04-12-2015 - St. James at Sag Bridge

St. James at Sag Bridge Church
10600 S. Archer Avenue  Lemont, Illinois 60439-9344
(Ph) 630.257.7000  (Fx) 630.257.7912
E-mail: stjames1833@att.net  Website: ww w.historicstjames.org
Listen to The Winds of Change 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm on WNDZ AM 750. Fr. Koys substitutes every other Wednesday.
Visit: windsofchangeshow.com. Fr. Koys’ e-mail: unlikeothernations@gmail.com
Register on Flocknotes to receive important text messages and emails. Text: jamesatsag to 84576
April 12, 2015
Founded in 1833, St. James at Sag
Bridge is the sole country parish of the
Archdiocese of Chicago, serving a growing community of Catholics who come together to worship God through the celebration of the Eucharist and traditional devotional activities within truly unique and
beautiful surroundings. Our faith-filled
community strives to bear witness to Jesus
Christ by loving and serving one another
to bring about the Kingdom of God.
Mass Schedule:
Weekends: Saturdays: 5:30 P.M.
Sundays: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M.
For families of registered parishioners, or for
non-parishioners to be buried in our own cemetery.
Holy Days: 8 :15 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
Sick & Homebound Pastoral Care:
Please notify rectory
Weekdays: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, &
Fridays: 8:15 A.M.
Wednesdays: 7:00 P.M.
Rectory Office Hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays:
9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Confession Schedule:
Saturdays: 9:30-10:00 am
Wednesdays: 6:30pm
Sundays after the 11:30 A.M. Mass by appointment.
At least one parent must be a registered parishioner.
Minimum eight months in advance.
At least one spouse must be a registered parishioner.
Marriage preparation by appointment only.
Apostolic Disciples:
Fr. Thomas Koys, M.A.,S.T.L., Pastor □ Fr. Ed Gleeson,
Pastor Emeritus □ Deacon John M.Wilkinson, CKM, Minister of Care/RCIA □ Mike Dillenburg Parish Council Chair □
Mike Wall, Finance Council Chair □ Mrs. Pamela Stafford,
Cantor □ Mrs. Pamela Mikrut, Organist □ Rodney Poynter,
Holy Name Society, President□ JoAnn Starha, Altar and Rosary □ Mrs. Giovanna Imbarrato, CCD Teacher □
Mr. Seamus Coughlin CCD Teacher □ Mrs. Mary Coughlin–
Lenzen CCD Teacher □ Mr. Steve Hagen CCD Teacher □
Mrs. Joyce McNamara-Coughlin, CCD Director □
Page Two
April 12, 2015
From the Desk of the Pastor
“Jesus I Trust In You”
“I wish to show, on the one hand, how unjust, iniqRead slowly and appreciate the following words of
uitous, unscriptual, and unreasonable is the assertion
Pope John Paul II regarding today’s Feast of Divine
of abolitionists, who brand slavery as a moral evil,
and a crime against God, reli“Right from the beginning of my
gion, humanity, and society,
John Baptist Purcell
whereas, it is found to have reministry in St. Peter’s See in Rome,
ceived the sanction of God, of
I consider this message [of Divine
the Church, and of Society at all
Mercy] my special task. Providence
times, and in all governments.
has assigned it to me in the present
On the other side, I wish to show
situation of man, the Church and the
the conditions under which slavery is legitimate, lawful, apworld. It could be said that precisely
proved by all laws, and conthis situation assigned that message
sistent with practical religion and
to me as my task before God."
true holiness of life in masters
who fulfil certain condiBorn: (1800-02-26)February 26, 1800
tions.” (Bishop Verot, 1861).
"Those who sincerely say ‘Jesus, Mallow, County Cork, Ireland
“One episcopal voice that
I trust in You’ will find comfort in Died: July 4, 1883 (1883-07-04) (aged 83)
the silence of the Cathoall their anxieties and fears." "There Church: Roman Catholic
lic hierarchy was that of ArchOrdained: 1823
is nothing more man needs than Di- Offices held: Archbishop of Cincinnati
bishop John Baptist Purcell of
vine Mercy – that love which is beCincinnati. By publicly supporting
slavery, Purcell faced consideranevolent, which is compassionate,
fronts. Clergy and laywhich raises man above his weakness to the infinite
men throughout the country, his fellow American
heights to the holiness of God." 6/7/1997
bishops, as well as religious and secular publications
"…with the burning desire that the message of God’s discouraged his meddling in what many considered a
merciful love proclaimed by St. Faustina may be political matter, unrelated to religion.” (David Enmade known to all the peoples of the earth and fill dres, Cincinnati Museum of History).
Unlike Other Nations,
their hearts with hope. May this message radiate from
Thomas Koys, M.A.,S.T.L., Pastor
this place to our beloved homeland and throughout
the world… In the mercy of God the world will find
Save The Date
peace and mankind will find happiness." 8/17/2002
"The Message of Divine Mercy has always been near Mon 4/13, 7:30pm Stewardship initiative meeting, hall
and dear to me… which I took with me to the See of Mon 4/13 6:30pm Regular CCD classes
Peter and which it in a sense forms the image of this Tue 4/14, 7:30pm Sacred Liturgy initiative meeting, hall
1st Communicants retreat; hall
Sat 4/18, 9am"Be apostles of Divine Mercy under the maternal noon
Theology of the Body discussion,
Sat 4/18, 3:30pm
and loving guidance of Mary.”
And now, to encourage you to mark Sunday, June
To Be, (repeat session from 4/18
Sun 4/19
14th in your calendar as a day not to miss here at St. 11:15am
James, please digest these two quotes about our very Sun/Mon Aug 2/3 St. James’ “Ride to the Rock” bike
pilgrimage, Fr. Koys
own upcoming Civil War re-enactment.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Page Three
Paul II declared the Sunday after Easter to be Divine
Mercy Sunday. Many of the faithful pray the Chaplet
of Divine Mercy regularly. There is a link between
this devotion and the pro-life movement. Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, who was a principal translator of St. Faustina's diary, and the postulator of her
cause of canonization, writes the following: "On at
least three occasions, from 8:00-11:00 in the evening, she felt like her insides were being torn apart.
She suffered so much that she thought she was going
to die. The doctors couldn't figure out what was ailing her, and no medication was able to alleviate her
sufferings. Later, she was given to understand that
she was undergoing those pains for mothers who
were aborting their children (Diary, 1276).
"On another occasion, she had a vision of an angel
coming with thunderbolts to destroy one of the most
beautiful cities of her country. And she felt powerless
to do anything about it (Diary, 474). What antidote
did the Lord give her? The Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
[She explained] that the city was to be chastised for
its sins, primarily the sin of abortion." ("Wombs of
Mercy," Marian Helpers Bulletin, Summer 1995,
Be Strong And Courageous!
YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU." [Deuteronomy 31:6]
• Am I strong and courageous?
• Is my strength physical or spiritual?
• Do I rely on my own strength or on God's strength?
• Do I feel intimidated by someone?
• Knowing God is with me, does it make me feel stronger?
• Without God, do I have strength? What strength?
• Through the words (above), is God building me up?
• God loves me, a sinner, but not my sins.
• God never made any garbage, He will not forsake me.
• Am I letting go, trusting in God to provide?
• Does the Lord forsake those who receive the Sacrament
of Confession?
Today’s observance of DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY is
a good time to renew our devotion to the Chaplet of
Divine Mercy. There is a close link between this devotion and the pro-life movement. Fr. Seraphim
Michalenko, MIC, who was a principal translator of
St. Faustina's diary, and the postulator of her cause
of canonization, writes the following:
" On at least three occasions, from 8:00-11:00 in
the evening, she felt like her insides were being torn
apart. She suffered so much that she thought she was
going to die. The doctors couldn't figure out what
was ailing her, and no medication was able to alleviate her sufferings. Later, she was given to understand that she was undergoing those pains for mothers who were aborting their children (Diary, 1276).
"On another occasion, she had a vision of an angel
coming with thunderbolts to destroy one of the most
beautiful cities of her country. And she felt powerless
to do anything about it (Diary, 474). What antidote
did the Lord give her? The Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
[She explained] that the city was to be chastised for
its sins, primarily the sin of abortion." ("Wombs of
Mercy," Marian Helpers Bulletin, Summer 1995,
In 2003, Pope John Paul II issued an Apostolic
Blessing to all who pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
“for mothers, that they not abort their offspring; for
infants in danger of being put to death in the womb;
for a change of heart of providers of abortions and
of their collaborators; for human victims of stem cell
research, genetic manipulation, cloning and euthanasia; and for all entrusted with the government of
peoples, that they may promote the Culture of Life,
so as to put an end to the culture of death."
The Good Friday collection on April 3rd was
Sunday and Easter collection on April 5th was
The Palm Sunday collection on March 29th
was $5,235.00.
Our Church Cleaners for Friday, 4/17 are
Bronislawa, Margaret & Volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact
the rectory office.
St. James Ladies’ Guild
Special int. for the Arra Family
For the soul of Wladyslaw Madura
Special int. for Kenneth Kedzior (5th anniversary of
Get well wishes for Lorraine Steffgen
Special int. for Rebecca Corrad
Speedy Recovery for Julie Jacobek
The two beautiful bouquets of flowers
surrounding our altar were made available for the
special intention of
We pray for all those in the service of our country in all
capacities, both at home and across the seas,
especially in the Middle East.
Please keep Nick Imgrund in
your prayers as he continues his service
in the United States Navy.
Please keep Lucas Gough in
your prayers as he continues his service
in the United States Air Force.
Please keep Kelsey Smith in your
prayers as she continues her service
in the Peace Corps in Africa.
8:15 AM
Michael J. Quigley
April 13th
8:15 AM
April 14th
Special int. for Kenneth Kedzior
Wednesday April 15th
7:00 PM
Special int. for
Dr. Tom Salmon, Jr.
April 16th
8:15 AM
Dolores Marcin
8:15 AM
April 17th
Special int. for Liane DeSitter
Special int. for Orlando Lenzi
3rd Sunday of Easter
April 18th
5:30 PM
Special int. forHelen Strzempek
8:30 AM
April 19th
In Loving Memory of Jan &
Maria Augustyn
10:00 AM
Wedding Anniversary for
Bronislawa & Adam Raj
Birthday Blessing for
Patricia Kubik
11:30 AM
3rd Easter
4//18 &
5:30 PM
8:30 AM
Fr. Koys
P. Peters
D. Szarzynski
J. Szarzynski
T. Szarzynski
L. Mikrut
J. Reitz
Fr. Gleeson
M. Dillenburg
J. Wesolowski
10:00 AM
Fr. Koys
11:30 AM
Fr. Koys
A. Fugiel
A. Fugiel
M. May
R. Podkowski