to provide full information. 8. The offers should remain valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of technical bids. During the validity period of the offer the bidder should not withdraw/modify the offer in any way. 9. Property offered should satisfy the HIMCON’s minimum requirements specified in Schedule A: “HIMCON’s requirements”. 10. HIMCON would give preference to purchase Commercial premises /complete independent building/ space in exclusive floor of a commercial complex on free hold basis. HIMCON reserves its discretion for assessing suitability of the property as per its own requirements. 11. The property offered should be non-encumbered and should have clear and marketable title. Adequate documentary evidence to this effect should be furnished along with the Technical Bid. All the legal documents required by HIMCON for verification of the title clearance of the property should be submitted. Offers of extended constructions / construction in deviation to sanctioned plans that are not properly regularized shall not be considered. 12. The vendors at their own cost shall obtain income Tax and other statutory clearances as and when required. 13. The following documents should be enclosed with the Technical Bid : 13.1. Documentary evidence to establish the bidder’s qualifications. 13.2. A copy of Title deeds. OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 3 OF 15 13.3. A copy of sanctioned building plan including site plan and layout. 13.4. Structural Stability Certificate from licensed structural engineer of Municipal Corporation / Local authority. 13.5. Report of the Solicitor / Advocate for marketability of titles. 13.6. Signed copy with company’s stamp of Tender Document with all Schedules A, B & C. 14. Bidders may submit separate offers for different sites/locations. However, for each such offer, separate Schedule C should be submitted. In such cases, the Technical Bid should contain one set of complete bid document with separate Schedules C for each site/location. Only one Schedule B is required for each bidder. The price bids of all offers of a single bidder may be submitted in one envelope. 15. The bidder shall disclose at the technical bid stage itself the names of any close relatives working with HIMCON. 16. OPENING & EVALUATION OF THE OFFERS RECEIVED All the offers received will be screened and shortlisted by the in-house Committee of the HIMCON based on the requirements specified and the details submitted by the bidder, if required by carrying out inspection of the offered sites. All such shortlisted offers will be further inspected by the Committee of the HIMCON. The offers meeting the eligibility criteria will be shortlisted for opening of the price bids. With a view to bring all the eligible offers on common platform / payment terms etc, if required, HIMCON at its discretion can call further price bids from all such shortlisted bidders. The decision of HIMCON in selection of the Bidder shall be final and binding on the participating applicants. HIMCON reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids or to split the total requirement and purchase from different bidders without assigning any reason whatsoever. 17. The decision of HIMCON shall be final, conclusive and binding on all the tenderers concerned and upon all questions relating to all matters/conditions/ instructions/clauses and their interpretations. 18. Tender Document can be down loa ded from HIMCOM’s website – www.h . 19. Corrigendum/Addendum, if any, will be available on HIMCON’s website. 20. HIMCON reserves the right to reject all or any Tender wholly or partly without assigning any reason whatsoever. Sd/Managing Director Signature of the Bidder OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 4 OF 15 BID - O F F E R We have read and examined and understood the Notice Inviting bid, Instructions to bidders, General Conditions of Contract, and all other documents in the bid document for “OUTRIGHT PURCHASE OF COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HOUSING OFFICE AT SHIMLA TO HIMCON. We hereby submit our offer in the prescribed form including all schedules in accordance in all respects with the bid document. We agree to keep the bid open for 120 days from the due date of opening of Technical Bids thereof and not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions. We hereby declare that we treat the bid documents, drawings and other records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information/derived there from to any persons other than a person to whom We are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of HIMCON. We fully understand and agree that you are not bound to accept our or any bid and that you are free to cancel the bid process without assigning any reason whatsoever. We agree that until a formal agreement on stamp paper is prepared and signed, this bid with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract between us. Dated the: .......... Signature of Bidder Name & address Including Pin Code and Telephone No : : Signature, name and address of Witness (1) : Witness (2) : OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 5 OF 15 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Submission of offers: The entire set of offer document should be submitted completed in all respects and signed at relevant places together with initials on all other pages. No modifications, writing (except where provided for) or corrections can be made in the bid papers by the bidder. The Bids shall be submitted in the manner specified in the Instructions to Bidders. The bidder shall note that the bids shall remain open for consideration for the period mentioned in the Bid Documents under head of “INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS”. 2. Scope: This offer is for handing over vacant possession of the ready built commercial premises as committed in the offer document by the bidder and accepted by HIMCON with all services and amenities and appurtenant land including getting all sanctions and approvals from appropriate authorities and local bodies and including registration of documents, transferring the title with Completion/Occupancy Certificate from the local statutory authorities and satisfactory completion of the Defect Liability Period. 3. Conveyance Deed/Sale Agreement: The successful bidder whose offer is accepted should execute the conveyance deed simultaneously with the handing over of possession of the property complete in all respects within the time frame informed by HIMCON. 4. Taxes, Cess, Duties and other charges: The quoted rate must include all duties, royalties, cess, service tax, sales tax, VAT or any other taxes or local charges if applicable but excluding registration and stamp duty charges. The bidder shall agree and undertake to pay all taxes, cess and other public charges payable to statutory and other bodies pertaining to the property up to the date of handing over possession. The bidder shall indemnify HIMCON against such liabilities and shall be responsible for any claims and liabilities. 5. Registration, Stamp duty charges: HIMCON shall pay for all stamp duty, registration fees and such other expenses incidental thereto for registration of the property in the name of HIMCON. 6. Escalation: The rate quoted shall be firm throughout the tenure of the contract and will not be subject to any fluctuation due to increase in cost of materials, labour, sales tax, Octroi etc. 7. Government & Local Rules: The bidder shall conform to the provisions of all the local laws and Acts relating to the work and to the Regulations etc. of the Government and Local Authorities. The cost, if any, shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted rates, taking into account all liabilities for licenses, fees etc. that are payable in this regard and shall indemnify HIMCON against such liabilities and shall be responsible for all actions arising from such claims or liabilities. 8. Inspection of the property: The short listed properties based on the documents submitted, will be visited by HIMCON Officials/empanelled valuers, Architect for assessing the valuation and to verify the quality of construction, materials used etc. The bidder should make necessary arrangements and provide the requisite information/ documentary proof to them for which no payment will be made. OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 6 OF 15 9. Payment Terms: Unless otherwise specified in the Sale Agreement or otherwise agreed to, normally, HIMCON will make no advance payment and payment will be made at the time of registration of the conveyance deed and handing over vacant possession. The payment will be based on the Built-up-area. No separate payment will be made for the items/areas/ amenities, which are not included in the Built-up-area. The cost of such items/ areas/ services/ amenities, which are not specifically included, is deemed to be included in the rates quoted in the price bid unless a specific rate has been quoted and accepted. The rates should be quoted accordingly. 10. Built-up-area: The built up area of the premises alone will be measured at its floor level by measuring out to out dimensions between exterior plastered surfaces of exterior walls. Joint measurements (correct to one centimeter) will be taken in the presence of HIMCON officials and vendor’s authorized representative for finalizing the exact Built-up-area. 11. Time for completion and handing over: Time is the essence of this contract. The time stipulated in the Sale Agreement or elsewhere for handing over complete possession of the premises in all respects including the various services shall be followed strictly. 12. Successful bidder to Provide for Everything Necessary: The bidder shall provide every thing necessary as per the intent and meaning of the sale agreement and as per the agreed makes and or schedules of materials specifications taken together whether the same may or may not be particularly mentioned or fully described therein, provided that the same can be reasonably inferred there from and if the bidder finds any discrepancies therein he shall immediately and in writing, refer the same to HIMCON whose decision shall be final and binding. The successful bidder shall allow any third party inspections to ascertain the building related stability, soundness, quality of the materials used and their testing and such other inspections. 13. Materials, Workmanship, Sampling, Testing of Materials: All the works specified and provided for in the specifications or which may be required to be done in order to perform and complete the work shall be executed in the best and most workmanlike manner with materials of the best and approved quality with particulars contained in and implied by the specifications. HIMCON at its discretion may seek testing of the materials used in the construction to verify the quality. The successful bidder shall make arrangements for such materials testing at their cost so as to prove that the materials are meeting the requisite quality standards as per the relevant BIS codes. 14. Access & Inspection: Any authorized representative of HIMCON shall at all reasonable times have free access to the works site and the bidder shall give every facility to them for inspection, examination and testing the quality of materials and workmanship if so desired by the HIMCON. 15. Legal opinion: HIMCON reserves its right to obtain legal opinion from its advocate to ensure that the property proposed to be purchased is free from encumbrances, is free hold property, necessary permission and clearances are obtained, the bidder has clear and OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 7 OF 15 marketable title to property etc. The bidder shall furnish all necessary information and details including copies of relevant documents for this purpose. 16. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION: All disputes or differences of any kind whatsoever which shall at any time arise between the parties hereto touching or concerning the works or the execution or maintenance of this contract or the rights touching or concerning the works or the execution of maintenance of this contract or the construction remaining operation or effect thereof or to the rights or liabilities of the parties or arising out of or in relation thereto whether during or after determination foreclosure or breach of the contract (other than those in respect of which the decision of any person is by the contract expressed to be final and binding) shall after written notice by either party to the contract to the other of them and to HIMCON hereinafter mentioned be referred for adjudication, in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, to a Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by HIMCON. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 8 OF 15 SCHEDULE ‘A’ - HIMCON’S REQUIREMENTS A. DETAILS OF COMMERCIAL PREMISES REQUIRED: SN REQUIREMENT 1 Commercial premises /complete independent building/ space in exclusive floor of a commercial complex on free hold basis. APPROX. BUILT-UP AREA OF PREMISES 3500-4500 sft Preferably in Ground Floor/Independent Property LOCATION Preferably located in the Prime areas of Shimla Drive in and Parking Space. TOTAL The built up area mentioned in the above table is approximate built up area including covered balconies and does not include common areas like passages, corridors, lift, staircase and such other common facilities / utilities areas, which will not be measured but the cost of such common areas to be loaded in the unit rate of the premises to be quoted in the price bid. B. PREFERENCE OF EXCLUSIVITY: As mentioned already, HIMCON proposes to seek offers in the following order of preference. 1. Owners of existing premises suiting HIMCON’s requirement. 2. Ready built Commercial premises / space in exclusive floor of a commercial complex on free hold basis. C. LOCATIONAL PREFERENCE i) Preferably located in the Prime areas of Shimla ii) Locality should not be prone to noise/air pollution, unauthorized hutments, encroachments, slums etc. D. Building Design: It is preferable to have fully RCC framed column, beam structure. The masonry walls both external & internal partition walls preferably built with burnt bricks and plastered with cement mortar. The planning of the building blocks shall be made duly considering the natural ventilation to the premises with adequate privacy. Sd/Managing Director OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 9 OF 15 COMPLIANCE OF THE REQUIREMENTS (IN SCHEDULE A) OF THE PROPERTY OFFERED A. DETAILS OF ACCOMMODATION OFFERED SN 1. REQUIREMENT Commercial premises /complete independent building/ space in exclusive floor of a commercial complex on free hold basis. APPROX. BUILT-UP AREA OF PREMISES LOCATION Street/Road _________ _____ sft Preferably in _______Floor With _____Nos parkings Locality _________ City ________ TOTAL A. PREFERENCE OF EXCLUSIVITY: 1. Whether Owners of existing premises suiting the HIMCON’s requirement. 2. Whether Ready built Commercial premises / space in exclusive floor of a commercial complex/ on free hold basis. B. LOCATIONAL PREFERENCE : (give details) i) On ___________________Road in ______________locality or nearby location with good commercial potential preferably on main roads. ii) Whether locality should not be prone to noise/air pollution, unauthorized hutments, encroachments, slums etc. C. Building Design: SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 10 OF 15 HIMCON, PREMSIES & ESTATE SECTION SCHEDULE ‘B’: INFORMATION ABOUT BIDDER & PROPERTY OFFERED 1. Details of bidder / firm / builder /owner 1.1. Name: 1.2. Address : 1.3. Phone No., FAX No. & E-mail address: 1.4. Name of the contact person/s: 1.5. Constitution of bidder / firm: 2. Marketability of Title of the land and the property 2.1. The details of the land and landowners / legal heirs: 2.2. Solicitor's / Advocate's Legal scrutiny report. 2.3. Details of marketability and title of the bidder to be enclosed: 2.4. Details of encumbrances, if any: 3. Broad Details of the Property Offered 3.1 Location with land mark: 3.2 Approximate Built Area of the property offered: 3.3 Description of the property offered (like Number of floors, whether exclusive property, Parking facility, etc): 3.4 Time duration required for handing over vacant possession/ ready for occupation, from the submission date: 3.5 Any other constraints/ information which are very relevant and has Bearing on the completion or handing over possession of the offered property: Signature of Bidder OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 11 OF 15 SCHEDULE ‘C’: TECHNICAL DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS (Separate Schedule ‘C’ must be submitted for each property offered) 1. Reference No. (This reference number is to be filled by the Vendor. The same reference number is to be quoted in the corresponding price bid also.) 2. Locality/area where offered: 2.1. Type of locality: Commercial /Shopping Complex /Industrial (Tick one). 2.2. Whether the locality/ plot is prone to hazards like fire, flood, etc: 2.3. Whether the locality has protection from adverse influence such as Encroachments, unauthorized hutments, noise, etc: 3. Details of Property 3.1. Name of the owner: 3.2. Location & Address of the property: 3.3. Name of the scheme: 3.4. Usage of property (as approved by Competent Authority): Residential/ Commercial/ Shopping Complex (Tick one). 3.5. Right of way of approach. 4. Details of land / site / plot 4.1. Tenure of the land: Whether Freehold/ leasehold/other 4.2. If lease hold, give name of title holders, annual lease rent and period of lease. 4.3. Area of the plot (Enclose site plan with dimensions and calculation of area)4.3.1. Total plot area : 4.3.2. Open area : 4.3.3. Ground Coverage permissible: 4.3.4. Ground coverage actual: 4.3.5. Area of land proposed to be transferred to HIMCON: 4.4. Boundaries and adjacent buildings on: 4.4.1. North : 4.4.2. East : 4.4.3. South : 4.4.4. West : 4.5. Boundary wall provided? 5. Building offered 5.1. Type of Construction: {Load Bearing/RCC/Steel framed} 5.2. Type of Foundation: 5.3. No. of Floors and height of each floor including basement, if any: 5.4. Clear floor height from floor to ceiling: 5.5. Any structural provision for additional floors in future? 5.6. Total area constructed/under construction: 5.6.1. Basement: 5.6.2. Ground Floor: 5.6.3. First Floor: 5.6.4. other floors ( furnish floor-wise details): 5.6.5. Area of premises offered : 5.6.6. Carpet area sft OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA 5.6.7. Built-up-area 5.6.8. Undivided share of land PAGE 12 OF 15 sft. sft 6. Age / condition of the construction / building 6.1 Already completed6.1.1. Date of completion: 6.1.2. Present condition: 7. Internal fittings and fixtures provided if any – indicate nos/details . 7.1. Fans : 7.2. Electrical Fittings : 7.3. Tube lights etc. : 7.4. Washbasins and mirrors : 7.5. Internal furnishings : 7.6. Any other amenities : 8. Sanctioned plans / Certificates 8.1. Whether structural stability certificate enclosed? Name of the Structural Consultant with license number: 8.2. Name, Phone, address of Architect/Engineer: 8.3. Whether the construction plan of the building is sanctioned by Competent Authority (enclose copy): 8.4. Validity of sanction: 8.5. Is the construction as per applicable byelaws? 8.6. Is there any deviation from the bye laws/sanctioned plan? Give details: 8.7. Have these deviations been regularized? 8.8. Is permission under urban land Ceiling Act obtained? 8.9. Whether completion / occupation certificate is issued by the competent authority (enclose copy): 8.10. Designation of the authority which has issued the completion / occupation certificate: 9. Any other information not covered above I / We declare that the information furnished above is true and correct and conforms to the HIMCON's specifications. Place: Date: SIGNATURE OF BIDDER WITH SEAL OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 13 OF 15 PRICE BID HIMCON, SHIMLA OUTRIGHT PURCHASE OF COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HOUSING OFFICE AT SHIMLA) (Excluding stamp duty and registration charges) REF. NO. LOCATION DETAILS OF PREMISES OFFERED TOTAL BUILT UP AREA (SFT) (SEE NOTES BELOW) RATE (Rs) PER SFT. OF BUILT UP AREA/ COST OF EACH COVERED CAR PARK IN FIGURES AMOUNT (Rs) IN WORDS COMMERCIAL SPACE Notes: i) Bidders shall quote rate and amount excluding registration and stamp duty charges. ii) Price bid shall be placed in a sealed envelope superscribed "Price Bid". Please see Instructions to Bidders. iii) The offer shall be valid for minimum of 120 days from the date of opening of technical bids. During the validity period of the offer the Bidder shall undertake not to withdraw / modify the offer in terms of price and other terms and conditions. iv) The rates quoted per sq.ft. of Built up area should be inclusive of all charges whatsoever. PLACE: DATE: Signature of the Bidder OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 14 OF 15 SHORT TENDER NOTICE Outright Purchase of Commercial Premises for Office by HIMCON on Freehold Basis HIMCON requires office premises admeasuring aprox. 3500-4500 sq feet in Shimla for outright purchase. The property should be freehold, having clear title of ownership and without any encumbrances. Bids are invited from the interested parties. Detailed Bid Document can be obtained from HIMCON Office as per the address below between 10:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. on all working days. The same is also available on our website Important Dates: Last date for obtaining bid document: June 20, 2015 Last Date for submission of bids: June 22, 2015 by 04:00 p.m. Managing Director Himachal Consultancy Organisation Limited New Bridge View Estate, The Mall, Shimla-171001 Phone No.: 0177-2654537,2652488 E-mail: OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ACQURING COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR HIMCON AT SHIMLA PAGE 15 OF 15
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