03-29-2015 - St. James at Sag Bridge

St. James at Sag Bridge Church
10600 S. Archer Avenue  Lemont, Illinois 60439-9344
(Ph) 630.257.7000  (Fx) 630.257.7912
E-mail: stjames1833@att.net  Website: ww w.historicstjames.org
Listen to The Winds of Change 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm on WNDZ AM 750. Fr. Koys substitutes every other Wednesday.
Visit: windsofchangeshow.com. Fr. Koys’ e-mail: unlikeothernations@gmail.com
Register on Flocknotes to receive important text messages and emails. Text: jamesatsag to 84576
March 29, 2015
Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the
Lord! – Mark 11:9
Mass Schedule:
Weekends: Saturdays: 5:30 P.M.
Sundays: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M.
Founded in 1833, St. James at Sag Bridge is the
sole country parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago,
serving a growing community of Catholics who
come together to worship God through the celebration of the Eucharist and traditional devotional
activities within truly unique and beautiful surroundings. Our faith-filled community strives to
bear witness to Jesus Christ by loving and serving
one another to bring about the Kingdom of God.
For families of registered parishioners, or for
non-parishioners to be buried in our own cemetery.
Holy Days: 8 :15 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
Sick & Homebound Pastoral Care:
Please notify rectory
Weekdays: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, &
Fridays: 8:15 A.M.
Wednesdays: 7:00 P.M.
Rectory Office Hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays:
9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Confession Schedule:
Saturdays: 9:30-10:00 am
Wednesdays: 6:30pm
Sundays after the 11:30 A.M. Mass by appointment.
At least one parent must be a registered parishioner.
Minimum eight months in advance.
At least one spouse must be a registered parishioner.
Marriage preparation by appointment only.
Apostolic Disciples:
Fr. Thomas Koys, M.A.,S.T.L., Pastor □ Fr. Ed Gleeson,
Pastor Emeritus □ Deacon John M.Wilkinson, CKM, Minister of Care/RCIA □ Mike Dillenburg Parish Council Chair □
Mike Wall, Finance Council Chair □ Mrs. Pamela Stafford,
Cantor □ Mrs. Pamela Mikrut, Organist □ Rodney Poynter,
Holy Name Society, President□ JoAnn Starha, Altar and Rosary □ Mrs. Giovanna Imbarrato, CCD Teacher □
Mr. Seamus Coughlin CCD Teacher □ Mrs. Mary Coughlin–
Lenzen CCD Teacher □ Mr. Steve Hagen CCD Teacher □
Mrs. Joyce McNamara-Coughlin, CCD Director □
Page Two
March 29, 2015
From the Desk of the Pastor Emeritus
“The Holiest Week of the Year”
The liturgy for this “Passion Sunday” or “Palm Sunday”
begins to unfold a series of events which God the Father
planned and which He guided by means of God the Holy
Spirit in order to accomplish our salvation. In the center of
this divine drama stands, not some actor, but the eternal
Son of God. He is Jesus, the
Savior. He is the Christ, the one
anointed by God to be the Lamb
who takes away the sins of the
world. Palm Sunday is the first
day of what is known throughout
the Universal Church as “Holy
Week”. It begins with the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem,
and reaches a climax in the three
days that we refer to as the Triduum, that is, Holy Thursday,
Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
These are the high holy days of
our Catholic Faith.
On the evening of that first
Holy Thursday “Jesus realized
that the hour had come for Him
to pass from this world to the
Father. He had loved His own in this world, and would
show His love for them to the end”. (John 13:1) Not only is
yours truly a Latin scholar (kind of) but also a Greek scholar (kind of). The ancient Greek word used by St. John for
“end” means not only “until the termination of His life” but
also “to the fullest “extent”. Actually Jesus would show the
fullest love by sacrificing His life for us.
On that awesome night of the Last Supper, Jesus was
thinking of His final act of love while on earth, His death
on the cross. So that His followers might be able to share in
His sacrifice throughout the ages, Our Lord instituted the
sacrament that is His “Paschal Mystery”, His passion,
death, and resurrection. According to Church tradition at
this supper “under the appearances of bread and wine, Jesus offered His Body and Blood, gave them to His apostles
to eat and drink, and then commanded them to carry on this
mystery.” Our Church Fathers rightly understand that “the
sacrifice of the cross and its sacramental renewal in the
Mass, which Jesus instituted at the Last Supper and commanded His apostles to do in His memory, are one and the
same, differing only in the manner of offering, and that
consequently the Mass is at once a sacrifice of praise and
thanksgiving, of reconciliation and expiation.”
On Friday afternoon Jesus offered the sacrifice of Himself which He had instituted as a sacrament on the previous
night. On the day of blessings which we call Holy
Saturday, Jesus remained in the tomb. His burial indicated
that His death was real, not some fiction or pretense or a
kind of a sham. It is the day of supreme quiet, the great day
of silence. The Church invites us to remain at the tomb of
Jesus in peaceful expectation of a bright tomorrow.
On Easter Sunday Jesus the
Christ broke the bond of death.
By dying He destroyed our
death, and by rising He restored
our life. Now in the Eucharistic
celebration His resurrection cannot be separated from his death.
We proclaim, “Save us, Savior
of the world, for by your cross
and resurrection, you have set us
Today we begin our Holy
Week journey of faith. The best
way to begin that journey is with
our parish mission on the evenings of Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday, with Confessions
heard each night. The week can
then end with the Sacred Triduum. The meaning of those days are not lost in the past. It is
a reality for us in every celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
God Bless Our Parish,
Fr. Ed Gleeson, Pastor Emeritus
Save The Date
Mon-Wed 3/30,
3/31 & 4/1/15
Mon, 3/30/15, 6:30pm
Parish Mission, 7:00pm, Fr. Lombardo
Thu 4/2/15 8:30pm
Bus Trip to churches, after 7:00pm Mass
Good Friday, 4/3/15
Outdoor stations: 1:00pm & 3:00pm Liturgy: 7:00pm. Divine Mercy novena - Day 1
Holy Saturday, 4/4/15
Church decorating: 9:00am
Basket blessing: 12-noon
Easter Vigil: 7:00pm (fulfills one’s
Sunday obligation)
Sun 4/12/15, 3:00pm
Divine Mercy holy hour, church
Sun 6/14/15,1:30pm
St. James’ A Cornerstone of History,
Civil War Re-enactment: an I&M Heritage
Corridor event.
Multiple Sclerosis bike-a-thon, contact Fr.
St. James’ Vacation Bible School
St. James’ “Ride to the Rock” bike
pilgrimage, Fr. Koys
Sat/Sun June 27/28th
July 27- July 31
Sun/Mon Aug 2/3
NO CCD, public school Spring Break
Palm Sunday
Page Three
Visita Iglesia St. James at Sag Bridge
“Seven Churches Visitation”
A traditional Lenten devotion visiting Seven Churches
or religious sites observed on Maundy Thursday. The
significance of number seven tradition during Lent includes:
Monday March 30th
• Seven Scripture passages of Christ's arrest and trial,
The Seven Last Words, Seven Holy Wounds (five
wounds plus the Scourge marks and His injured left
Tuesday March 31st
• Seven first Christian holy sites in Israel Seven Deacons of the Twelve Apostles.
• Seven ancient basilicas of Rome
8:15 am Mass
6:00pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
7:00pm Parish Mission with Confessions/Fr. Lombardo
SPY Wednesday April 1st
6:00pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
7:00pm Parish Mission Mass & Confessions following
until all are heard. Fr. Lombardo.
Holy Thurs Bus Trip:
See the sign-up sheet in back of Church with a prepaid
$5.00 donation to reserve a seat. Seating will be limited to
45 people. The bus will leave our parking lot following the
7:00p.m. Holy Thursday Mass.
8:15 am Mass
6:00pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
7:00pm Parish Mission with Confessions /Fr. Lombardo
Holy (Maundy) Thursday April 2nd
Mass of the Last Supper 7:00pm
Blessed Sacrament moved to Repository; Church open
until Midnight.
Beginning at St. James at Sag Bridge
Good Friday April 3rd
Pius X--4314 Oak Park Ave. Stickney
No Masses
1:00pm & 3:00pm Outdoor Stations of the Cross
7:00pm Communion Service
St. Hugh--4315 Joliet Rd Lyons
St. Barbara- 4008 Prairie Ave. Brookfield
St. Louise De Mara--1144 Harrison Ave., LaGrange Park
St. Francis Xavier–24 N. Spring Ave., La Grange
St. Mary--126 Herrick Rd. Riverside
1:00pm Blessing of Food Baskets & New Holy Waters
7:00pm Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Sunday April 5th
Come Joins Us
with Fr. Lombardo
Mon, 3/30/15, Tues,
3/31/15 & Wed, 4/1/15
at 7:00pm
Holy Saturday April 4th
Parish Mission
Mon, 3/30/15
Parish Mission
Tues, 3/31/15
A. Bertucci
L. Mikrut
8:30am Mass
10:00am Mass
11:30am Mass
Good Friday Outdoor Stations
All Servers Are Welcome
1:00pm & 3:00pm
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
D. DeRoche
L. Mikrut
D. Wall
J. Beecher
J. Beecher
A. Fugiel
A. Fugiel
M. Fleckenstein
R. Augustyn
R. Lawler
D. Witter
Due to Palm Sunday and the Easter holidays the
bulletin printer requires all bulletin copy to be
submitted far in advance of the normal schedule.
Therefore, Our Weekly Offering information will
be delayed and one week behind.
Our Church Cleaners for Friday, 4/3/15 are:
The Witter Family & Volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact
the rectory office.
St. James Ladies’ Guild
In honor of Marsha Liczwek
[due to early deadline submission]
The beautiful bouquets of Palms
surrounding our altar were made available through
the kindness and generosity of our
We pray for all those in the service of our country
in all capacities, both at home and across the seas,
especially in the Middle East.
Please keep NICK IMGRUND in
your prayers as he continues his service
in the United States Navy.
Please keep LUCAS GOUGH in
your prayers as he continues his service
in the United States Air Force.
STEPHANIE REMAR, has now returned home safely
Granddaughter of Norm & Ruth Kaminski.
Please keep KELSEY SMITH in your
prayers as she continues her service
in the Peace Corps in Africa.
March 30th
8:15 AM
Dr. Tom Salmon Jr.
8:15 AM
March 31st
Special int. for healthy child
for Mary Margaret
Wednesday April 1st – SPY Wednesday
7:00 PM
Int. for a good preparation for
reception of Confirmation for
Victoria Weber
8:15 AM
April 2nd – Holy Thursday
Dr. Noreen Salmon
April 3rd – Good Friday
No Mass
Easter Sunday
7:00 PM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
4/4/15 &
7:00 PM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
April 4th – Easter Vigil
Special int. for Helena Fugiel
April 5th – Easter
Dr. Tom Salmon, Jr.
Dr. Noreen Salmon
Birthday int. for Rachel Kelly
E.& M Dooley,
Szarzynski &
F & J Zabilka
J & J Beecher,
L. Mikrut, J. Reitz,
J. Wesolowski &
M.C. Witter
A. Bertucci,
J.P. Colarelli,
D. DeRoche &
L. Pieprzyca
C. Zarzycki
C. StachPearman
C. Slowik
R. Augustyn
P. Brunk
A.& A Fugiel,
H. Fugiel
Gleeson M & J.P. Ramirez, M. FleckenM. May & D. Wall
11:30 AM