VILLAGE OF HINCKLEY REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 16, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Roderick at 7:03 PM. Present: President Jim Roderick, Trustees Nancy Nelson, Mark Wrzeciona (7:15 PM), Joe Diedrich, Rebecca Von Drasek, Dale Clark, John Marsh. Quorum Established. Absent: N/A Also Present: Village Clerk Rita Barnett, Dawn Grivetti (Office Manager), Joe Moore (Public Works), Police Chief Waitkus, Police Lt. Everhart, Dale Youngers (TEST), Pete Wallers (EEI), Attorney Steve Andersson, Attorney Laura Julien PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The pledge to the flag was recited. COMMENTS FROM PERSONS PRESENT: Jeff Nier, Hinckley, requested to speak regarding: 1) Royal Estates and what has been changed from Nov 1995 – present. Pete Wallers (EEI) said he could get a copy of the original plans to the village to be distributed to the board. There was a discussion. Mr. Nier handed out copies to the board regarding two agreements. The clerk did not receive copies. Mr. Nier stated that the board is not talking to the public about what is going on with that property. President Roderick replied, that to say that is offensive, and that we are trying to get some building done on that property and are waiting to hear from the company that owns the property. The cost is for the annexation agreement and punch-list. Trustee Diedrich would like to see all the facts and figures in writing. Trustee Wrzeciona arrived at 7:15 PM. CONSENT AGENDA # Item Description Action Details 1 Previous Meeting Minutes Vote March 2, 2015 Regular Board Meeting 2 Payment of Bills Vote Invoices Due Trustee Nelson requested that Item 2, Payment of Bills, be removed from the Consent Agenda. Motion: Trustee Clark moved and Trustee Wrzeciona seconded, that Consent Agenda Item 1, Previous Meeting Minutes, be approved. Roll Call Vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Diedrich-Aye, Von Drasek-Aye, Clark-Aye, Marsh-Aye. Motion carried. Trustee Nelson requested information on a payment of $580 to Brownlee Data Systems. Chief Waitkus stated that it was for the Police Department systems. Motion: Trustee Nelson moved and Trustee Clark seconded, that Consent Agenda Item 2, Payment of Bills, be approved. Roll Call Vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Diedrich-Aye, Von Drasek-Aye, Clark-Aye, Marsh-Aye. Motion carried. TREASURER REPORT President Roderick noted that Treasurer Thon is not at the meeting tonight. The following reports were provided: Outstanding Accounts Payable Report dated 03-17-2015 with a total showing $2,563.23. Treasurer's Monthly Fund Balance Report as of February 28, 2015 showing Revenue MTD $209,601.39 and Expenditures MTD $109,949.76. Detail Board Report of Invoices Due On/Before 02-25-2015 showing a total of $240.06. The Department Summary Report Invoices show: INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 03/17/2015 GENERAL EXPENDITURES 6,199.05 POLICE EXPENDITURES 4,724.43 ROAD & BRIDGE EXPENDITURES 450.00 WATER & SEWER EXPENDITURES 3,736.09 WATER EXPENDITURES 2,843.22 SEWER EXPENDITURES 2,008.86 GARBAGE EXPENDITURES 12,591.68 TOTAL INVOICES: $32,553.33 ATTORNEY REPORT - No additions at this time. 1 EEI - Pete Wallers handed out a letter dated September 12, 2005 regarding: Royal Estates, Sanitary Sewer and Force Main, Hinckley, IL. The letter provided information regarding the proposed sanitary sewer lift station and force main as a follow up to their review letter, dated August 8, 2005, of the final engineering plans for the Royal Estates development. There was a discussion on the population equivalent (PE) capacity for the flow rate on Miller. After much discussion, it was determined that a comprehensive plan/flow study need to be done. Mr. Wallers offered to attend a Public Works Committee meeting to discuss a flow study. Mr. Wallers noted that there is a significant trench settlement on Oak St. and a contractor will be out tomorrow to look at is. Hinckley's Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion: President Roderick asked Mr. Wallers to show the plaque awarded to the Village of Hinckley and Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI) from the American Public Works Association (APWA), Fox Valley Branch Project of the Year Award in the Environmental category for less than $5 million. The award was accepted at a luncheon held on January 13, 2015. EEI also submitted the project to the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACEC-IL) for their annual awards competition. ACEC-IL recognized EEI and the project with a Special Achievement Award at a luncheon on Friday, February 6, 2015. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS Public Works: Joe Moore will put up the “No Parking in Designated Striped Area” signs when they come in, and will re-stripe the area with white stripes. Office Manager: Dawn Grivetti reported: 1) water shut-offs were today 2) they are working on the website 3) the office is under-staffed, working 55 hours in the office every week and are trying their best to keep up with everything. TEST: Dale Youngers has been following the protocol that Tonka has laid out for the Water Treatment Facility: 1) regenerating each unit two times 3) multiple sampling/testing COMMITTEE REPORTS Administration: Trustee Clark reported that there was a committee meeting on March 9 th to discuss: appropriations, website, signs, vendor policy, annual hiring date for Lt. Everhart, purchase policy, policy of distributing reports to trustees. Mr. Roderick suggested evaluations be done before the end of the fiscal year. Public Safety: Trustee Nelson reported that the last committee meeting was canceled and a new meeting is scheduled for March 25th at 7:00 PM. Public Works: Trustee Von Drasek reported that the committee meeting did not meet last month. Suggestions for discussions at the next meeting are: flow study, CIP, NSPD, permits. Ms. Von Drasek requested a meeting on April 8th at 7:00. Trustee Diedrich suggested to review lawn mowing bids at the meeting. TEST: Dale Youngers has received two quotes for handling sludge. A third outfit did not respond, but he hopes to still get a third quote. There will be a permit application, analytical testing of the sludge, long term sludge storage. PRESIDENT’S REPORT An Ordinance Modifying The Village of Hinckley, Village Code, Chapter 82 (Towing Ordinance): Attorney Julien explained the proposed ordinance, in that it expands the villages towing authority for a $500 administration penalty separate from the actual towing fee. The cost-share will be with Montgomery and Sugar Grove. Hinckley would only pay per-use for the administration fee. Police Chief Waitkus and Police Lt. Everhart gave examples of the time involved in a DUI arrest and multiple trips to Sycamore for one arrest. Trustee Diedrich asked who would do the towing. Chief Waitkus noted that Accurate Towing out of Sycamore works with other law enforcement agencies and are familiar with the ordinances. Motion: Trustee Marsh moved and Trustee Nelson seconded, that An Ordinance Modifying The Village of Hinckley, Village Code, Chapter 82 (Towing Ordinance), be approved. Roll Call Vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Diedrich-Aye, Von Drasek-Aye, Clark-Aye, Marsh-Aye. Motion carried. Motion: Trustee Clark moved and Trustee Von Drasek seconded, the Intergovernmental Agreement Between The Village Of Sugar Grove, The Village Of Montgomery, And The Village Of Hinckley For Due Process Hearings On Impoundment Of Vehicles, be approved. Roll Call Vote: Nelson-Aye, Wrzeciona-Aye, Diedrich-Aye, Von Drasek-Aye, Clark-Aye, Marsh-Aye. Motion carried. 2 OPEN DISCUSSION: Trustee Clark stated that he would like the draft agenda to come out sooner. Trustee Von Drasek asked Attorney Andersson if the siren agreement can be given to the property owner. It is a draft, but can be given to the property owner. There was a discussion. Mr. Andersson suggested sending the home owner the draft agreement to see if it is generally acceptable before spending time on the details. ADJOURMENT Motion: Trustee Von Drasek moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 PM. Trustee Clark seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All members voted yes. Motion carried. The next Regular Meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for April 6, 2015. ____________________________________ James K. Roderick, Village President ____________________________________ Rita Barnett, Village Clerk 3
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